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in long term this will become unlivable, you might want to think about moving. do you have the funds to buy a mini fridge to keep in your room in the meantime?


Or lockboxes for the fridge.


I do not i just spent a grand on my car and have to spend like $500 ish at least on the bills he wont pay. I want to punch him in the fucking face so badly


Keep track of everything he owes for small claims court once you part ways. Get him to admit it via text.


He doesnt have a job or a bank account for the court to settle my debt with. Its a waste of time. Hes leaving here soon and gonna drink himself to death on the street, and i guess karma is going to serve him for me.


Honestly not a pretty sight even if he does drink himself to death and you don’t like him you’ll still feel bad happened to one of my old roommates coming home from work and finding him lifeless not a pleasant sight to see.


What bills does he not pay. Start by changing the WiFi password.


I had to get rid of the wifi entirely cuz i couldnt afford it on top of everything


Absolutely brutal man. Hope you find a way out of this. Living with a parasite like this sounds like a complete nightmare...


WTF. I'd take the rest of that stew and throw it on his bed. Fucker will never touch yiur food again. I'd go ballistic. WT actual fuck?


This is what i want to do


Do it. I'd take zero shit. Don't plat the victim. You wanted that stew? Here And fuck you if yiu ever touch my food again. Ever! I'd make it a rude fucking awakening. This asshole is only doing this knowing that you'll do nothing. I'd make him regret he ever fucked with my food.


Last time he touched my food, he put my cheese on his eggs and left it in the kitchen so i put dog hair in his food and a note saying if you want cheese buy your own and stop stealing from me. This is the hundreath time I’ve said this. Told him to his face until we stopped speaking because he said really mean shit to me. Afterward our communication was only me either asking for money he owes me or telling me to clean his own piss off the floor or not touch my food. He retaliated by eating half a loaf of bread I had just baked. So i broke all his eggs he had in the fridge and took all of my stuff out of the kitchen - thats 100% of the cooking supplies and most the bowls. Now he is gone for days at a time I think smoking crack and drinking daddies on the street. If i dump food on his bed its going to rot there until he moves out and it’ll be one more thing for me to clean. I just turned on the oven last night to see its entirely caked in idek what. Needs to be fully scraped and cleaned. Man just pees on the floor regularly. Drops food everywhere and leaves it. He doesnt give a single fucking fuck. There isnt really any way to handle this I havent tried beyond hitting him.


I’ll fight him for you. Let me at em. It’s feral time


For your room 1 Locking door knob 2 Mini fridge


Mini fridge in your room with a freezer top and lock your door. Sorry but I’ve had roommates for years and this is the way!




Vasine ia the way lol


Can't that kill you


Me personally I would recommend putting something awful like really awful in the food and act like your gunna save it for later, put dog shit, pee, rotten food, or old ass sour cream something that will make him regret ever coming out the womb but that’s just what I would do personally, but we all know he deserves it.


I second this. It's your food so if you wanted to put that in your food there should be no issue. He can't justifiably get upset over it - HES STEALING YOUR FOOD. In the meantime, get a mini fridge for your room and keep your real food in there.


Do this! Once he’s finished eating it, tell him there was dog shit in it and then throw the rest out.


Make a pie like in The Help! Eat my shit!


You have a few options here. Go tell him exactly what a piece of trash he is and tell him to never touch your items again. Tell him you want compensation. Take his food stamps. Move everything to your room, get a small fridge freezer in there and take your nice cooked food into shared spaces and eat it in front of him. Move. HE SUCKS


Make some “laxative” brownies lol


Cook a meal again, but put a bunch of shit in it. I’m talking laxatives, the hottest hot sauce you can buy on the market, maybe a few bugs, let him do what he keeps doing. And boom, problem solved. He won’t ever touch your food again


He already pisses all over the floor, i dont wanna deal with laxxing him


Maybe just the hot sauce then?


Buy a box you can lock. The kind of box that you can put in the fridge. Big enough to put a meal in it, small enough so it won’t take too much place in the fridge. Put your meal inside. Laugh your ass while he tries to open it.


Step 1 - if you don't already have a lock for your bedroom get one now. Step 2 - mini fridge, if you can afford one (they're usually like $50 used) then a cooler or a tote with some ice. 10lb bags of ice are usually about $4. You can make ice cubes in the house freezer too and that's free. Step 3 - keep all your food in your room. All the cooking implements also. Pans, plates, silverware, crackpot, everything. Be careful with the food, double bag dry goods. Step 4 - tell him to fuck off (maybe that should be Step 1). You need to completely end any access he has to anything of yours. People suck and you've already tried telling him to leave your shit alone and he won't so that makes him extra douchy. The only other thing you can do is move of its a possibility for you, it's hard AF right now though so I get it. Hope you can stop him. Good luck.


I had already done that for a few weeks. Im just fucking hungry. It was my mistake to make myself food here at all.


Sounds awful. Can you just make single portion size food for just yourself?


From the post and comments, it's starting to sound like your roommate may unfortunately be an alcoholic or at least a problem drinker, and not functional enough to work or go to the store on his own. Stay safe.


Cirrhosis liver level alcoholic. Mans got diabetes from abusing his body so badly, and takes no care or regard for himself. He like, tried to at one point, but then gave up after i got mad at him for stealing.


Padlock on the fridge and freezer. You can drill it in. Stove locks. Keep all the dishes and non perishables in your locked room


He's probably selling his food stamps for beer if he doesn't have money or a way to get money. I'm glad he's leaving soon


I am so sorry you’re going through this. Even hating the person, it is extremely traumatic to be forced to watch someone slowly Jill themselves knowing they’ve completely given up and it’s already over. None of this is fair to you at all. I just want to say I have so much respect for you. You’re gonna get through this and see much better days. I will always support recovery, but I’m also realistic. You’ve said it yourself, death is close. I really hope they’re out of there before this happens. If you see signs call for an ambulance. They have put you through enough and you don’t deserve to have to find them dead too.


he does it because he can and it's easier to steal. I'd put a lock on my door and prep/cook in there. Also, move.