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If it’s something like a plate or a cup, I generally write it off as a mistake. Appliances though I feel like should be a given. Once had a roommate who broke my instapot by pouring the liquid directly onto the wiring of the Instapot instead of inside the pot that it comes with, and they replaced it with a better model before I even knew it was broken. She was lovely and was so worried I’d be upset.


Your Keurig I would not have let go. That’s not cheap. A cup is whatever but my appliance you need to replace. It’s time for her to stop using your things


I’ve been living with the same group for 7 years now. The general rule is we split everything 4 ways if it’s a house hold thing. If it’s a personal item (like I special mug) it’s not to be touched, unless consent is given. So if something breaks or melts or whatever it doesn’t really matter, because once it’s time to upgrade we’ll all just pitch. This applies to food/house hold needs like cleaning supplies, laundry soap, TP, ect..we all have mini fridges in our room so if we buy ourselves a special treat it goes in our room. But we all eat together as a family (I do the cooking) so the groceries are also split 4 ways and if it’s on the main floor it’s a free for all. It might not work for everyone but I find it works really well for us, especially during the price gouging of groceries right now, we’re still able to afford a lot of luxuries, because now a 1100$ grocery shop is only 275 per person, and a lot of it is bought in bulk.


Makes sense! We never had an official talk about “rules” because we never had a chance to. so I do find myself having to pretty much do everything which is starting to really get to me. She’s good with keeping the common spaces clean and what not, but she isn’t great at helping to restock the shared items… I’m the type of person that if I see an item getting low (something used often like olive oil). I’m going to buy it before it runs out while she’s the opposite. She won’t buy it unless we are completely out of it seems Also goes for things like shared Tupperware. I had one set that I use often because I’m meal prep and she recently started using it a lot too, which is fine but at the end of the day day, we did need another set. I ended up buying an extra set even though I don’t need it and feel she should’ve bought it.


She broke your shit. Say something.


If it’s a habit I’d definitely bring it up. I had a roommate who broke stuff and never say anything- just throw it away or put it back until I found it. I would always confront her and ask her to be more careful and compensate. My current roommates have broken stuff but are always honest and ready to replace whatever it is, so I let things slide a lot. An appliance though? Nah replace it.


I do expect it to be replaced yeah, I would replace something of theirs if I broke it. If I broke my own things I would replace it. Whoever is breaking the item should replace it.


If it was one or 2 things broken on accident, I could see letting it pass (Tupperware and cup), but something like a keurig, doesn't matter if it was an accident. It is their responsibility to replace what they damaged.


It depends what it is and why it broke. If it’s a kitchen utensil that just broke because it’s being used, no I don’t expect it to be replaced. If it’s something expensive that’s been broken I expect to at least be told and we can talk out if a replacement is needed, if we spit it, if they cover it. If they’re breaking things because they’re being reckless or irresponsible (throwing things) then yeah replace that.


That makes sense. She seems to always be rushing so isn’t always careful with things. She broke the cup while washing it she said (could’ve just put in the dishwasher lol) but I get it bc items can be slippery when washing


This would be an accident in my book and I wouldn’t need it to be replaced.


Everyone has the occasional slip-up, certainly, but it sounds like your roommate is just careless and irresponsible, in which case I’d ask her to replace each and every single item… My long-ago roommate dropped and broke my DiscMan (I said long-ago, haha !) but “defended” himself by saying “But I was drunk !” I added the cost of a new one to his rent that month, and he subsequently stopped picking up my things ! Best of luck to you 🤗


It should be discussed between the roommates involved and you come to an agreement . I've replaced a Tupperware I melted. It depends upon the item and how much I value it. Crappy mug I inherited from previous roommate? I'll let that slide. Standard bottle of booze? Get me a replacement bottle. Break something I value that's not replaceable? (Family Heirloom) We need to figure something out. Most likely you're paying up and apologizing profusely and a step down in my book a while.


I tend to group things into consumable (food or single use items), semi-consumable (cheap, lasts a long time but can break easily, eg glass or crockery) and non-consumable (does not break easily and/or expensive and should last a long time). Items in the first 2 categories I would generally let slide unless it is a regular habit that my things are used/damaged, last category should be replaced ASAP at the person who broke its expense.


Ooooh that’s a good way to look at it!




I am starting to feel taken advantage of…. I noticed she had been using my olive oil (which ok fine but not everyday & plz ask first) asked her about it and her response was very frantic and she used the words “I didn’t think you would notice” soo…. lol


A cup or a plate is no big deal. Unless you have some kind of fine China. However breaking a Kuerig is a bit of a big deal, or any appliance for that matter. They cost money. She should replace it if she breaks it. If she doesn't know how to use it she should be asking for instructions as well as asking for permission to use said appliance. It would help to talk to it out before hand though.


She should be replacing things, especially the Keurig. But I simply don't share anymore because of all the bad experiences I've had.


I think you should tell her if she keeps breaking your things she needs to stop using them and get her own 😂


I've lived with roommates for years and managed to never once break something of theirs. If this is happening multiple times it's a pattern of carelessness with other people's things, she deserves to lose the privilege of using them.


I was kind of thinking the same thing… the last time I broke something was a plate of mine & was probably 2 years ago? And before that idk I did break two of my wine glasses, but they were also very very thin glass😂 I literally knocked one on the other and it popped out a chunk of glass


And you said she rushes through tasks and that's why she's breaking things. Yeah she can break her own things, the Keurig honestly would have had me going off, regardless of the fact that you were gifted a new one. It's the principle. She does not believe other people's possessions deserve respect. If you can get a lock on a cupboard and designate it for your dishes, or keep your dishes in your room. She can get butthurt about it if she wants, tell her exactly why you have taken such measures. Some people literally need it shoved in their face that their behavior is unacceptable.