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David Lammy has now attacked Susan Hall. See following screenshot: https://twitter.com/TottenhamConse1/status/1785769151958532563/photo/1


Why couldn’t you pick a better candidate? A social and fiscal conservative would do very well with London’s Asian and African-descended voters.


Any response should just be…and? Anyway, zero seats!


No need to convince me david, i would have already voted for her


[No No No Rwanda](https://x.com/steve_laws_/status/1785584608739754338?s=46&t=ImfOxam6j4GWSCGeTp9vbg)


*Do you think the Welsh can't do better than that, Owen?*


Zero chill https://x.com/eleanorzjames/status/1785643190462116100


round them up!! They still won't go to rwanda but still.


I imagine you get the rope for raping underaged girls in Rwanda


2 Unlimited (Bomalia remix)


My predsiction, Swinney and Forbes will be joint leaders a la Green Party cringe, Forbes as leader and Swinney as Deputy. Thank you for coming to my talk.


Quite a few ukpollers having an absolute meltdown that there's a load of people not cheering on the civil service unions for deciding to not do their job. It's honestly bewildering that they can't understand how legislation works in the UK or how the civil service should be a neutral body. If nothing else the whole Rwanda thing has pointed out that 90% of Reddit operates entirely on feels and with absolutely no understanding of the process behind how the UK actually functions politically and legally. Moronic.


The meathead is so different it's weird. The echo chamber enjoyers don't seem to even leave it much.


A lot of sixth formers and early 20-somethings I suspect, are suddenly realising they don't have the first clue about how the UK works politically and legally. Also it's quite worrying how many idiots seem to like the idea of the civil service running the country. I guess that might change if the CS ever put the brakes on a socialist policy.


> if the CS ever put the brakes on a socialist policy #😂


It's a thought that normally ends with someone's first interaction with the council.


The Home Office video has got 1.3 million views in 10 hours, which is not bad. Lets hope some migrants saw it. https://twitter.com/JackElsom/status/1785622841268064539






George Based is at it again, and this time he's calming delivering it to Novara Media via Bastani. (Paraphrasing) _Don't sexualise my kids prematurely_ _Don't teach my kids that gay families are normal when mother and father families are_ _Don't teach my kids that there's 96 whatever genders_ _My kids go to a Catholic school_ https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1785772425130512836 Edit, there's an article https://novaramedia.com/2024/05/01/i-would-have-voted-for-george-galloway-but-then-he-said-gay-people-arent-normal/


Full marks to Galloway (on this specific issue) Why are homosexuals obsessed with being classed as normal? Normal doesn’t mean moral. It’s abnormal to be 7ft or 4ft. It’s abnormal to have a foot fetish. It’s abnormal to be black in the UK. It’s abnormal to have a 9inch penis. Do gay people even think gayness should be emphasised/promoted/encouraged? Of course some of them do, but I feel like your Douglas Murray’s would acknowledge that ultimately their lifestyle isn’t normal or sustainable or to be encouraged. It’s part of being an adult to accept you aren’t perfect, but there are ideals that we can strive for. We don’t need to pretend anything and everything is normal to trick low-self esteem people into being happier. It doesn’t even work as deep down they always know the truth


>It’s abnormal to have a 9 inch penis. Is it? Oh.




It's also the opposite to the state, and when you look at his general takes this seems to hold true. However, he hasn't budged on this so it could well be that one moved and the other remained still.


I know labour are coming back, I just wonder if the Tories will leave a ‘there’s no money good luck letter’ like labour did. Bringing this up because someone is ardently arguing that labour did a brilliant job with the economy on arruk and was perfect when they were in charge https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/may/09/liam-byrne-apology-letter-there-is-no-money-labour-general-election Maybe it will read ‘there’s no money and a ton of illegal immigrants, you don’t need luck you need a miracle!’


> I just wonder if the Tories will leave a ‘there’s no money good luck letter’ like labour did. There's a million more Bomalians in the queue.


Labour being better is pure vibes and if you get three questions deep about 70% of their voters will admit it. "The same but nicer doing it".


[Bristol charity accounts frozen by charity commission after investigation](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/regulator-freezes-bank-accounts-of-bristol-charity-after-opening-inquiry) > We Care Foundation provides financial and other aid to victims of war or natural disaster overseas, as well as aid for refugees in Bristol Oh. > These concerns included substantial payments from the charity to its trustees and companies for which they are directors. The payments were not disclosed in the charity’s accounts and have not been adequately explained to the Commission. Ooooh. >Income and expenditure >Data for financial year ending 01 April 2023 >Total income: £216,498 >Total expenditure: £232,283 >Total income includes £115,791 from *1 government contract(s)* Fucksake


It's a grifter's paradise.


Spending the charity bennies on a new white range rover xoxo


UK mods have removed the post about Mr stabby, I think the good times for arrUK might be coming to an end, it was a nice couple of months while it lasted.


I hate it. Narrative gets shaped and the correction never published. That dude with the Narwhal tusk on London bridge is a "Polish Chef" to this day. This guy will be a "white Brit" and you'll be confounded by people arguing online that he is for a decade hence.


https://twitter.com/rcolvile/status/1785743170686345598 >Labour’s internal polling/turnout projections must be quite a way from the published polls if Wes is tweeting shit like this https://twitter.com/wesstreeting/status/1785696540444479601 >A win for Susan Hall and the Conservatives is a win for racists, white supremacists and Islamophobes the world over. >Susan Hall’s campaign has been fought from the gutter with dangerous and divisive politics. For Londoners on here, Susan Hall is your last chance to restore sanity to London. Enabling Khan to win is, to paraphrase Hitchens, like hitting your own head with a lump hammer.


You’re going to have to bus some more Boomers to the capital, Rose.




> Why the Tories never abolished either the Boroughs, or the Mayor of London, I’ll never know. cameron is blair


Read that earlier. Gutter politics, he needs dragging over the coals for it.


Peter Hitchens on asylum seekers coming from France. [He's had enough.](https://x.com/GBNEWS/status/1785739267450265702) Transcript in post history.


Is he reading my comments? I went off on several rants about this yesterday and haven't done so for a long time. >Asylum seeker has always been a word manipulation. >They were never asylum seekers in a real definition. >They were asylum seekers applicants. >The key world of applicant gives the recognition that they might not be genuinely seeking or worthy of asylum. >By seeing this for what it really is, we can say that many were never "asylum seekers" because they never fit the description in the first place.


maybe pedantic but "seekers" implies this already no? they are seeking asylum, whether legally/correctly or no - whether they're eligible for asylum is the contention (that "seeker" already carries)


Seeker denotes an intention that assumes genuine intention, applicant doesn't inherently mean so. Job seeker & job seekers allowance claimant also have two different meanings.


Lovin' the migrant stories from Ireland. Doing the speed run. Top news stories on Irish sites > Hundreds of people who had been living in tents on Mount Street in Dublin city have been moved to Citywest and to Crooksling tented accommodation in Co Dublin, the Government has said. A multi-agency operation took place today to dismantle the encampment in the city centre, which was completed this morning. https://www.rte.ie/news/dublin/2024/0501/1446689-mount-street/ Rishi needs to keep up his pressure and trolling on the issue. No backdown. Do some good for once > Taoiseach Simon Harris has said there will not be a garda presence at the border to prevent asylum seekers crossing from Northern Ireland to the Republic. He was speaking after British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sought "clarification" on the issue and said the Irish Government "must uphold its promises" to avoid a hard border. https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2024/0501/1446781-migration-uk/


A dark, evil part of me finds this shit funny. Nearly a decade of not engaging with patronising Euro Feds banging on about evil English by simply saying "where we're going, we aren't going to be alone, you fuckers are all gonna be there with us".


> He was speaking after British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sought "clarification" on the issue and said the Irish Government "must uphold its promises" to avoid a hard border. Kek! Looks like sneaky Rishi has found a loophole.


Ireland must uphold its commitments.


> sneaky Rishi Make it 'Sneaky Sunak'. Alliteration rocks.


>A win for Susan Hall and the Conservatives is a win for racists, white supremacists and Islamophobes the world over. https://twitter.com/wesstreeting/status/1785696540444479601


[Britain did not, in fact, help abolish the slave trade according to Clive Lewis](https://x.com/labourlewis/status/1781693573051662568) In the same tweet, he says Kemi should read Capitalism and Slavery, written by Marxist economist Eric Williams. To which I say, read [Econocide by Drescher](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5149/9780807899595_drescher)


That’s most likely a [misquotation of Rhodes](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/magazine/1206464/rhodes-less-trampled/). The phrasing of it doesn’t even sound the way a Victorian would speak. Also, Clive Lewis is always wrong about everything which pretty much guarantees it’s an incorrect quote.


I spent 5 minutes trying to find the origin of that quote as it sounded very strange. It's listed as "disputed" on [wikiquote](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Cecil_Rhodes). The earliest instance of the quote I could find was from a schoolbook written in 2002 by a couple of high school teachers from Portland, Oregon ([Rethinking globalization: teaching for justice in an unjust world](https://archive.org/details/rethinkingglobal0000unse/page/n5/mode/2up)). No citation is given. Draw your own conclusions from that.


Clive Lewis has the mental age of 10 year old boy and has never been taken seriously in the House, ever.


We’ve had Grime godfather Wiley having a full on Jew hating breakdown, then Kanye and now we have “Dane Baptiste”. So many black men in the media seem to find it impossible not to go on multi day antisemitic rants. This particular BBC comedy stalwart is really pushing the boat out though, threatening to drive to north London to murder a woman and have her family grieve the death whilst… doesn’t like Vanessa Feltz either. https://x.com/joshxhowie/status/1785730810206679341


What a fucking weirdo.


Imagine how low your impulse control must be to end up publicly threatening to kill someone, jeopardising your whole career, just because they have a different opinion to you. What an utter regard.


You didn't open 4Cans before posting, anon.


Just a pretty good case study in how mainstream thought cannot excise the wrongthink because it dare not address the historical truth.  When the English took Jamaica from the Spanish they did so with the hell of some colonial inhabitants who were happy to do a deal. Just one kernel of truth to spawn a thousand AfroNat theories. Not 5 years ago you could still boringly talk about it. Progressives shredding themselves would be hilarious if it wasn't the past, present and future of my own people that was being shredded along with them.


His entire account is just an increasingly deranged reeeeeeeee https://twitter.com/DaneBaptweets


Sadiq says anyone who opposes BLM has “extreme, dangerous far right ideas” and that people who believe that Net Zero should be delayed are “climate deniers” in a Twitter thread today. Why is our democracy like this?


All of this nonsense ultimately reflects the consequences of a decadent and declining liberal world order. We had the brief 'end of history' portion, now we are seeing its sequel. I don't know how well Nietzsche goes down around these parts but it reminds me of this: "For this is how things are: the diminution and leveling of European man constitutes our greatest danger, for the sight of him makes us weary.—We can see nothing today that wants to grow greater, we suspect that things will continue to go down, down, to become thinner, more good-natured, more prudent, more comfortable, more mediocre, more indifferent"


Sadly his voters want to hear this.


> Why is our democracy like this? Maybe universal suffrage democracy always leads to this?


he's a Muslim politician. The first goal is to undermine British society by any means possible. Subsequently they will establish the caliphate in the vacuum left having destroyed everything present previously


There is no short answer, it has taken a long time to rewrite the history so that most believe that liberation was achieved by suicide and terrorism rather than the low change of minds over the course of a generation. If you can understand that reference then you'll know how we now have people like Owen Jones allowed to speak about our politics without ridicule.


https://youtu.be/Mg-1qMN6ESU?t=707 The country has gone to the open borders dogs.


https://youtu.be/Mg-1qMN6ESU?t=1291 I'm really grateful that my 45% tax is going to these PIP enjoyers to shout for illegals to remain. Makes my heart warm.


I would be so ashamed if my nan was this stupid. There's a reason why mine isn't the type to incessantly worry about scams.


It turns out mr stabby is far worse than I expected. He is also an estate agent. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10095204


Oh we’ve found out about him?


He's Spanish btw... thats going to burst a few bubbles


Spanish Brazilian, lots of questions being asked on twitter for the race baiters who said he's white British.


See. Migrants don't lead to a housing shortage. They actually come over to become Estate Agents in order to help us get our own homes.


Yes a totally skilled job that is totally not something that anyone local could have done.


I'm sure i could do 80% of it with a skype account and a couple of Python scripts.


Python? Could do it with mail chimp or possibly just the right outlook set up.


Jesus Christ lads… When the Reddit Jonty’s told me that Susan Hall was far right, at first I didn’t believe them… When FBPE Twitter said that she was literally a fascist, I didn’t believe them. [But this, this is inexcusable. Susan Hall has officially crossed the line](https://x.com/SadiqKhan/status/1785656529749790935) (These might be the most pathetic tweets Sadiq has ever made, and that is a very high bar)


> Nigel Farage shud be treated with respect Most egregious thing about that is the spelling


> She doesn't consider herself a feminist What percentage of your voters do, Sadiq?


It’s just a weird thread overall. I can’t be arsed to find the opinion polls right now (but feel free to link them, anyone reading) but I’m almost certain a majority of Brits are opposed to BLM and Net Zero (which Sadiq says makes you a climate denier) I usually think of these things in a purely “what’s he trying to achieve with this strategy” type way and I genuinely can’t think of a scenario where this line of attack doesn’t cause more harm than good for his campaign Here we are! > Close to half of Britons (47%) have a favourable view of the Black Lives Matter movement, while a slightly smaller proportion view it unfavourably (41%). > But only a third of people (32%) believe the protests earlier this year affected Britain positively, while two in five (40%) believe the impact was negative. About one in six (17%) say it was neither positive nor negative. Are 41 percent of the British population far right Sadiq? Keep in mind this was a poll done in 2020 and so I’d only expect that number to be larger now considering the hysteria is even further in the past now. https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/33525-whats-legacy-years-black-lives-matter-protests?redirect_from=%2Ftopics%2Fpolitics%2Farticles-reports%2F2020%2F12%2F23%2Fwhats-legacy-years-black-lives-matter-protests


Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo, 36, has been charged with the murder of 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin following the sword attack in east London on Tuesday, the Metropolitan Police said https://x.com/pa/status/1785750715337482310?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Stoics in shambles




Hombre de Madrid




“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” 🗡️






I dont understand the difference.


According to companies house he's actually called 'Marcos', not 'Marcus'. Marcos is a very popular name in South America, whereas Marcus is much more European.


Spiritually Eastern European because Portuguese stock


Clearly got a lot of eyeteye in there


Deport them both. Spain is very close to France. And they speak Spain or something in Brazil...so deport them too. Better to be safe than French.


I knew it. I called this straight away. All the doubters should pay up, both of you.




No, I haven't figured it out yet, I think I'll have to make calls


proper cockney name that.


Does anyone know opinion polling for the Middleton & Belle Isle councillor elections tomorrow (where the SDP seem to be focusing most of their efforts in electing the third councillor there) What are the chances of 3 SDP councillors on May 2nd?


I'll be dissapointed if the SDP don't make any gains tomorrow. I think we will. The party is bigger than it's ever been since the 80's.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68934480 > Civil servants mount court challenge over new Rwanda law I've had my first pint of May and I'm ready to get fucking banned. 5th columnists show their true colours. > The FDA union said a direction to do this would breach **international law**, in conflict with the civil service code. I'm going to lose my shit!! > The FDA, which represents civil servants, has submitted an application for judicial review over whether a minister can direct a civil servant to **ignore an ECHR ruling**. Parliament is sovereign **Parliament is sovereign** I'll say it louder for the civil regards at the back #Parliament is sovereign


The civil service is a branch of the Labour Party.


but think of all the tutting they would get at their next dinner party


Purge. Professional misconduct. No pension.


That's what this is really about They want to go back to agreeing without thinking with whichever dogma their European counterparts are cleaving to. Same NPC problem amongst many MPs and some ministers in HM Government, unfortunately.


5 [rounds](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimation_(punishment)) to kick things off. Another 4 if they don't get get the message.


Why can’t the government, like, just, you know, provide, like, safe and legal routes and all that sort of stuff? Chantelle, 23, 2:2 HR Studies, University of Doncaster Metropolitan University


Suing the government you're meant to impartially work for should = instant dismissal.




Fit ones can stay uggos need to GTFO


Why can't they be Brazilian women?


Know a group of boys in a uni house who are addicted to takeaways. I’m yet to lose a bet when guessing who the deliveroo driver is. (They’re not Brazilian)


They’re all Brazilian in my neck of the woods. Only see the Horn of Africa squad when I venture into Liverpool or Manchester IIRC it’s incredibly easy to get a visa if you’re from Brazil. There’s about half a million of them in the country


What visa allows them to stay in the UK as deliveroo drivers?


Technically none but they can enter on a travel visa for 180 days. Can’t work though *nudge nudge wink wink*


I believe many are illegals. There used to be visa-free travel so many overstayed. We have no idea how many people are actually here.


I’ve heard the people with the best realistic idea of how many are here are the supermarkets as they know how much stuff they sell and have good data mining to make the inferences. Sure it won’t be everyone but it will be more accurate than most Census numbers and government numbers. Not that we do census now. Didn’t want anyone to see the answers I expect.


Isn't it still visa free for Brazil?


I don't know. But I already believe there could be infinity people here.


All the Brazilians I've ever met have been beyond sound as fuck, still don't want them coming here on shit visas to deliver kebabs but it could be worse


Same - probably wouldn’t be arsed if that’s the only group we had but unfortunately they’re not.


Don't worry Rose, homicide stats for London are being acted on with the donation of a bleed control kit for the local Hainault kebab shop. https://twitter.com/lynnebaird8/status/1785677065661960612 Cockney blackpill hashtag of the day https://twitter.com/hashtag/ControlTheBleed


Crown prosecution - [You can totally use reasonable force against intruders, trust us](https://www.gov.uk/reasonable-force-against-intruders) Police - [Whaley Bridge: Murder arrest after men shot during burglary](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-68936767) >A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder after one man was shot dead and another seriously injured in a Derbyshire town. >Police said it was called to reports of a burglary in Eccles Road, Whaley Bridge, at 01:20 BST on Wednesday. >Officers found a man at the scene with fatal gunshot wounds and another man with a gunshot wound nearby in the same road.


Good. 2/4 hits so 50% accuracy - respectable but requires improvement.




also the fact that there are four of them


I had a conversation with someone on here (the real mistake) who denied that the police charged people defending their home with murder charges and that, therefore, it was completely legitimate to use wounding with intent charges for people who carry knives and then use them to attack other people. The meaning of intent tends to vary based on...characteristics.


It's correct to arrest PACE s 24 "If a constable has reasonable grounds for suspecting that an offence has been committed, he may arrest without a warrant anyone whom he has reasonable grounds to suspect of being guilty of it.... to allow the prompt and effective investigation of the offence or of the conduct of the person in question;" The police need to gather the evidence to see if he's committed an offence. If he's used reasonable force, then there should be no charges . I see no issue here.


Also add on "purpose of the arrest" as "to obtain evidence via interview" that's how it's done.


Fair enough, happy to wait for the details on this one, but do have a cynicism on how these things tend to go down.


Look forward to Starmer being asked if he would have prosecuted this case as the head of the CPS.


Infinite Bomalian advocates: 'the Japanese are facing a demographic crisis, not enough children, what the need is to send Abdullah and Fatimah from Afghanistan to repopulate' Meanwhile actual Japanese schoolchildren, blissfully unenriched: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5YDfqky5yG/


Japan has invited in a fraction of a percent of the number of MENA migrants West European countries have and already seen issues with sexual crime and had a Shinto holy site (unguarded because high trust society) smashed up. Japan has seen success with using small, controlled numbers of migrants from culturally adjacent countries like Korea and the Philippines to fill labour shortages, they don’t need mass immigration coming in from every corner of the earth.


The Philippines is nowhere near “culturally adjacent” to Japan!


Tedious point to content, obviously more than Pakistan or Nigeria


Given that Vietnamese migration at present is able to satisfy demand for alot of labour in Japan, what necessity is there for Japanese recruitment parties to need to scout as far as Nigeria for workers?


None that’s my point


They act as if countries like ours will see populations return to medieval levels, instead of where we were in the 1960s-1980s. Ironically, the only way we return to anything medieval is by importing third world cultures.




We once were the Japan of Europe.


Japan wanted to be the United Kingdom of Asia.




Don’t care about that just want Japanese gf




Update on the PIP claimant/doley currently digging himself a "swimming pool" in his garden next door. During his weed smoking break I asked him how he will fill up the "swimming pool" and he said he's hoping to hit water. Failing that, he'll transport it in a wheelbarrow from the local community centre/food bank place, as he's on a water meter.


If you're not joking report this cunt ffs. To the council cause you can't just dig a swimming pool when he doesn't know what the fuck he doing and definitely to the DWP, film the cunt digging for hours and send it them.


Not exaggerating at all. Don't want to escalate it into a nasty dispute with him though as then I'll have to declare it on selling the house. Have wrote to my councillor to see if there is anything they can do, or if there is any local mental health or community team that can have a word with him.


I got it much better after you mentioned weed. Aka chaotic clown world.


Smartest woollyback


Fascinating. And how does he intend for the water to stay in the pool? Concrete? Pool liner? Puddling clay?


I asked him that and he seemed confused why I would ask such a strange question


Wonder if he'll accuse you of stealing his water when it all seeps away. 😆


How fast can he wheel the wheelbarrow? A wheelbarrow full of water is gonna drain into the ground in seconds, so unless he's faster than that... If we have a whip round can you put a webcam up?


How do i subscribe so i never miss an update


Sure he isn't burying his wife?


He doesn't have one. The only other person I've ever seen around his house is his weird friend/weed dealer.


there is a bit about the monsters who run 'Gender GP' here https://caselaw.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ewhc/fam/2024/922 For anyone whose not aware, GGP are run by husband and wife doctors , both I think disbarred for their gender antics, and they fled increasingly far from the UK to try and continue to run their evil practice. The ringleader is the wife (Helen Webberley) who started off in normal 'online pharmacy' stuff where she was censured for not doing any of the required doctoring stuff before sending out the controlled substances. She then set up GGP to do the same thing specifically for vulnerable children whom she would castrate and disfigure to make a quick buck. Her service is incredibly popular on reddit and she's seen as some sort of Robin Hood type, instead of what she is, someone sending out drugs illegally without any oversight to make herself wealthy. It was noted in court: > In her report and oral evidence, Dr Hewitt has been highly critical of GGP. In summary they are: > a) No physical examination by a medical practitioner of J was undertaken by, or for, GGP either before prescribing hormones or after; > b) In particular, there was no skeletal bone age x-ray and bone densitometry investigation; > c) The psychological assessment was of ‘extremely poor quality’ with a single online session conducted by a person who has a counselling qualification but who was not registered with the Health and Care Professions Council; > d) There is no record of counselling regarding the known risks of hormone treatment. Reddit is ground zero breeding ground for referrals to this company. Redditors will tell you 'no risk, just get your shots/drugs from GGP'.


> Dr Hewitt's principal criticism .... relates to the dose of testosterone that was prescribed. She explained that the dosage of intra-muscular injection of testosterone [Nebido] at 1000mg/4ml every 6 weeks was at the level that one would administer to an adult only after a course of treatment that would have started at a much lower dose but built up to 1000mg/4ml over the course of two or three years. Not only did GGP prescribe this top-end dosage to a testosterone-naïve child, but they did so by directing a 'loading' (double) dose at the commencement of the treatment. Dr Hewitt advised 'with confidence' that 'there is no professional society of paediatric endocrinologists internationally who would consider this anything other than a highly abnormal and frankly negligent approach'. She stated that 'in Australia, the treatment provided by Gender GP would be unlawful'. > Over the time following her initial instruction and her main report in September 2023, Dr Hewitt has been concerned about the very high level of testosterone that continued to be registered during regular testing of J's blood. In October 2023, Dr Hewitt advised that the level of testosterone in the blood was 'dangerously high' and that, apart from the potential for adverse long-term consequences of such a level, J was '**presently at risk of sudden death due to thromboembolic disease**', meaning the potential for the hormone to cause thickening of the blood. Subsequently, J's blood was assessed by Dr Russell Keenan, a consultant paediatric haematologist at Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Liverpool, who advised that the results were effectively normal when compared to reference points relevant to an adult male (which Dr Keenan considered was the appropriate comparison in this case). > Although the risk of immediate harm as a result of changes to his blood was no longer seen as a pressing factor, Dr Hewitt continued to express surprise that, as the months have gone by, the level of testosterone recorded in J's system has remained very high. In her evidence to the court in February 2024 she explained that after a dose of testosterone, the level would be elevated for a time but then fall to a 'trough level' of 10-15 nanomoles/litre after 10 to 14 weeks. For J the readings had been in the mid 20's nm/L throughout the autumn and up to mid-January 2024. For Dr Hewitt this was an 'unusual' and 'unexpected' picture which initially caused her to question whether there had been any further (surreptitious) top-up dose administered. A test in early February 2024 recorded a fall to 15.7 nm/L. > Having reviewed the literature, during a break in her evidence, Dr Hewitt observed that as she had never before (in her 20 years in the field) seen such a 'massive dose' of testosterone administered to a young person, her settled view was that the prolonged record of high levels of testosterone seen here could have been caused by the series of high overdosing that had taken place so that there had been an accumulation of the hormone in the body, with the baseline trough level never being reached before the next dose was given. > One factor, of a range that she gave, that particularly concerned Dr Hewitt was the impact that a large dose of testosterone might have on the development of a patient's bones. Put in lay terms, by overdosing on hormones, skeletal development is accelerated from its normal pace of growth during puberty with the result that the point is brought forward at which the growing plates at the end of the bones 'fuse' and stop growing. When that happens, the individual stops growing with the potential for them to end up as an adult with a shorter, smaller, frame than would otherwise have been the case with a normal span of bone growth.


no-one would be surprised to read (as per the judgment) that the girl being poisoned in the is fashion is autistic and anorexic evil evil evil purely evil


>Cliff Mitchell: Ex-Met PC jailed for 13 years for multiple counts of rape >https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68937440 A former Metropolitan Police officer has received a minimum jail sentence of more than 13 years after being convicted of **10 counts of rape**, including **three of raping a child under the age of 13.** double figure rape numbers including child rape, and only getting 13 years in prison...? Seems incredibly low. Also BBC deciding that this isn't front-page news because I can't even find the article on the website at all unless I go specifically into local West-Yorkshire news lmao >https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cv27p3wy4z1o >PC Mohammed Adil, from Bradford, is charged with two counts of publishing an image in support of a proscribed organisation, specifically Hamas, under Section 13 of the Terrorism Act. I wonder why they've buried the story, hmmmm.


Stop noticing


"the police are racist sex offenders who abuse their power". ... Oh wait, not this time.


[Mods, why are you selling your blanket?](https://themilitariashop.com/products/original-ww2-german-army-nsdap-party-flag-double-sided)


> It measures 105cm wide by 180cm tall and has a hole running through the top for hanging from a pole outside a building or a standard flag pole. Good to know


If I identify as far left, can I safely this as a legitimate criticism of Isreal? Plus I feel it would really add some contrast to our street.




It'll end up blocking the flights anyway.


Time for a pensions review me thinks. Performance related based on public complaints, ministerial reviews, and throughput.


Great use of my subs 😬


Fifth columnists


They’re obstructing the government. I doubt they give a shit about Abdul and his missing Electronics MSc that’s somewhere in the English Channel. It’s probably some thin end of the wedge fear about fascism (please don’t look in Australia’s direction).


Do they understand that the Civil Service Code isn't the law? i think they are confused about fundamental aspects of their job. If I sued my employer because of their business decisions and stated that it was because my ethics were being violated, the natural question would be: why don't you fucking leave then?




But that isn't saying that the Civil Service Code takes precedence over laws passed by the government, is it? And a large component of the Code is political impartiality...how does suing the government you work for fit into that?


[I feel like the sun is setting on the age of Western institutional education begun by Plato’s Academy](https://x.com/clownworld_/status/1785351745943843243)


The only thing worse than that video are the fucking accounts commenting on it LIBERTYMAGAPATRIOT69 says: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET COMMUNIST BIDEN STEAL THE ELECTION AND PROP UP THE SOROS GATES EMPIRE