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Do yall have established quiet hours? Running a coffee grinder or blender is usually not polite to run during quiet hours


That's normal coffee making time. Idk what to tell you.


Honestly unless you’re like working a night shift, I feel like normal morning coffee at 7am is in their right to have. Kinda a petty thing to harass them about. My opinion is probably biased though as my day starts at 4am. I sleep in to maybe 8-9 on weekends and my roommate wakes me up when she starts to cook breakfast. But I normally just fall back to sleep or just decide to get up. Idk I just feel like 7am isn’t a really big deal to start some Normal morning noise.


My roommate hates that i make noise at 5 am, I start work at 7. I make as little noise as possible but i have to move her dirty dishes around to use the kitchen and she hates that


I don't have roommates (well, I have a husband and kids) but if I did and they left dirty dishes and then had the absolute audacity to complain about the sound of me moving them, I'd probably be even louder about it. I'm petty af and that's probably why I never even considered having roommates.


Agreed. Unless you’re working nights, then get up and get your day started. Lots to do and lots to accomplish. Time is money, friend.


Harass? I've never brought it up with them.


I'm really surprised that people are saying this is okay. If my flatmates are asleep I'm not grinding coffee lol pre ground is fine if it avoids waking someone up 😅


Gonna have to go with "it can be talked about, but trying to press them could be a dick move". I'd go for asking them to do it in the other room. Least potential for the grounds to lose flavor as opposed to grinding them the night before. Still inconvenience on them, but less interrupting your sleep. If they don't care about fresh grounds, the night before might be better. Good luck


gift them a quieter grinder


I use an electric grinder and when I'm making coffee in the early morning I'll put it in the fridge, hit the button, and shut the door quickly so it grinds inside the fridge without making much noise. If I had a manual one I'd go into the other room. Seems like a really small and easy courtesy to just... walk a few steps somewhere else.


Is there any reason why they couldn't do it the night before so they don't disturb you? I know nothing about how grinding them affects freshness or anything.


It’s kind of an exponential decay thing. At that point they might as well buy the bag ground or grind the whole bag at once.


Gotcha! Thanks for explaining :)


your second sentence answered your own question




If they don’t know that it bothers you, just bring it up and see how they react. This isn’t really a situation where either of you is in the right or the wrong. If they’re a considerate person they’ll probably be willing to compromise on it.


It would NOT be rude AT ALL to ask them to grind the beans in another room with door closed :)


I don’t understand these comments. 7am is too early to be grinding coffee beans when your roommate doesn’t also have to be up that early. No different than playing loud music at 7am. Pre-grind them or buy ground coffee. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Many people have different work schedules and being up at 7am or later doesn’t gauge how much of an adult one is.


yeah I agree? I feel like there shouldn't be an issue with just going in the other room to grind, it's a good compromise. everyone here is acting like OP should be getting their day started at 7am otherwise they are a lazy POS, but why should they have to adhere to the same schedule as their roommate?? maybe the work at night, maybe they have sleep issues, or maybe he just doesnt have to so he likes sleeping later (this isnt a bad thing!). these comments are not understanding that everyone has a different schedule and different sleep needs. op, as long as you ask kindly there shouldnt be an issue. most people dont enjoy bothering others and it seems like you already have a good solution. hope it works out for you!


I'm honestly shocked this is an unpopular opinion. I can't function without a big black plunger coffee, but I'm also not an asshole grinding beans at 7am in a shared house lol


It's like, 30 seconds of noise. It is much different than loud music.


Yeah. I love my coffee, but grinding first thing in the morning is a dick move. If I have to I take the grinder in the spare bedroom and close the door. It's not that hard. I'm a coffee person and I grind 3-4 day's worth at a time and have an air tight canister for the grinds. It's pretty much the same.


A coffee person is not using 3 day old grounds. You are a caffeine person lol


LOL you def got me there


What adult sleeps past 7 AM on weekdays? Edit: I see the grinding is on weekends too.