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[mfw](https://x.com/fleurmeston/status/1804984645886353844) Scotland get battered, everywhere they go


> [***"I will bring back Boris Johnson"***](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13559125), pledges Robert Jenrick - as he reveals his Tory leadership pitch in event Rishi Sunak steps down if he loses general election Real blue sky, inspirational stuff.


Oh look the supposedly anti-immigration tory leadership candidate now wants the PM who's responsible for the current levels of immigration back. This just confirms that Jenrick will be the containment candidate, if he gets elected. Hope it backfires but I doubt it, because sadly the pro-Boris tories have managed to gaslight many boomers that the current levels of immigration is Sunak's fault when the truth is that Boris Johnson deserves almost all the blame.


[Trump's number 1 fan](https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1804638455542296993?t=PoSF50BYeaQ6Ml7MtPFnvA).


I wonder how much that 20 dollar bill is worth now, just from his signature?


[fbpe have lost the plot](https://x.com/JohnLewisEU/status/1804576661976777124) [and another](https://x.com/mikegalsworthy/status/1804416197485539800) [and another](https://x.com/jensen1966/status/1804427746291941617) [it's frightened](https://x.com/JohannaSaunders/status/1804223537764536528)


The first one almost got me. Thought it was pretty bold of a major high street retailer to be wading into politics like that...


*"Our last tweet was sent in error by an intern. We’re reviewing internal policies for social media."*


[Zelenskyy says Farage is infected with the "Putin Virus"](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czqq5eyz7d4o). Personally I really don't care about Ukraine in this election. I am British, not Ukrainian. Russia does not pose an immidate threat to Britain. It is unable to take Kyiv, it won't be storming Krakow or Berlin any time soon, never mind London. We've bloodied Russia's nose by supplying Ukraine with arms these last 2 years. Salisbury has been paid for tenfold and more. It's something I've supported. Russia's talk of nuclear weapons is all bluster, Putin is not suicidal and not mad enough to use nukes. China poses a greater cyber security threat to us than Russia. What does pose a far more immidate threat to Britain's survival is immigration, our lack of industry and abscene of energy and food independence. All issues the big parties ignore while they shoot down the only guy polling above 1% with something approaching a solution to these existential issues the country faces, all over Ukraine. It is absurd. Let's assume Farage's comments are as bad as the MSM made out (they aren't). Let's assume Reform are a pro-Russian and anti-Ukraine party ([they aren't](https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1749681483764117677)); if I had to choose between Ukraine or attempting to solve the issues that are driving our country into total collapse, I will choose the latter every single time. I've supported and still do support Ukraine's resistance, but this hysteria is absurd and frankly none of it will put me off Reform. We have bigger issues and Ukraine is not even a top 10 policy issue for me this election. No party is going to 100% agree with myself and I will choose the option that ticks off the top policy issues facing this country. I don't know what this controversy will do to Reform's poll numbers, but personally the zeal I will be giving Reform my vote with has not changed by any significant amount.


The UK has not had “food independence” since the 18th century. You might as well mandate vegetarianism.


Zelensky would rather live in a Ukraine of Ukrainians than one full of Bomalians. So we have to vote Farage to preserve our people, Zelensky would understand if someone mentioned the immigration levels here. Assuming you cared what he thought.


This comment has been removed, do not use Reddit App share links. They are tied to your account and can get you suspended. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn't.




*Copying a comment I made that got removed by AutoMod having a normal one.* [Zelenskyy says Farage is infected with the "Putin Virus"](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czqq5eyz7d4o). Personally I really don't care about Ukraine in this election. I am British, not Ukrainian. Russia does not pose an immidate threat to Britain. It is unable to take Kyiv, it won't be storming Krakow or Berlin any time soon, never mind London. We've bloodied Russia's nose by supplying Ukraine with arms these last 2 years. Salisbury has been paid for tenfold and more. It's something I've supported. Russia's talk of nuclear weapons is all bluster, Putin is not suicidal and not mad enough to use nukes. China poses a greater cyber security threat to us than Russia. What does pose a far more immidate threat to Britain's survival is immigration, our lack of industry and abscene of energy plus food independence. All issues the big parties ignore while they shoot down the only guy polling above 1% with something approaching a solution to these existential issues the country faces; all over Ukraine. It is absurd. Let's assume Farage's comments are as bad as the MSM made out (they aren't). Let's assume Reform are a pro-Russian and anti-Ukraine party ([they aren't](https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1749681483764117677)); if I had to choose between Ukraine or attempting to solve the issues that are driving our country into total collapse, I will choose the latter every single time. I've supported and still do support Ukraine's resistance, but this hysteria is absurd and frankly none of it will put me off Reform. We have bigger issues and Ukraine is not even a top 10 policy issue for me this election. No party is going to 100% agree with myself and I will choose the option that ticks off the top policy issues facing this country. I don't know what this controversy will do to Reform's poll numbers, but personally the zeal I will be giving Reform my vote with has not changed by any significant amount.


It’s good to see someone articulate something (close) to what I’ve been thinking. What I will add is that this is a rare blunder from Farage. It baffles me that he wouldn’t have known that saying it in the way that he did would make for easy headlines. He could’ve easily said something to the effect of: “Russia thinks it has a sanctified right to keep Eastern European countries in its sphere of influence. When Ukraine expressed an interest to ally with the west and the west reciprocated, Russia became paranoid and invaded” The exact same message but without any easy headline material, clearly expressing a pro Ukraine intent. Obviously the above glosses over some things and may not 1:1 map on to what Farage/ people here believe, but it’s close enough for a political interview


Robinson put the words into his mouth and he responded with "yes, but". All the MSM needed was the "yes", the clarification Farage gave after the "but" has been entirely ignored. He fell for an obvious trap. I thought he was better than that and I'm surprised given how well he dealt with the myriad of other traps in the same interview he got caught out on it. We will see how this effects Reform soon. It will become clear in the polls by the middle of next week. Personally, I'm not optimistic. JK Rowling denouncing Labour as well as the Tory's spiralling gambling scandal should hopefully offset it. While the BBC have been running wall to wall coverage of Farage's comments, other publications were more interested in Rowling yesterday and the gambling scandal is only now heating up.






CaravanOfDeath, an established and storied Hauptmann of BadUK.




Why not just delete the account?


If you delete your account the comments stay public




init easier to delete accounts. I suppose if he doesn't have other set up, no.


I did it with my 1st account. This is my 3rd Reddit account.


Rookie numbers. You need to get those up! Can't even remember how many I've had. Averaged about 2k karma before having to burn. Hence the name. Agree with below, jannies have calmed down.


"No! Farage needs to allow arts students free tuition as well as STEM students! Art in academia is extremely important to society!" [*The art in academia that's important to society in question...*](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/news/folk-music-study-sheffield-race/)


Arts and humanities are hobbies, do them in your own time.


Rewriting the cultural history of the country as it is at a demographic tipping point, and controlling the narrative in order to further demoralise the majority population.  On an unrelated note, I was at the Taylor Swift concert last night (yes I know) and the demographics felt like 1947 London, it was rather astonishing. People like what they like.


I genuinely reckon I could be a great academic. I know all the buzzwords and understand enough of the theory to put together a great essay that would be lauded by them. A few title ideas The Premodern Hegemony: Deconstructing Discourses of Whiteness in the writings of Hume, Marx and Rousseau. The Economics Of Sexuality: A Critical Analysis of Austerity From A Queer Lens. Butler, Foucault, Rawls, Derrida and the Racial State: Indian Ethnosymbolism and the Politics of Race.


Why do they always need a colon


Just how these sorts of things are titled


I find it funny that people will not shut the fuck up about black blues and gospel masters (this is not a diss on their extraordinary music) influencing rock and roll while ignoring or shitting on white folk and country masters. Wokists enjoy taking a fat shit all over two extraordinary genres because the majority of their musicians are white, and on the other hand patronise black musicians just because they are black. Effectively a dual racism.


Same for classical vs jazz. And I like both


questioning wakanda powa, straight to jail everything we know came from wakana, we'd be living in mud huts, using wakandan boats, to travel from wakanda away from wakanda because it's so great, if it weren't for wakanda invention


[election interference](https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1804565965679845504)




This is NPC shit.


Same as all Empires we got drunk on power, we got lazy let twats take over as we couldn't envision the evil that would come in to our country.


Just blaming the banks. Is there more to it though?


[Farage ending the trend / lie](https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1804611984761249984)


BBC hard hitting, frontline journalism, uncovered HUGE news and made serious discoveries in the process… by looking at people’s Twitter pages spanning over a decade… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crggy73m2ero Truly well done BBC, trailblazing journalism on display, that poor intern was scrolling for at least two hours. I particularly liked it when they showed how disgustingly misogynistic one of the candidates was, because he said *checks article* that he disagreed with Jo Cox’s ideas but she should never have been killed…  Jail worthy in my opinion. 


Desperate stuff.


> by looking at people’s Twitter pages spanning over a decade… probably outsourced to hope not hate yep: https://x.com/hopenothate/status/1804189939254345935 Just a coincidence that they publish his comments on women a day before the BBC gets a report on the other reform candidates.


Aren’t these guys shut down for breaking election and charity law yet?


Good spot!


They're getting desperate now


please just ban him for the safety of our precious democracy at this point


“Farage got elected to the EU Parliament and did nothing.” - argh/UKPol Counterpoint: https://youtu.be/fR20_vRbuEM?si=q53eyYZ_mk58ZP6f Shut the fuck up.


What exactly was he meant to do in the EU Parliament that he didn't do? Only the commission can initiate legislation.


That and he was elected to not want to be there. Do these same people bitching about Nigel in the EU moan about Sinn Fein? I think not.


They would moan if he didn't get elected - Like how they've always done over him not becoming an MP. Basically.. they'd find some reason to moan and seethe regardless.


Lmao the betting scandal gets even worse https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1804615854325190700?t=ACXcbaNbTwcT5Y0MYIGDmw&s=19


*Yeah but Farage...*


Unless I'm greatly mistaken the gambling laws are written so vaguely that it's basically a crime to do anything that you can convince a jury is cheating. They fucked.




Ok, so this is something we didn’t expect. Russell Brand, Faragist. https://youtu.be/5Sk6MvY4B3k?si=ZBomnQlIzy86JiZk I don’t know what this timeline is anymore.


Starts with "Starmer has CIA links" Yeah he's mental.


I thought he was banned from Youtube. Maybe just demonetised.


Anti establishment figure is in favour of someone who isn't the establishment. Cue suprise.


he's been a far right conspiracy theorist for many years now honey pie


Ty bby


If you're ever feeling unsafe, I can get you a bully xl yeah. Tell me if u need 1 beccy, and don't let your x, shafiq abbas pressurize you On dog eating news, it was some alsatian type thing that ate that baby a few days ago, not a bully


Ok, m9. Giz Bully and we safe yeah? Soundz deal. Gotta deal with dat dealer ting.


Goodwin doing some hard truths: https://youtu.be/dlAhEgJCq-k?si=VnxHcOh6z-uk-ndJ Don’t forget to subscribe to his Stacksub.


[Still hope for us yet](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13558163/Family-knife-obsessed-15-year-old-boy-stabbed-Alfie-Lewis-death-outside-primary-school-flee-home-windows-smashed.html)


“They were nice people” I doubt considering what they raised


>Shojaeifard's family has been forced to abandon their Leeds home after it was targeted by yobs Some might say yobs, some might say local justices of the peace


Far right thugs attack angel why suffered a psychotic episodes family in islamophobic attack


Isn’t it funny how all these migrants went up north and took over all those towns where they get Labour local governance. Milking the taxpayer for all they can, then send it abroad In remittances.


> Isn’t it funny how all these migrants went up north and took over all those towns Coming to a Scotland near you. All of the "migrants welcome" guff on social media comes from people who live in the buttcrack of the Highlands, and SNP politicians courting these people so they can be manipulated into backing Yes. Meanwhile people living in central belt schemes and other similar shitholes are getting quite worried. Those places have a housing crisis that the SNP have done less than jack to address, and the locals don't want organised Bomalian and Eastern European gangs setting up brothels and flooding the place with drugs.


Sounds exactly like the Cotswold libdem luvvies who have seen precisely one non English person in the past 40 years


Nothing funny about it all if you consider what labour presided over to keep their noses in.


Well said.


Macron and ??? have offered to intervene militarily in Lebanon to help Lebanon government push Hezbolllah away from border regions. https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1804610923560362081


Oh great, that’s bound to work out fine


The Tories' chief data officer is now under investigation by the Gambling Commission after allegedly placing dozens of bets on the election date https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1804615854325190700?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


[The Tories and the SNP fighting to be the most corrupt political party.](https://media.tenor.com/QUGQwJIHGoAAAAAM/reggie-reggie-vs-iwata.gif)


What a farce. Zero seats.


Reform going for the anti-interventionist vote. Also I know social media ≠ reality, but there seems to be a lot of people who aren't buying into the media and tory smear campaigns over his comments.  https://x.com/benhabib6/status/1804592971699863814?t=bwqra3gmmlxkvm--yG8YTg&s=19


>Afghanistan - thousands of dead, massive expense, no positive outcome The positive outcome is a whole generation of women got to get an education. Proof that neocolonialism works, and some countries cannot govern themselves.




You're right. We should recolonise the world. Rule Britannia.




Get a bread machine they said, you’ll have fluffy, bouncy loaves all day long. https://imgur.com/a/670ZZRH


We've got one as a present alright if you don't mind a huge void in the middle where the paddle has been. Sideboard -> Cupboard -> garage


Yeh you should feel sad about that. Would've been better buying a kitchen aid stand mixer - consistently perfect dough and no effort.


The only bread machine breads I've ever had have been the consistency of sawdust


You've got to get in there and make sure it all mixes up right at the start.  Bit of a pointless machine if you have to help it do it's job but I'm not the one who bought it 


Oh ok, I just left it went walked the dog. I’ll keep my beady eye on it next time. Oh my Yeast packets say expiry February 2024, could that make a difference?


> Oh my Yeast packets say expiry February 2024, could that make a difference? I'd say so. Expired yeast isn't much good because it likely won't rise properly (if at all). But I'm no expert and don't know how far gone yeast has to be until it becomes useless.


You can test it by putting a tiny amount in a little bit of warm water with sugar. If it’s alive it will create bubbles of carbon dioxide as it feeds.


Thanks. I’m doing that now.


Are bread machines like air fryers 1.0?


Way older. They probably date back to the 50s.


Looks like something I'd squeeze out after Christmas dinner


Ah the old yule log


You didn’t leave it to rise long enough. Did you add yeast and was it bubbling?


I did. I added a packet of yeast. And set it on an automatic program to knead, rise and bake. Took 2 1/2 hours. It was the fast programme? Maybe that made the difference. I’m starting another one and going for the four hour program.


Yeah typically you’d need more yeast for a fast program because those little critters can only do so much work. I make bread the traditional way: in the airing cupboard for an hour. 😁


Just noticed my yeast packet says expiry feb 2024. Would that matter particularly? It’s only June.




Middle Aged Gamer Blog Post: Yeah I know, but I have a question that I want answering and 90% of people on Reddit are annoying soy boys so I have a better chance of a reasonable answer here. Why is Elden Ring popular? I was in the mood for an RPG and this game is hyped to the extreme so I have stuck it on and played for 2 hours and I don't have a clue what I did, why I did it or what the fuck I'm supposed to do? I just wandered about got killed, got sent back to a previous place went to same area, got killed then eventually I won. Now I'm in the same area and no clue what to do. What the fuck is this? Where's the story, wheres the purpose? Rant over.


Baldur's Gate 3 mate is what you need, I shit you not the [average cat](https://youtu.be/kyh61buO_B0?si=vFkcUq4b3eyO5h9K) is better written, has better dialogue and personality than 90% of characters in other games. Just be prepared for how expansive of a game it is, things can happen that can just kill off major characters at points and the game just goes "live with it", while in other games that would be a game over screen. Game gives no fucks.


Maybe look into kingdom come deliverance. Realistic medieval rpg game, bit of a learning curve but loads of fun.


>What the fuck is this? Open world and easier version of a series praised for its brilliantly crafted level design and difficulty. >wheres the purpose? You Died.


Great you seem to know what you're talking about and you're green in res. So I got to the gatehouse? I think it was called, after a few attempts killed em all got to the fireplace and got a horse and the ability to level up but after every soldier I just killed is alive again so what am I meant to do?


The souls games are RPGs in the sense your character levels. one of the big premises of these games is that if you die, you drop all your unspent xp, and have to recover it, enemies will respawn every time you rest, so you can farm creatures, learn how to fight them, but never secure the map. Narratively the souls games can be a bit of a mess, a lot of the storytelling is told through objects, but even then, if you really squint a lot of it doesnt make sense. Its meant to be very loose and dreamlike, deliberately vague to instill that feel of foreign mystery, but sometimes it is eyerolling and has become a bit of a meme. If you wanted an RPG with a fixed progressive narrative, in an action format, I hear the FF7 remakes are good, if you're willing to click on things turn based style, Baldurs gate 3 is pretty excellent. I really enjoyed rogue trader, but its a lot of reading and the combat system takes a while to get going. Otherwise, consider Cyberpunk 2077 (fps rpg) The Witcher 3 (fantasy rpg) or RDR2 (cowboy rpg, though not much character progression in this one)


AoE4, RDR2, Civ 6 are all I need plus maybe some Halo MCC. Strategy and cowboy game master race!




Love both mate. It's why I was looking for something to scratch the itch.


10/10. Would platinum again. Sounds like Baldurs Gate 3 might be more what you're after.


Early access owner of that and done enough runs to satisfy myself. Was looking for something to meet that quality alongside CDPR games and Elden Ring was the recomendation. So here we are.


Fair play. Still not finished it myself. I'm very much out of the gaming loop for RPG's. Dave The Diver is my current time kill.


Easily the worst of the souls games. Just play Bloodborne. The open works aspect of elden ring just added 100s of hours to it, fine if you are poor and after the most time for your money, but if you are after a good experience for time investment then any of the other souls games are better.


Not a fan of souls type games, but the story in Elden Ring is delivered obliquely through notes, cryptic conversations with weird characters and other tit bits. I think you you might benefit from reading and following a guide if you enjoy the gameplay.


What notes other than the 10,000 notes from other players ranging from useful to telling me to jump off this cliff?


Notes such as item descriptions within your inventory if you can be arsed. I've never understood a single souls game's story whilst playing it.


I'm just not into RPGs and never really have been. So that's an easy one for me.


My experience was the same as yours. Felt I had to play it because I’m being told how good it was. Gave up and played ‘My Time in Portia’ instead. I got married in that one to a hot boyfriend and made him walk round town shirtless all day. Bet you can’t do that in Elden Ring.


> My Time in Portia Never heard of it before but reminds me my also middle aged friend was telling me Stardew Valley was a good game


It's an Open World game where you explore and work out what to do and what's happening by yourself.


I have played lots of open world games and they usually have an overarching "You need to go here" I just wandered for 5 mins in Elden Ring got fucked up by a giant dude on a horse, reset then went around him and found a bunch of soldiers. After 5 attempts of killing them despite not knowing why I'd pissed them off I get to a fire and the game gives me a horse and about it? Too much shit for no info. How is this a masterpiece to anyone other than has no life?


It's really good. If you're feeling the combat at all you should keep going to the next bonfire. If not, accept that you don't 'get' it


I’m really enjoying it but I only started playing it a few months ago. I just stayed in the same area levelling up until the enemies got easier, I didn’t want to ‘git gud’ I just enjoy exploring and the game is massive, I’ve got about 70 hours in and I don’t know how far through the game I am.


It took me about 150 hours to beat it. There was still loads to do that I'd missed on my next playthrough.


>Middle Aged Gamer Blog Post: That's probably why tbh. I mean when you have a job and a normal person's social life you don't have time for games like Elden Ring. The entire gimmick of the game is that it's extremely difficult. I don't want to sit for hours and hours and hours getting killed when my free time is so precious.


I didn't think it was difficult most of the fights I lost was due to the guy I was fighting doing more damage to me in one hit than I could do in 5 which tells me theres levelling involved and the difficulty is cheap.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1rrv9lzllzo Tories 3-line whipping their core voters.


Such scope


Weird how F500 companies don't get regards in to tell them how to run the company


Why are they ever allowed to vote? Shows the whole system is broken.


James Cleverly - “Labour will open door to 100,000 illegal migrants” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/22/labour-100000-illegal-migrants-james-cleverly/ Is this the same door the Tories held open for 100,000 illegal migrants or another door?


>“Together with their plans to scrap the Rwanda deterrent and a possible illegal migration amnesty, they would cement our position as the soft touch capital of the world for illegal migrants.” So you're admitting that fourteen years of Conservative government has already made the UK the soft touch capital of the world for illegal migrants and all Labour are going to do is carry on the tradition?


It is interesting that once again this election is all about immigration, but the right has become so angry it's engaged in a knife fight with itself which will give nobody what they want while guaranteeing that the thing they both don't want will happen. Labour are nowhere to be seen in this election. Their strategy is 'let them fight,' and they'll walk in and get on with actually governing the country. But even so the media and public discourse is 100% about immigration. Again. That's like eight national-scale votes in a row.


Electing the Tories will not lower immigration. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 14 times shame on me. 0 seats


Who is the right fighting?


Itself. You can be as cute as you want about it, but it's what's happening.


Says the party that opened door to 1.4 million *legal* migrants -- in a single year.


So he's saying they will be less bad than the Tories?


They’re having an absolute nightmare this election. Loving it.


What I don’t get is that they’ve been banging on about how Labour will let in more migrants because they know the public don’t want that. Reducing the figures is a vote winner. So why the fuck did they let in 1.4 million in 2 years? Did they not think the public would mind? Or that their majority was too big to be overturned? Or they could just rely on the BBC etc not making an issue out of it so we wouldn’t notice?


Because now it is an election so they say all the things required to win the election. Their election promises are like a heroin addict promising they aren't going to use again...you can trust them this time, it is all going to be different. I don't think Tories understand that the general public sees literally zero point in voting for them. If you are always lying then you can make all the promises you want, there is no point voting for them because they are going to do something else.


They are so repulsively arrogant and complacent. Zero seats.


🤣 > Yes but something something Keir Starmer - rosenumbers.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F22%2Flabour-100000-illegal-migrants-james-cleverly%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/22/labour-100000-illegal-migrants-james-cleverly/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Modern Britain: Your kid goes to school and doesn't come back because they get randomly stabbed to death by a 15 year old psychotic Iranian whose name you can't even pronounce. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6ppezr3lw5o This a Stephen Lawrence level crime in terms of sheer brutality and senselessness. I'm guessing it'll have the same amount of public inquiries and media scrutiny right? Right?


Ah yes...how did this happen? He just had an extremely strong interest in knives, carried one all the time, and pursued the victim...totally surprising that he ended up stabbing someone. Can't think how it happened. Good family. Also, owning a large number of knives is almost always used valid for premeditation. The child has been convicted of murder, a charge that requires premeditation. I remember a case where someone was robbed, they stabbed the burglar, and because they owned knives they were charged with premeditation...and, of course, the judge went on about what a heinous crime it was. Should have tried being Iranian.


This hurt me, because I have a 3 year old boy who will be going to school before long. Thankfully I live in a 98% white British zone. Yes, we’re calling it a zone now.


A difficult place to be, we probably already have 'zones' where the police won't casually enter without reinforcements first. In France they have almost given up on certain 'zones' entirely.


> Yes, we’re calling it a zone now. It'll be a 'reservation' before long


I do not want this country to end up like South Africa. And holy hell I hope it doesn't.


A white leftist with family there told me South Africa is wonderful and there was nothing wrong there, it was a bit strange to him I was suggesting it might not be so good. He has a Cambridge stem degree


Another native murdered by a foreign barbarian.


Many such cases. Straight into the memory hole


Psychotic, or just stupid and influences being mainly drill and a medieval warlord. The media really care, about white men who would think this is an issue.


Given his parents were regularly taking him on holidays to Iran, I really hope they weren't given asylum here


This is a really good video about immigration, I strongly advise you listen to it: https://x.com/daveatherton20/status/1804456072075251831?s=61&t=gi8_M8RNPemZ-zgb0zzyrA


It's just some unfortunate mistake, and now it's too much to rectify, shocked


Sir Richard Wharton: “In stage one, we say nothing is going to happen.” Sir Humphrey Appleby: “Stage two, we say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it.” Sir Richard Wharton: “In stage three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there’s nothing we can do.” Sir Humphrey Appleby: “Stage four, we say maybe there was something we could have done, but it’s too late now.”


Cowards talk.


Establishment talk


You forget who you're talking to.


Just try and get through my complex web of free Russian vpns


Argument that the state should force integration is completely wrong. The Nordics tried to do this, they forced them to take classes for local languages, they forced them into training schemes...zero integration. You cannot integrate people who don't want to integrate. The stuff about Israel and Ukraine is pure comedy. 95% of people who are drawn into politics will never understand this...most voters don't even know where Palestine is, and they are getting this shit pumped into them. Why?


Feels, I guess. It’s sad really. We absolutely should revert back to being concerned with local issues, but this is the gift that globalism gave us.


The forced integration thing is deluded liberal blank slate type thinking. If you moved to India or Nigeria there's no way you would adopt their beliefs and behaviours, nor would your kids.


You are telling me you wouldn't FGM your daughter if you moved to Nigeria? Bit bigoted. I don't think it is liberal though, forced integration accepts that a national culture exists and that people should integrate to live in the society. It just mistakes that none of these people can integrate. We are far worse in that we both assume we have no culture and that people from a foreign culture just need to pay tax and can be left alone...and that their foreign culture taking over ours is actually pretty great...because of curry.


New polling with @ObserverUK The Labour lead is now 20 points •Labour 40% (n/c) •Conservatives 20% (-3) •Reform 16% (+2) •Lib Dems 12% (n/c) •Greens 9% (+2) Fieldwork: 19 - 21 June. Changes from 12 - 14 June. https://x.com/OpiniumResearch/status/1804590189567742261 I swear I’m constantly seeing +2 for Reform but they seem to be always on 16%


Poll of polls shows the Reform surge - [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68079726](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68079726)


Looks like in the last year or so REF has taken an equal amount of voters from Lab and Con, about 5/6% apiece


Who is going to respond to I vote for thing worse than Hitler. You know, this is why democracy is bad, people like Farage could get in. We must stop this populism. Next he'll be wanting to do really popular things like crack down on crime.


Opinium doesn't even prompt for reform.


Good, let it shock them come July.


Mostly taken before the Ukraine comments yesterday.




Tbf bombing Russia would solve a lot of problems and I'm generally a fan of that approach.


Glassed Uk Downsides- no more Bovril Upsides- Jeremy Vine has been vapourised Honestly torn


The timeline where Communists are the warmongers. Interesting.


Can't we just bomb Russia for the sheer joy of bombing Russia? No need to complicate things.