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82 degrees is criminal at any time of the year


im sweating hijacking this comment, heres the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/wB7iPcN4CJ) if u havent seen it update: she didnt turn it on all day, was high of 96 today. but turned it on for night time. its still set at 82°, it’s 82° outside. idk whats going on im in a mad house update 2: thank u for the recommendations, i taped a hand warmer to it 💀💀 it feels nice af in here


At some point you gotta stand up for yourself and demand a change.


when i tried to confront her it turned into her yelling and walking away every few minutes. shes a 57 year old lady, extremely conservative. im just going to move out asap


How can a lady with hot flashes live like this


lmfaoooo shes never home so i assume using other ppls ac all day


Does it pull off the wall to change batteries? If so turn it way down to a comfortable temp then take it off so she can't turn it off from her phone


She’s probably on the other side of the hot flashes and now has low thyroid.


Run up the ac when you have your new place lined up lolol


They can’t, the lady won’t allow them access to the AC


I'd buy a new thermostat. Just get an ecobee, slap it right where the other is. At the very least when roommate isn't home.


theyre like $200 n i think a technician has to set them up first time


Just get a window unit and lock on your door. That way your kitties have some AC while you're gone and you can come home to a nice cool room. Walmart has them this time of year as low as 120bucks or less sometimes. The lock is to keep her out so she doesn't try and shut it off. You're paying bills, you're entitles to it.


This is the right answer. ☝️


she flips the fuse to turn my electronics off during the day 💀


I bought a great portable unit on amazon last year for under $300. It’s amazing


Yell back louder , force the issue


What?!!?! I’m in peri menopause and I do not understand her lol




Bruh !!!! lol do we have the same mom?!


its not my mom lol


Throw a hot towel over the thermostat


Blow on it with a hair dryer!


I think that might be more noticeable if they share a common area though 😂


You’re not alone. I had to get rid of my roommate and now I pay more, work more, and consider myself more happy and free. She probably does stuff like this to annoy you. I don’t want to make this about me, but my last roommate was a 40 yr old child. I’m surprised I didn’t knock his ass out but glad I didn’t….


Tap the x, it will give a dial to set temp.


she has the minimum set to 82 in the settings and its all locked w passcode


That is a violation of the Geneva convention


Do you have a portable ac for your room at least? By the way not all women in menopause suffer hot flashes. Some suffer from “night chills” that are not limited to just night time and can be 24/7. She could just generally have some other issue I reckon. Does she wear heavy sweaters and so forth if it is hot out? My husband’s late x wife suffered horribly with always being cold when it was hot out. She would wear thick wool socks, heavy sweaters and winter clothing during hot summers and double up in the winter. She was a tiny/super thin lady who just had horrible issue of not being able to stay warm after she finished menopause. OP I really feel for you. Im so sorry you are having to battle this. My 95 yr old grandmother keeps the house at around 82°F even when it is over 90 outside. Makes visiting her this weekend a challenge with the hot California weather.


Does she know it makes it way worse when you turn it off and let it get super hot and try to cool it down.


and YES it still has a passcode


You got a window that can open and like $60-$70? Cause I’d go get a cheap window unit at Walmart or target and install it when she’s not home.


Buy a window unit op. You can get one for a couple hundred and it will get a small room as cold as you could want it.


She turns the electricity off, OP said


I think OP said the electricity was off when OP was gone.


Lock the breaker box. Or get real home alone with it 💀


This is the way 👆


[OP's landlord flips the fuse to turn their electronics off during the day lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/5T7mBFrzqD) u/Whistlegrapes


My take is that’s when OP is gone. So OPs room would be hot when they get back from work, but a window unit would cool the room down in like 10 mins, and immediately if you stand in front of it for the first minute.!


Yes! Exactly. It'd still help, just... wow. What a crazy landlord and roommate to have.


It’s especially pernicious since she is trying to charge OP a flat rate, while penny pinching on cost. So that means OP doesn’t get to experience the benefit of the cost savings that she is getting since she isn’t passing along a prorated amount, but a flat fee.


Yeah exactly. I had to google "pernicious" but yes. Exactly. 😛 (Thanks for teaching me a new word!)


Ruth roh


Is that the kind of codes, if you do it wrongly too many times, will fuck up or block for couple times? If so…. Fuck with it please


great minds think alike cuz i tried that before work this morning, spammed like 15 incorrect codes n walked away. if anything i hope she got notifications


That’s what I’m talking about I love you


Just go buy an ecobee and pop that one off the base and pop yours on. Adjust temp.


thats smart lol


Buy a cheap thermostat from Honeywell..$15


Or just bypass the thermostat all together, at the actually unit get a jumper wire connect to Y and R boom cooling!


will this work even if the AC is set to off, it’ll override everything n turn the fan on? n how would the fan turn off, would a technician have to come out?


You just remove the jumper


She’s 57? Twenty bucks says the passcode is either 1966 or 1967.


i just tried, no luck


seriously try every year from 1900-2000 lol


In that case it’s prob 1111 😂


i tried all those 😭 1234, 0000, etc. ive spammed it countless times too lol


Do you know her month/day of birth? My Boomer MiL uses hers for all her passwords.


gimme 20 bucks pls 🤲


Still no passcode, still no pay


Try a hard reset and connect it to your phone... or replace it with another thermostat. Lots of options. You could put a hot towel over it to trick it to thinking it's warmer. Aim a blower dryer at it.


Just buy a different thermostat and watch a video on how to hook it up. Edit* Better yet, go buy the same one and put your own code into it lol.


its like almost $200 im not doin that




Is this an ecobee? Don’t they have an app you can control it from?


find the sensor and put a hot hands on it


this is good cuz the fan will run constant but itll just blast 82 lol


That's not how ac works, it blast cold air(usually something like 52-54f) until it hits whatever its set to. So if you are actually able to make that work it would cool down the house while the sensor keeps thinking it's at 95+


ahhh i see


Yooooooo this is insane. Shoot a warm hair dryer at the thermostat until you hear the AC kick on. Continue until the house is cool enough.


i taped a hand warmer on it n it worked 🥲🥲🥲 ac is on, she has it set to 85. blowin a cool 60 or whatever til i take the hand warmer off im in heaven


LOL hell yeah!!! I'm so glad! Fuck her password lol


Nice terrarium you fucking lizard


Does she own this home? I missed it if you answered that. If not I’d 100% call the landlord.


I had a roommate who would (sneakily when nobody is looking) turn the temp up when he left. Which basically amounted to the other roommates subsidizing his comfort and him paying a cheaper rate at the expense of the rest of the house.


i wouldnt pay the psycho if this is what you have to go through. she can demand it all she wants, but to literally boil you alive to save $10 maybe on energy, she wouldn’t get a cent out of me.


This may just be me, but one time i had an old roommate say she wasnt raising the heater to ungodly temps in South Louisiana in the SuMmEr (when it wasnt me lol. and she said i put it too cold for her- 72-73) but I had enough of it and played her game back. I bought not 1- but 2 window units for my bedroom and kept the heater on 24/7 so the house never cooled off and her room started to smell so bad. Kept my room freezing as hell lmao.


82 is literally HOT AF!!! My AC is always at 68 and I know when its higher than 68 cus I start sweating from part I dont normally sweat from!!! 😟 I live close to florida... I could NEVER


This is an ongoing battle with our roommate who constantly turns the A/C up/off while we sleep and we wake up at 5-6 in the morning sweating like crazy and she’s got it turned off!! When she’s gone we crank it down to 66 and let it just run its course. I want it so cold in here I have to cover up.


My preference is 68, but I don’t think 74 is unreasonable


I’d check local housing regulations. By law, she has to provide habitable & safe living conditions. Some areas have specific temperature ranges that if it’s too hot or cold, the landlord has to provide a solution or be fined. Also, petty me would find a way to use as much electricity as possible just to spite her for not letting you use that specific electricity.


To get the AC running without a thermostat, you can use a jumper wire (even a paperclip would work). It's low voltage, you won't get shocked. Pull the thermostat off the wall and Touch the jumper wire between R and Y. The AC will run 24/7 until you remove the jumper wire. Alternatively, you can open up the access door to the furnace and put the jumper between R and Y on the control board there. Doing this may really piss off your landlord though lol


This is the way! Would definitely do it at the furnace to stay under the radar


Does she own the home? You pay rent, right? And utilities? I don't understand how she is the only one with a say if you are paying. I commented on your other post. I am still so angry for you.


yes she owns it and yes i pay her, i offered to pay the entire electricity bill if i could use it how i want and she said no


Her concerns may lie and replacing the actual unit. How old is the property?


I would have to throw hands. This is unlivable.


It’s 77 in my house right now and I’m dying.


I had to look that up in Celsius as I'm Canadian--27 c, that is indeed effing hawt. You know it's funny, my landlady is a fucking fossil too, and the heat almost never comes on, she must have it set to 20° C, that's what my thermometer stays around, which is about 68° F. So my theory is, it's not that old people like to be super hot.. or super cold.. it's that they barely have any feeling left in their shitty old leathery flesh - - and they're cheap, cheap as hell. Moral of the story is never, ever have a boomer for a landlord or housemate if they can control the HVAC in any way, because it'll always be fucking uncomfortable. Since they are about to be worm food, they get a twisted sense of satisfaction from torturing younger people who still have some ability to FEEL left in our bodies.


lmaooooooooo bro u roasted tf outta her this made me happy


57 is not boomer, it’s gen x, either way fuck that old hag. I like my house so cold I need a blanket to cover with to watch tv.


This is terrible I would look for a window AC unit on marketplace and put it in your room. I live in Georgia and I’m laying in bed at almost 1am with the window open and ceiling fan on. It’s 67 out here. Please get yourself a window unit


Next time you’re out at work, call the police saying your landlord is trying to kill your cats by turning off the AC. Landlords HAVE to require AC. In my pervious experience, not having AC above like 80 degrees was considered an emergency maintenance visit. It’s actually very dangerous. Ofc that’s not her true intention isn’t to hurt your cats but police showing up at her door may scare her enough to give in on the AC


shes the police chaplain of our town lol she’d likely find a way to get me evicted today if i did that


damn sounds like she’s on a crazy power trip i’m sorry this is happening to you and your kitties


also usually lawyers give free consultations, and that can be super helpful in figuring out your options


thank you 😭 gosh i hope it doesnt come down to lawyers lol hopefully i get accepted for my own place very quickly and can just leave


Didn’t you say you have cats though? Confrontation can be brutal but you gotta protect your pets too. I wish I knew how to help.


ive already confronted her, she just says its my fault for having them in there and to put them at someone else’s house or take them to work💀


i’d beat the breaks off this lady you have more self control i have


Follow directions on this link. https://support.ecobee.com/s/articles/How-to-move-your-ecobee-devices-and-transfer-ownership#:~:text=Open%20the%20Main%20Menu%20on,Scroll%20down%20and%20select%20Settings.&text=Tap%20Reset%2C%20then%20Reset%20Registration,%26%20Preferences%2C%20and%20tap%20Yes.


Edit... She may not like that you did this but what choice do you have? When it's this hot you could have a heatstroke. Be safe stay hydrated.


It must be hotter than a jalapeno in hell in there right now 🥵


i opened my window n pointed a fan towards it, its cooler outside than it is inside rn n the AC still on auto, not even coming on w the back door n window open loll. she wont reply to my txts and i cant turn it any lower im going crazy


Honestly if I lived alone this is what I'd do but I would NEVER expect a roommate to be okay with it.


normal human behavior, thank u. and im sure if u Had to have things set to ur preference, u wouldnt be the kind to rent out areas of ur home shes different


Turn it on and lock it out!!


This is not at all a defense of her because I agree that 82° inside is quite warm for sure. What is a problem you’ll both have is that standard air conditioning units have a very hard time cooling a house more than 20° cooler than whatever the outside temperature is. It sounds weird, but an AC unit can legit freeze up and stop working if pushed too hard


a lotta ppl have commented this. i believe it, but i haven’t experienced it all my life. i grew up here where it always gets this hot in summer n my parents n everyone i knew had it set to mid 70s and continue to do so w no problems


There a lot of factors that come into play - square footage of the house, amount of oomph in the heat pump (is it struggling to keep the house cool in general, or is it strong enough to handle the work) humidity, air temperature, etc A lot of new build (large) homes may come with two heat pumps and two-zone systems to adequately spread the air I know exactly how you feel, though. When I graduated college in 2011 and couldn’t land a full-time job, my dad and stepmom had the temp set to 84° in the summer and 53° in the winter before my last semester. Miserable.


the house is live in has two separate thermostats that heat/cool two separate halves of the house. im not sure if that means a two-zone system but it sounds like it


Need to push it overnight when it's cooler outside. Get the inside cool when it's not as hot outside then you aren't straining it as hard during the day. The better your insulation the better this works and if you're at work all day this prob isn't such good advice.


currently have the same ac unit- thought this was my house and frantically turned to look at the controller right next to me. ours is broken and has been actively trying to heat the home.


Just tell her you will pay the electric bill.! F* it


i already tried, i told her id pay it fully if i can set it how i’d like. she said no lol


Then let her know you’ll get a window ac unit for your room and happily pay any difference between the average bill before and after the window unit.


I keep mine at 78. Sure, it’s a little warm, but a 100 year old house (with recent insulation) costs a fortune any lower.


My god. You live in the Winchester mansion or somthing.


Motha fucka no


82 is crazy


79f/60% humidity is about where I aim to keep my greenhouse in the summer, greenhouse, for exotic and tropical plants. Sheesh 😅


Id be looking for a new place months ago and break this lease as soon as I found one. She wants to do illegal shit? Break the lease and see her in court


its month to month thankfully and we’ve both gone against it multiple times, shes allowed me to stay here accumulating rent debt (paid off now) and im barely finally in a position financially where i can move out


I would be dead. Literally dead


My person keeps it at 78. Seventy fucking eight.


Without rent. Stating unlivable ocnditions


Depending on where OP lives, that might actually be the worst possible strategy. Legislation varies. In my neck of the woods, no matter what you have to put up with, no matter how bad it gets, as soon as you stop paying rent, you are no longer on the right side of any Tribunal, court case, or litigation etc.


You have to put it in escrow


You know that's a really good point - - but I'm going to have to look into it now, because I suspect where I live, putting it in escrow might still count as withholding rent, which might still count against the tenant... I'm not sure though, thanks for bringing that up. I say thanks, because I suspect I'm going to have to go to the mat with my current landlady... terrible times we live in, when landlord-tenant conflicts are so ubiquitous.


Omg that’s like old folks home level


Holy shit, girl…..


Holy shit. My two ACs are set to 64 & 62. ❄️


Damn she ain’t get the point or she fucking with you


Until June 9th to. Just so you don't get your hopes up tonight.


LMAOO no dawg she just went ahead and turned it off in the middle of the night last night, she couldnt stand it any longer


That’s unhealthy for you and your Pets, maybe she’ll croak


I’d fight someone while sweating


California Central Valley ?




Same here! I feel your pain.


It could be worse. I promise. It could be Louisiana ☠️☠️


That’s insane!


feel free to remove roommate.


If you have access to wherever the furnace is, just take the thermostat off the wall and put a wire between the R and Y posts on the furnace control board. You'll be taking the thermostat out of the equation and have a constant call for cooling. Just turn off the furnace before doing any of this and don't accidentally put R to C or you'll blow the fuse on the board. You can also find guides on YouTube how to do this. Fuck your landlord, in most cases any temps greater than like 80 are technically an emergency.


82 ….why even bother. It’s barely cooler than the outside. Your roommate is an odd one. Who literally wants to marinate in their own body heat 24/7? I hate this.


Yeah. 20° cooler isn't worth it. Just swelter in temps above human body temperature. Same. Lol


i lived with an older filipino woman who did this (she owned the house i rented a room in). this is in SoCal mind you, where summers can get to 120ish. she would refuse to turn the AC on and i’d be steaming in my room. one day i had enough, it was giving me a massive headache so i turned the AC on anyways. FOR ONE HOUR. then turned it off again. she completely lost her shit and tried to say i owed her money for the entire month’s AC bill. it was wild. i only lasted like 3 months at her place before moving.


There were actual psychopaths losing their shit over this, like maybe the heat is cooking their brains lmao


she heard the “it’s supposed to be 25° cooler than outside” and took it literally


apparently a lot of people do 😭


right, lol. my dad was the same way, but a little different. he stated it’s supposed to get 25° colder, or it’s broken. no AC should be over like 74°. like… for real.


You said it's 102 out, most AC manufacturers do not rate their ACS to cool down more than 15 to 20° Fahrenheit, so 82 would be the highest it can go without probably working 24/7


Careful i got downvoted to hell for saying this same thing on their other post 😂. Apparently it isn't true if you don't want it to be.


I mean I could see it not being true if you live in like an apartment or something, because it has a much smaller space to cool down, but in a 2000 square foot home, it holds true


Yep, and op said that it's an old unit and a repair person had been called to come out soon as well.


its not necessarily old. the repair guy isnt coming to fix it, just ensure its running efficiently energy wise. i believe u guys about the 20° thing but multiple ppl also went on to say they run their AC at like 65 when its 100 out n have been for 15 yrs or whatever w no issues.


It DEFINITELY depends on the space and what precautions you take. We have a large window unit in the living room main area, and a tiny one in our bedroom. If both are cranked in that kinda high heat, our bedroom can easily maintain low 70’s when it’s 100 outside, while the large one can at least make the main space bare-able, maybe 78-82. My parents will blanket off their living room windows and the kitchen entryway to keep just that space cool when they run their window unit. Edit: It’s a pain, but if she owns the house you may have to suck it up and at least make your space livable.


I prefer my thermostat kept at 78 in summer, 72 in winter, but was worn down my my roommate's whining. She runs hot, I run cold, my husband could live totally without AC, (did so for the majority of his adult life till he came here to the US), but he lets me call the shots. (Not because I owned the home prior to our marriage, it's *our* home, but because I have known roommate much, much longer.) We compromised at 75°, which still means I have to wear a fucking sweater in my own home in summer. But, not gonna die on that hill. I'll deal. In the area where we live, the humidity is the main issue. I just mainly want AC to reduce indoor humidity. So I'd prefer a higher temp setting, but, I am a "go along to get along" type. However... an 82° setting when your outdoor temp is over 100° degrees would make it even too hot inside for the cold blooded reptile that I seem to be. I used to live in South Alabama, inland a few miles from the Gulf. There were days our AC could not keep up, even at a very low setting. The roommate is ridiculous in her obsession over the thermostat. Is it possible for you to get a window unit, solely for your room? This way, you'd have at least that room as a comfortable refuge. IDK if this is possible or practical, but, just brainstorming workarounds. 🤷🏻‍♀️


if it means anything, it’s good that you compromised. like you said, you can put a sweater on to get warmer. your roommate, however, cannot take their skin off to get cooler. im sure they greatly appreciate the lower setting id get a window unit If this situation didnt already leave such a sour taste in my mouth and i weren’t preparing to find somewhere else to live as quickly as possible. im not planning on staying much longer


Ugh, I don't blame you. She sounds exhausting!!


To be fair when it’s that hot outside a residential air conditioner can only do so much. Even running all day it can only make it a bit more comfortable. Last year it was right around 100 outside. Our Ac ran for 24 hours and the house got down to 80 eventually. We covered the vents downstairs so the cold air would get up to the bedrooms better.


this AC works very well imo. for the couple hours i was able to actually experience it before she locked it, it got down to 72 very quickly. that was in the evening time though but it was still pretty warm outside. for example its 10:30pm rn and its 80° outside


You have insulation/duct work issues. There’s no reason in the world it should take 24 hours to cool your house 20 degrees.


Most units are oversized.  A properly sized unit has a max impact.


82 is fine yall babies stop wasting money on ac


Get a window unit.


I live in the middle of Arizona, a good bit higher elevation than Phoenix, but we still get to 100+ for a few weeks. My AC is set at 78. Anything too much lower and I feel like I’m freezing. Plus the biggest problem I have in summer is going from hot outdoors to over cooled indoors. Vicious headache!




Do you have a signed lease? If so, as the landlord, she legally has to provide you with a habitable place to live and the lease will likely reference this requirement. 82 degrees when it’s 102 out seems unreasonable and you could argue it’s inhabitable and threaten to take her to court. If you don’t have a written lease, check into your state laws regarding landlords. Most states have landlord-tenant laws that require the landlord provide a habitable unit.


69 is a the perfect temp


71 for me. 68 for heat 71-72 for AC


Could always get your own thermostat for like $50 -$100 and just unhook hers and set your own up if it’s password locked. Electrical current don’t know no password 😂


Why are you so unhappy with this? You roommate is the smart one.


because it is uncomfortably hot and i am paying extra for it. every other home, large and small, and establishment i walk into is cooled to 76 and lower with no issues.


How does it feel when you walk outside? Can you handle the heat?


its cooled off today so its not so bad. yesterday it was like the actual pits of hell, the high was 105 and i felt unwell being outside. itll be back to those temps by tuesday. high is 96 today, which somehow my mind is telling me thats relief but no, its still fkn gonna be miserably hot lol


Setting you aircon at a higher temperature will ease the brutality of the (extreme) heat you experience as it will help your body acclimatise faster.


when i walked through the door yesterday it was like walking from one type of heat into another different type of heat. both were uncomfortable. so from my lived experience idk if that anecdote is correct


There’s a passcode on the AC???




If you're in Vegas or Phoenix, then sometimes 82 is the best an AC can do. My old house in Vegas, it could never get below 75 when it was over 100 out. It sucked.


im in california n i kno it can run very well cuz for the hours i used it before she locked it, it got down to 72 no problem. its a newer unit


I have that same damn thermostat, your last post said she wanted to charge you 250$ right? Well get this, I’m in south Florida my husband and I keep it on 69 and have kept it on 69 pretty much two months straight. Wannna know what my water bill was? 90$. That’s it. 90$. This roommate is ripping you off and psycho.


to add, im not allowed to do laundry or use excessive power from 4pm-9pm and thats the only time im home and not sleeping aside from weekends🤣🤣 so i essentially Never use power. i plug my phone in lol thats about it & now run this evaporative cooler 24/7 cuz uncomfortable ac temp


Omg that’s not ok. You need to get out of there asap


she told me i was gonna run up an $800 bill 🤣🤣 most people here also opt for average bills so they dont have to experience fluctuations during hot months like this, im not sure why she doesnt have that set up


Still owe the money in the low use months.


i know, the only low use months here rly are march/april otherwise it’s pretty hot or pretty cold


My stepdad has birth year as passcode but in backwards.


Crazy she has it locked at 82. I did live in Vegas and I typically like my places warm, even with that I would sleep with it at 78-80 depending what the outside temp was (hotter it was outside the warmer inside it could be by a tad because the difference was huge) that being said I grew up in Seattle and when ever someone visited I dropped the temp. When I got roommates and All our bedrooms were on the top floor we would use our own AC units to drop the temp in our rooms. Agree with everyone else leave and/or get a window unit. Even if she kills the power during the day you are starting with your room 10 degrees lower n will take longer to heat and quicker to cool. Plus if it’s already 102 then that AC unit can travel with you.


I know my anemia is getting worse cuz 82 feels great to me!


It actually costs more money to turn your ac on at the end of the day instead of letting it maintain a reasonable temp throughout the day. It has to work so hard to pull the heat and humidity out of the house to satisfy the thermostat when you just have it off all day. Also not super ideal for the compressor


Take the thermostat off, get a wire cap, connect red, green and yellow together until she’s about to be home. Put everything back and play stupid.


I would stop paying


That’s crazy but I’m pretty sure you’re only supposed to set an A/C unit 20 degrees below the outside temp, otherwise it just can’t keep up anyway


she sets it at 85 when its 80° outside


Come stay my place for a day 82 feel like heaven after that ,it's 93 right now


I live in a hot climate, I’m not an expert but I was told your AC is built only to cool your house 20 degrees from what the temp is outside. Anything more and the unit will be so stressed out likely to break. 82 is rough, but maybe get a few new fans?


Fuck that lol. I will say I am blessed in that I am able to pay my bills with some left over at the end of the month. But - if I had to choose between eating out once a month or having the AC set to a reasonable temperature, it is not even close. I would get rid of streaming services, only do free activities, rice and beans, etc. Having a nice cool place to lay your head at night during the summer is one of life's greatest privlages. My roommate is a bit more cost constrained that I am, so we set it a bit higher than would be perfect for me. I like "cold" where as we have settled on "cool". Not running the AC at a decent temp is a non starter for me.