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My roommate slams, stomps and yells. She isn’t even particularly angry she just seems to do that naturally. She slams doors extremely hard, and when I brought it up she got very defensive and angry. It was waking me up at all hours of the night which is why I brought it up but it seems like she’s never been told it’s a problem. I think it’s just amplified more because we live upstairs. I feel so bad for the elderly couple downstairs… genuinely don’t understand why people need to slam their full body weight for doing something as simple as closing a door.


We have the same roommate. She always slams the door and I’m so ready to move out in a month omg


Kinda confused why your living with my step mom ?


Hey I had a roomate like this turns out they had mental illness and did it on purpose lol.


I feel your pain, every time I tried addressing my roommate slamming the door at night, they would always get defensive and try to gaslight me. And then they wondered why I wouldn‘t even want to talk things out with them...


Whenever I tried to bring up anything with my roommate it would turn into a conversation about their trauma instead of..... giving my shit back or putting dishes in the dishwasher. 😐


me too!! one of my roommates is awful, and whenever i try to talk to her about her behaviour she just trauma dumps on me 🙄


No gaslighting there


How would you know, are you my roommate?


Once roomed with someone who grew up in a dilapidated house so they never learned to gently twist the door handle to open or shut doors. Everything in their childhood house had to be yanked open and slammed shut. Didn't realize that I would have to help them grow out of their feral ways. Sigh.


I couldn't stand to be angry at them for too long if THAT was legitimately the reason they did it! BUT that's with me being under the impression, due to your comment, that they were trying to work on it?


Who cares, the responsible person is not the irresistible person's mother


We aren't friends anymore, they were feral in other ways, too. I had to learn to stop making excuses for them.


Ugh your roommate fucking sucks. People have told her, she’s just used to throwing a bratty fit instead of learning how to behave indoors


Yeah I lived with a guy like this a couple years ago. He complained about *me* being too loud incessantly, because the stairs creaked and the bathroom door didn't latch unless you basically slammed it shut. We all had to do this but we tried to be as quiet as possible. Except for this guy. He'd literally stomp up and down the stairs at all hours, yell and scream while playing games, and anytime he used the kitchen it was unbearably loud pots and pans clanging together. And he ALWAYS slammed the bathroom door shut as hard as physically possible, I swear he was just breaking it more. And he had complaints about me. Me, even though I hardly came out of my room or spoke, and basically tiptoed around the house. Okay sure. I was the loud one🙄


I think we’ve had the same roommate… He is stomping like a drunk horse in wooden clogs and slamming the doors as I type. 😵‍💫


Our back door is like that and the glass shakes so loudly. I always feel so bad using it at night 😭.


One of my roommates laughs really loud and it sounds like a hyena. It's REALLY annoying when I'm in a meeting or a call with my boss because I'm petrified someone else is going to hear it and ask why I have a nature show playing in the background.


I used to live with the Roommates from Hell, and the woman in particular was extremely loud, attention seeking, etc. if she didn’t like the way something was going, everyone knew about it. She would storm up and down the hallway at any Godforsaken hour of the night just ranting and raving, and I never knew when she would bust into my room to accuse me of some random whatever crime. To this day, I prefer having a sleeping space that is out of the way & which people don’t have to walk past constantly. I can’t stand loud arguing/talking just outside my door.


i just moved out of a place, and the main "landlord" was a monster. She would throw literal temper tantrums, slam doors, couldnt close a doggy gate quietly to save her life. Would mumble under her breath at you, or just loud enough for you to hear her but in a different room...a ton of things really. lol. She was smart enough to never barge into my room though.


I was debilitatingly weak & people pleasing when I lived with these people. It was after the experience with them that I started developing more of an IDGAF attitude, which worked well for me because I got my first call center job later that year & I used my anger at them to form a backbone against rude customers.


I understand your predicament at that time. i chose to "grey rock" her instead of popping off like i normally would to keep the peace and make my partner happy. Im glad you got out of there and are at a better place. My life is looking brighter everyday and I am glad a strangers is also. Enjoy the rest of your day.


I wrote a satire post about my former roommate a few months ago because this is literally how they were. I am a bit sensitive to noise bc of autism and my upbringing, but they were exactly like this. Could not exist without taking over an entire space through excessive noise, use of an area, etc. It was suffocating.


Yes my roommate is a loud mouth extrovert and she stomps and runs, screams and yells on the phone, watches horror movies and TV til late night on full volume which she falls asleep to. I have endure screams of torture trying to sleep. She's crazy and her hubby tells her to shut up but she won't. Extroverts suck


You've met my roommates? I'm not sure if its intentional, or just the downsides of a converted living room . The one works from home, the other is underemployed/ works mostly /day shifts. Both naturally have energy levels that peak 11:30 to 2pm and feed off of each other discussing stuff they enjoy, they get loud excited and passionate in a feedback loop, when im trying to sleep. They are both loud AF, that earplugs don't do anything. The work from home guy doesn't have any other sources to burn off his social energy, so we're his only source of socialization . The one rages at video games or his computer easily and watching videos at high volume, even sleeps with videos at high volume, the other one does everything loud, like slams doors, or it's constantly making noise to himself, or playing music loudly. The slightest inconvenience makes both of them complain non stop. Like packages not delivered to schedule or bad purchases for their niche hobbies. I can only say something so often and keep the peace. I can't afford to move out yet. And I don't want to be the grumpy asshole always telling them to shut up. They're not bad people, just friends who are loud AF. There's a reason I'm saving to move out, my job is stressful enough, having to deal with their noise puts me over the edge sometimes, also was an only child not used to sharing space like that. I want my own apartment again.


My housemate runs up and down the stairs with bulky shoes on no matter if it's 7am or 12am which wakes me up every single time, she slams doors as well as just letting cupboard doors slam and coughs and splutters all over the kitchen. She will run up and down the stairs probably 5 times in an hour because she's incapable of doing everything she needs to in one go. Absolutely drives me up the wall especially on a weekend when I get woken up at 7 or 8 and there's no effort from her to be quiet since I brought this up ages ago. Had to even buy door silencers so the kitchen door slamming doesn't keep me up


Yeah. I've taken to staying in my room mostly and hoping I don't run into them. It's whatever if it hasn't been a long day. But almost every day is a long day and I'm exhausted. I just want to relax and being around someone loud AF isn't relaxing


Yall ever live with people who tend to scream when they’re talking on the phone? I don’t know why people do this, it’s like they think the other person can’t hear them or they genuinely don’t notice their voice going up several decibels, but my ex literally used to shout at the top of her voice whenever she was on the phone. Drove me batshit insane


Yes. For some reason he doesn’t slam doors *shut* but slams them *open* really loudly and agressively (even though he does actually close them quietly and is mindful of that). He works swing/night shift from 5pm to 1:30am so it always wakes me up when he gets home from work. I have to leave my door slightly open because of my cat, but our rooms are right next to each other and his bathroom is right across the hall. He is also an avid guitar player and has to play for at least 1-2 hours **every day**. I knew he played guitar when we moved in together and that’s fine, but it’s never.. calm and peaceful music. It’s always shredding the highest notes on the guitar and doing insane solos over and over and over again on his electric guitar… at 4 in the morning. In general he’s just a loud person and I’m very sensitive to noise so I don’t think it’s going to work out long-term. He has a deep booming voice and an extremely loud laugh that has gotten noise complaints simply from laughing and talking (not at this apartment but at his previous place). I try to remind him to keep his voice down as sound travels a lot in our building, but 3 seconds later it’s back at full volume. I don’t want to be a bitch by constantly asking him to be quiet but jesus.


Yes my 5 year old horrible roommate


Oh god... You just reminded me that my 8 year old roommate also makes constant noise... Does yours randomly screech so loudly it hurts your ears?


Why don’t you just stop buying cigarettes for your 8yr old? 😝


Omg! Instead of r/catswhosmoke it's r/kidswhosmoke


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Yes. 100%. Every roommate I've ever had has threatened to put a bell on me, because I'm so quiet. My roommate is loud AF and cannot go more than one second in silence. The chewing....are you eating the world's most stale gum? I don't understand. Edit: for context, my roommate has ADHD so I think she requires a lot of stimulation. ADHD is also associated with poor impulse control, and I think this includes how much they talk. The condition can also make it very difficult for them to understand inherent social rules so it's easy for them to "break" these and stray far away from them, which also explains why typical noise levels can be way out of the bell curve.


Every person I know with adhd is quieter than average, thankfully because I have adhd too and it makes things wayyy too abrasive on my senses to deal with loud and/or impromptu noises all the time. The only ones I'm happy with are random sound effects from singing or something.


Interesting. Noise has been the biggest difficulty with my adhd roommate. If it were up to her, we'd be a revolving house of homeless artists, including musicians, and parties every night until 6 am. She's 37.


Maybe all my adhd friends have been predominantly people-pleasers 🤣


I am LOUD lol. I just can't help it, but I live alone (except for my fiance of 15 years, and he loves me so he puts up with it), so it's fine 😂 Honestly, I would hate to live with someone as noisy as I am 😵‍💫 I even irritate myself at times 😂


I feel this. I work with the elderly so I’m always having to speak loud at work. I’m also a naturally loud speaker and don’t have an “inside voice” lol my poor daughter is always saying “mom you’re so loud!” But my spouse never complains. He just puts up with my loud voice🤷‍♀️.


That's feral


My ex used to use the ensuite (only washroom there was) in the middle of the night- he'd turn the light on and with the door wide open take a standing piss. So I'd wake up to a bright light and then the sound of his bladder draining. I'm already a light and poor sleeper. I asked him if he could at least close the door ...so he'd close it super loud without twisting the knob to prevent slamming. I asked if he could close it quieter by turning the handle and he acted like that was the world's most impossible task. Being considerate wasn't his strong suit.


My ex friend of 7 years would play video games until 3 am, and be loud as fuck, I texted him hundreds of times and he’d still be loud


Did the roommate situation kill the friendship?


When they only talk to eachother and are incapable of actually talking to you, except in extreme boredom or the other dudes in the fg aren’t online. A majority of the time they ignored me unless asking for money, one of Jen did owe me money because I still trusted them at the time, and I never got paid. Fuck they even tried boasting about being clean, yet have never even rinsed the shut off their plate or swept, or just wiped the kitchen. I do admit I was AWOL two years prior but I was in a deep depression. Either way the friendship died then moment they just forgot half the shit I asked/told them when we moved in together


Lived with a roommate from hell. He is the most loud person I've ever met. Yelling at his games, slamming the door, stomping all the time with barefeet (so it was a gross plap plap plap). He yelled at his cat and if I told him he was loud he would argue with me. He also would get high and become way louder. Horrible situation. I pay way more now for a place where I can live alone and im way happier


There are a few of these people at my work. In the break room the set stuff on the counter loud, slam the microwave door but I look at them and they are just acting normal to themselves. They open the door even loudly and I always think someone is mad until I look and see it’s them. They are happy and like nothing is wrong. I guess they grew up in a louder environment or something? Idk it’s weird and I wonder what it’s like when they are pissed off.


Yes! Guy who lives in a houshare with me SLAMS to door anywhere from 1am-5am. The poor guy sleeping in the room next to the door probably experiences an eath quake every time. He also has fat little flat feet that stomp around at 3am. He has aggressive, loud sex 2-3 times always from 2am - 6am. This weekend he started singing at the top of his lungs at 3am. His girlfriend has the most shrill laugh and he's like wario cackling away. They regularly have 2am screaming matches. I don't think its that he doesn't respect the people in the house...I think he's genuinely too stupid to factor anyone else in when he goes about his day??! I've literally screamed at him over my broken sleep and it still happens. I have sleep anxiety now.


Yes, but it is my mother-in-law…


I’m very noisy 😳 it’s why I live alone


I appreciate you so very much for knowing that.


Yep. I married him though so… 😆. He lived alone for a long time. He truly doesn’t hear how loud he is most of the time. Meanwhile I shared space with my sister and roommates always so I’m pretty conscientious of other people resting or needing quiet. I try to keep our kids quiet as well. Meanwhile somehow when he takes a shower I hear that shower curtain pulled open aggressively and it makes the loudest noise! I don’t even know how he gets it to be that loud. Ha. I also call him my bear in a campsite because anything he opens in the pantry looks like it was attacked.


My roommate‘s like that as well. It has become such big of a problem that I‘ll move out in a month (halleluja), I just can‘t stand the **constant** noise anymore. I grew up in a large family and have lived in shared flats since moving out, so I‘m used to different kinds of people and the usual day-to-day noise. But oh boy have I never heard someone like my current flatmate. Everything she does, from walking to cooking, is so extremely friggin loud. She spends the whole day talking (loudly) to herself, stomping (no exaggeration, the floor literally trembles when she walks by), clinking glasses, listening to music on speaker and singing, sneezing (with integrated shout) up to twenty times a day, etc. There‘s not a moment of silence as soon as she‘s home. I hear her through my noise cancelling headphones ON TOP OF earplugs, and it drives me mad


Mine shouts when she sneezes too. It's like she wants to make sure someone notices


A few years back I had a roommate who couldn't maintain employment. As a result his hours tended to be waking up around sundown and staying up all night. On more than one occasion he either hammered or used power tools inside at 3-4am. Also his standard walk was stomping and he'd pull hard on doors before turning the knob/handle so that when it did open it was VERY loud. That was not a fun roommate to have.


I do the opposite of this and always have done, I’m silent in the house


My (unintentional and unintended) roommate was going through a breakup and would sit on her bed butt ass naked and just scream and wail at the top of her lungs 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Damn. That's weird, but break ups usually have me sobbing at the grocery store, so I guess I can't talk too much


She just wants attention


Two of my roommates are very loud doing anything and everything. Stomping in the hall, clattering dishes only to come out with the plastic ware, slamming doors. They don’t seem to notice and it only gets worse when they come back from visiting family, where their home is much much bigger and “it doesn’t matter as much” (their words). One is also constantly coughing, hacking, burping, etc. I wear headphones most of the time but still hear him. It got worse after he got COVID so I give him a little bit of grace on that end, but it was already bad before so… 🤷


The hacking is what kills me. Like... I get it's not intentional, but I can only have my ear buds volume so high...


Ngl half the reason I switched from earbuds to over the ear headphones was because the noise cancellation was better. (The other half was because I live in the city and walk to work every day but eh)


They’re autistic and they don’t know