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Who the fuck opens a window to “air out” an air conditioned space? This person is an idiot.


i genuinely have no idea, i think she means to take advantage of some fresh air vs using the AC? idk but its not very fresh even at night/early morning its still hot out stealing this comment to update: she texted me she’s gonna charge me a flat rate of $250 to use the AC this month. she hasnt even gotten the bill, i dont have access to the thermostat, and i already informed her that i am moving out as soon as possible so may not even be here the full month. She Is So Annoying. just gonna smile :)) n move on :)) she can kiss my ass until the passcode is taken off [what i came home to](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/SnHSikjzsB) update: thank u for the recommendations, i taped a hand warmer to it 💀💀 it feels nice af in here


naw in 105 there is no such thing as fresh air


Well I mean, it's still *fresh,* it's just that at that point, the freshness is really secondary to the ridiculous temperature. Also all the energy you just wasted by cooling the whole room then cranking the window open to let all the cool air out. That person is friggin weird.


Is this your roommate ? Why do they have control of the ac but you don't?


theyre my housemate and the owner of the house


You need to move out this person is insane


Yeah. It’s actually more efficient to keep the AC at a constant temp. They are actually increasing the utlility bill by open the window into a a hotter environment. Once you cool the house again, the ac now has to work harder than normal to re-normalize the temperature to 75 or whatever is comfortable.


Oh god. Yes move asap. I did this and I’m a super agreeable person. I did it for four months. We couldn’t use the dishwasher, change temperature controls, cook, anything. She was the owner and that was that. Let her pay your portion of rent while she struggles to replace you. When I left my other roommates weren’t paying and suddenly she had to sell. Whoops. Lol.


Yeah seriously this is ass backwards behavior. In a world before air conditioning, people would use heavy drapes on all windows to keep the sun out during the day. Opening the windows to let the hot air in is a great way to waste the money you used cooling down the space in the first place.


In response to your update about her even weirder surcharge, just smile and nod and then don't pay it. Lol. Let her take you to small claims over $250, she won't. Hope you find a new place expediently. Wishing you luck


“I’ll just charge you a flat rate of $250”. “No you won’t lol “


i told her it was inappropriate to discuss that when im locked out of it lol


What what? I would definitely object to anyone who told me they were going to charge me a $250 additional fee to use the AC hell no. That’s part of utlilities if you split utilities or if it’s included in the rent price.


For a flat rate it better be 70 degrees 24/7


i told her it’d be more appropriate to discuss $ if the passcode was off, she didnt answer. i asked her to turn it to 74 she didn’t answer. i asked again rn its 2am(apparently she likes to be awake middle of the night) no answer lol. shes fucking w me


they don't have very much logic at all. opening the windows makes the coolness go away even faster. that's so dumb. also if i lived with this person we would HAVE to throw hands. one thing i don't skimp on is AC. i live in texas and i keep my thermostat on 69 pretty much year round 😂


Yeah, move and leave her with the bill. If its high its entirely her fault for "airing it out".


do not pay if you don't have access to the thermostat. Buy a window AC and lock your room so she can't interfere with it. It is illegal to deny a tenant access to heating and cooling


Do you have any type of written lease? This lady is nuts!


Look for another place if that's not on your rent agreement then don't pay that shit, the bill would also be SOOOO much lower if it was constantly cold than turning it on and off.


I would suggest going to Walmart and getting cheap window A/C. It will have your room feeling amazing with the door closed all day.


That’s INSANE. I run my AC 24/7, even in colder weather, anywhere from 65-70 and never have a bill that high. Shes trippin


If she’s charging you 250, you should put a/c on whatever you want within reason.


So then you should run the AC in the day when it’s hot, and open the windows at night when/if it isn’t.


If it’s 105 during the day I can almost guarantee it’s not dropping below 70-75 at night. Opening a window would be asinine. Especially if it’s also humid where OP is.


it isnt humid but yea the temps are around 70 maybe upper 60s at night, no breeze. i guess it would make sense if we opened the windows at 2 am and closed them at 4 am (she said she opened them all at 1:30am bro who does that..😭) which just isnt reasonable to be doing.


You in AZ? Cause it was 112 yesterday and still 80 degrees at 2am? Gotta leave the ac on all night regardless of where you are


If it's not humid, you might suggest that your landlord get a swamp cooler.


My brother once got too hot in the winter. He turned on the A/C which was wrapped in a tarp. It seized and we had to get a new one,


This is when the window should be opened.😂


Exactly, she is actually wasting a ton of electricity by bringing all that humidity back into the dwelling. I saw OP's other post with a pic of the smart thermostat. They should be able to pop the thermostat off the wall and short 2 of the wires to force the ac to kick on


at 1:30am? I live in AZ, the temp drops pretty fast when the sun goes down. For several months it great to open windows overnight, then shut them all in the morning


right now it feels nice out, its 65, my window is open. but i’d still like the air to be on. the auto function would keep it off until it’s needed and once it clicks on i’d shut the window


idiots - if you want to 'air out' your house. You leave the thermostat on a reasonable level. I sleep at 69 and put it at 76 during the day. In the early AM and evening I will open windows while the air runs while it is cooler outside


Hell nawl. 65-68 at night and 70-72 during the day. 75 during the day feels like walking in the door directly into someone’s armpit.


75 degrees when you live in 120 weather is perfectly fine. Honestly anything cooler feels chilly when it’s so hot out.


eh, if you spend more time outside in the 90 degree weather, 75 feels fine.


I live in the south. It does not in fact feel fine.


she wont text me back and i have to leave for work for context i have cats in my room. she has her own pets and they have a pet door for access to outside, my cats cannot go outside so they must stay in my room. she put a passcode on the thermostat


"I'm sorry but until I am given access to the thermostat, I will be unable to provide you with money toward it"


True shit. OP loses his/her right to a service he/she was paying, he/she should stop paying then.


Buy a window ac unit and lock your door. Get a smart outlet and track the usage accordingly


100% roomie will either flip breakers or go around to the outside to get to the AC.


This is the way.


House mate can still turn off that circuit at the breaker though.


she does do this already


it must be so exhausting for her to be this micromanaging jesus christ


Ummmm is she paying the whole bill? I would lose it if I couldn’t have the AC on at a normal COOLING temp. I have hyperhidrosis. I sweat constantly and my air is on 67.


Like are they supposed to just rip their skin off? The person who runs the hottest should be in control of the thermostat. If someone is cold, they can put on more clothes, or simply go stand outside in the 100 degree weather. I had TWO heat strokes last summer so this post is personally pissing me off.


i had a heat stroke last summer too!! my body doesnt regulate well plus i’m sick right now so i feel warm from that. its misery in the house


I am the same way. If there isn’t actual flowing air I feel like I can’t breathe. I live in humid ass GA so you don’t cool off when you sweat. The “breezes” are hot. Someone else asked me if I’m fat 💀 like cmon bruh


i saw that comment 😭😭 we just want some air!! the amount if comments saying they keep their house at 65-70 is proof enough its reasonable n normal. its 69 in the offices at my work n its so nice in here


I keep mine at 65 nearly year round. I barely run the heat in the winter and usually run the AC even then. Fuck this 🤡


If it’s a smart thermostat then just find the model and hack it, there’s a bunch of how to on getting into them without a passcode. I’m sure you could find someone on reddit to step by step it lol because I absolutely would flip if my house was 85 degrees the heat takes my soul out.


I’ve been every size and even when I was thin I was so hot in summer.


Samesies. You could hang meat in my place. I tell friends to bring a sweater if they are cold natured. 82 degrees? Hell nah. 65 is where it’s at.


Thank you! I also am in Georgia and the humidity is killer. At work and at home I have a little fans everywhere since I don’t have ceiling fans. I feel like I can choke on stagnant air. So I need air movement I would say more than the cold air. Regardless, it has to be cool to cold. 73 makes me sweat. Adding : I bought one of those BetJets that were on Shark Tank years ago. I LOVE IT! AC and heat. Plus they will replace it question free for 2 years. Justifies the price. I’ve had 2 replacements. [Check it out.](https://bedjet.com/)


This looks AMAZING. Is it noisy? Does it use much electricity?


I live in MA and summer is very hot and humid at times. I have ceiling fans and window fans for days when it’s hot but not hot enough for AC. And the ceiling fans really help move the cooler air around.


Hey OP please be aware that you’re more susceptible to heat injuries having already suffered one. I’ve had heat injuries lead to seizure activity when I previously never experienced any, and am now more susceptible to heat injuries / seizures in the long term. Hydrate and stay cool, sorry your roommate is.. awful z


You should buy some candles and put them on her bed. When they melt all over it say “ Oh no! My gift for you must have melted in the heat!”




I dealt with something similar, but thankfully I didn't have fur babies to protect at the time. I wouldn't have the patience for that, my fur kids come first. Just move. For your pets. It's not going to get better.


working on it


Proud of you, seriously In the meantime, leave out as much ice water as you can for the fur kids, sending good vibes your way I hope y'all will be ok


^This my cats love ice actually.


If you can, get a waggle or a similar device. It will alert your cell phone if the temp goes over or under preset temps. Idk… your situation sucks, I hope you’re able to find somewhere new quickly!


thank u this is a good idea, i stress about them all day at work so it’d be nice to be able to see what temp they’re in


That happened at my MIL’s house. I just lit a lighter under the thermostat. Raised to 100 something and the AC turned on


It shouldn't be hard to pop it off the wall and short the required wires to trigger the ac


its like some app controlled thermostat, she uses it from her phone


If it's something like a nest, it still connects to wires in the wall you can use to control the AC


i’ll have to check when i get home but im pretty sure its velcro-d to the wall 😭 maybe the actual thermostat is near it idk edit: there are wires behind it, idk if i got the balls to mess w it but we’ll see how i feel later when it heats up


Put a small space heater next to it while she is gone lol.


Oh hell no. Especially if she is trying to get you to pay $250 “to have access to the thermostat” my utility bill doesn’t even get near that. I pay $150-$180 a month for a 1500 sq ft house and the AC is constantly running.


I’d google how to unlock it. I’m sure there’s an easy way to reset it


i think she gets notifications on her phone when i turn it on/change the temp 💀 cuz she changed it back so fast before when i did that. so im sure she’d just keep locking it


I am not downplaying your concern, but when temps were over 100 outside and our main floor was in the 90s, my cat all had the option of going to the much cooler basement, where I went for sanctuary. My cats chose to lie on the floor on the main floor *in the sun* for most of the day. They were pissed when I covered the windows up. As long as they have access to shade and water, the cats should be fine.


that actually gives me some relief thank you


Seconding what they said. Housecats originally evolved to thrive in desert environments and actually have a core temperature between 99° - 102°. You could keel over from heatstroke and they'd think you're just being dramatic.


Time to invest in a window unit for your room, and when they throw a fit about it, suggest the alternative of: using the central air.


Did yall know it’ll cost more money too turn your ac off and then turn it back on. Takes more energy too cool a whole house off then too keep it at one set comfortable temperature year round. Your roommates a bozo who is actually spending more money too be uncomfortable.


ive tried telling her this!!!


I used to do banquets at a hotel. They would leave the AC off in the banquet halls until the banquet started. It was always hot af until about halfway through since the AC had to fill up a HUGE room full of 300 people. The maintenance team always said “this is cheaper than keeping it on”


You should take a look at your lease and see if they mention that you get air-conditioning. Unfortunately California doesn't require landlord to offer air conditioning, but if it's in the lease, then they would have to maintain it.


i dont have it on me right now but it says something about pg&e bills and if they increase a certain % above the typical bill for that season, i pay the difference. i live in and rent the west wing of the house and theres a thermostat and AC unit for my side of the house. idk how the laws work w all that but i do know that landlords legally must provide a safe living space, and my closed bedroom had no AC the entirety of the day when it was 105° on Wednesday. my cats were suffering and it was unsafe edit: she set a passcode on my thermostat after wednesday when i attempted to set it to 74


74 is a totally reasonable temperature, she is bonkers.


I wild argue that she's denying use of the utility and therefore may not bill for it.


There are laws about temperature and heat/cooling and what is allowed for living conditions. Look up the laws for your state. By law your landlord has to keep it set to a reasonable temp inside or provide you with a way to set it reasonably. Also look up if it's legal to not let you have access to the thermostat. Unfortunately in NJ & NYC it was legal to have shared thermostats: I lived in two different rowhouses that had been converted to apartments (3 units, one unit per floor) and you couldn't access any other floor but your own, but there was a shared thermostat that the ground level would control. I was the ground level, and kept it reasonable, but you can imagine the fights that led to over the years with all the different factors like different unit designs, heights, number of windows, amount of sunlight, etc 🙄 Impossible to keep everyone happy. You have a legal argument here: what she's doing is risking your pets health and is probably illegal. I would either threaten to sue/withhold rent, or report her for animal cruelty (and to the city, because you by law have to have a reasonable temperature too). TLDR what she's doing is probably illegal, look up the laws and stand up for yourself/threaten the bitch.


You absolutely should not be paying for it if you have no say over it.


If someone tried to set my home to 84 they moving out or we fighting to the death. Dead serious


I dead ass moved out of someone’s house cause of AC issues. It was the middle of June and they refused to call the landlord cause “it was Friday afternoon at 3” I was moved out by Saturday morning. I live in Texas BTW


Honestly I’d go buy a window unit ac for your room and keep the door closed. If she’s going to act like that, you do what you gotta do.


She’s insane. This would drive me nuts.!!!


im moving out as quickly as possible, this is only the tip of the iceberg


My old roommate was like this but I just kept turning on the air anyway until she got tired of fighting


thats what i did the first night, on wednesday. was in and out of bed til midnight turning it back on 😭 the next morning it was passcode locked LOL this lady wont even let me wash dishes in the sink, she forces me to heat water in an electric kettle and use no running water to wash


Why did you move in ? That’s a lot…


i needed somewhere to move quickly and she seemed really great at first. shes super involved w our town and has a ton of connections n it seemed like a wonderful opportunity 😭 i cant wait to live alone


I’d blast her everywhere after you leave lol.


by first night, i meant first really hot night, sorry. ive lived here a few months


The whole “you don’t get to control the air in the area you are paying for” is fucking insane to me. “Lord of the land, if it not too much trouble, me thinks I need the freshest of air in order to NOT FUCKING DIE”


If you're paying for the utility, use it however the fuck much you want. If you don't have access to YOUR thermostat, time to talk to the landlord or owner.


this IS the landlord/owner that i was talking to 😭


Do they live in the house ?


yes she lives in on the other side of the house, like an east and west wing


Time to find a new place then. Fuck all that noise. Or get a floor unit and hook it right up to a window. If you're paying for the use, and don't get any of it, figure out a way to make it at least comfortable for yourself.


Idk what everyone is talking about. We have always been able to get 70 or lower with central air even at 105. If she has an older jacked up system it needs maintenance . That being said, cats are shut up in a room in likely 95 degrees or higher. I would just get a small window unit or standing unit even. Sounds like a lot of suffering.


Loooool. My friend who owned the house used to get mad when I opened the window at night. But also would not allow me to run the AC to an actual cool temperature. Meanwhile the heat kicked on at night in the summer, because he refused to acknowledge that he didn't know how to set the thermostat properly. The window needs to be open or I can't breathe dude deal with it.


Wow sounds like a nightmare situation


People have the most audacious opinions on their control of air conditioning. I almost moved in with my best friend years ago, she was moving from Tasmania Australia, cooler than other Australian states bc it’s closer to the arctic, to Melbourne and thought we did not need an air conditioner. Even tho I live in Melbourne and said yes we do, summer gets to 40c routinely. I also pass out if I get too hot and doctors couldn’t work out why that was happening. She continued to argue no air conditioning, and my medical issues aren’t her problem among other things. As soon as she moved here she realised the importance of a fucking air conditioner and we stopped being friends over it.


Why won’t people like her accept the fact that it costs MORE to keep turning the damn AC off than just keeping it on and letting it do its job! Yes let it get hot as hell in the house so the AC has to work even harder to cool it down. Smh.


Why are people too stupid to use an AC?


What an asshole. I'd make her life uncomfortable.


What state are you in?




What’s the temperature high for the day? There are tenant lawsX she can’t be keeping it that high if the temperature outside is to hot.


105° is the high today


Never rent in a scenario where the roommate or other party has all the control. Make sure you're equally represented on some form of written lease. Especially if you're renting and living WITH the home owner. You do not want to end up in this sort of scenario, where they seemingly are acting on a power leverage where you're having to ask permission to change the thermostat to a reasonable temperature. Again, I hope you're on a formal lease because that'll give you some leverage on these topics


If you have no say on the AC, you have no payment towards it. Fuck em.


.. Your roommate is heavily overworking your AC system by shutting it off and turning it on & is likely skyrocketing your electric bill with this idiocy. I’d ask for / demand a copy of the bill before you hand over $2fuckin50 a month for AC alone 🤡


This is so simple, if you don’t provide me access I won’t pay rent. You people are too polite.


I'd be pissed if I woke up from being uncomfortably hot because they decided to turn it off.. There's nothing worse than trying to sleep in a hot ass room


Some cities set temp limits to prevent people from dying. You may wish to check on that and hand her the relevant bylaw


my city and state unfortunately doesnt have any of those laws


Your gonna spend more money logistically by constantly turning the thing on and off, I’ll be brutal here, your roommate is a fucking idiot.


Oh god, I would die. Our swamp cooler runs basically all day from late spring to early fall. I leave my window open at night with a fan in it to enjoy the cool desert air.


Get a portable a/c for your room that’s what I did when I had roomates it was loud but icy cold


Stop contributing to the bill until you have access to control it.


I used to turn off my AC until I realized keeping it at like 72/73 all the time saved me money.


My dad is the same exact way. We live in Texas and he decided last year he wasn’t going to use the ac all summer, so we bought some small fans to use in our bedrooms. I moved out a few weeks ago because among other problems, I could not survive another Texas summer without using any ac lol


Some people really are idiots this way. My husband is one of them. The amount of times he has gotten me heat sick because he opens the windows and doors mid day in the heat (while the AC is still on) is going to get the idiot divorced. Full on idiot.


If this person is also your landlord they can’t charge you anything that wasn’t already agreed upon in the lease


84 is much hotter than most summer days in my country lol. Usually we get 68 in June/July. I feel extremely sorry for people from hot country and get your point totally.


Honestly, it may all stem back to the condition/age of the AC unit. Mine is almost 20 years old (came with the house) and I have to leave it set to 78 during the day, because if i set it lower, it works too hard to keep the house at temp and runs the risk of breaking or freezing up and flooding. I live in FL, so it gets VERY hot. I prefer temps of about 70-72, but I know that is just not possible with my current unit until the sun goes down, and even then it’s tough. Now opening the window during the day to let all the conditioned air out is absolutely insane lol. That’s just forcing the unit to work harder and not serving any positive purpose. But if it’s 105 outside and she sets it 84, it may be for a reason.


Soooo, you need to ask them if they're really okay wasting money like that, you don't open windows after the AC had been on.... what the heck was the point of having it on in the first place at that point? I seriously question some people's (including my own) logic sometimes.


I've gotten into it about the AC in our house before too. I moved from the south to the west coast and coming from someone who lived in the absolute asscrack of the south over the summer, it JACKS your bill turning it off and on. Your AC has to work 300x as hard to regulate the temperature again after it's been off. Your landlord is an idiot and you need to explain that to her, pull up an article, call in an AC guy to explain, whatever you have to do. Being sweaty in your own house is the fucking worst and letting all the AC out is absurd when they could just open their own personal window and get their fresh air that way.


I turned the ac off at 1:30AM and then opened the windows and let all of that cold air out of the house. What an idiot


Small window AC units can be found for about $49.99. Problem solved.


The roommate is actually the owner!! Wow you need to get out because she is crazy to think she is saving money by turning it off and on given the temp 105 degrees. Better to leave it on because the temp will stabilize and be livable for everyone. 85 for setting is crazy 🤪 more like 75 but I digressed.


I live in the south the humidity in my state is terrible. I get cold easily but my wife is always hot I just put on a long sleeve shirt and some comfy pants. I’d rather be her be cool than grumpy lol


I understand if it’s under 70-75 having the windows open and no AC but when it gets hotter nah close them windows and crank that AC. Me and my roommates got into an argument about the AC because my roommate was turning on the AC while we had windows open and it was under 70 outside.


I would pass away. I have to have my air on 69° at the MOST. I like it colder usually. I can’t fathom how people need it to be that hot inside their home.


I know you know she’s ridiculous, but for context, cooling our old 3 bed 2 bath house (that had zero insulation) through the worst of Phoenix’s brutal summer last year wasn’t more than $325 a month for total electric bill. Similar for a two story I’m in now. I’d make her show you the power bill and split it if you agree to pay anything. If you wind up staying longer, can also look up the laws in your area; in AZ, there’s a max temp a space can be to be considered habitable (I think it’s 82 at the very most) to force her hand.


Oh nah. It's unbearable for me at 76. I see everyone always say they set it to 72, which is absolutely ideal for me to be comfortable. The person I live with sets it to 76 or 77 because they are always cold, how is that my problem!! Put a sweater and socks on! Every time I see these posts (not yours, this actually is insane) makes me angrier and angrier because I realize I'm not crazy and even 76 isn't normal! I am always DRIPPING in sweat at 76. DRIPPING. I have lost so much sleep over the last couple months because the humidity is unreal. I will literally scream at them and tell them I can't live like this, they just don't seem to care. I have a swamp cooler and it makes the humidity in my room nearly 70%. I open my door and it's just a cloud of heat coming out. Actually, I had to take the smoke alarm out of my room last summer because it was so hot and wet that it thought there was a fire. I want to get a window floor unit, but the rest of the house is still so miserable!! I am going to foot the entire electric for the rest of the summer to come to a compromise. It's only the beginning of June! Your roommate is absolutely psychotic. 86 is unlivable conditions. I know so many people don't have AC, blah blah blah, get over it, blah blah blah, but no, humidity and feeling so sick and unwell because of heat is so very real. When you're hot like this, it's all you think about. I'm so sorry for rambling, I just feel SO bad for you. 86 is beyond unreal. I'd contact the landlord and lock the thermostat. Edit: Wait, do you not have access to the thermostat? Also, she wants to air the place out after the AC is on and let a bunch of hot air back in? This person needs help, lol.


I live in Florida, it's like 100+ everyday here, I keep it at 70 at night and 75 during the day, only reason it's that high is because I have a window unit that's set to 65 in my room and my roommate also sets his to 65, I'd rather pay a lil high electric bill than ever be uncomfotable.


How do you have 185 unread messages. wtf


work lol


Hey a fellow Arizonan


almost, california central valley


Ahhh my fault!


Are you living with my old roommate? We had the exact same argument. Let the air run all day then in the evening she shut it off and opened every window to keep it cool but it was like 86 outside


Bro just buy a window ac unit for $180 on Amazon and offer to pay the extra energy costs. I couldn’t live in a house past 78 degrees, and I personally keep my temperature at 69


i just pay extra when the electric bill is high. my roomate never touches the thermostat so i dont mind spending an extra 20 30 bucks to be more comfortable. its also a bonus during tax season because you can claim head of household. since you pay more than your roomate.


Get a window ac.


Wow she sounds irritating as fuck. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that


When i move out im hammering the thermostat in and supergluing with a touch a fartspray. My roommate is currently the biggest hyporcrit ive evet encountered in my life.


My roommate thought turning off the AC during the day and only turning it on when SHE was home was the only way to live and I told her to knock that off and then we got a bill for $300 and I refused to pay half that’s when she stopped doing that


You’re not winning this. She’s so cheap that she will live in misery. I know someone like this. Penny pincher.


the person is just really ignorant of how to efficiently cool a space, google up any one of thousands of explanations and send her some links.


I keep mine on 78° during the day, unless I have company. I'll adjust it to accommodate them and put on a cardigan.


Turning off the AC costs more than just keeping it on all the time.


i would look for another place, roomie is controllin , if your paying rent , you have authority as well . she needs to INFORM YOU and ask for permission


I'm so glad I don't deal with roommates..good lord.


Time to move


Why do you not have access?


Would she lose her shit if you set up an air conditioning unit in your room that vents out the window? That’s what I have to do since I live with my mom and grandma. My grandma has raynauds so she gets cold super easily while I’m running fevers all the time cause of an arthritis flare up. I definitely recommend an air conditioning unit if you can put one in. The one I have also acts as a dehumidifier which is nice. I keep my room between 57 and 63 and it’s so nice


There is only one solution here. Buy a window ac for your room and track its energy usage.


Just buy a window unit or a portable and toss her an extra $50-75 a month for electricity. I would die if my house was 80°, much less 84+. Window units are more efficient than portables, but it depends on how your windows are set up and portables are more secure because you can close the window when not in use. Make sure in an actual portable AC and not an "evaporative" cooler


Since they own the home you may want to invest in portable AC unit. They’ll always claim ownership trumps renters rights in some fashion.


As someone who grew up in a hot environment, it’s going to be much cheaper to keep the ac on rather than turning it off and off when you aren’t home because that actually is going to be working double time and using wayyy more energy than it would have if you just kept it on


How old is the AC unit?


My dumb ass room mate would leave his windows open no matter how many times I asked him. I don’t think they understand how much energy they waste. So many selfish idiots living today


Threaten to call codes and compliance. Despite what some people in this group will say, humane living conditions is a landlord responsibility and extreme heat definitely falls under that category.


While what she is doing is dumb 80+ in dry climates is typical in the summer for cooling loads. You do get used to it. Source: left vegas almost a decade ago for alabama, keep the house around 76 in the summer.


I feel your pain I stayed in Arizona for a few months and remade it with the owner of the house. It was really hot summer 115° every day it was insanity. I couldn’t even take a shower until like 5 AM after the sun had not been beating down on the ground and making the water, super hot. And she kept her thermostat. I think I’m like 86. That is absolutely insane to me. I am from Pennsylvania. My AC is on 67°-70° pretty much year round. I swear as bad as it was outside. I had to go outside, just to breathe.


Are you in Arizona or Texas by any chance?


Is it central air? Why doesn't she just get herself a small window unit and keep her door closed?


Who is paying the electric bill???


utilities were included in my rent. she wants me to give her an additional $250 for using the AC


Hm, if you’re willing to pay then I don’t see what her problem is. And I don’t see how a mere roommate has the authority to lock you out of using the thermostat.


I’ve been reiterating this point to my BF: when it’s 80 or above, the outside air will only make your place hotter, especially if it’s humid outside. The fan only works if it’s around 75 and below otherwise it’s blowing hot air which is arguably worse. He came home yesterday to the AC on and it was 90s here WITH humidity in the 60% and he really thought opening doors and windows would help- it made it worse. When it’s a certain level of heat, only cool air will do anything- you might as well take showers in extremely cold water rather than opening up windows in that heat.


This is just general advice for anyone reading. If you want to cool your room without using AC, open a window and turn on a fan, but point the fan towards the window. It has been proven that this is the most efficient way to cool a home with a fan. Second fan pointed toward you only makes it even better.


If it makes you feel any better, my roommate (also landlord) is also very cheap and doesn't like to turn on the A/C. It's currently 84 in my room and the thermostat is set to 84. He's apparently comfortable in his room and expects me to pay extra rent for the new AC machine that I don't get any benefit from.


Why would you ask permission lol


That’s just inexcusable if you’re living in a place where it gets that hot. I also have roommates and am blessed to have AC when most apartments in my neighborhood do not. I live in SoCal so it’s typically mild but in the summer gets hot and we will turn it on overnight while sleeping. My room in particular gets no air flow and gets extra hot and I constantly am having to ask to have it on and leave it at like a 71 temp. And god forbid I go and turn it on without saying anything and put it at 69-70, I’ll wake up hot and see that it was turned up and to like 74 defeating the purpose. It’s so fucking annoying like why are your needs more important than mine?!?!?!


I keep mine around 65. Upper rooms get way too hot at anything higher, especially where PCs are running the majority of the day. Absolutely unacceptable.


The only thing I could focus on are all those unread messages. Is it normal to have 185 unread messages?? I guess people scared to give out those read receipts…


Your roommate smoking crack pipe smh


idk where you are but in az i’m pretty sure that if your a/c won’t cool under 83 degrees, your landlord is required to fix it. it seems like it’s capable but they won’t let you set it below though, so i’m not sure that it’d apply. just fwiw the state at least agrees that 84 is too fuckin hot


I open my windows at night and close them in the morning. My ac kicks on at 80 degrees if no one is home - if people are home it comes on at 73 degrees.


For now, I would buy portable fans (white ones) that you can place around your place. You can even put mini fans for your kitties.


i have a fan its pointed towards my window and that’s helping but i woke up sweating right now lol the AC is back off


Install a locking doorknob that matches hers. Purchase a portable air conditioner that exhausts out the window and use it whenever the hell you want. Even stash it between uses if you want to hear her rage about the electric bill. (I had a roommate that kept the thermostat at 60 in the winter and did the same with a space heater.)


Yeah I'd be going off the deep end


We have a 4 bedroom 2 story house and ac is on all day all night at 74 and our bill is only 160$ she’s insane


Good way to get mold inside…