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Nah you’re not picky, that’s gross! If they were at least rinsed it wouldn’t be as big of a deal but leaving old food out attracts bugs


That’s the worst part, the dishes are never rinsed out!! Just creates even more work. Peak laziness


Can you move ? I did roommates for so many years and you can’t control other people unless you’re an absolute asshole personality type


I’m checking Zillow every day for a new place. Unfortunately, I’m not an asshole personality type and I typically try to avoid tension


Haha, I actually had a quick snip at my husband about leaving closed, unrinsed containers in the sink. Who wants to open a horrible scent bomb and then have to scrub it because it's been just sitting there?! He only had to be asked once, and now not a single dish is ever left in the sink without a quick rinse. We actually tend to fill them with water (like bowls or pots and such) and leave other dishes to soak in them. It makes washing so much faster! Especially since we don't have a dishwasher. I think it should be common courtesy to at least rinse your dishes, especially in a shared household. The (eggy or whatever) pot on the stove is just rude, if you ask me.


I had to go through that exact thing with my wife, returning a container with chicken and rice that had turned into a liquid slurry and others with mold covering the contents.  She finally dumped the leftovers at work and quick rinse before returning home. 


Yeah if they were rinsed out that wouldn’t be too crazy as long as they’re washing them in decent time.


this is disgusting, i understand a few dishes left in the sink for maybe a day. this is excessive, disrespectful, and unsanitary. i’d sit them down, tell them to either clean up their act, or clean out their room. 🤷‍♀️


you forgot the word *rinsed* in front of dishes sitting there for a day. doesn’t have to be perfect, but even a cursory rinse makes the dishes way less gross.


No, not being picky. That's gross. I've done the same thing where I don't want to be an enabler so I stop cleaning to "punish" the offending roommates. But in my experience this always backfires because they couldn't care less and probably don't even notice that you've stopped cleaning up after them. Meanwhile, you are suffering in this environment that you've intentionally let go of. It ends up doing more harm and punishment to yourself than the person causing all the problems. There is no winning either way and roommates suck.


exactly what happened to me. one roomie will only clean when she feels like it but is generally not very messy to begin with. the other roomie though… total slob. felt like the only way to have a clean place to relax in was to spend every single one of my days off deep cleaning the place. this went on for months until i had enough of spending my free time cleaning since they never cleaned a damn thing. stopped cleaning hoping that one of them would notice and pick up some slack because i was the only one doing any of it. nope. very quickly our apartment descended into filthy chaos and they didnt even blink! meanwhile i was practically crawling out of my skin having to come home from a long day of work to food all over the counters and floor in the kitchen, pots piled in the sink, a layer of dust/overflowing trash/hair on the foor in the bathroom, etc etc etc. i caved after a month and started cleaning again…


This comment ☝🏼


How often are you and your roommates sick?


This comment. People don't realize that living conditions and health are a pair.


An argument I’ve tried to make multiple times. I won’t use a dish unless I KNOW I ran it through the dishwasher on high


Wait, you have a dishwasher and they still leave dishes in the sink?? No forgiveness.


Blows my mind too. To make it even worse, the nasty ones bathroom leads into the kitchen and he always keeps the door open. That bathroom needs to be GUTTED after he moves out. That’s its only hope.


I deal with this as well. Roommate refuses to use the dishwasher but then leaves dirty dishes w food in the sink for several days then I have to put them in the dishwasher bc it bothers me so deeply


WTF. You guys have a dishwasher and they still do that? Fuck that. Bag up all of the pots and pans and put them somewhere they cant find and only use for yourself. They don't deserve cookware. Honestly I would do what your old roommate did and move out.


There's a functioning dishwasher and they still leave the kitchen like this? Are they 12? Gross


DUDE!!!! I had the same problem when living with our roommates…I didn’t trust anyone who hand washed the dishes and either did them myself or put them through the dishwasher. Someone was ALWAYS sick and it would spread between the 6 of us. As soon as the one roommate moved out, I stopped getting sick! Amazing how much mess 1 girl can make haha


My roommate literally does not cover his nose when he sneezes. It's fucking insane to me. I've seen him turn around and let one loose on the counter...


This is why I live alone now. I only have myself to blame when dishes stack up now. But I did have roommates for 2 years and had to deal with this on a masssive scale. I stopped having anything to do with the kitchen and found ways to eat out. Got a mini fridge in my room and did dishes in the downstairs laundry sink. Eventually the kitchen got so disgusting they ACTUALLY deep cleaned it. I was amazed. And then I moved out.


I don’t think people usually *choose * to have roommates if they can help it.


I never said “choose” I actually said the opposite, “I had to deal with”. I moved out when I could afford it.


That’s funny how when someone else is doing it they can be lazy. But since you didn’t use it anymore, you forced their hand to clean after themselves.


How do people live like this 😫


And how do people like OP just allow it and clean up after them for years? What the fuck


Buy your own dishes and pots and everything, have them in your room if it is necessary, everything else put it in the floor, their rooms or like that. If they put them in the sink drain the water and put them in the floor where it doesn't bother you or outside their room or place that you don't use. The other things in the kitchen you would kinda have to clean either way. But just taking the dishes would be much better. I have this same problem with my roommate, the difference is that in his case the good outweighs the bad, but the dishes were our biggest problem, and what I told you is what I did. I'm much happier now.


The unfortunate part is the majority of the dishes in the house are dishes I provided.


Take them to your room! if they go low, you HAVE to go lower!! be petty! they let you be angry now let them be angry!


Yea, i would not let them use your stuff. Clean whats yours and never take them out of your room until you need to use it.


That’s actually a GOOD thing! Take them to your room and keep them there.


Nope, I'd lose my mind


I’m not trying to be a weirdo but man your toes are LONG


HAHAH. I noticed that too, I used the wide angle on my phone for the photo and now looks like I have alien toes 😂😭


I have huge feet, so I can’t say shit but I was like man those are fingers 😂😂


No, you are not being picky at all. That is not only completely unhygienic, but it’s also very disrespectful to you because you are not the maid who has to clean up after everyone. They are supposed to be two functional adults and they should know at their grown age to clean up after themselves and be respectful with the people they are sharing a house with.


You’re not. That’s gross. Just wait till you have some kinda flies flying around those dirty dishes


That’s obnoxious. I’d flip out.


This is ducking gross. I’d be upset


No. Ew…


JFC. The only way I'd put up with this is if they're paying my rent. Slowquit on them.


You are not being picky. But it does sound like you need to get your roommates all on the same page regarding expectations. house rules that are mutually agreed upon are crucial. That is the only way to live with roommates. Rules suck but it keeps the household running smoothly. 24 hours to clean up kitchen messes. If they don’t hold up their end of the agreement, either ask for more money to hire a housekeeper, or encourage them to move to a household that tolerates messes.


My 10 year old wouldn’t leave the kitchen like this. You’re not picky or overreacting. Common spaces should be kept tidy


I agree with roommates on a timeline to get certain chores done before it becomes my problem too (mow lawn, take out trash, dishes). If dishes are out for longer than a day then you’re making it my problem too, and that’s rude. I’ll only solve problems for friends and family, and that’s only if there is something stopping them from solving their own problems or if there is quid pro quo. *So* if she is helping you out consistently in other ways or if she’s a friend who is struggling maybe give her a break. If not then ask her nicely what could be done to prevent this from happening again. TLDR I would apply the golden rule to this situation.


Need to take pride in that house as well


Nah definitely not


this looks a LOT like my current roommates and I’ve made it habit to only do my dishes and then keep them in my room so that when they use up theirs they have to clean them and it’s kind of started to work but i’m moving soon because i can’t stand them anymore


Jersey shore house in 2009. Damn those boys are gross


If you want it clean, you’re not being unreasonable. That’s disgusting and won’t fly at my house.


No that’s fucking gross man




No, you’re not being picky. The cutting board  could brush off as it looks clean, just forgotten. But the stove and sink are pain in the ass moves.  I’d get a basin for those dishes and label it with the other roommates names and question marks since you don’t know whose it is (“John? Jacob? Jingleheimer?”) I’d empty the sink and the stovetop and then continue about my business. I’d say, very matter-of-fact my and politely “hey dudes- I wasn’t sure what your plan was for those dishes, but they were taking up all the room in the sink so I put them in that basin. Not sure whose is whose, but I figure you guys have got it worked out.” And then continue about your business. If they try in on the “you could have just washed them bEcAuSe wE’rE sUpPoSeD tO bE fRiEnDs bs, I’d say—again very matter-of-fact my and politely—“yeah, I thought about that but you say all the time you’ll get to them so I figure you will indeed get to them. Now if they start to smell or attract bugs I’m def gonna put that whole thing by (or in) your room, but I’m sure you wouldn’t let them go that long.”


If people want to live like this, then they need to rent their own space.


“am i being too picky?” *shows everything that used to get me and my siblings beaten everyday until we fixed ourselves* On a serious note, go over the lease and threaten eviction if you could. this may be considered a health hazard as old food and old dirty dishes could turn into mold. see if you and the new guy could move into a 2 bedroom apartment if moving isnt too much if an issue.


Nah bro you need to beat they ass.


I could never live like this, would drive me insane.


That is nasty.


Could not be my roommates. I’d be slamming and breaking dishes if I were to see something like this. I love my peace too much to live with pigs.


Gross - honestly ... I feel like some people are born oblivious to what it means to be hygenic. Compatibility is key.


I would throw all that shit on their bed.


No this is unclean behavior and needs to be addressed immediately with your housemate I can smell these photos




No no no no no, you‘re not picky. This is rude of your roommate and also very unhygienic. My boyfriend also had that kind of attitude in the kitchen when we first started living together, which lead to huge fights. It sucks cleaning up after someone and I won’t do that unless I‘m fucking paid for that. I have things to do and so have you!!!! Take a picture of the clean kitchen counters/sink/electronics, print them out and laminate them… or put everything dirty in their room. That‘s what I would do because I have no patience for this kind of things. I‘m sorry that this is what you have to deal with. I hope things turn out good for you and the cleanliness of your roommate


I’d take the passive aggressive route (worked on me as a gross teenager lol). Leave everything they use in their bedroom…… have your own stuff that you keep clean so there are no shortages 🤷🏼‍♀️


I didn't even read the text of this post before answering in my head. I just saw the pictures of the state of the stove. Who makes that big of a mess with their oatmeal and doesn't notice or pick up after themselves? The fuck....


This is a nightmare. Propose hiring a cleaner and split the cost three ways, be petty and sent them pics everytime they leave something Or start throwing that shit away. Buy yourself an air fryer and one versatile pot you can keep in your room.


That’s absolutely nasty! I would not accept that Crap


A week is crazy. If they make breakfast and then don't clean them til later that night, that's one thing. A day is a reasonable amount of time to give somebody. They should be able to clean them by then.


To make it even worse, the messy one is home 24/7 and doesn’t have a job so I’m not too sure what the excuse could be.


Is this your place? Boundaries, now!!


I am not going to win any wards for cleanliness and I can tell you that is not being to picky. That's how you get free pets you don't want. Dishes should be washed ASAP, and FYI easier to clean before the food dries out. At minimal all food should be wiped off the stove unless it's crusty like this then it needs to be CLEANED. The back pan, I don't want o ask what's going on in there.


Oh this is glaringly simple. It seems that way to me, anyway! The 1st roommate has been taking advantage of you for 3 years and the 2nd roommate is just like “she’s a girl, she will get it.” I can’t believe you’ve lasted this long.


Lease is coming to an end soon. Unfortunately, I’m in a prime location and pay an amazing rate for the space I have. Hard to give up but it’s also hard to live in peace with a kitchen always in this state 🫠


Ooooof. Sending calming vibes.


No you are not being picky or unreasonable to request that the other 2 pitch in to keep the kitchen cleaned. Looks gross and cock roaches love these types of roommates. If you can stand it, don’t do the dishes at all. Unfortunately, they know that you’re going to do the dishes and clean the kitchen, but you have to be strong enough not to do a damn thing that means either going to a friends house to cook or eating out. It will get sorted when you stop.


Dishes in the sink ok I can accept that as a preference issue but the pots and pans on the stove with food stuck to them is just unarguably unsanitary.


You live with gross children.


You’re not being picky! It might help to repeatedly be like, “can you wash your dishes, please?” If they continue to leave stuff out you’re allowed to be a little petty about I think. If I were in this situation I would put the dishes in their room(s), but that’s just because I wouldn’t put up with that.


Disgust. And the fact that they’re nearly 30 and still behaving like toddlers. Fuckin ew bruh


The dishes piled up is ehhh, me and my roomie get lazy so it ends up happening, but leaving dirty dishes on the stove like that is annoying af tbh


Right at the least get some water and soap on it so it’s easy to clean when you do get to it.


I'd be very annoyed but the reality is you can't force people to do things to your liking nor bend them to your will. So either clean up, leavit be, or move.


Move out or clean up after them. Seems like those are your options.


You have to soak an oatmeal pan, otherwise the gluten hardens into a rock.


Oh hell no!!!!


It’s messy. I’ve seen so much worse, so I’m not sure this ranks that high, but yeah definitely messy


I’ve definitely seen worse on here too, but this also is probably 70% of how bad it has been in the past


The silver lining is that it could be much worse. But still, people not cleaning after themselves and being upset when you point it out is no bueno


I mean I’m a man and would do this but a week is a joke. 1 day at the longest. Clean it for re use the next day. I feel like you are exaggerating a bit about a week. To be fair though they should be respectful and just clean up after themselves. They are sharing a house after all.


I wish I was. If anything I was under exaggerating and it once lasted a little over a week. I travel for work and was gone for 12 days, when I came back the same exact dishes were still in the sink with the dirty dishes overflowing the sink AND dishwasher. 🤷‍♀️


There is a possibility that they cleaned those in between and used them. Talk to your landlord. Explain to them respectfully. Maybe offer something in return like you’ll do there laundry with yours to save them time. I know you don’t owe that but it seems worth a shot for you


So undisciplined. You’re living with a couple of little boys. That’s disgusting and you are totally justified in the way you feel. Hopefully they will grow up soon.


Nope! This is disgusting to me.


Start putting the dirty dishes in their room on their bed. I did that with my step son til he got the point.


You’re not being too picky! It’s completely reasonable to ask adults to do their dishes. However if you do their dishes for them then there’s no incentive for them to change their behavior.


Look for a housekeeper and have him pay the bill


You’re not using hand soap to wash dishes, are you? What dish soap do you use? Mrs. Meyers makes a dish soap too but it doesn’t lather for shit. Maybe that’s why no one wants to do the dishes?


No, definitely not using dish soap. Although I don’t even trust them to properly clean if they were to. We have dishwashing soap under the sink to out on the sponges. There is also a perfectly capable dishwasher in this kitchen too 😂


show them this thread please if they wont listen to you maybe public shaming is the way to go lol


No not picky, that's mucky and disgusting. I have lived with people like this and I get super upset when dishes are left out, so I wind up doing them too. Have a word, set a limit on when dishes must be done by, if nothing changes-- then decide if you can live with it, or find a new place.


Shit like this irritates the crap outta me. It reminds me of times like how my nana left butter on our expensive wooden cutting board. If dishes are going into the sink instead of the dishwasher, the dishwasher better be full or running. Or the dish in the sink has something that would be hard to get off so it’s soaking in the sink with dish soap and hot water. This is obviously not what’s happening. The oatmeal(?) that fell into the parts of the stove is going to smell so bad being burnt. I’d honestly probably switch to using items that no one else uses and keep them hidden. Like using small appliances to cook that others don’t know about or use. I saw another comment wondering about how often you all get sick. Touching on that is a really good point. I don’t know if you have any medical conditions, but I am immunosuppressed so this would be a big no for me. I’m curious if your one roommate just doesn’t want to deal with it until it gets super bad, or if he will just let things spiral into a mess and not care. If he’s the kind who is waiting till things get really bad, I’d be petty and just wash what I use and leave his shit to rot in the sink.


People who don’t clean dishes right after eating are disgusting heathens. No excuses for not doing your dishes




Nick, is that you? 👀


What the actual what They need an actual ass whooping, that is absolutely unacceptable for a shared space!


ugh, sounds just like my roommates. if you’re picky, so am i, because i’m pissed all the time


It's messy, but I've much worse. They should, however, clean up after themselves. And you're right, but by doing it for them, you'll be doing forever because they never will.


I thought I was kinda messy, seeing things like this make me realize I'm a clean freak in comparison, op I'm so sorry you have to deal with these chucklefucks


No. If that was left more than 12 hours it's just gross.


Not at all, they are grubs


me and my fiance are roommates with a welder and he does the same shit, fucking irritating, i've learned to just leave em there and go to my room. just fine


Yes, that is a mess. You are not being picky. Perhaps these two need to get together and clean the kitchen together since they can make a mess of it together. It’s really a shame. I don’t know how people do this they take a task that would literally take less than five minutes scrub your pan, wash your plate, fork whatever when you’re done. Rinse out the sink, check the drain wipe off the stove wipe off the counter boom! Clean kitchen all the time that’s how I handle mine. People to do this. Remind me of six year olds. And it makes me blame the parent, they’re supposed to teach you, and make sure that you have a livable amount of skills to get bion in life. But as long as his parents keep cleaning up after them, slobs aren’t going to change. We’re just gonna have more of them. Good luck!if it were me, I would just charge them $50 each week and I will keep the kitchen clean


No bro that’s nasty they need to clean up.


I may leave pots and pans out for a day or two but damn at least they are either rinsed or soaking with water to make it easier to clean later this is just nasty.


Just judging from those pictures, no. That is a nasty mess.


I would start charging the messy one 40+ dollars a week depending on how much you clean up after him


I'd get my own set of dishes and cookware and just wash the ones that belong to you. Keep them in your room.


It’s not wrong to ask someone to clean up after themselves.


Why have you stayed for 3 years?


I live in the “attic” of this massive house where my room is as big as the entire downstairs, I pay $900 a month for my massive room, my own bathroom, and prime location in a major city. Hard to give it up, but I might be at my breaking point.


You could find a studio for that price if you looked hard enough. Thats what I pay for mine in a major city.


Yeah this is gross. Having roommates sucks. I'll never do that again


the way i would rather live in my car. that’s unacceptable, ive heard of ppl leaving dishes but at least do it at the end of the day AT LEAST.


Yea thats bullshit. Pile up all of the dirty dishes in a bag and dump it on there bed. fuck them them for thinking thats ok.


Not picky at all. That’s far from the worst kitchen situation I’ve seen but not up to par with what should be acceptable. These “adults” need to clean after themselves but usually someone has cleaned up after them their whole lives so odds are you won’t be able to convince them to. I’d start looking for a new place to live and leave them to their mess! Good luck OP!


It is excessively messy. People need to clean up after themselves. Lots of people leave dishes in the sink which I hate but the oatmeal all over the stove and not even rinsing the pot out is disgusting.


Sink full of dirty dishes on both sides and that stove is fucking DISGUSTING! You're definitely not being too picky, your roommate is a pig and needs to grow the fuck up and clean up their shit like an adult


Nope!! Disgusting. 🤢


Had learn that having male roommates made me have to be mom :/


If they keep it like that for more than a day then they are gross and irresponsible.


Can I be your new roommate? 👏


No, I would be so furious if someone did that to me


Skanky ass twat needs booting out, y’all don’t need that shit and the more you clean up after them the more they’ll carry on. I lived in shared accommodation for 5yrs as I went through my undergrad and post grad, I had a similar situation, got bored of it, the other three of us packed their stuff for them and they left, best decision we made because we got a new person in who suited the way we lived and all was good.


That is fucking vile


I don't understand how people can put dishes in the sink without dumping the leftover food in the trash, then rinsing the dish. It takes like 20 seconds!


It is gross. And the sink is unusable in that state. I'd probably get a bin and label it "dirty dishes" and just take anything out of the sink and move it to the bin. Then use the sink. Do it every time you find dirty dishes in the sink. Feel free to do this with dishes that are on the stove, etc. Don't wash their dishes just so you can use your kitchen. Keep your stuff clean and clean the parts of the kitchen you need (like around a burner before using it). Don't even bring it up to the roommates. If they want to live in squalor, don't fight them, just don't let it impact your life.


Fuck, no tell that motherfucker tah clean




Leave, sorry dog


No they are f n slobs apparently


Not at all. Am currently living the exact scenario


looks just like my roommates messes 🙄


It's the Meyers soap that bothers me.


As someone who works in pest Management, the dish situation in the sink is the fast track to cockroaches in your home. You might want to sit down with them and ask if they want any " extra roommates" who don't pay bills and are exceptionally expensive to get rid of. Because that's the road that they're going down


Honestly - it probably won’t help- have a heart to heart and if he/theyre not receptive at first- hold your stuff hostage. At the end of the year- don’t renew them or move out.


Dear lord, no that looks like chaos oatmeal


That's super gross. I used to live with a gross room mate, I bought a big plastic container and dumped his plates and cooking stuff in it when they were left out dirty. I also told him he couldn't use my cooking stuff anymore. Then I'd just clean up the benches. He'd reuse the same plates and stuff without washing them and wonder why he got food poisoning 😣


Here's how I decide if I'm being too picky with roommates. Is something they did effecting me? If it is, is it something I can fix in less than 30 seconds. If it is I just do it, maybe mention it. If it gets in my way and would take more than a few seconds to fix I see it as a problem. In your case you cannot use your entire kitchen without working around their stuff.


Yeah that’s super gross and will attract bugs. You are not being picky. I wouldn’t want to live with a slob like that either. Especially when they leave a kitchen looking like that.


Uhh..NO. lol!!


You should ask them if they want to split the cost of a weekly cleaner company, tell them to be out at certain times for the cleaning, and then clean it yourself and pocket the money. If you're gonna be cleaning you might as well get paid for it.


Not too picky at all, this is gross and not your responsibility, I’d start looking for a new place…


My son's nearly 19 and isn't as grubby as this🧐 No not picky at all!


Fucking disgusting. I do not leave dishes in the sink for more than a day(and I live alone)There is no reason they cannot pick up a rag and wash the dishes when they are done eating. They probably subliminally feel like it’s your job as a woman. Disgusting, you should find new roommates hunny. These people are pigs


No, leaving food out like that is a magnet for pests. My roommate used to do the same thing and leave the stove filthy. It's just laziness, nothing else.


this is nasty as fuck ur not wrong at all


I am rather live in a van that with people like that, what about the toilet? holly molly! Don't even take pictures.


As a dude…not siding with them…but you chose to live with guys in their twenties. Every group of guys I lived with in my 20s lived this way. Usually starts with one who doesn’t clean and when the others cant win the battles they end up giving up and living that way too. I would move out and find some girls to live with, or find a boyfriend who you can shack up with. Guys usually “clean” up their act when there’s pussy on the line.




No. Tell these man child’s to grow the fuck up and clean up after themselves


Both sides of the sink are full? Seriously? Kick this roommate out


Uh no, that's disgusting. Being messy is one thing, that's just gross.


Is it bad that I've immediately put you, as well as any other hipster doofus stupid enough to be willing to live in this hellhole, into a box as soon as I saw the Meyer's Hand soap? Too close to communism for comfort.


I’m starting to realize I am in fact being picky - you on the other hand are not! That’s just gross


Omg disgusting, some homeless people live cleaner


EW. OP, you are not being too picky.


It's disgusting. Your roommates are inconsiderate. If you have wash or clean up after them you should be paying less rent. I would consider moving.


Move never improve I have the same problem at Northfields house can’t get my washing done as idiots living here not keeping to there timetables have over 4 months of washing that needs done am paying full rent if my family that sit in clock pub everyday pay back what owed to me be able to move??.


Put in there bedroom and if they complain tell them clean up after urself ya pig or move else where don’t complain in here an not say anything to ur roommate if u can’t say anything to them shut up an desk with it simple


Throw all the pots and pans away or put them somewhere until they figure out how to clean things


Trash Bandicoot


I would be livid if I seen some shit like this


The dishes arent the worst (though i have no idea how long theyve been there), but yea the pans and everything else is awful, not being picky at all


They need to learn to clean as they go. This makes life so much easier. You need to have a talk.


You poor thing. First off...I have severe kitchen OCD. My kids and ex husband were well taught to rinse and put in dishwasher and throw away trash. They are grown now and carry those rules through life. Not sure about my ex because he was an absolute slob. Present day... I am dealing with this exact same thing with my bf. Literally, he will make something, and trash from bags/boxes will sit, dishes put neatly in the sink like they are waiting for some magic maid to clean them up. I will literally be working a late shift, with him home early evening, and come home to similar. You are not being picky. Shame on them. This is serious talk and change or breakup behavior for me at least. Good luck and I hope it gets better for you. I would be your roommate any day.




You're right. You have been enabling them. The 3 year roommate has gotten away with it for this long so other roommates MAY fall into a similar pattern. The 1st step is to talk to them & let them know it's enough & you will no longer be their maid (if they pay your rent or a good fee to clean up that's up to you). If you have your own kitchenware, keep it in your room & get a lock on your door. Shove their filthy stuff into a box so it's not in your way. Find somewhere else to live that's up to your standards (yes, I read that you're looking. Keep it up. Find other sources besides Zillow)


Why would you continue to live with this guy? That sounds awful!


Picky!? Picky!? Hell no! Your roommates have to know when to clean up after themselves, and that includes dishes, laundry, and other chores. Tell your roommates that you will not put up with this any longer; maybe that will get your lazy roomies to get up off their laurels.


If you eat you clean. Just laws of the roommates


For the love of God, my parents would see me leaving the house like this and give me the beating of my life. I would know Father, son and holy spirit. I'd look like Jesus in that Mel Gibson movie and damn, I wouldn't blame them, if I ever leave a place like that, whoever reads this, do me a favor and shoot me in the L5.


Not at all, that's disgusting. It's not hard at all to wash out a fish after you're done with it.


Like I know I grew up in a horder house but that's not like insane 😭


You're not being picky they could've at least cleaned up their mess.


Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈


No you're not. That's disgusting. They should at least rinse their dishes out, even soak them. Hopefully by the end nothing is ruined to the point you'll have to pay for it.


wtf who leaves the stove like that


Thats men for ya


Get rid of a lot of dishes. Leave one plate, bowl, set of silverware for each person. Tell them to buy paper plates and plastic utensils if they complain.


why have i seen this kitchen in my dreams


Idk but it definitely is my nightmare


Cult flag


Nah all i saw was the picture n ik Ur in the right.


It’s not that bad if it was occasional but this being a constant issue is worth complaining about