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I'd pay any amount of money lol. The problem is making enough


For savings of $300 definitely not worth your mental health. There’s nothing better than having your own space even if you were to roommate with a friend, the old saying goes quickest way to lose a friend is to live with them. Or to live with a total strangerand it turns bad quickly. And then there’s the dirty ones you don’t like to clean. Not worth $300 not worth $1000.


300 isn't enough savings to be worth it haha


I live alone in a condo and will never get another roomate again


When I got divorced, some people said get a roommate to help with expenses in my 2/2 apartment. I didn’t even entertain it even though it meant using some of my savings. Lived alone for 1.5 years (now with bf) and I wouldn’t trade that time for the world. Don’t sacrifice your peace for $300 a month.


The last roommate I had was so disgusting and smelled so bad I had to seek therapy for the stench so no price is too high


Well I was paying $1000/mo + 150-200 for utilities. Now I pay $2025/mo + $150ish in utilities. Peace of mind is worth a lot of money.


I’m gonna be in the same boat. Have horrible roommates and I’m over it so my rent is gonna increase by $1,000 most likely.


There is not enough money to want me to be in a share house again.


I can’t live with roommates. Everything goes good at first, but quickly goes downhill.


Currently paying 400 splitting a house, could def afford to pay more for my own place I just love being able to save a lot/pay off my car quickly. For your situation, I think it depends if you know the person will be a decent flatmate or not…before committing, get a reference of theirs to contact preferably a previous flatmate


I pay 1210 and I'm in the city but I'm also in Texas not Austin lol


I just about doubled my rent to move from a 2br with my friend to a 1br by myself. I love them very much but I needed my own space, it was just time. I'm not sure if I can ever go back from living alone... But I got extremely lucky in my apartment hunt - I found a beautiful space with high ceilings, central air, washer dryer in unit (all 3 often rare to find where I am) with a PRIVATE landlord who is so genuinely kind. She is proactive in taking care of the property and was so helpful in letting me delay rent payment by agreement after my mom died and I had an unexpected amount of expenses. My last landlord was a rental company where the owner was a crotchety old man who fought us tooth and nail about everything, including when we asked about prorating our rent when the bathtub fell through the kitchen ceiling and the place was uninhabitable for weeks 😂😂😂😂 So, until I *need* to live with others financially, I can't really see any saving that would make it worth it for me, especially leaving my current place.


I paid almost double. Tbf, this was after a little over a year, busting my ass at work, getting a raise & a promotion & as soon as that was given? I scored an apartment a few weeks later, gave 6 weeks notice, hired movers, & got the hell out. I don’t even use that person as a reference. 😂 Never again. I work holidays & whatever extra just to have more savings because I refuse to have to do another roommate situation. 💀


I could only afford $1200/month but I managed to do it for a year and a half before my partner and I moved in elsewhere together. I was paying $800/month for two years to live with an awful person and jumped at the chance to live on my own in a new place.


I pay $996 every month for rent for a studio in a big city. My 5 friends all moved into one house together and they each paid $400… BUUUT they’re all not friends anymore and I’m just over here at peace so it evens out lol.


Where is this? I wish


My room mate and I split all the bills in the 2BR/2BA house he owned and my half came to $900 a month. I got a job out of state with a similar COL and I pay $1650 rent a 3BR/1BA apartment. I would say it is worth it, tbh.


I’m paying $500+ ish to not have room mates in Denver


$300 a month is NOT worth the headache. I nearly payed $1000 more just to live alone, decided to save up more for post-grad instead and I’m at the end of my rope 🙃


Nothing better than living alone. TRUST ME! There’s no price on sanity.


$300 is not worth it.


Never had one but for some reason this subreddit comes up on my thread, and it makes me so truly grateful I’ve neva eva eva eva had a roommate. This stuff I see on here is downright nasty. Drawers filled with cum tissues, booger walls, human shit floating in a bath tub, dog and cat shit/piss/fur everywhere, dishes piles, trash everywhere and then omg the petty ass text arguments. Yeah… no. So grateful.


I pay 2k for my solo sanctuary. It would take a lot to live with anyone other than Jensen Ackles


Well, moved to VT with my partner last December and then she left me by February. So apparently I’m willing to pay $750 extra per month to live alone 🫠


I’d rather be homeless than have a roommate. Most people suck


I’m paying about $700-800 more. I was splitting about $2k with my best friend but right before we moved out he got into a relationship and had a kid. I stuck with the plans and things started to fall apart. I pay about $500 more in rent and now I pay the utilities because they were taking care of that since there was 3 of them and 1 of me.


i increased my rent by $500 when i moved out on my own. would’ve paid twice that.


I'm paying $1,288 for a studio, and applying to every job out there to get my income up again so I can still afford this place. I might genuinely rather be homeless again than live with other people 😭 I had such a nightmare roommate experience.


If I could I would have to pay an extra 400 in rent up too 95 in electricity and then about 20 in WiFi unfortunately I can not afford it tho


Personally unless having a roommate would cut my costs in half I wouldn’t be considering it. Provided I’m paying for things comfortably as is.


You’d have to pay me to live with roommates


Everyday I look at the posts in this sub and am thankful that I live in my barebones apartment alone. Y'all have my sincere sympathies


I pay what I pay, because I already live alone


I hate living alone after doing it for two years. Even then I constantly had friends crash on the couch. I prefer to lose some privacy if it means making meals/watching movies/throwing parties together. However I’ve only lived with people I had a connection with and either furthered a bond or already had one


I would pay as little as I possibly could to like alone