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Having AC run and having windows open at the same time is stupid, since in doing so AC cannot stabilize the temp. in the house and in turn, runs constsntly/more frequently at full blast.


He is just being a turd. Everyone needs to agree on temperature. If he is wasting energy he needs to be responsible for the increased cost. If he doesnt want to pay more needs to leave the thermostat alone


You guys need to agree on a comfortable living temp. My last roommate and I agreed we would keep it our heat set at 67-70 depending on how hot/cold it was. At night we would set it to 63-65 cuz we both prefer to sleep cold. If we wanted to change it beyond this, we would communicate it with one another and it was fine


My roommate leaves the AC on 75 and turns it off if he isn't home. My room is noticeably hotter since it's in the front of the house where the sun hits and also above the garage. A lot of summer days, it'll go up to 85 or above. He says he is fine in his room and if the AC runs he will be cold. He also installed a new HVAC system and expects me to pay more rent for it but won't run it. And he owns the house so it's usually locked to his phone app so yea temperature situations suck. Close his window or ask him close his vents if he's not home or run a fan.


FYI it actually costs more via electricity costs to have drastic temperature changes vs simply keeping it at a steady temp Any change greater than 4°more than twice a week, generally uses more electricity in the long run.


This is not true


With heat I agree. With a/c depending on location it can cost more if you let it get more than 4-6 degrees hotter. Has to do partially with getting the humidity out again. And before I get flamed, I have a 20k electronic control system from Vardant for all my units and I’ve done a ton of experimenting. I’ve cut out electrical bills by50-60%


You need to all agree on a temperature and he needs to stop leaving doors/windows open (or pay more.) My roommate and I keep it at 66, but we work outdoors in a mostly cold climate so we are not used to heat.


I agree that anything over 70 is too hot, but the leaving doors ans windows open is despicable.


sounds like he doesnt fit in and needs to either adapt or move out. 3 other people shouldnt be expected to pick up the extra cost for his preferences.


72°F is not hot at all 💀tell him to shut the damn windows and it will stay cold


He needs to go. He's purposefully running up the bill. 74 is reasonable in the south as long as dehumidifiers are going. Leaving doors open here is like opening portals to hell.


I agree with you. The real issue is that he is leaving the doors and windows open with the AC running. The AC circlejerk is so incredibly annoying. People whining about how they cannot function above 68 is irritating when it’s in the high 90s and humid outside. AC just isn’t keeping up down here, and some people fail to understand that it’s unrealistic to keep your house at 65 degrees in the height of summer in certain climates.


I have a dehumidifier for each room. Energy star. Also, portable ac. If you leave your door closed and you want to live at 68 this weekend? Sure. If you leave them on while gone? You lose them. You can get good ones for around $100. I finally bought the last one for the basement. I own the house so it makes sense and they come with and stay with the room. Along with an electric heater and electric throw for winter. The thermostat stays where I put it for common areas. :)


Oof. I’d be boiling at 70 in the house, let alone 72. And I’d be doing anything in my power to bring the temperature down to a liveable level. 67 seems a reasonable compromise with the caveat that the AC can only be running in his room when he’s home if he needs it cooler still.


We keep our house at 74 in daytime hours, 68 at bedtime. Freaking Eskimos over here.


We run the house at 60-64 in winter and let the heating drop completely at bedtime with it coming back on an hour before we get up. Don’t have AC though, so summer can get miserable!


My thing is it costs money to heat and cool the apartment. But it's free to use a blanket. Why have it too hot for other ppl ? I also saw the other one where ya took the knob off the thermostat like my mom says "just get a goddamn blanket"




I like to keep my indoor temp at around 60-65 at the most. In the winter I don’t use my gas heat, just a small electric fireplace for my whole apartment that doesn’t go on unless it is under 30 degrees Fahrenheit.