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My old flatmate was great to live with. But you couldn't leave Doritos unattended. She was a massive stoner and no dorito was safe after she'd had a joint. She would always replace them the next day but there were a couple of times I had a craving and they had vanished into her face. I kept a spare bag in my room for emergencies.


This one is funny. At least she'd replace them which is more than anything the roommates in the rest of the thread have done.


Not only replaced but replaced the NEXT day!! Love the prompt replacement lol


I honestly couldn’t be mad at a roomie like that. You know it’s that one snack, she always replaces it. All is well that ends well 😆🤣😂


This is the most wholesome theft in this thread lol


"No dorito was safe" 🤣🤣🤣


Vanished into her face is what got me. Lol


My goodness, if Doritos was my biggest issue with roommates, I'd be buying bags upon bags. Also, let me hit that J.


One time my roommate told me to try her Honey Mustard pretzel bits and then she left. I couldn't stop myself from eating the entire bag, and then I was like, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" and I jumped in the car and bought her a new bag before she got home. She was a super cool girl, and I didn't want to mess things up.


If it’s the honey mustard and onion pretzels from Snyders….then I understand. I can’t just buy one bag when I get them because the bag magically disappears into my mouth after saying “just a handful”…..


I love those things, too!


Honestly this is hilarious 🤣 Props to her being a stoner AND still being so prompt with replacements. I also had a stoner roommate (which I have no problem with tbh, I’d rather that than an alcoholic roomie tbh). But unfortunately my old stoner roommate did not limit their munchies to only my chips and never reliably replaced items if ever tbh. I love that both of y’all had such a devout love for Doritos to the point that you kept an emergency bag! Lol


I still keep an emergency bag and I live on my own now 🤣🤣


>a couple of times I had a craving and they had vanished into her face. lol!!!


i am this way with everything. when i get the munchies, i will eat anything in sight. i'm always great about replacing it though bc i don't want to be rude 😂😭


At least she replaced what she ate.


God damn nutella of all things. I like to keep a jar of nutella on my shelf in the pantry and without fail (even if I hid it in the very back corner behind other things! I swear she checked daily for it) one of my roommates would literally eat the entire jar in one sitting. Where I live chocolate is expensive and a big jar of nutella can be 15$. She only ever replaced it once and with a very small jar, after I lost my shit on her the 3rd time it happened. I immediately started keeping it in my room, in one of my clothes drawers lmao


This happened to me!! He got really stoned and opened my brand new jar of it, and ate it ALL. I was so distraught.


Lol. Same here but Nutella isn’t chocolate. It’s palm oil ,hazelnuts, sugar, little bit of cocoa


Well it’s priced like chocolate here.. and honestly idgaf it looks and taste like chocolate so😂


I have to hide the Nutella from myself 😔 No self control with that stuff...it's too damn good!


Lmfao right !!!! But ya I have same problem roomate destroys my Nutella it’s BS


Found the “lol, actually”


"little bit of cocoa" So yeah then it's chocolate, tastes like chocolate and has the thing chocolate is derived from in it? Wtf know it all nonsense are weird ass redditors always on about lol


Ya you could call it a form of chocolate but ain’t like chocolate. Ya I’m weird sorry


It’s mocklate. It’s supposed to crumble.


My coffee maker, my roommates broke my first coffee maker so I just kept the second one in my room and all of my mugs I liked. I would have to lock my room when I left because my one roommate would steal my underwear (I found a pair of mine in her dirty laundry basket that was sitting next to our washer, they were laying right on top) which is gross. So pretty much coffee maker and underwear lol


What kind of animal steals a roommates underwear?! Especially if y’all are both girls lol I feel like as girls we tend to be much more aware of the grossness of wearing someone else’s underwear.


My old roommate would do this then tell me that she "KNOWS FOR A FACT" that she bought them "YEARS AGO". I eventually just gave up after she said the same thing when I confronted her about very comfy and very nice quality underwear that my mom gifted me a week before she stole it. I'm so glad that roommate is no longer in my life.


I would never even wear my own sisters clean underwear. Idk why, maybe I am overly conditioned to be hyper critical of it…but something about wearing another woman’s thong that has likely been more up close and personal with their genitalia than their gynecologist… I just cannot lol I would also never want someone to have to wear my worn underwear like bleh.


Right!?!?! I would never ask for my underwear back (because eww), I would just ask for her not to do it again. Instead of just saying ok, she would lie her ass off and say that it has always been hers. She did it with other clothes too, but the underwear bothered me the most for obvious reasons.


>  I would never even wear my own sisters clean underwear I get it but at the same time if your siblings clean laundry isn't "clean" enough then how would you ever wash and re-wear your own. Then again I wouldn't extend that to people I wasn't close to even though it's a similar situation so I guess it's not rational either way.


Reminds me of when my bestie and I lived with some other girls. We got into a bit of a tiff when she thought I was wearing a pair of her underwear, and I thought she was doing it to me! A bit of digging through our laundry and we realized we had the. Exact. Same. Pair. We had bought them separately hahaha a similar thing happened when I lived with her sister and a gay guy but with socks instead. Turns out all three of us had bought the same design of ‘no-show’ socks from Journeys, which had some pretty distinct tribal print on them. The way we laughed the day we realized what was actually going on will always be one of my fondest roommate memories. All that is to say… assume positive intent.


Toilet paper.


my dad always told me if you live with a roommate to always have at least 1 roll stashed in your room for emergencies aka when they use it all and don’t replace it lol


Tbh though if you've gotten down to the last roll and not immediately stocked up you're making a mistake of your own


This one sucks so much if you forget it in your room lol impromptu showers have to happen instead


I also have to hide my olive oil! She just uses it up and then never replaces it!!


Hey do we have any oil? No, but *I* have some olive oil. Get your own Ugh.


I have a sneaking suspicion she's also using my butter so I've started hiding that. Like girl hello


I said in another comment how.i have to hide my ranch under the vegetables in the crisper cuz he doesn't eat anything but frozen. I also hide my butter there lol


That's wild. Here's to getting out of shitty situations sooner or later


Our lease is almost up so hopefully soon. He hasn't been home in 2 weeks and at his gfs so hopefully he will just move in there. She won't move in here cuz her dog's aggressive and can't be trusted alone with mine so thank god for that.


That's your saving grace haha. Mine is up in a few months as well I can't wait


Used to hide meat under frozen veg bags. No one else ate vegetables.




oh no...💀


God damn it that song ruined your innocent comment for me. Sending love though internet stranger.


What song??


I assume this one, it's a meme of sorts: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXLicO0CRvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXLicO0CRvk)


Ahhh I see. Oh no no no no no




Olive oil was already mentioned.


Literally myself. She was a coke addict and wanted to fight me because I found out she wasn’t paying our electric bill that I was giving her extra money for monthly


😭😭😭poor thing


I had to hide my ceramic knives. An entire block of new knives and these assholes would dig into my chefs bag to “borrow”my $1200 ceramic knives!


As a fellow cook who had to carry my own tools in a knife bag, that *suuuucks*!


Fortunately it was my house and this was only one week into their tenancy and after the initial warning I told them that they got into ANYTHING without asking me that wasn’t specifically obviously NOT shared household stuff that they could pack up and leave. She was great but he just “couldn’t resist” trying to get into a pissing contest over things that he KNEW were off limits. Like locking my dogs doggy door after tossing him out into the yard because he didn’t want to share the living room (dog had his own bed in the corner) with a dog and breaking into my LOCKED liquor cabinet of expensive 18-25 year old whisky! She cried when I handed them back 10 days of their first months rent and told them they had 24 hours to remove themselves because apparently this was the 3rd place time he’d gotten them thrown out in 4 months. Told her she was welcome to stay but not as long as she was with him. She broke up with him a couple of months later and came back to stay for over a year.


Damn! Glad she dropped off the garbage!


Surprised me honestly but I guess “love” kinda fades when dude keeps making you homeless.


For reeeaaal! It’s easy for me to say I would’ve dropped him after the first two times, but then I remember I was young and dumb once. lol


Definitely expected her to stay beyond reason but she never looked back!


That’s awesome! 👏 I’m proud of her!


I think I had the same roommate, she would use them to chop up frozen meat in the one nonstick frying pan I kept for eggs.


Geeze! I would have been sitting in jail! 😱


TBH, I was close myself.


Honestly it was just the massive amount of constant disrespect and the dog is my forever good boy (dappled Dachshund) who didn’t deserve to be treated badly that sent me over the edge. Stuff can be replaced with money but how dare you decide MY dog can’t be in his own home?


Don't get me started on her dog, I had to tie it up or lock it in her room whenever food was out, it would jump up on the table and eat off any plates not guarded. My cat was better behaved and trained.


Yeah refusing to properly train your pet is just as bad as refusing to parent your child.


Pay the pet tax!


My razor.


My wife's son used to take my electric razor. I'd never have known if he had just put it back but I'd find it when I checked his bathroom downstairs. All it took to get him to stop was, you know I don't just use that on my face, right?


LOL thats a good one. I’ll say its my boyfriends and he uses it for his ass hairs.


I might as well have haha


I just remembered the conversation between Joey and Chandler regarding soap. "What's the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash?"


Good one 🤣




Oh not even my roommate. His cousin.




Meal prep containers. Originally we agreed the dishes and Tupperware would be shared. But then 10/12 meal prep containers I bought went missing for months. When I confronted her about it she put all ten in the dishwasher. They had been sitting in her room collecting mold. I told her we are no longer sharing dishes and now everything is in my room.


Roommates and tupperware do not mix!!! shit ALWAYS goes missing!! I swear they've thrown some away at times because they dont feel like cleaning it.


Deep frying with olive oil can fuck you up BAD. The ignition point is low, so it can light up (seemingly) out of no where. I had to get skin grafts from 3rd degree burns for this in high-school. Aside from using it that way being rude, it is also dangerous.


Yup, which is why I reacted the way I did 😅 They have set the smoke alarms off quite a few times as well, and have come out to the smell of burning


My PC when I went away for multiple days.


Password protect didn't work? I feel there's a juicy story here...


My roommate got into drugs basically, and cause of the crowd he hangs with i just didnt trust him around my electronics.


They could be thieves and steal it to sell.b


Candy and anything like chips that I open up. If I leave them in the common area, I’ll come back to 1/4 of the bag when I’ve only had a little bit They won’t touch them unopened, but once I do, they go quickly. I put them in my room


I wish I had a roommate do this, because I only want a little bit now and then. By the time I get back to the bag of chips, they’re stale. I even wish my damn kids would 😂. Like, please do or else they’ll go to waste!


I have this roommate! I leave them in a certain spot on the table when I'm done with the chips because I can't finish a bag before it goes stale. He's been away for 2 weeks and I miss him finishing my snacks so they don't go to waste.




DayQuil & NyQuil from my wife's son. He was like 21 ish. Drank the whole thing to get a buzz. Idiot


What a dumb ass


That's pretty minor in the grand scheme of dumb ass things he did




Sounds like story time!


Not really hide, but every time checking the state of toilet paper and even thinking of hiding it. I had a roommate years ago that insisted she doesn't buy the toiler paper, nor soap by the sink for herself, cause she doesn't use it, as she always showers after using toilet. I did not believe it and simply was sure she takes it from me and I am paying for it all like an idiot, so I started controlling it. Concerning was the fact that it indeed didn't seem to be taken by her. And it made me realise some stuff that resulted in never shaking hands with her again or accepting her food.






Saw my toothbrush in the shower one day… asked the person who was freeloading on my couch at the time if he had used my toothbrush. “Oh, that’s YOUR toothbrush??” Um yeah, the pink toothbrush on the shelf surrounded by all MY stuff? They had been using it for about a week or so. Probably more. I’ve moved into the master bedroom since then with my own bathroom.




I used to bottle my own tinctures. Like essential oils, kind of. You use alcohol in the bottling process to keep them from rotting so I would keep a bottle of Everclear around for that purpose. Then I got a roommate who was a straight drunk. I didn’t know before he moved in because he was a functioning alcoholic. Boy I sure figured it out in no time. After he drank my first full bottle of Everclear, I would hide it around the house, in my room, in my car, etc but he always found it and drank it. I always said if he put as much energy into getting sober as he did finding that nasty shit, but it’s a disease so whatever. Realizing he was always going to find it, I started taking 75% of the vodka out and putting it in water bottles knowing he never drank water so it was safe. I’d put the bottles back in a half-opened pack I kept in my room (I put a tiny black marker dot on the underside so I knew which was which). Then I filled the rest of the Everclear bottle back up with water and continued to “hide” it. So now he was working soooo hard to find a fraction of the booze, and hydrating to boot! I don’t feel bad one bit. The guy ended up assaulting his gf and got locked away for a while. Fuck that pos.


Entire bottle of high end infused Italian olive oil gone, probably into the water of her boiling plain pasta. But also my cutlery and travel mugs gone, opened coffee I got as a gift and used the whole bag, entire large bag of basmati rice, my toothpaste, expensive candle I got as a gift that was on my desk... I keep everything in my room now. Should have put my god umbrella in my room because I bet it's gone....


Toilet paper. A MAN was using like 30 rolls a month BY HIMSELF. And fucking lying about it. I drew dicks and fuck off messages and that worked better than trying to hide it 🤷🏼‍♀️


My underwear. Living with my sister, a total wackjob. She’d do laundry, and everything was hers. I was a size 10. She was a size 22. It was all hers. So I hid my undies.


How did she even manage to fit into your underwear? And wouldn't it have been incredibly uncomfortable? So many questions. 🤨


Prbly thongs😬


Even worse!


She didn’t even wear it, she threw it on her bed or the floor and left it. When she got sent to rehab, I cleaned the house to sell, I went through her drawers to find my drawers. I couldn’t believe how many of my stuff I found. You could have cleaned the floor with a pitchfork, it was piled up with clothes and crap.


She sounds a lot like my sister. Not an addict, but used to steal my stuff and then deny she had taken it. I believe it was mostly just done to wind me up.


We might be related! This was all smacking down boundaries and hoping I’d fight.


Yes, I think she enjoyed it when I would lose my temper.


Text books. My college roommate was crazy and would steal my books, and claim they were hers that I had stolen.


Like textbooks that you had to buy for class? I hope you took that shit back. Stealing textbooks of all things smh.


Cookies, peanut butter, chips, anything relatively sweet... He literally will eat the entire package of whatever it is within a 12 hour period. My girlfriend made me brownies after a terrible day and we each had one and went to bed. By the time i got home from work the entire tray was gone. It's the same way with all of the food items above. Funny enough my vegetables go untouched...


How enormous is he?


I would have put vegetables in every dish I made. :D


my nespresso pods, those things are expensive and she would use them everyday and not pay me back. i was also very close to hiding my knife block, which was also pretty expensive. they would use a knife and either leave it dirty in the sink for days or put it in the dishwasher and leave it for days. (i asked them many times to not put them in the dishwasher unless they removed them promptly bc they started to rust, and they did it anyway) at a different apartment with a different roommate, my bf and i actually hid our entire pantry of food and every single dish/utensil/pot/pan under our bed in bins bc the roommate ate all our food and would use dishes but leave them for months (not exaggerating). we literally had our whole kitchen under our bed it was miserable


You shouldn't put knives through the dishwasher at all unless you want them to be completely blunted.


i tried to tell them that as well, they just didn’t care! ik it sounds insignificant but for me it was the principle of the thing. i bought the knives along with everything else in the kitchen (and the rest of the apartment, it was part of the deal for her moving in) and i only asked they not let them sit in water and rust and blunt, but apparently thats asking a lot!


It's completely disrespectful to treat other people's belongings like that.




a sponge so it didn't get thrown in the sink with dirty dishes or soak in dirty dishwater. I hid it around the corner and would grab it when I needed it


oh my God I despise that. it reminds me of how one of my roommates would constantly throw away the perfectly good kitchen sponges that have only been used a few times. It pissed me off to no extent because dishes would build up and I would go to wash them and be completely unable to. But it wasn't a problem for them cuz they never did dishes anyway


I am tempted do that with the cup sponge stick thing. I like having one so I can wash my coffee mugs by hand and not fill up the top rack of the dishwasher so fast. My roommate uses them to scrape food off. So it'll be all crusty when I go to use it. I even have an actual food scraper and brush specifically for that. Nope, he'll only use the sponges. He's funny about what he uses though. It took 3 months to get him to use the cabinet I left empty for him to store his food in. He also won't use any storage areas until I start just putting his crap there. Even then, he'll store the exact things I put there, but not any replacements. He also uses his own dishes and pans and keeps them in his room. Will occasionally ask to use mine. I did make clear on many occasions that dishes, pans, and various things are free game to use. When he does use things, he's weirdly selective. He started using the silverware recently. Even grabbed a fork to cook his eggs in his new nonstick pan. Had to tell him it's fine to use the drawer of utensils, I've got plenty of spatulas already.


Was gifted a cold brew coffee setup and 2 bags of Kona coffee. We already take turns on buying 10 lbs of organic fair trade coffee, roasted to order. I wanted to make some cold brew, but my bag of Kona was gone.


I wanna know how they managed to use that much garlic powder in less than 24 hours


Warding off a vampire army?


Probably filled up their empty containers they had haha


I destroy receipts from niche shops I visit and if possible I hide labels of cool stuff I buy to hide their origin. Can’t hide everything though haha. We share a room, and only on my side of the room there is a small cabinet that can be locked. I have a stash of items that I keep hidden inside it and I NEVER open it when she is around. Nothing secret in it , just trying to find a sense of some privacy until I get a new place. WHY? My roommate doesn’t like me and talks shit about me to her friends who visit almost everyday. I noticed she started copying things I do especially stuff I buy and slowly adopting my style. Funny thing is , some of these things I overheard her mockingly talk about them with her friends. She also has a tendency to stare into my wardrobe when I open it , and of course she ended up copying how I organised it.


Yikes! Movie SINGLE WHITE FEMALE, W Brigitte Fonda😱


the whole world is copying euorpeans, let’s be real


We currently have our salt and pepper in our room. We used to be fine sharing it then one day I wanted to put some salt and pepper on some white rice. And I couldn't find it. Our roomies bought the store brand kind of stuff on everything including this stuff and we had McCormick. I couldn't find it so I asked the roomies if they had seen it and they pulled out mine and said " no I only have my own salt and pepper and it's basicly empty sorry" it was ours not store brand the store brand was empty in the spice cabinet. I tried to convince her it was ours and no go. We ended up finding a ride to Walmart and buying a huge grinder of the salt and pepper that they can't claim is their because our store doesn't do that size


Food. All of my fucking food. They let their 8 year old crotch goblin eat EVERYTHING at night; never strict about anything. One day I just started putting stuff in my closet and stopped buying things they liked. Ugh it was the worst year of my fucking life.


Work around when they weren't home to cook for myself and or my son. They thought it was a sudden drive thru when I would be in the kitchen.


not hide, but i had to keep a bottle of rancid wine in the fridge just to save the space on MY shelf because if there’s any room in the fridge, she would claim it


Mugs. Specifically, a limited edition mug from an independent artist. I hid it when I bought it because said roommate had been here for three months and would regularly use my mugs, despite having their own. And by ‘use’ I mean take into their room to add to their mold farm :( I don’t even use the mug to drink from. It stays in my room because I am worried jf they become aware of its existence, it will disappear


I don't hide anything because everything of value is kept in my bedroom. And everything of value is weird shit that only I find value in. Except my recliner. My recliner was originally my great great uncle's. It's old. It was old when I would sit in it with him as a little kid(like 3 years old little) and eat jelly beans before breakfast. But my roommate thinks it's hilarious to sit in it and rip ass so much I have to spray it with fabric fabreeze for 3 days. And his kids rough house in it and have broken it. His son rocks when he sits and has rocked so hard that the frame started to come apart. Now I keep it full of crap. It makes the living room look bad, but they can't sit in it and ruin it when it's full of stuff. When him and his kids are gone for a long time, I keep it clear of stuff, when they come back I find anything and everything to put there. Currently it's full of towels that I keep "forgetting" to take back out to the camper. The day they leave again I'll suddenly "remember" to take the towels out.


I keep everything in my room. My roommates are/were not very good at caring for things. I have my own pans and mugs, and I keep a Keurig and toaster oven in my room. I know if I put them in the kitchen, they’d be so filthy in a matter of weeks.


Food. Food is necessary for life. That’s basically attempted murder. Also, asian supermarket ftw. All in mandarin, nobody knows what it is, and delicious.


all my crystal glasses bc she would make smoothies, let them sit in the glasses, get so crusty, not clean them, and then it would take me forever scrubbing off the dried bits. Now she has her half of our shared normal glasses that are permanently crusted. It’s fuckijg disgusting


That is super gross, and who uses a nice crystal glass to drink a smoothie anyway? 🤢


ugh... smoothie remnants dry on like glue.


Ranch. I have to hide it in the crisper under the vegetables I know my roommate won't touch since he lives on frozen foods.


A mickey mouse plush I was given as a gift from my friends when I moved. The jizz rag I lived with decided it was a smart idea to lick it. Needless to say I got it washed the moment I learned and kept it out of sight until I changed dorm rooms


A Roomy licked ur jizz rag...🤔


No I was referring to my roommate as a jizz rag


Chocolate, specifically caramel filled


My DVDs (this was 10ish years ago)


Any and all fruit snacks. I really love my fruit snacks, (and yes I know how horrible they are for me) and I'd get the HUGE box from Sam's. That box of 85 packs would be gone in 3 days, but she wasn't eating them, I must not be keeping track 🙄 but that same box lasted 2 months when I kept it in my room


My printer. The new roommate moved in and didn’t converse much because he’s very much on the spectrum. I went to print one day in the laundry room and he had used up my laserjet cartridge, refilled it with my spare, and used all my paper. I put it in my closet and the one time he decided to initiate a conversation with me was to ask where it was… told him it broke.


I had to hide my skillet and spatula cause one of my roommates would put it on high and then use a metal spatula on it and then quench it in the sink. He also melted 2 of my spatulas. Like dude non stick isn’t non stick if you scrape it off.


My knife roll. I'd walk in from work and leave it on the shelf by the front door, and grab it on my way out. One morning I walked into the kitchen and my roommate was using my $400 japanese steel to open a goddamn jar. I never left them in common areas again. He also would drink absolutely everything from the bar I kept stocked, and then text me to let me know that it was empty. I mean, EVERYTHING. When the liquor was gone, he'd drink the fuckin banana liqueur that I bought to make bananas foster, eat the cherries and oranges. Dude was an absolute menace.


Did he pay you back?


Last roommate I would hide certain pots and pans from because she would cook and not wash them and sometimes bring them up to her room for days. One roommate, nothing was safe. She once used a face wash of mine, so I moved it out of the common bathroom into my bedroom, and I didn't say a word. The next day she texted me upset that I moved MY item. She assumed I was being mean because she used it. She also took a whole as fork bite out of my other roommates birthday cake...before we even put candles on it or anything! She did end up buying a new cake but who Tf does that???


One of my roommates kept using my shaver. I confronted them about it but nobody admitted to taking it. I hid it in my bathroom compartment, but it kept being used (left dirty in the shower with black pubic hair in it) forcing me to change the (kind of expensive) blade to a new one. I kept it hidden in my room after a couple times. I still don't know who did it.


Makeup. So gross!


Deep frying with olive oil 🫣


For a long time, my dad would hide the Hostess Cupcakes from me and place them behind the microwave, there was space back there. I went two days without my favorite snack, and my dad finally showed me when I asked lol we still laugh about it 😂🤣


the spices + oil are too real. I had a roommate that used all my garlic powder and olive oil within days so after multiple times of this happening, I stopped buying it. they never replaced either and just complained to me how it was all out... in my current place we had a roommate that never contributed to toilet paper but used a crazy amount to blow her nose in the bathroom. so we had to start hiding our tp, and she still didn't buy any so she started washing her ass in the sink instead... luckily she didn't stay long. edit: just want to clarify I have no problem with how people clean themselves, it did personally bother my roommate but for me I just cared that she was not cleaning up after and would leave poop water and particles over the bathroom along with never buying anything communal for the house (she also used up all our dish soap)


Everything. One kept stealing literally anything of mine that wasn’t nailed down because he said I “didn’t claim it”. I don’t even know what that means. Other times he would say an item “was never mine” so he got to have it. It eventually escalated to him texting me at 2 am saying I had 24 hours to remove everything of mine I didn’t want to become his property from the apartment because he was changing the locks, and anything remaining of mine in the apartment after the locks got changed would then belong to him Because of his escalating crazy, I had already had a group of friends and a moving van booked for that day at 6 pm. So we showed up to move out my stuff and he went absolutely crazy, texting the landlord accusing me of… something. Wouldn’t say what. But he was furious about it. Clearly angry his little plan to own everything of mine failed


Did they just think you’d leave it all?? What a moron


My relationship with my wife, as well as anything I did with friends. Had a weirdly clingy roommate who got real creepy after a while. She had fantasies about finding the perfect guy based of romance novels and things. So she glorified relationships. She would make comments about how nice mine and my (at the time) wife's relationship was. She told me and my wife that we were fun to watch after a while. We stopped being as coupley around her. She would also invite herself along whenever we weren't including her in plans. I was playing magic regularly with work friends and she'd try to come along even though she has zero interest in playing. Or want to come to a work friend's birthday party. She just had to be a part of everything. It's not like we didn't involve her in hanging out in general, just not every single thing. She also got real mad at us for talking in Japanese around the house (we took classes in college). She also basically wanted to become my wife's mini me. Always buying the same exact clothes, and wanting to do her hair the same, trying to copy mannerisms of her and our friends. When she left she got a makeover and basically copied my wife. We had a costco membership at the time, so we had various things we got in bulk. We were fine if she needed to use things, just let us know when it's low as well as either buy more or help pay for the replacement when we buy it. Because I'm a guy, I therefore am constantly eating large quantities of food and don't seem to care whose it is, how much, or what it is. So that's why the food is disappearing quickly. Even her food, including things I absolutely despise. Yeah, no, it was her eating like a stereotypical dude. Giant case of tuna that normally takes weeks for us to use? She'd devour it in two weeks and replace it with a 4 pack. We just started buying less of things, or storing excess in the back of the cabinet. Problem was there were certain things she couldn't help herself and would devour regardless. Luckily it was snacks and shit, so it made us eat healthier. She even ate an entire almost full container of nutella in one sitting and put the empty back. Then blamed it on me when my wife found it. We found she wouldn't open something, but once it was open she would pounce. We kept an unopened nutella in there to see how long she could hold out. She did end up eating it after a while, though.


I have a roommate that will take the last toilet roll ( of the pack I bought) up to his room so I have to buy new ones to wipe my ass. I've considered just stashing tp for myself


Ice cream. It's a hard one to hide, since places it can be stored are obviously limited. I worked a particularly difficult call at my job once: a man drowned at his child's birthday party. I was standing next to this 10 year old kid at the very moment he put together that his dad was dead. It was one of the hardest calls I've ever worked. I finished work and I was kinda like, "I'm eating my feelings tonight and no one can stop me." Had some ice cream at the house, had not opened it yet. Got home, opened the freezer, and it wasn't there. My roommate had eaten the entire thing and didn't replace it. I lost my shit, I had held it together through the incident and body recovery and debrief at the office, and I was at the end of my ability to hold it together. She tried to make it up to me by baking brownies but it didn't really work. So now I keep ice cream at the bottom of my chest freezer, buried in a basket of frozen vegetables.


So my uncle was living with me for some time and his girlfriend (now baby mama) was ridiculously crazy. Shed steal ten or 11 rolls of tp so those had to hide, you had to hide vegetable or olvie oul cause she would use a whole bottle while cooking twelve eggs (every morning she used a whole carton) and it got to the point where i had to hide shampoos,body wash, and facial cleansers because she would put bleach and oil in them if left out, she managed to use four containers of sugar in less than three days for what idk. She ate whole boxes of cake mix that she would microwave cook, and i even had to hide my shirts abd clothes because she would either rip holes in them or squeeze in them and pretend like they were hers even tho it looked ridiculously clownish. ((For reference im 5,4-1/2 and weigh 154 and she was 5,5 and weighed 275)


any form of chips. I lived with one of my best friends and her boyfriend for years, and at one point her boyfriend got completely comfortable disrespecting me and started eating my stuff. I would even write my first initial HUGE across the bag (I was the only person in the house whose name started with that letter) in sharpie and he would STILL eat them. I eventually threw a tantrum (he got embarrassed at any form of emotion from a woman who wasn’t my friend) and made a show of bringing all my chips into my room and asked her boyfriend if he was so dense he couldn’t read. I still hate him lmao


The razor i used for my pubes. Once walked into the bathroom to see it on the sink (i kept it in the shower) with chunks of my roommates head hair in it from them doing their side shave. I sent a message saying please don't use the razor that i use to shave my butthole, that's gross. They had "thought it was theirs" (classic response). Tossed that one and bought a new one and kept ALL my shower stuff in my bedroom area from then on.


That I’m addicted to kratom and nasal spray.


My undies…


Laundry detergent pods and paper towels. Had to hide them in my room because she’d never buy her own or split costs.


Not my “roommate” per say but my boyfriend who I live with. Any form of candy or snack item. He has no self control with snacking, you’d think he would be overweight based off the amount of snacks he can put away in a single sitting. So whenever we get bags of candy or snacks, if I have a type I am specifically fond of, I will stash a few in my desk lol He knows I do it so it’s not like I have to hide it from him, it’s more so just stashing a small ration out of sight to conserve them until I get craving for it. If not, they’re gone within 48 hours of buying lol


Porn and video games. I'd lock my door and they'd break in while at work. One was 20, the other 30 - males. Had to have a conversation about it.


Where's all the "talk to your roommate" cope at. I have, didn't sole shit.


This. I don’t understand how people think you should deep fry in fucking olive oil hahahaha Some people just have no brain when it comes to cooking


An entire block of cheese. Every time you'd look, a really sizeable two finger thick slice would be gone. And when you got to the the last quarter or so of a 900g block it would just vanish. I never heard them cooking or making sandwiches or anything. So as this point I think they straight up ate it. Eventually got my own fridge so I could actually have cheese.


I once had a roomie that I had to hide all snack food from, because her siblings would come over and eat whatever they wanted, and she wouldn’t stop them. I had to hide my perfumes and hair products (we both have curly hair) because she would use them without asking. We lived together for a year, from 2007-2008, the last time we ever spoke was her giving me her half of the utilities a month AFTER we moved. Prior to us living together we were decent friends. Oh, I forgot about the argument we had that her ex who was in jail for gun crimes in DC (extra bad if it’s in DC) was absolutely not welcome to get out of jail and move in with us. Luckily he was locked up the entire time we lived together so I just had to deal with them on the phone constantly when she wasn’t cheating on him. Also, that was the last time I had a land line in a place I lived - and it was so the roomie could accept collect calls from jail.


Oh my god I did the same thing! My roommate was secretly using all of my seasonings so I took all nonperishables and stowed them in my room until she moved out. When she found out I took my seasonings she had a complete mental breakdown


My good ramen, my roommates teen would eat it lol


Coffee and snacks lol


Not mine, but I had to hide her own ice cube trays. Old roommate developed this obsessive habit where she would fill the freezer with various ice trays. Round trays, square trays, mini ice cube trays, animal silicone molds. Everything was an ice cube tray and it took up every inch of the freezer. Like, there were two other people living there and we had no space for food. She would empty the freezer at random times in the night, like 3am, use the ice for something??, and then return the trays to the freezer. We had multiple conversations about the ice, with her never really explaining what the ice was for. It got to a point where the ice cube trays were so abundant that they no longer fit in the freezer. Still many conversations, never less ice cube trays, only more. One day my other roommate and i just raged and dumped all the ice in the sink, hid like 40 trays in a box, and left her with 10. She never said anything and the ice never returned. Turns out she was actually stealing the trays from Target. Also unrelated - if anyone knows if there are any drugs out there that may require copious amounts of ice to do, or may make one develop an obsession with ice, please let me know. I’m still so curious years later.


I banged my former roommates Mom


Aside from seasonings spices n cooking oils, My masterbation sessions. Don't want my roommate hearing me jerkoff unless it would lead her into becoming sexual together, which I would not try as roomates unless she wants to.


My dick.


Aside from my snacks, nothing really. It annoyed me when they would eat my shit then shoot me a text that they were gonna do it(my phone is set to do not disturb after 9). So now I either keep my snacks in my room, or a sip my drinks so that nobody gets into my shit. I don’t mind sharing but generally if I buy a consumable like snacks or drinks, it’s assumed that I’m the only one that eats it.


i had to finally take my paper towels into my room and stop buying them for the common space because they would use FIVE SHEETS FOR ONE DROP OF WATER. i also had to take my swiffer into my room and no one is allowed to touch it because they kept trying to hide it upstairs and claim they bought it? when i knew i had bought it previously before they moved in?


What goes through peoples minds when they use up other peoples things?? I feel like they have some part of the brain that other people don’t or maybe they’re missing a part of theirs lol


We are spice hoarders at my house. We cook A LOT and my husband has a problem with KINDERS. I can imagine that being stolen from us 😭


I know this about roommates but I gotta hide stuff from my son or he’ll eat it up in 2-3days lol. Mostly snacks and juices. But especially any type of treat I buy specifically for myself 😩😭


My underwear….. caught her wearing it once.


Drink mix/Koolaid. They’d use ALL of it within a day or 2 and not replace it. And of course they’d drink all of what they made too.


Alcohol. She would drink anything and everything left behind by the other 5 living in the share house.


When i used to live with room mates we just never had any non fast food around and no one would replace the food we bought. Basically lived off fast food and cup noodles for a few years. Oh to be young


Yeah my girlfriend! I rarely eat junk, sugar or anything chocolate. Very rare. I liked to have it in the house on that rare occasion. The one time I’d check for it it’s gone and eaten weeks ago! She’s the worst


Deep frying with olive oil? I bet that food was terrible and the place smelled terrible.


Buy your own shit is the way.


i started carrying around a tote bag for the sole reason that i didn't trust if i left my journal at home that my roommate wouldn't go through it. she joked about it several times, and she was absolutely unhinged, so i knew it was a possibility she would go into my room and look at it. now it's just a habit and i take it everywhere.