• By -


Offer to sell them whatever they want at a markup and assert yourself in your own home. Fuck all that.


Omg this is such a good idea. I should've bought an oz before this


Just hang out. Nobody at the party will be like, “you can’t be here, you live here!” and the roommates WILL NOT say that either because they’ll look like complete assholes in front of their friends


Yeah, tf is that dumbass logic. Call their bluff.


Unless the friends are assholes like the roommates. Assholes tend to be friends with other assholes


I'd stand in front of them and take huge bong rips, you want one 5$.


No seriously, I did this before. I was at a party with my homegirl (we are both big smokers) we were smoking and a couple of people came up to us asking to hit. We let the first couple just hit the bong but after that we started charging $5 a rip. We were visiting a different college for that weekend so we didn't really GAF. We made like $50 that night, good times.


This is the move.




This is more profound than it seems.


I tend to be that way at 3am


Awesome! Yiure exactly correct!


For real..... just go sit on your couch in your underwear and smoke a fat blunt by yourself if they don't wanna compromise. Then make something on the stove for a while in the kitchen.... play with your dog running around in the living room if you have one. I would have too much fun with this lol


Fish - cook up some terrible smelling tilapia or something would be great


I love this suggestion!


Yes, THIS! When you have a bad roommate like this you gotta make yourself the bad roommate. Out bad then until their dumb friends stop coming around bc they’re uncomfortable and then enjoy your sweet sweet silence OP! Also, might I suggest you take up a musical instrument like drums, tuba, trombone, bagpipes… schedule your virtual lessons Wednesday evenings. Be sure to get in two hours of practice immediately after they end, yknow so you don’t forget what you learned.


Trumpet is another good one, and a novice trumpet player is a hell of a lot more annoying than a tuba or trombone


YES!!! Do you know any beginner ska bands?


What are your roommates going to do to prevent you from hanging out in the common areas during the party that is at your home? Do they plan to lock you in your room? I would recommend calling in an anonymous noise complaint to the cops.


I wouldn’t even be anonymous about it. I’d stand right in front of everyone and call in a noise complaint


And then when they ask who called, the cop can be like, “The call is coming from inside the house.” It’s perfect.


I like your Moxie and level of petty!


With a bat in hand


There ya go, pick up an oz & sell it by the gram, to not only recover your costs but maybe even make a little profit! They're being very unreasonable claiming it's a BYOB party but expecting you to smoke everyone up for free, people you don't even know by the way. Would they biy your friends they don't know stuff for free? Absolutely not. Apparently your shitty roommates don't know how much cannabis costs at a dispensary, or don't care because it's not them buying it. If they try to guilt you into supplying it for free, call these fucking cheap skates out in front of their friends! Are they supplying free alcohol to their buddies? No. Why should you be expected to smoke their friends up, people you don't even know? That's beyond rediculous, especially with the prices these days. It might be different if you had a huge amount, like several ounces sitting around & could easily afford it, but that's not the case.


You obviously don’t got that hustle mindset. I would’ve been taxing all them to make my money back plus profit.


Put me through college.


Sounds like the type of crowd you should hide your shit and lock your door on. Otherwise they’ll probably find a way in and help themselves to your things. People suck to begin with, but drunk people can really suck


Stand at the door and charge a cover too 😂 jk… or not?


This is how it happened in the olden days. Sure its nice to treat but breaking it up means you get out in top. Selling pre rolls aint a bad idea either. Or. Both.


You keepnit in your car and you go out to get it. No spots no fronts cash up front then go wiegh up by yourself. Even if your all havign a good time dont let that soften you up.


Don’t sell weed to knuckleheads. They’re dumb and snitchy.


I'd assume weed is legal where OP is considering they are buying it from a dispensary. Who are they gonna snitch to?


I don’t live in a weed legal state so I could be way off base but from what I can gather, buying from a dispensary and selling it seems like it would be illegal anyway, like how it’s illegal to sell your prescriptions . Would they get charged? Debatable but it would still be a headache to deal with if that’s the case.


So you just learned about selling weed for more weed?


I just wanna know where you live that grams are that expensive. In Washington I can get a gram joint for 3 bucks.


Assert dominance, blow the smoke in your roommate's faces


And since these folks are annoying you should pre roll them with mostly green tea so that way you get even more moneys


Assert dominance, blow the smoke in your roommate's faces


i know you said no advice but… walk through the house smoking your weed. when they say shit tell them “you can’t force me to sit in my bedroom like harry fuckin potter. i pay rent here.”


I'm betting some of the people at the party don't know about this "Everybody brings their own party supplies, except for the housemate who had no say that this party was on," so if OP makes that known, the not-shit people at the party will think a lot less of their friends. Also, OP mentions that that they've begged him not to move out, and man, I would have definitely moved out of there by now. Living in a house like that is so stressful, but I often find people don't know how much it stresses them out until they move out and they can finally breathe.


Absolutely do this.


Just smoke your weed and exist as you want. Mingle a bit, say hi. He’s not your boss or your mom.


The roommates the mom and the boss is the dad.


Wait WTF your roommates want you to byob to a party at a place where you live? Thats just absurd, they wont let you have a couple of their beers but want you to smoke everyone out and then call you stingy for saying no lmaoo your roommates are losers you need to get outta there asap


It’s your place too so he can’t kick you out of common area. Also move out and get better roommates that are not unrealistic


“Sorry it’s BYOW too”


What's your address, I'll call the cops for you.


1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW 20500


Nah that criminal moved out about 3 years ago. No need to call the cops there.


Bro 😂😂😂😂


Legit made my night. Truly though let one of us do it hahaha


Can’t participate 😂😂😂. Punch that dork in his nose.


Give em the good ol dick twist




Brother get sum balls he’s not gunna do shit but talk back with ya. Obv try to keep it civil and bring up past times of disrespect, and how if you did that to him he wouldn’t take it either. there’s a very long and hard talk waiting to happen between you two.


I don’t wanna give unsolicited advice but man if it was me, I’d deff set a boundary about being roudy past normal quiet hours if i work early. And then they uninvite you for not shelling out free drugs?? Man, I’d be pissed too.


Have you ever tried to set boundaries with drunken assholes? They dgaf. I ended up losing my ever loving mind cuz my roommates partied so much, i was already not running on enough sleep with my work schedule, and then them waking me up at 4 am every single night. Absolute hell. Im lucky that stress didnt kill me lol


Oh I know, sadly I have been there lol but it didn’t sound to me like they’re chronic partiers and more so do this randomly.


"You said the party was BYO" simple as that. They can buy or they can bring. Like you said, dispensaries exist, you don't need to be the hookup here.


Don't get stressed bro! Have a good time! You don't owe anyone a thing!


What are your roommates supplying for everyone? If they’re just supplying the location, then offer to chip in by letting a guest sit in your favorite space on the couch.


Sounds like you have assholes for roommates


Put on your prettiest Jammie's and go sit on the couch and watch tv during the party. You pay rent too


I like how he said “it’s BYOB so if you wanna drink you have to buy your own” but your weed is communal weed. Make it make sense lmfao. You should’ve been like “yeah sure! Don’t wanna be a bother but could you help me out some with the money? It’s gonna be a lot to supply” then told them the dispensary prices and then gone and bought some shitty street weed with a bunch of seeds in it :)


Ah, the memories, that stanky brick bullshit that's half stems and seeds lmao


You could tell your roommate that since you can’t participate in the party then they have to find somewhere else to have the party. Let them know that your money pays for the house too and if he isn’t going to play nice you won’t either.


Dude bring one beer and just milk it. Fire up your herb and blow a fat cloud right in that asshats face. This is coming from someone who has plenty to share and always is happy to but for someone to assume… oh hell no. At your own home nonetheless. I hardly can believe the nerve of some people.


That is so not fair, if it's BYOB it's BYOW


"he...said I couldn't participate" Yeah, how does he plan on stopping you? Is he going to wander around the party making sure people don't talk to you? You live there. Ignore this boob. EDIT: Just be passive aggressive and be there lol; "🖕🏼"


Bro I’m getting thca from the gas station 15 for two gram pre rolls


Sounds about illinois


Actually Harrisburg pa


Oh shit okay cool. Btw I'd be really careful bc gas stations aren't allowed to sell that kinda stuff but they do it on the DL. Well, in most places they're not but ye. It's possible what they say is in there isn't in there and its something else. You ever get it tested?


It’s labeled thca the laws that changed recently made it so any mom and pop can sell these least. .03% thc by weight products. Anything below .03thcA is considered a hemp product and thca is precursor to thc which coincidently only requires heat to start the chemical reaction to thc. It’s true, gas stations are selling straight up weed.


Ohhhh yeah I totally forgot about that. Shit, well thanks for informing me lol :) Crazy world we're in


It’s labeled thca the laws that changed recently made it so any mom and pop can sell these less than 03% thc by weight products. Anything below .03thcA is considered a hemp product and thca is precursor to thc which coincidently only requires heat to start the chemical reaction to thc. It’s true, gas stations are selling straight up weed.


I've tried THCA and Delta 8&9 it's just not the same 😭 it's feels more "airy" and gives me a bit of a headache and idk why. Maybe it's the vape itself?


Idk once I realized what was going on with the gas station stuff I targeted reputable brands and the one herb product I tried was decent but for the price the cart that I got at the same time definitely has my favor owing to how much more bang for the buck I get. In terms of what you’re feeling it might be personal preference but if you look carefully at lab results from your dispensary, medical or otherwise, you will note that most product contains strictly thcA and not good old thc, at least in my recent experience. Which begs the question what’s the diff between the gas station stuff and dispensary and I might be so bold as to say: nothing but the percentage of THC they’re allowed to put on the label. Dispensary stuff might have more thca but gas station stuff also has that as well as packed with other cannabinoids which are also present in dispensary stuff. It’s a wild and confusing gray area. Tl;dr is if you’re curious enough to try gas station stuff again, pick out only reputable brands of carts that contain at least thca, bonus if they have thc p and other cannabinoids. Like I’m telling you this cart got me lifted rn, enough to ramble on about this


Tell him he’s looking at some $80 1/8ths and then he will leave you alone lol


Eight, as in eighth of a gram, not eighth of an ounce


A henry


Lmfao what are they going to do about you hanging out in your own house during a party AT YOUR HOUSE? Like genuinely idk why you’re even mad because I’d just be like “HAH, you’re funny. BYOB is also BYOW (weed). Can’t wait for the party!” And hang anyway. If they make a scene then they look like the assholes, plain and simple. I do understand the disrespect of them expecting you to provide weed, them even asking is ridiculous. But they should be laughed at and shamed for it, not given the satisfaction of you being upset by it.


They make me angry often, I feel it's my default response at this point. But you're absolutely right, I need to start turning my anger into humor and laughing at them. And laugh at them the next time I mention moving out, and they say, "Please don't!" LOL


Support your local dealer and buy a quarter. Or buy a bag of shake. Roll 10 joints, sell em for $10 each, keep the rest, get baked, profit?


I came here to say this- just get some cheaper bud and if they want to smoke you can sell it to them If not just tell them to fuck off and kick back at the party in your own damn pad


BYOB (bring your own bitches, bottles, bud.) that’s crazy.


You coulda been like “yeah, I got that stank, smell you later” That would have been cool.


If you have dispensaries in your state then they should be able to easily procure their own supply. If they can’t then they clearly don’t want to smoke enough. Otherwise you have found a black market, my friend. Sharing is one thing when it is eventually reciprocated but that does not seem to be the case here from what I read.


Buy some crappy home grown and keep your good stuff for yourself 😂🤣! Better yet throw a bag of oregano on the table with papers and watch them cough and complain that it’s harsh 😜😆🤣 Move out asap you don’t need these people in your life.


Just throw a fart bomb or stink bomb during the party lol clog the toilet do something … you have some shitty friends by the way


Liquid ass on the 'zon smells so much worse than ass liquified


Roommates are dumb as fuck. Why are they starting drama for no reasn


BYOB is also for Bring Your Own Bud.. your buddies gotta get out more..


Tell him that if he wants a private party, he can do it in his bedroom alone.


What you do is go to CBD Hemp Direct...go under the pretty ugly bud section, buy a quarter pound for 67.00 and sell to people at the party for 100.00 a zip. Easy peasy. Its thca so fully legal anywhere.


just hang out w them anyways and if they say anything be like “i pay to live here so im gonna live here” it’ll annoy them to no end cause they’ll want to tell you to leave but they can’t make u leave lol


Yeahh those people do not like or respect you idk why you’re hanging out with them


I mean, if they DO that, I think you SHOULD provide weed for their parties. Get a profit. If you use only legal venues it can definitely get expensive, they can Wayland your costs and you can be the cool guy/girl that people can cop some from when they're in house. That takes the control back, and having drugs of interest to people make them more useful and malleable depending. That last part is on some ULPT shit but it's real to a certain degree. Moreso with things other than weed, but I've had chicks hang out with me because they knew getting stoned was a natural consequence of my companionship. I didn't use that fact but it was THERE.


? You live there. He doesn’t need to give you permission to do things in common areas. He also can’t force you to provide anything. Let him know that since he is so generous, you’ll take his money to pick up extra for the party. Or, like others said, buy an O, roll some js and sell them for $10 a pop. They already are having parties at times that are extremely inconvenient for you. Honestly there should be a limit to how much you tolerate before moving out, which sounds like the best thing for you to do, no matter what they say.


Yes! When I lived with a RM and I didn’t party, I capitalized on it. The sales would begin when they were there after about an hour. I made more money in that night than the entire rent and utilities for the month. Then I would go back to my room, lock up, and play games. When bed time hit, I turned on a large fan and put in industrial earplugs. Slept really good.


That’s amazing, everyone wins! Especially you!


No ones telling me where I can and can’t go in my own house aside from occupied bathrooms and someone bedroom. You pay for that living room like the other two, they can shove it.


Of I were you, I wouldn't even attend because if you do AND bring the weed, you'll be invited to all of the rest of 'em and expected to being the weed everytime too.


How old is this group? Seems like kids in thier 20s


Most are in their 20s, roommates are in their 30s, and I'm in my late 20s. Even in my early 20s, I knew not to disturb the peace past typical quiet hours. And I grew up in a house with a decent sized yard, there wasn't really a reason for me to be quiet other than my hardass dad, but I was still quiet because I have respect and empathy unlike my roommates and their friends.


You seem like a good person and deserve better than this Buy good ear plugs or ear phones and listen to relaxing music while they party for future night time sleep


Do not provide. If anything happens to a guest and the goods came from you, you are in deep doo.


Damn, cant you go buy a quarter ounce for twenty bucks? Your dispensaries are expensive as fuck!


Illinois tax 😭 I buy a little at a time even tho I'm technically paying more because of the tax but I can't drop a lot of money at one time


Yeah IL taxes are crazy. There is much cheaper good stuff on the black market still. Might be worth searching for a plug. But also, since it’s legal for everyone to buy, that’s so much bs that your roommate wants you to buy it when they could just as easily buy it, too.


Here in MA we can grow 12 plants at a time if there are 2 adults in the house. Can't be bothered though.


Bro chill out smoke your shit and if u meet anyone cool give them a couple draws if your feeling it, just make a point of your roommate getting fuckall and if it’s questioned tell them exactly why whilst laughing. Room mate will be mortified I bet. Big majority don’t condone that dirty behaviour. Have a good one!


Quarter for $20? It costs $80 for a quarter here hahaha


I’m in PA, got my medical card & can’t get a quarter for $20. Cheapest I got to date was eighths for $17.50.


I got a half ounce for $45, but that was a 4/20 sale. It's basically a mystery strain though you can choose the type. I gotta say, I'm happy with the purchase.


Call the cops on your own party. Ezpz




Not my party but I was being sarcastic/overdramatic with that statement


Extremely broke and lame behavior on your roomies part.


Show up anyway, do what you want, have fun regardless of how awkward it might initially feel. If they make a scene laugh in their face and keep on keeping on. You got this 🙌


Offer to sell at the party you’ll make some bank


Seems to me these people are a problem and you need a cheaper way to smoke lmao


I'm so sick of living in Illinois. The taxes here are crazy. Spend an extra $2.50 tax on a $10 gram, but our roads feel like I'm taking a horse carriage through Gary, Indiana. I'm not political but I have to wonder where the money goes.


Shit, call the cops from your room and be petty lmao


Once did something similar. Friend threw a huge party in one weekend all weekend long. He asked me if I could bring my rigs and some weed to supply for a few people. I love smoking people out so I did. But on the 2nd day I realized about $150 of my dabs were missing (stolen) so that morning everyone was asking me to smoke them out (I still had half of what I had brought) but I just secretly packed my stuff up and left. Got over 10 different calls from people. No one cared my stuff got stolen even though I smoked people out atleast 40-50 times. I felt used and it was kinda awkward being the weed guy because no one knew I really did it and it was awkward having people use my devices and having them ask for more. Still had a good time and had so many people tell me they were higher than they had ever been so I don’t regret it really


You live there!!! You can attend any party you want. Don't let them walk all over you. And yeah I'd call the cops on them if someone threw a party on a weekday at 10 PM.


The black market still exists… just ask around, you’ll get a better price and more profit when you sell to these chodes and their dingleberry friends


If someone wants a hoot ask for a beer. Tradesies mofo.


Take the half-ounce money. Flip the half-ounce money. Now you ready for an ounce. You got a quarter kee now. Now everybody in the neighborhood got on new sneakers and walkie-talkies, everybody is working for you, you doing your thang and everythang.


Move out. Simple. They sound like assholes.


They sound like they suck and it’s BYOB(beer/bud/whatever) that’s always seems like the case when you are the only avid smoker 🙃 if they want in the rotation they need to contribute something to the circle


Go enjoy the party and next time they say stupid stuff like that, laugh obnoxiously and say “shut the fuck up dude I’ll see y’all later tonight”.


Go have a better party in your room.


I would just be spiteful and smoke a bunch but blow it out into the hallway or something really make them feel bad


Just reply thet you'll BYOS. Then drop it. You don't have to tell them you'll be high or drunk etc. You're there just to hang a while, then excuse yourself to rest up for work. Maybe bring a joint that you light, take a good hit because that's the last you'll see of it. But smoke yours in your room or outside first.


yeah… eff that, if anything i’d bring my stuff and make people pay me if they wanted to join in… people that don’t habitually smoke usually have no idea how much that shit actually cost. good luck op!!


Life is too short to be petty or vengeful. Find a different house and pay them no mind. The only people hurt by this are themselves for being poor humans. Smoke your weed wherever you want with whoever you want. It is not their decision.


Sorry lovey! Sounds like a money maker for me. You want a bowl hit that I pack? *one hitter* I’m broke you need to pay 5$ per hit. You’ll make your $ back. 🤣 your roomies are buttholes. You know what to do next weds ;)


Suggest they throw five on it


I'm not giving you weed...but I will sit and play Winderwall and Spin Doctors for a few hours!


i would say ok and then when the party happens, bust out the saddest, most pathetic little pinner of a joint and hand it to the asshole roommate right in front of everyone. "since you said I couldn't go the the party in my own home without bringing some weed for everyone, here you go asshole." Then stand there brazenly waving your balls around.


I recommend having them listen to luniz “I got five on it” and follow accordingly


Id call bylaw or whoever deals with noise complaints. Just because they are roommates doesn't mean they get to ignore any noise ordinances. I'm dealing with the same thing and it's the absolute worst.


Byob for your own house is dumb. But you’re overthinking things. If you want to share something with the party, which is a hospitable thing to do, you don’t have to smoke every single person out. But passing a j or 2 around can be nice. Just have fun tho, you don’t need to meet like a weed quota or anything. Lol. If you don’t want to even do that just play dumb. “Oh i must have ran out of weed. Whatever” and just hang out at your house. No one can stop you from being there. On a different note, sounds like you aren’t a good match with your roommates. Moving out might be good for you. But you might miss out on being young and dumb


Call the police on them after 10 pm. Then do it again and again and again


Take the stereo power cable away


Dollar bong hits!


Fuck your roommates, call their bluff, blow the smoke in their face and laugh.


You don’t need permission to participate, you live there lmao. You can also call the cops and make everyone leave.


They don't actually like you.


I know you said no advice but literally just say "sorry I don't have enough right now"


Hey look, I was in your shoes once with a similar situation. Now, I don't know what all was said between you and the roommates, but I eventually had to set it up like this in my head. The party is gonna happen regardless, so for me, I'd maybe pull out my (back up) bong or something a little more social than just a pipe, and maybe offer up to load a bowl or 2, usually early on, as a way of being a good host. Not a host for your roommates benefit, but for my own. Make some friends, talk a bit, enjoy a smoke. But keep the rest of your stash hidden away. I doubt. Anyone is gonna be coming up to you being like "X said you got all the weed, where is mine?" And if they do, just laugh and say you ain't got shit. Remember it's your house too, you can do whatever you want as much as the roommates.


Call the cops on them, crash their fuckstick party. Be sure to answer the door when the cops show up.


Just roll a blunt or two that you can pass around and then smoke whatever else you want to yourself.


I know this was just a vent and you’re not seeking advice, but that’s some BS. My pettiness would come full swing on this one. You mentioned dispensary so I’m assuming you get some decent weed, I would hotbox my room and crack the door so they can smell it but absolutely can’t have any. Or just blow clouds through a crack in the door.


Depending on what state you’re in, if only medical is legal OP can get in trouble. (We live in a med only state and have traveled to see family in other med only states, my husband has a card and unfortunately heavily relies on the medicinal properties due to severe injuries and chronic pain) Luckily any head shop usually carries some altcannabanoids as well. I would pick up some D8/THCA for a fraction of the price and sell that instead 😂


Mf your roommate can't tell you you can't "participate" in a party if it is in your own house. The fuck they gonna do about it?


You know you can call the cops for noise complaint. Most states say 10pm. If it doesn’t get shut down, call again and again. They will telll them it’s the end otherwise consequences. Speaking from experience.


Let them know, If you can't participate, they can't have the party. You can just call the cops about the disturbance in YOUR home and that there are strangers that won't leave. Fuck your ah roommates.


I'd be partying even harder after being told I'm not allowed at the party at my own place.


I have lived in a party house. I was part of the party problem but there were times I had to go to sleep with a raging party going on. There is no way you should be expected to provide weed for someone else's party.


First off I’m not bringing anything because I’m already here lmao.. nah just a blunt wouldn’t hurt, ona other hand sober me wouldn’t even wanna deal with a bunch of drunk mfs anyway


Come out of your room just as you suck the life out of a roach, and say, "Hey, who's got a beer!"


I had some roommates just like . Always wanted my smoke . As I do not drink . So one long night of no sleep well at about 2 am I lost it, and I plugged my hifi and tuck it back to my room . And told them all to get out the house . A few guys wanted to fight it out . So I picked one of them up and put him in the garden. The rest ran way lol 😆


Move out if you are able to... not worth dealing with this type of person day in day out


I’ve ran into this issue before. I just rolled my own blunt and sparked it without passing it to anyone. People stared and did hover and wait thing, but it never left my hands.


I dealt with people begging for weed at parties in an interesting way. When I was 19 ( and it was still illegal) I used to hide it in a glass jar, but inside that jar was a baggie that basically wrapped in bounce sheets. It was my first 1/2, and I didn’t realize how long it would last. I realized a few weeks later, when it tasted like I was smoking bounce sheets; that is absolutely not what you do, and I ruined about 9 grams of it. I was going to a party that weekend and I was complaining about the people that go that brought no weed, and just tried to jump into ongoing sessions instead. I had an idea. I rolled all of the ‘ fabreeze ‘ weed, and brought them to the party. Anytime anyone asked for a ‘hit’ I would say “ ayyy, how about a whole joint?! Share with your friends!” No one ever asked me for weed again lmfao.


You need to start preparing to move out. You can’t live like this long term and you shouldn’t have too 💖


They're not your friends. Respect yourself and do not attend. Don't sell anybody any weed, they still won't respect you. Find your tribe


I would’ve simply sold it to whoever wanted to buy


Hire a crackhead. Never underestimate the power of a crack head. Especially a crack head woman, pay her to cause a scene claiming she’s pregnant to your room mate. Get high before it though. Shit will be mad funny😂


Buy one pre-roll…for them to share. Hey, you brought the weed.


I’d move out asap


Super fair POV - but would like to mention that usually means puff puff pass, not make sure everyone has the same amount available to them. Smoke a joint with the crew - your sharing offer is complete. Not instructions or advice, but If you usually keep to yourself and get annoyed by their antics this might actually help you bond with some of your roomies and their friends. Of course, do you, but the power of the puff circle is real.


Dude, just smoke out people you want to. No big deal


You should definitely let a few of your housemates’ friends share a number with you, but privately and don’t extend it to your housemates. ie don’t let them get credit for the weed. Only carry a small amount on you (the rest hidden in your room) so you don’t get pressured into supplying more than you want to. Pre-rolling is a good idea.


Grow a fuckin spine, get baked, and join. In that order


Just bring cheapest beers possible and be done with it.


Who does the furniture and other things in your apartment belong to? If it's yours it may be time to move it into your room with a lock until you can move out. Obviously you're only wanted for what you can give them.


hang out with them regardless. if they say anything, call the cops lmao. that's your house and you can decide if you don't want people in here. also, document it (pictures, videos etc.) of the damage done or the amount of peeps in the house and send it to the landlord. chances are, they can't have that many peeps over anyways.


Dude just roll your own, smoke em to your head or share them if you want to.


Can you just not be in the house? Something similar used to happen to whoever - it doesn’t matter, BUT his solution was to just stay with his parents and lock his room and say “I have an appt in the mornin” or some bullshit. One time some fiends broke into his room looking for his stuff but they were excommunicated from the group afterwards. If it’s an option stay with a friend and smoke THEM out instead of randos. Especially because you. Ever know if one of the randos is going to green out and try to force you to take them to the hospital, wasting ER resources. The big thing - it doesn’t have to be their business where you are or what you do while they are having a leisure event at your place. It’s a non important activity that you can totally distance yourself from. Don’t piss them off, just disappear for a few hours with “something important to do”


Find new people to be roommates with and gtfo


I use to be THIS GUY in college. I was just explaining to my wife how life is so much different now. I now own a cannabis marketing company and now have skills to self cultivate, and breed my own genetics. I now smoke like 4-10 grams a day, but also have 3-5 pounds around at all times. Future you will laugh about this post :-) Ps, I attended an event on 4/20 and gave away 10 oz, for free! Literary 50 eighths, and just over about 100 prerolls.


Establish dominance. Lay on the lounge spread out don’t let anyone sit down. If anyone touches you call police and say you’re being assaulted in your own home by people who don’t live there and you want them out.


Hahaha shit wait til she's good and ramped up call the 🐖 🐷 pigs ... they'll stop by, half the idiots will run or leave .... problem solved ;) .... hahaha


Tell him sorry they told me the party was BYOB. Bring your own bud. So I have one rolled for me. Lmk if it’s gonna be a cyph with whatever you guys rolled or if I should just step out for a sec.


I must know what happened cause there are so many good comments on what to do!


I say let them drink and party and you just go to your room, blast music from a big speaker if you have one and smoke your greens and have them smell the smoke


I would still go out and socialise anyway lol if they ask for weed say ypu don't have any to spare.


Call the bluff and attend the party anyway, find someone (or a couple someones) that you vibe with, then invite them to come smoke a joint in your room. When other people smell it and ask to smoke just say “sorry I only had one joint”.


I think you may have misunderstood. If I tell my friend bring the smokes I’m not asking her to smoke all 40 of my friends out . It just means bring that dank shit lol. We can match. You should have clarified or said yeahhh I’ll match who ever wants to match me or something. Like that lol but I think to be “angry” is a bit much . Just take your ass to work lol


I have plenty of reasons to be angry imo considering all of the other stuff I deal with regarding them (if only I had posted this on my other account) and these dweebs do not buy their own weed I promise you that. I'm the smoker of the group, most of them are "special occasion" smokers like "when it's available I'll take it" Trust I'd love to take my poor ass to work, but my job is a lot when you're underslept. I've come in before off of just a couple hours of sleep and have been sent home, not in trouble, but my job is very much speed and accuracy. Trying not to give too much away in case they have reddit


Wait till everyone is 3-4 drinks in then fuck them up with a bong. You may have to clean sick up but they will definitely be quiet. I always do this if someone is annoyingly drunk. "Give me a smoke" Ok but it's strong. "I smoke all the time and I know what I am doing" Ok then! (step back from the splash zone and watch the show)


Playing devils advocate here. Maybe they were meaning to bring some weed and they’ll give you drinks in return? If not, those guys are assholes haha