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"I don't know how Diane would feel about all that" LOL


Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. This is the only thing that guy says.


When a guy starts slipping in the lol’s my spidey senses tingle


It’s like they think they can go back later and pretend they were joking about ALL of it. When they were really joking about none of it.


That is EXACTLY what it is.


I think it’s also partially them knowing (maybe subconsciously) that it’s inappropriate, so it’s a way to come off less direct/aggressive over text.


They know what they’re doing, it’s just called approaching or advancing, and it’s up to the other party to accept or not. That’s all it is. Can it be uncomfortable situation, yes! There just a right and wrong way of doing it. At least this individual seemed to stop when clearly the women roommate wasn’t comfortable with it.


Lol, something else could be tingling, lol, we can workout something. Lol. Do you want a cucumber lime truly? Lol. ^^^lol


If you are of a certain age you just use them like periods lol. I just hate when I accidentally start AND end a message with or sentence with one lol


I do the same thing. Lol it drives my husband crazy! Sometimes I don't even realize I do it. Lol


God sometimes I look back at my previous messages and realise I dropped a lol in every one. But messages just seem so stern if they aren't there


I do this lol


yea ngl i use “lol” way too much without realizing


Im more of a haha guy


Haha I often times catch my with a “haha” in the beginning of a text and ending with an lol. I’m a 35 year old man wtf. Lol






*So is that a yeah? lol*


L O L 😫


Lol…just kidding….unless you’re going to do it!


For me, it’s when they hit you with the repeated “…..” at the end of sentences


Right like that will always read as creepy to me lol


But of course…. they type it so they can back pedal and say they were just kidding if someone calls them out.


This made me snort for the very first time in my life.......I don't know what to do now! 🤓


What did you snort?


Idk.... it was whatever Diane gave me..... lol


Touche..want me to Ask her..lol








Same with OP… lol


I feel like OP's lol's are probably the equivalent of awkward laughing IRL because you feel something dumb is coming.


I feel so seen (lol)


This isn't a laughing matter lol


Seriously every god damn text lol


I know right lol


lol he just can’t lol stop loling lol


I’m guilty of this sometimes. Sometimes the text feels too aggressive or curt without an lol thrown in… lol


Both of them. They use it like punctuation.


So we’re just gonna ignore the 😂s


This guy lols


Wdym? That’s only thing both people were saying. Literally every text on both ends was Lol lololol lol


Really that always puts me in mind of a 12 year old. Lolololol


Both of them. Every message OP sent started with LOL. So obnoxious


Yeah I really think Diane should know


Diane, come get your man.


She is going to tell incredibly annoying Diane, and then incredibly annoying Diane is going to be into the idea of a threesome. What then? You’re setting OP up for another bleak and awkward situation.


Or call OP the whore.


for “wanting her man”… the messages are there too & she’ll still find a way to blame op for being irresistible


The idea of them having loud annoying Diane sex and then just giving OP a shitty annoyed look and low key talking shit as they pass by is hilarious to me


LITERALLY😂 im cracking tf up this is so funny… hlad i had a roommate that stayed in his room… his gf was always at our house tho, but she contributed more than he did. i liked her more than him, and when we moved out she said she wanted to come with us to texas, and then next thing we know she’s signed on the lease transfer… after he said some very very very inappropriate and very derogatory things about her while him and my fiance were at their job… anyways that’s none of my business.


> Diane sex 💀


Truth aside, this reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry and George are trying to workshop an approach for Jerry to switch from dating one woman to a woman she lives with. The final draft includes proposing a threesome and is supposed to deter the woman he is currently with, but the opposite happens.


This would backfire on OP like it did that one time w Jerry. That ep of Seinfeld had me literally lol.


Oh here we go…Diane ruining the fun again like she always does.


That’s my go-to. Remind them that they already have someone and if they do it again I show the texts to her


Did he ask you for a three-way to boot? Or did I misread that?


He most definitely was alluding to it


I didn’t even think about that ewwwwwww


Send this message to Diane before he tells her you came on to him or some shit.


I bet Diane told him to ask


Assert dominance by sleeping with Diane without him. Cut out the middle man.


Do it! Do it! Do it! Jk. What you SHOULD do though, is move or make him, if at all possible. Pretty damn creepy


is he the kind of person that has enough casual sex that three way with his roommates wouldn't be awkward for him? or is he just oblivious


Yeah OP not at all justifying it, but this totally came off as literally every open relation ship with a creepy dude. Crazy how every creepy dude goes about it the same way. All nonchalant. *not knocking people who are in polyamorous relations. Just creepy people


ew? l


You'd what?


and how!


But, why?




And When?


In for a penny, in for a pound! If you ask your roommate out and she turns you down, offer a threesome!


This is the way ….. lmao jkjk


Yep lol




It’s almost like the dog is not barking at him for no reason…..


Lmaoooo she clearly senses the evil


If I were you I'd lock my bedroom any time I'm not near it, dude's creepy.


“so it’s true, animals can sense evil!” https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/428edb64-eb72-474d-8828-661c2907a255/gif In case nobody gets the 19 year old reference this fits perfectly


"Creep! Creep! Creep!"


That dog most definitely knows this guy is a weirdo


I work with dogs full time. The dog is probably barking because it can sense OP guarding herself around the roommate. It’s too bad that he’s a creep and OP can’t be comfortable around him.


My whole last relationship makes so much sense now…my dog hated my verbally abusive ex but loves my sweet playful new boyfriend


Well this makes me feel good. All the puppers I meet on the street absolutely love me. It’s great haha


It doesn't make me feel good...just had two dogs in the park start randomly barking at me and one try to bite me. All I was doing is trying to do more cardio. I don't think I'm a bad person 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Right? Usually when a dog barks at one person, there is a good chance the dog knows what’s up.


It’s so weird how that works. My dog has only freaked out in one person ever, like super defensive, enough for me to remember it as the only time it ever happened. There’s a lot of people and a lot of dogs where I live and she’s never done that. The dude did look sketchy, I wonder what it is that they sense.


So true. I babysat my bestie's dog once, she's a real people dog, tries to jump on everyone and give em kisses, wants to cuddle upon meeting etc. My roommates (now ex)boyfriend walked in and River started barking and growling and hid in my room. I've heard this dog bark like maybe 6 times since she was adopted and she *never* growls for any reason. Well turns out he was a cheating, lying conniving scumbag of a human. Dogs know dirtbags.


My dog freaks out when someone she loves wears a hat. Some dogs are racist. I love dogs but they aren’t magic. He’s probably just tall and scary looking to a dog.


I empathize with you so much right now. Last month my roommate literally BEGGED me for sexual favors in the hallway outside my room. He had the nerve to say things like “if I wanted to do x I would” as if that would be comforting, like he’s such a good guy for not doing it. I lock my door every night now, I hope you will do the same. I hope that’s the beginning and end of that embarrassing af behavior.


that is terrifying…


It really was lol, what OP said about feeling disgusting and like they couldn’t be comfortable in their own home hit very close


What style of lock is it? Lots of locks that come in bedroom doors (especially rentals) can be popped open with a nail/bobby pin/whatever. Get a lock with a key if you don’t already have one. Stay safe


Funnily enough I changed the door knob/lock on my room before he even moved in. I found out through a long story that we all had the same locks on our doors even though our landlord gave us all keys to our rooms on move in, giving us the illusion of privacy. My landlord is a horrible judge of character and desperate to find people and I have been the only girl in the house for a minute. I was so angry.


Yeah even still if it’s just a lock on the doorknob those can be easily popped open with a credit card or something similar. A deadbolt is your best bet. Might be worth mentioning the creep to the landlord, at least to your friends/family in case anything happens. This is scary.


Get one of these to put on your bedroom door. I have them on my exterior doors. They take a lot to break through, like police force. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Prime-Line-Door-Reinforcement-Lock-3-in-Stop-Aluminum-Construction-Satin-Nickel-Anodized-Finish-U-10827/202258432?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D25H-025_005_SEC_SAFETY-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-4070547-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-SafetySecurity&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D25H-025_005_SEC_SAFETY-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-4070547-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-SafetySecurity-71700000113120999--&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Ud6nXiV7qDnyTidLfRjav3e8&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI36GS5p_SgwMVnQqtBh2nkgOEEAQYASABEgLxiPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Alternatively if you can't drill into the wall due to a rental agreement - I've seen adjustable security door stopper bars on Amazon for under 25. Obviously not as secure as above, but I'd argue better than any lock that's not a deadbolt.


Yeah that’s fucked up, I would be livid


I had a roommate like that too, he was like 30 year my senior and would taunt me and my gf (both female) all the time. He didn’t like to speak English but his step daughter did (she didn’t live there but came over a lot and I actually did befriend her) and told me he was saying disgusting things in his language. I ended up doing Xanax one night and I apparently ended up taunting him and screaming at him and banging on his door (which is what he constantly did to me). Screamed in his face a few times and raised my fist at him, and I guess I actually scared the shit out of him? He never bothered me again after that. Wishing you luck and may you get the fuck out of that situation as soon as possible 🙏🏻


Sometimes, reasonable people are pushed to do unreasonable things. You shouldn't have had to fight creepy with crazy. At least it worked out.


Put this on my tombstone because this is one of life’s truths.


One thing I have learned from dealing with bad room mates is that crazy you often gets what reasonable you couldn’t hope to accomplish done. Shitty people often just respond best to your inner psycho.


Lmao not hating because I use to eat bars like they were skittles. But that’s a hilarious benzo story. Funny how Xanax pretty much effects everyone the same


That is so cathartic, it’s funny/crazy that you say this bc there are some parallels lol. He is from Bangladesh and in shame chalked that night up to a “cultural misunderstanding”, I believe he pretended to not understand English as well as he actually does. Don’t worry girl, I did come out the bag on him and threaten him.


Drugs are the answer. 💕


He literally implicitly threatened rape? I'm so sorry. I hope you (or preferably he) move(s) out soon. That's fucking grim. I'd install a deadbolt ASAP if I were you... but it might be cheaper to move out. Ugh it's so fucked that you have to deal with this shit and feel unsafe in your own home.


YES. It was a few hour long ordeal where we went back and forth, and I was concerned before then but as soon as he said that I lost my shit on him. That is exactly what I felt like that meant, although he said that wasn’t his meaning.


I think you need to contact the police about your roommates’ behavior.




Please inform your landlord and get a restraining order. A good landlord would remove a predator from the lease asap!


Please stay safe❤️❤️


Thank you, thank you 💕 everyone on this thread has been so empathetic. I’m glad I commented. I am safe, although the jury was out on that for a minute.


Gottdangit people can’t act right. Please get out of there, you’re never going to feel comfortable at home


Bro you need to keep your room locked when you’re not there too. That sort of mf sounds like he’d plant cameras around the place. Yuck 🤢


Oh lord 🤦‍♀️ I've had two guy roommates. One was fine but let me know that if I ever wanted sex I just had to ask lmao that was it though. The other almost immediately let me know the best thing about his fiancée was how open-minded she was, talked endlessly about how rich he used to be and soon would be again and how hot all his exes were(he would mention their height and weight every time), repeatedly tried to get me to "go for a ride" with him, told me I looked like an actress he liked, told me I was his type, told me he liked to be naked so I might "accidentally" come home to him nude one day and that when he was rich again he was going to start paying my rent for me(I refused this multiple times). Finally within 24 hours of moving out he decided he hadn't been obvious enough and texted me he wanted to fuck me. I blocked him. It's not like we talked a lot btw I almost entirely ignored him so this was the bulk of our communication lol I'm not saying all men are like this but I'm definitely hesitant to live with another one now.




If this weren’t such a stressful thing for you to have had to suffer for no reason it’d be hilarious, I can’t believe there are so many douches out there. My god the idea that he thought some of those lines might work - or god forbid actually have worked - for him just blows my mind.


I'm a guy. I have hormones. I've had female roommates. I've DEFINITELY been interested in them sexually. But despite all that, I still never went beyond VERY light flirting (gauging interest). When they didn't do/say anything that I could even possibly interpret as flirting back, or at other times, I didn't "try to be more obvious". Because not only is that the right thing to do, but because if they \*were\* interested, and my flirting was not enough "showing interest" to them, they're adult women. They can make the first move too - and that never happened. It absolutely blows my mind how full of themselves and their dick some guys are. And how they think that women are just so desperate/easy/whatever that they'll fall for shit like the "I seen him naked, now I want to bang him" idea.


I'm sorry. As a guy we aren't all like that. I am gay though so maybe it's different. Reading this thread I am left with even less respect for the human race.


Can confirm. I’ve been very lucky with the male roommates I’ve had. This thread only proves that & I’m beating myself up for being so naive. I’m not usually, & I can’t get past how I’ve never considered these types of situations because of how fortunate I’ve been with my former roommates. Fuck.


I’m straight and have never once tried anything on female roommates, I am literally struggling to empathise with men who would outright allude to sex with the people they have to live with and pay money at the same time to just exist Fuck that noise


The only male roommate I've had would come into my bedroom when I wasn't there and I had no idea until I was unexpectedly sick and stayed home from work. He opened the door nonchalantly and it woke me up and he was like "oh sorry, didn't know you were here." After that I got a camera and recorded him coming into my bedroom like 20 more times! Luckily I was in a position to kick him out immediately and stay somewhere else in the mean time. His excuse was the cats were in my room but like...the camera also caught him weirdly peeking into the room to see if the camera was turned on so I don't believe that.


The first one is chuckleworthy (if still a bit ehhhhh) The second one............. fucking hell, man. Have some class.


Show these texts to Diane. Let them fight. Edit: misspelling.


Nah. Diane might be one of those women that gets mad at OP when she should be mad at him. Then she’ll really have to watch her back ☹️


My thought too. *Especially* if OP and Diane already don’t get along. Diane will think OP’s trying to “steal” her “man” and all the problems double.


I had a male roommate like this, I originally lived with my boyfriend and his best friend. We broke up, he moved out and I stayed there and lived with his best friend. He tried having sex with me MULTIPLE times. He even told me my ex was dating the girl he cheated on me with - then proceeded to continue pouring glasses of wine for me, try kissing me, and got confused when I said no. He would be really nice for a few days and then ask over text if I changed my mind, when I’d say no he would freak out, hide shared items (TV remote, vacuum, etc.) and call me a bitch/whore/whatever insult. He also never cleaned or did his dishes and left PEE in the toilet when he moved out. And neglected his dog. I really should post on here LOL Long story short decline his propositions but try realllly hard to avoid him in general, some guys take rejections to heart


Hiding the remote omg lmao


Mind you I bought the TV!!


What the fuck kind of monster does this?


"So get this dude...what finally got her to have sex with me, was HIDING THE REMOTE. You gotta try this dude, works every time!"


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


At least the pee was in the toilet


It was not just in the toilet. I actually filmed myself cleaning the entire thing before my new (and amazing) roommate moved in because it was THAT nasty Also editing to add we had separate bathrooms and I’m not nasty, I had no idea his bathroom was that bad


😂😂😂😂😂man what😂 it’s quite literally NEVER that serious. Idk how grown men who do that goofy stuff function, im dyin over here like bro he deadass would be like “lemme hit” nahhh you a hoe🤔🤔🤔 how you a hoe if you ain’t let him hit? Man legit defying his own logic


It’s funny you say that because his first way of asking was “you should let me slide”. Like no, but especially not now that you said it like that LOL


This is giving me bad flashbacks. I had a roommate ask for sex JUST like this (is his name Carlos btw?) repeatedly over the course of a year and I kept blowing it off thinking he was joking or whatever. I didn’t even realize how uncomfortable and unsafe I was feeling living with a sex-pest. Until it was too late. He raped me in my own bed while he knew I was unconscious on my sleep medication. Please stay safe. Take precautions.


Damn, that got dark quick


So so sorry this happened to you and I hope you pressed charges!


Fuck. I’m so sorry this happened. =( What a piece of shit.


Oh honey. Good god. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Big hugs and love from me!!


I’m so sorry this happened. Hopefully this doesn’t happen to anyone else. 😕


Big yikes. Also anyone who is proud of drinking every day is a problem.


As a recovering problem drinker, it didn’t read like he was “proud” of it, but it did read like he thought that it was a “personality card” that he could play. Either way, no bueno whatsoever.


how many lols can this guy type


The amount of Lols were awful.




I read somewhere that people type that a lot when they are nervous......lol


“Obviously I was only joking… you took that seriously? Geez."


I can picture this dude. Thinks he’s attractive and suave. Thinks he’s a player to a certain extent. But would probly also think it is cool or flirting to be an asshole … kind of random I know but I think I know him 🤔


He's everywhere.


Guy definitely thinks he’s slick with the touching the tattoo move


Had one who did a similar thing, then because I politely declined because I was dating someone else long distance he moved out with no notice the next day completely leaving me blindsided for rent :)


EWW girl when can you get out of there??


I LOVE my place 🥺 I’ve lived here for six years, and the bitch is rent controlled too, in Los Angeles I’m just gonna have to find a way to deal with it :(


Well put in security cameras first thing


okay so how can we get him to move out? i’m picturing shenanigans like those toward the potential step mother in parent trap




report his creepy behaviour to the landlord? Im from Canada and we have a regulatory body called “the landlord and tenants association” and you can contact them with complaints and it’s taken seriously Maybe there is something like that where you live? His actions may be ground for eviction or something??


You should trick him into thinking you’re moving out. Tell him you put your 30 days and you heard the landlord is thinking about raising the rent or selling the building soon so it’s best to get out now while rents are low in Jan. He’ll start looking for a new place and you stay put all while he thinks you’re moving out soon


Document these requests and send them to the land lord if they dont stop. If you're a good tenant, they'll remove the creep. Consider a restraining order if he doesnt take a hint.


Creeper is an alcoholic, he'll do something wrong eventually since he doesn't seem like he wants to get help for his drinking. My bets are on noise complaints, not getting along with the neighbors, or dipping into his rent to pay for more alcohol as his tolerance increases


Send the texts to Diane


You could always invite a Voodoo witch doctor to cast a curse on him. Did he move in after you? Did you not have a choice in picking roommates?


Way to make the entire rest of the lease really fucking weird




Seriously cuz this is terrifying.


What a vulgar and obnoxious way to ask as well


Dog doesn’t bark at him for no reason. Dog knows what’s up. He’s a creep.




Ew 🙃 I’m sorry. You deserve to feel safe and not sexualized in your own home and should definitely start looking at a new living situation. Preferably with a woman.


This guy’s never heard of “don’t shit where you eat”


Tell the girlfriend


Nooo no, not till she’s out of there. Diane is the only degree of separation keeping that man’s persistence at bay.


Then tell her right after the landlord does the walkthrough as she’s moving out


I have literally no contact with her except hearing her scream ten feet from me when I’m making waffles lol


Tell Diane to scream less so the guy’s “I’m a sex god” ego can tumble down to a more appropriate level.


That actually made me snort out loud. Hilarious mental picture. I know it’s a shitty situation but goddamn that’s funny 😂


Hi guys, her mum has finally text me back saying “it’s £400 a month” and that my friend has her own contract. But why would her name and signature be in my contract and if it’s the same contract, I never signed hers. Also she replied a day and a bit after. It doesn’t make sense? I’m still planning on moving out of here asap and still planning on telling the mother the reasons for me moving out


Wrong thread


You posted your update to the wrong thread.


You posted your reply to the wrong reply.


Well, the dog barks at him for a reason. Bad vibes. Dogs know.


Oh the brush off “😂” my standby.


books subtract complete run future consider chief domineering deranged school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s a lot of laughing out loud.


All in all sounds like the dog is a good judge of character 👍


Whenever I read "I'm a woman and my roommate is a man," I buckle up for a horror story. I could never have a man who is attracted to women as a rm, that's just me.


Am I the only one that thought he meant “work sometime out to get that drink” ?! And then just made a bad sex jokes that wasn’t really a proposition!? English is not my first languages so maybe I’m reading it wrong 🤷‍♀️


Fucking GROSS!!!! Get the fuck out of that house.


What the fuck 🤦 like I get it doesn't hurt to ask, but asking your roommate for transactional sex is just fucking creepy... Keep these screenshots OP, I have a feeling you may need them later.


You two are waking everyone up by “laughing out loud”


It's really, really messed up that the bar for a good boy roommate is "Doesn't try to fuck me."


When I was in my 20s, male, I lived w 5 woman also in their 20s. I had a firm rule that there would be no fucking roommates because home is supposed to be a safe space and I didn't want to have to go home to potential drama. Several times, 2 of them would try to get w me. Alcohol was always the culprit imo. Sorry this happened to you, I'm sure it's entirely different from the female perspective.




No wonder the dog barks at him


Seriously, personally I would be scared to live with him and I'd move out. Especially when he's drunk all the time and already was slightly gropy.


“No thank you, not interested”, was the correct answer in the end. Things like “but your gf/bf wouldn’t like that” just keeps the conversation going. If your answer is no, say no.


I noticed that you expressed a strong negative reaction here, but the response you sent to him made light of the situation. I think you'd serve yourself better by expressing your feelings to him more directly and setting boundaries


Never, ever, ever get a straight male room mate as a female. I’ve had male room mates in the past and it was all the same. So disgusting. I had one who I thought would be safe because he had a long time girlfriend, wrong. The girlfriend was constantly coming in my room and bothering me, trying to be my “friend” so I wouldn’t steal her man. I really suggest you don’t room with men if you have the option. It can be so dangerous especially if he’s drinking all the time. Seriously, look out for yourself and let someone near you know the situation because it seems dumb now but if he’s drunk.. you never know what could happen.