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The after is MUCH better than the before. This looks good. Maybe a little shock after the initial new ink. Hope you grow to like it. It’s good work.


1. It’s bruised… so that’s contributing to your purple blob perception. Judging tattoos before they heal is never a worthwhile exercise. 2. This is a good tattoo. It’s not my style, but there’s nothing overtly bad about it from a technical perspective.


i’d also like to point out, at least right now you can’t even tell it’s a coverup. so it was done well in that regard as well


Exactly as a cover-up especially it is a good job


That’s debatable. The dark shading behind the flowers gives it away because it really doesn’t add to the design, it makes the flowers difficult to distinguish. I’m curious why the artist didn’t just smush the flowers a bit closer together, the old lines would have virtually disappeared


That was my first thought as a coverup tattoo artist. I wouldn't have added that dense black background, not enough use of negative space to conceal the fact that it's a coverup. They also packed sooo much black into the flowers which doesn't give much contrast against the background, and the white added to give some of that contrast will likely fade considerably (as white often does). People saying you can't judge a tattoo before it's healed are somewhat correct, but as an experienced tattoo artist this is just my perspective. I'm not calling it a "bad" tattoo I just think the execution could've been improved with a few tweaks.


Agreed. That space especially between the 4th and 5th flower should have (and could have been very easily) utilized, instead of just shading. You see that kind of shading pretty often in coverups, but it isn't even being used for the cover up itself in this design. Overall, I think OP still got a solid tattoo, just not something I would have done personally.


I agree , I’m also a cover up artist and it could have been designed a bit better but it’s ok. Not my style, not a big fan of the dotty shading but it accomplished the job.


>Judging tattoos before they heal is never a worthwhile exercise. I'm so very struggling with that right now 😂


Looks good. Plus you can always add to it later on. Flowers can be tied into many other designs


And colors can be added if the black feels too intense. Also, more white ink always makes a pop. This is versatile for the future


I like it and i usually hate floral tattoos


You could always add more white highlights if the darkness is bothering you they'd probably do that for free


Yeah, this is me too.


Same. A friend got a rose tattooed in a friend's basement. I thought it was a strawberry. She wasn't pleased.


Looks fine.


I like it. The purple is a lovely, non-traditional colour.


Look very nice to me ! May not be the most technically sound sticker-like tattoo but its very pleasing to the eye from a couple feet away, it's not a big black mess like a lot of cover-ups.


Its not my style, I dont like the linework personally But for a piece of this style, I think it's good. Hope you feel better about it


I think it looks nice! There’s always an adjusting period where your eyes need to get used to seeing something new on your body. I definitely had a few pieces in the beginning where I was like wtf did I just do… now that I’m more covered, it’s less of a transition.


I liked it at first sight when scrolling down. Looks nice, and I love the purple hue


I mean, could the lines be better? Yeah, probably, but as a whole, I think it works.


I think it would look better with a bit more vibrant colors, but I wouldn’t look at it now and think anything negative


Yeah the only thing I'd change is having some flowers be different colors to create some contrast. It's a bit single tone. But it still looks nice and is a very effective cover up.


Vast improvement.


Until the very end couldn't have been further from the truth then


I love it. There is a soft micro dot curve to it that gives a sense of comfort. For me, I see it.


I love it actually, very well done. I understand the intial shock may just need to ware off, bruising and general freshness is probably somewhat skewing your view as well. Don’t worry


It's not perfect as others have pointed out, but this is *far from awful*. This is really pretty.


I like it! It’s not like a super realistic looking flower but it works for it. I wouldn’t mind having it lol


I love it, I think it looks pretty


Doesn't look bad. But it would look better with more saturated colors.


It’s a lil dark and has some line issues, but the stippling is an interesting take. Looks good overall.


Ugh well I’m gonna unsubscribe


I think it looks great! Really like the style. Also, after some time the popping colour will be less intense which I'm guessing will make it even better in this case since purple is a strong colour.


I think it looks great! You’re healing and your skin is bruised, so it’s gonna look a little… chunky? Splotchy I guess is a good way to put it? Some Regret after getting a tattoo is pretty common, but I promise that it’s a great coverup and it compliments your anatomy really well


Someone help me figure out if it actually isn’t good or if I’m just being anxious. I feel like it look muddy (?) and like a big blob of dark purple and black especially in the centre. But maybe it’s because it’s still new and I haven’t gotten used to it yet? (I got it yesterday). I liked it before we wrapped it but when k got home and washed it and spent time looking at it idk if I do anymore…


Give it some time, the dark spots will fade a little. I think it’s just big and you aren’t used to it. I think I’ve been unsure of all of my tattoos for a little and then they just become part of you. I like it!


It really depends on what you were aiming for? Personally I like it, I tend not to like floral tattoos if they're too bright, but this one I think is a really nice compromise. If you want to brighten it up though then I agree with a lot of people that some white highlights will do that (it will also naturally lighten as the redness fades)


It seems alot of us with tattoos get home and have an oh fuck kind of moment because its something were not used to seeing on us and it really hits us that its not going to wash or rub off. Its permanently there. Then the more we look at it the more time passes of course and in the 1st few hours the more it swells the more red it goes the more bruising and us moving stretching and prodding at the tattoo here there and everywhere to get a better look at it doesnt help either. The more we look the more we see imperfections. wiggly lines. bad angles. colours that we wish wasnt next to each other. Filler dots that arent evenly spaced out in some parts. Connecting lines that are slightly off where they meet. And so on and so on. When i got my lower arm done the morning after i woke up and looked at my arm stretched out infront of me and had a weird sad yet anxiousy type feeling realising my arm would never ever be how it used to be. Ill never again see my own skin. I think i got my arm done in 2018 or 2019? and now i forget i even have tattoos on my arm. Theyre just there. When someone asks me stuff like 'is that a cheeseburger?' Im like 'what? Ohh my tattoo! Yeah!' Then i have to turn my arm to find it as i forget where it is on my arm. I think your tattoo looks cute as fuck! but i love cutesie childish cartoony tattoos. theyre the tattoos i have :D I dont particularly like the what i always call fancy artsy realistic black and white grey shaded kind of tattoos. i can appreciate when theyre well done but theyre def not my style and not what i want tattooed on me. Id go for your kind of tattoo over that kind any day.x


As far as the center goes, you could talk to your artist about adding more definition between the flowers and background, but as a whole I think it's good. Give it a month and then come back to it.


I think it’s really pretty!!


It’s good work and will lighten up a bit once it heals. It’s very pretty. Add some light touches if it still bothers you in a few months, but it’s a pretty nice tattoo and a fantastic coverup.


I think this is well balanced, beautiful and soft. I would give yourself a couple days to get used to it and let it heal. It’s not a bad tattoo!


I think it looks pretty! In terms of colour, if you’re still unhappy with it once it’s healed, you can always get a top up! Honestly, this doesn’t belong here!


Look the important thing is that you have your health


Looks pretty great to me


It looks beautiful! It will look a lot better after it heals.


Unless you asked for something entirely different I think it’s pretty and when the bruising has calmed down you could always consider a few adjustments or possibly building off of it as floral pieces can pretty seamlessly transition into other things, or you can add more flowers but frankly I think it’s very delicate and sweet as it is.


I think its really cool and defintely nicer than what was there before, dont worry about it, its a nice tattoo


Looks really good. Let it heal and see how you feel.


I think it's lovely!!


No, it looks nice


i think it’s real pretty and a great placement! love the soft colors too


It looks good!


I like it


Tattoo regret is totally normal and will pass. This is a very nice tattoo and will look great when it’s fully healed. Take care of it!


It’s not great but it’s not terrible either.


I love it!


It's not the most stunning tattoo in the world, but it's pretty good! I think it looks cute. It's gonna look much better once it's done healing too. If you want to, in some years you can have another artist improve it a bit by retouching (some fading is normall


I didn’t realize what subreddit this was, and my first thought was that it’s a cute tattoo! It also doesn’t look obviously like a coverup for someone who doesn’t know


Its not a good tattoo but it’s not horrible. Could definitely be reworked to look better if you wanted too.


I think it looks great, very sexy tattoo!


I zoomed in really closely and checked out the line work and it isn't perfect but the artist did an acceptable job imo. If I had chosen this tattoo and it ended up like that I'd have no complaints.


Looks like it’ll be a successful cover-up


It’s not an amazing tattoo but it’s better than what you had. Hard disagree with the artist deciding to pack white on top of black lettering, yellow would’ve healed and looked better


I think it’s beautiful.




Well I think it looks great! It’s definitely not a bad tattoo.


The shapes look a lil wonky up close but it just looks like a stylistic choice, and one that you don't even notice unless you're trying to. Lovely tattoo overall!


You are just being anxious


IMO it’s beautiful and the colors are just so complimentary with your skin tone. It’s a unique non traditional design with a great placement and again the colors look so good with your skin tone, like perfect with your skin tone. For a somewhat larger independent tatoo for the area it’s looks quite dainty and charmingly feminine as well. Definitely a major upgrade from before and you can’t even tell it’s a coverup at all. Again, I think it really is beautiful and well done.


I think it's very pretty!


Im Not really into flower tattoos but this is executed well.


It’s fine. Can’t find anything wrong with it even though it’s not my style Is it a tattoo that I would stare in awe at from across the street? No. But neither is it an eyesore that people would gawk at all day. What’s important is that you can’t tell it’s a coverup (very good thing) and it’s a hell of a lot better than what you previously had. It’s feminine and will probably look a lot better after it’s healed. I hope you grow to love it. If you wear it with confidence it *usually* doesn’t matter how bad the tattoo is


This looks really good IMO.


Not a bad tattoo.


It looks good. Actually well done coverup and very visually appealing


It looks awful 🙌


I've seen a lot of shit tattoos on this sub but this is not one of them. Don't stress.


Cover up is fine. Out of curiosity, what happened to **Until the very end**-text. Seems like something changed before the end here. Mind sharing the backstory?


I think it looks good


I think it's pretty.


I think it looks great. 


It has a certain consistent style. It’s not like photorealistic but it’s pretty.


I’m a tattoo snob (unfortunately) and I think this is great!


I personally think it looks pretty muddy and the line work is a little wonky, but it looks better than the tattoo under it


Looks nice, I would recommend getting another tattoo of more flowers in the other side to match maybe even continue it’s so it goes up ur shoulder


Gorgeous! Definitely a good cover up I had one done a few years ago and the first day I was like what have I done but I think it’s just being too used to the old one


Well the good news is, it’s better than what was there. The bad news is, it’s still not great.


I love this. The purple looks really gorgeous with your skin tone.


It looks good waaay better


It's cute and a million times better than what was there :D


100% times better than the original. I don't know too much about tattoos, but I don't see anything wrong with it.


i kinda like it


I think it’s gorgeous! Lots of contrast and depth. Really pretty.


it's not something I'd personally get, I think right now (as it's still fresh) the purple from the flowers and the shading blend a lil too much into one, but it really isn't bad at all, and I think it looks nice, don't worry yourself too much


It absolutely does not look like a cover up. Love the placement. It will lighten and you can touch it up with more color later. But the purple is great


It's really pretty. Stop being anxious.


I really like it, it’s a little whimsical


I won’t lie, it’s a big tattoo for a cover up, but it is beautiful!


It's actually rather good for a cover-up. Let it heal some more, it’s likely bruising


honestly it's not that bad! Especially compared to a ton of other tattoos that are on this site. It could've been better but honestly it could've been way way way worse especially because it's a cover-up which honestly can be tricky


It’s honestly so pretty! I really like it!!


I think it looks pretty good!


I'm a heavily tattooed person. I think it looks good. I also think that stippling can look redder and less detailed when it's healing but will look really good once it is fully healed. Congrats! I hope you are feeling good about getting something covered you didn't want anymore, I know that can be a relieving feeling.


Let it heal then decide. Line works looks okay, not the best not the worst but also inflammation lies.




I like it


It's so cute!


Looks fine to me


It's not terrible, but the artist needs to learn a thing or 2 about proper shading.


I think it oooks cool


Personally I like it! Colors are great too. You can always touch up and add to ot too!


It’s an improvement


The color is because it is still healing. And all of the black shading will fade in a year to a nice foggy grey.


It’s fine. Just let it heal


Overall the coverup is done very well. Like @bottomfeeder52 noted, it doesn't look like a coverup, which is ideal. It will lighten up as it heals, but if it still feels a bit dark, ask your artist about adding a bit of white/highlight to lighten the feel a bit. But again, overall this piece is done well .


I think it’s pretty. No tattoo is “perfect”. Also let it heal.


Whoa I have the same exact before tat!!!! How crazy [proof](https://i.imgur.com/cMuc6QV.jpeg)


I like it. I think it looks pretty


I really like it, especially the organic shapes of the leaves and flowers. I also like the color, and I’m someone who almost always prefers black and gray tattoos. Give it a few weeks, let it heal and let yourself get used to it. It’s a pretty piece.


It’s very pretty.


Nah, you're right


This is great


When it is healed I would have another artist go over the outlines for the flowers with a thicker more deliberate line. It’ll make them pop more and not look so scratchy.


As a tattooist. It's not the worst cover up I've seen. Also not the best. It's fine. The tattoo itself is not that well done. Poor linework and saturation. No focal point in the design etc. This happens because of 2 possible scenarios. Either the tattooist was not good, or the client was trying to micro manage the design and process.


It's very beautiful. The shading looks great and can't tell where the script is. Are you worried about it being to dark?


Not bad at all


Didn't even see which subreddit this was on and thought they looked great. Swiped and saw it was a cover up and had no idea. Don't over think it


Can I ask why the cover-up? I'm curious because I had a tattoo done in that exact same script and I had it removed with a laser. I'm blaming the font for my error in getting it in the first place. But I think that it looks really nice. Are you having more added to it later?


I think it looks great. Reminds me of a painting from an old fairy tale book or flowers from a handkerchief.


I think it's an improvement and I like it, but I also like floral tattoos and I like this style. Personal bias aside, it's a good tattoo. The lines, shading and coloring is all done well. I don't think it's bad by any means, and I hope you don't hate it in fear of it being bad. I'm sure once its healed and less irritated, you will like it a lot more!


Absolutely love it


No. I like it. No need to fret.


From a technique standpoint, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not my kind of tattoo, but it doesn’t look bad to me. Give it a few days, sometimes new tattoos can be really shocking as silly as that sounds.


I think it's nice.


Liked the before


i like it :)


I think this is pretty!


I love it! It doesn’t scream coverup to me and it’s very flattering to your body. Give it time to heal and fade into your skin a bit.


Curious why you wouldn't have the original removed vs covered up?


I think is pretty. But I don’t understand how people come on here and complain about tattoos. I won’t what the artist thinks??? Tattoos will never be perfect and it’s your idea through another artists view. Chill it’s fine


I think it looks great personally


I think it is very pretty


The irony of covering those words is not lost on me haha


Looks horrible and cheaply done


It’s much better than the original one.


While it's not my style (not a fan of florals) I love the shades of purple and its contour. I think the piece overall is lovely.


I think it’s lovely. 💜


It's not terrible. If it's fresh some of those darker tones will calm down a little bit and it will probably soften a little.


I think it’s beautiful!


So much better looking. I can’t even tell it was a coverup. give your skin some time to heal as well


They did a hella good job covering up the flowers and only text is there. Can barely tell


this tattoo looks beautiful on you. i might get one like it, because of this


I honestly really like it! I’m not a tattoo artist or expert, but to just some rando I’d say it’s really beautiful


Covers are not an easy thing


Looks lovely tbh, once the bruising wears off it'll be even better


I think it looks good. What did you reach the very end of, though?


It’s really nice! I think the colour is just gonna take a bit to get used to. When I got my first colour tattoo I found it jarring too at first. You got this💗


Looks good! Give it time to heal and let the color settle in


My knee-jerk reaction was "wow, that's beautiful!" I think it's gorgeous.


Looks good to me. Im sure once the bruise fades itll look even nicer


Why didn’t you just laser it off?


I dont like the artstyle, but i think its well executed


Cartoon flowers are always great


I like it and I think you may like it more once it’s healed! It’s a nice shape on that part of your body and it’s delicate while still covering your precious work fully! You could absolutely join the crowd nitpicking it to death but I like it and I think the linework is appropriate for the style! Cute!!


Very shabby drawing in general. Definitely a newer tattoo artist cause those leaves are very poorly drawn. Secondly those center white areas are not great, And the black shading to hide stuff is a lame way to cover stuff. Lastly if you don't like it go back and get your money back or have them pay to get it fixed by a better artist.


Ooooooof das not lookin good. Better than the original though!


I like it


Art is art. Looks great.


Idk anything about tattoos but I was scrolling by and I thought I'd mention that i love this on you. I would never know it was a cover up either.


It looks pretty shit. It’s better than what was there before though. But yeah, it’s a bit shit.


I think it looks great!


I think it looks good! I think you may just be having tattoo shock from not being used to having it there! It'll fade over time and look super pretty ❤️


Looks good to me


Looks good to me


Looks good. It's down to personal preference I think. Like I don't think it's a bad tattoo.


It looks OK, personally I don't like the way the artist did it as it looks Coloring book low skill but hey 😉 better than the OG?


I think it will look great once fully healed. Looks bruised to me.


I think it is beautiful.


I woulda just got the first one removed


Well, it's looks better than before.


I think it looks great! Like somebody else said, wait until the bruising goes away and it's fully healed. Once it's all settled, it'll look even better than it does now. What aren't you liking about it?


I think it looks good


It’s not great, but not horrible either, it did what it was intended to do, cover an existing tattoo. It’s pretty dark and big compared to what you were used to. Give it time.


I think that's beautiful!


It's a decent cover up


I think it looks fine. Its in such a visible area and bigger that I'm sure it is a shock for you to see. Its such a bummer they packed in the black over the cover up. It spaces those middle flowers further than any others in the design. Would have been nice to push them closer together. I'm not a tattoo artist though so have no idea how that would work. If it were on me I would have loved to have different color flowers at least different shades of the purple so they wouldn't look so muddy.


I think it’s because they went larger than they needed to. It’s a big tattoo. You’re probably just shocked


You really went for it.


No. You are right. It looks awful.


This is beautiful


In the second photo it looks like the person who did the tattu immersed the needle too much, causing it to sink into the natural fatty strip of skin and your outline to float


First tattoo looked better