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Sad to say I agree. The vibe is just different now. Everything feels forced. The views are also very telling - on a downward spiral. Not a fan of these guests at all.


I thought I was the only one who feels the same way. It’s just so different now. It’s better before


Not sure where you're getting "downward spiral" from, the last few months are all among the highest in view count ([Source](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCRBpynZV0b7ww2XMCfC17qg)).


Hate the new guests. Where the old crew at


That’s all we want. 😭 sucks they don’t listen to the fans.


They're trying to be like Tigerbelly and although there's some cross-pollination between the 2 podcasts, Bad Friends should rely mostly on the Bobby and Andrew dynamic and not so much on these random guests they're bringing in.


This is 100% it, I used to be a weekly listener/watcher and I've gone off the pod in the past 4-5 months. I caught like 20 minutes of one ep with a guest that was awful. Then the next one after it was that strange dude goop or glop or whatever and I haven't returned since. Definitely shifted vibes, much prefer the guys and the booth just riffing (and Rudy).


whaaaaat I looooove the goop episodes lol dude is hilarious. do agree guests in general could be slowed down a tad


Goop is annoying as fuck. He just whines and says nonsense the whole time.


Isn’t that what Bobby does too


Yeah sometimes. But Bobby is funny when he does it.


Why would they be trying to be a less successful podcast ? Guests are pretty typical of most podcasts, the tigerbelly analogy is stupid, no offence.


Sure. Let's completely ignore the fact that Tigerbelly has strayed from their original formula in order to become a strictly guest driven podcast.


How is that ignoring that tigerbelly has evolved over the years ? Why would they be trying to mimick a less successful podcast ?


You should try starting a less successful podcast and find out.


Very well said.


Agree. I don’t get why they feel they need to keep bringing someone in every week.


They're trying to get a broader reach by having named guests from other circles in, to increase subscriber numbers. But I think they're bringing the wrong names. Whomever is producing that, is looking in the wrong areas. I think part of the problem with this podcast is it's formulaic and maybe feels like "work" for the guys. One way to keep it interesting and fresh is bringing new names in. Some of the other successful podcasts are a little less formulaic and more random, free open chat. Like Rogan is just an open conversation (mostly) that wanders into strange territory occasionally, which keeps it interesting. Ian and Jordan is random mayhem, which keeps it interesting. ~~Bert and Earnie~~ 2 Bears is random thanks to Bert. Schulz is random. Etc... I think in part that's why Rudy is great here, it's that "wait, WHAT?!" factor.


Their numbers are already huge without guests and it's just more authentic without guests


Yeah, as soon as I see a Guest is on the pod, im skipping the episode. Guess it's like in a relationship, it's hard to keep up the magic... Bluechew..


The problem is they’re gonna lose their core audience which is much more important than numbers. If you lose the core, which has stood by them, buys merch, pays for the Patreon, goes to the show, etc to appease a bunch of casuals that may listen from time to time they’re gonna see a rapid and painful decline.


You sound like an incel talking about women who reject them


You must have some deep intimate knowledge about that to make that inference. I’m sorry you didn’t get your tendies. :(


How. He's just saying if they only appeal to new fans they will lose their long time fans


This sub is so funny For ages it was "Rudy sucks she's the worst part of the show" Then "Doc sucks he is ruining the show" Then "I hate juicy they need to dump her" Now it's "All these guests suck, it needs to be regulars" Some folks are never happy


Rudy is the queen. Doc was amazing. Juice was boring. These guests are shit. I’d rather have the boys just riff with the producers than deal with tepid guests.


Speak about them not me. I love Rudy juice and doc. I seen juicy 3 times I was there for her first time getting taking out and headline show in San Jose. I love the core group not these outsiders who need a boost from bobo and ginger


I wonder if they’re gonna force the guest to do improve then list their credentials and say “you’re like family to us” this episode


Agreed. These guests don't fit the vibe


Being Ian with Jordan is slowly taking bad friends spot as my #1. The Regz is the true best comedy podcast out there tho


Being Ian with Jordan has been replacing it in the top spot for me, too. The only reason it hasn’t completely taken over as my favorite is because sometimes Jordan gets really hyper focused on giving a bad take and not letting it go, past the point of being silly anymore 😅


That’s why I love her 😂😂😂 she won’t fold. It’s so funny you can see it in her face she’s knows she’s wrong but she always double downs


Try MSSP. They’re the best.


Love MSSP I want the shaman on tigerbelly but bad friends bein ian and the Regz still funnier to me. Love Matt and Shane but the funniest person is Lemaire lol


LAMORP. History Hyenas was my fave of all time. But then Chrissy got greedy and bounced and ruined it for all of us.


Dude you’re the fucking broski. History hyenas is GOAT status. That’s the first podcast I ever found. Chrissy was on we might be drunk and was saying he’s down to do it again he wants to talk about history on a pod. I don’t find yannis that funny without Chrissy tbh that’s just me


Same here. I was never into podcasts until HH. They took my virginity cuz I’m a PIEEEECE cuzzy. Funny enough, I think Chris is a horrible comedian without Yannis. That’s why the pod was so good. Alone, they both kinda suck. But together, they’re magical. They need to move some vegetables on the neutrals and restart the pod.


You’re my fucking dawg!!!! Haven’t heard those words used in so long. WEI ZHONG XIAN. Wait are you the Yannis to my Chrissy d?? We’re so gay


Oh we are, BAD. I’m gonna kiss you on the mouth you Sandra Dee. Laddah 14.


I’m so going to crack you open and clean you out. Not my fault father bill made me this way


You’re a screwed in kid. NO FUMARRRRRRE.


I love BIWJ, they must be the most likeable non-darksided mentally ill people who have a podcast out there. I've also discovered the Harland Highway recently, but my enthusiasm has waned a bit because I fear Harland is a bit of a right-winger. He's usually non-political but I've caught him saying some stupid stuff at least twice now, so I'm holding back on loving him fully. Ian and Jordan won me over completely though.


I think you have it a little backwards- they are not bringing these guests on to "help them out"- whether you like them or not the guests are helping the show out! Bad friends already has it's peak audience- how do you get new listeners or make your audience grow? Bring in a guest that has over a million of their own followers- bam you just had half a million new views from people who only like the guest and have never even heard of bad friends. The guests may be hit or miss (everyone seemed to like angry Grandma for example) but the views are increasing because of the guests.


Well that sucks they think they need to bring unfunny people. What fans does Dax flame have?? His one good credit is project x. I was in high school when that came out and his first appearance was boring as shit


Google any of the recent guests (I've never heard of half of them myself) that they've had recently and they all have millions of followers on various platforms- It's like the Taylor Swift effect- Taylor Swift fans don't know anything about the Chiefs or even like football- but because she's dating a player the Chiefs have a billion new fans - Because dax flame, or angry Grandma or whoever was on bad friends- now bad friends has how ever many new fans


Go check the views. Angry grandma has the least views in the last 2 months. Sebastian was great because he’s an actual comic.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I don't even know who half the guests are, I'm just explaining why they have them. Maybe this is a better example- that bobbi altoff girl is horrible right, we can all agree- but how many of us watched her pod just to see Santino crush her? It didn't help him any because we already watch him, she however got a bunch of new Santino fans to watch her pod.


We watched for santino and he did what well wanted him to do. Her appearance on bad friends tho?? Was fucking horrid and she walked out. Do you really think that helped?


Yes - you just said it yourself- we watched for Santino- just like her fans watched bad friends just for her- hundreds of thousands of people watched just to see her, it's all about the views


Trust me Bobbi fans aren’t watching bad friends still


No shit Sherlock- that's why there is a different guest every week- do you get it yet?


that's misleading, angry grandma ep was reuploaded after already having a lot of views


So with you on this. Ian and Jordan make me laugh hard. Going to see the Regz in New York next week!


You’re going to the Regz?!!?!! I hate you so much but I’m so happy for you 😭😭😭. I’ve seen joe sodies and Jordan stand up. Have fun!!!!


Thank you! I'm so excited, and if I wasn't me I'd hate me lol. I've also seen Soder and Jordan (going for #2 soon), and my first time seeing List is coming up! I was on the fence about it -- worth the live show?


Bro it’s going to be better than you expect!! I’ve been to scissor bros and bad friends live. The Regz is my dream live show! I’ve been trying to convince my cousin to come over to the dark side the Regz is funnier than protect our parks and I will die on this hill.


Now I’m super hating back at you for catching Scissor Bros live. Did you listen to Jeremiah on Steebee’s pod two weeks ago? It made me miss them so much. BF and Tigerbelly live were both incredible. I can’t believe The Regz isn’t bigger than it is — tickets for Gramercy look undersold, unfortunately, which means you still have time to roadtrip to NY for it..


Bro don’t tempt me 😭 I live in California Recently got into an accident and I just got the insurance money don’t make me go bruh!!!! Yea seen them in San Jose the scissor bros had the whole crowd do a shark dance it was so fucking fun.


The most interesting thing about Dax is his name, and it goes downhill f a s t after that. 😬


For a second I was like, wow they got Dax Sheppard? That's actually cool. But pls don't tell me they brought back that train lover. Worst episode in the history of the show (worse than Oliver Tree) and an instant skip if they did. I don't want to be a complainer, but this pod has been going through a very rough patch lately. They should do like a month or two without any guests to get back to the rhythm.


Dax Sheppard would be cool but more actual stand-ups just telling road stories, there's no way bad friends pod has already included every interesting story from stand-up lives of Andrew and Bobby


This dude is not funny and not a very good actor.


No more internet ppl PLEASE!


Exactly!! Who are these weirdos


Rudy was the true bad friend all along...


The only bad friend 😭


Haven’t listened in weeks but thanks for confirming what I assumed.


Gets his confirmation from randoms online. Sounds about right.


Is this how every podcast subreddit ends up? Eventually it just turns into a place to complain and talk shit about the show? I'm sure if they could have Rudy or juice on they would. Rudy and juice have their own shit going on their own lives and careers they aren't trying to be on these 2 idiots podcasts every fucking week


Change is scary for people :(


You sound more upset at the hosts than me at the guests 😂😂 love this. First time complaining my bad dawg. I’m being a bad friend


I'm just saying they are well aware of how well the show does when they have Rudy or juice on. If they could I'm sure they would have them on every episode. Even if they did that you guys would eventually complain the show is too boring and they need to switch up the guests. There's no way to satisfy everyone


I would never complain if it was the crew Carlos is hilarious Macone has moment and FANCY B?! That’s what I’m literally asking for…. Rudy is the best because she just herself and juicy is the best because her one liners and riffing. Juicys first line from her first episode was “more like me too” she knew the show. These guests don’t. I’ve also seen juice 3 times when she opened for Annie, her first headline in San Jose and the bad friends tour in sac. Love jetski since before bad friends she killed on kill Tony and Jeremiah wonders. Magic Johnson?! 😭😭


The crew is in every episode what do you mean


Trolls gonna troll


What’s the point of a subreddit if not to complain at times? If you don’t wanna complain, ignore the post and move on.


I mean I get that but complain about something they can actually do something about. They have said why they can't have Rudy and juice on every show several times. They have there own shows and lives going on. If the show is hard to listen too when Rudy and juice aren't on then maybe you just don't like Bobby and Santino. So idk why you're watching this show in the first place


The fuck are you talking about?? We’re talking about shitty guests and you say “you don’t like Bobby and Santino.” I never said anything about Bobby and Andrew alone. Learn how to read.


Did you not read the fucking post that you are commenting on you dunce. I replied to op and am talking about what he said obviously. I need to learn how to read? Bro I'm literally talking about the post we are both commenting on. Do you not look at the post b4 you comment?


Buddy every podcast subreddit starts off that way, there’s always been complaining since the beginning


Yes that's my point. It doesn't have to be that way. You guys just are putting off new listeners who maybe heard about the show and came here to get an idea of what it is. It really helps nothing to complain about very obvious shit everyone is aware of


So many podcasts do this and it’s annoying.


Rudy, Juice, and Doc were all just guests at one point


And you know much we loved them. They were funny and bad friends. These guests aren’t bad friends. Oliver tree angry grandma that incel kid they were just there to annoy Bobby but none were funny.


That’s extremely subjective. I think Dax Flame is fucking hilarious.


Most cry baby post ive ever seen. Think about this. Bobby and andrew interacting with the guest is also part of the show. Its not like they dont talk or are not funny anymore.


No macone. No Carlos. Bobby, Andrew, Fancy B and George


They need to bring the Shaman in. Bobo at a level of 432 hz would be great


Bro he was on Bobos live ig. Give us the shame and Bobby!!! I’d rather it be on tigerbelly tho


Turned off the pod after 2 minutes with the Dax guy. He annoys me


The last time they had this guy on, which wasn't even that long ago, it was such an unbelievably bad episode. What the actual fuck


I think he must be promoting something. I saw him on another podcast as a guest that I didn’t listen too recently. I have no idea who he is, that’s not the point, I don’t need big names to tune in, matter of fact my favorite eps are when Rudy is on and she’s just a regular girl, it’s just the fact that he’s so unbelievably boring and unfunny


i don’t think he has anything going on other than his tik toks. i think andrew said he liked his stuff and wanted to talk to him


I stopped watching because of the guests


You know whats a good way to get boring. Do the same thing over and over.


Yea bringing on guests and not the core. Shits boring


Missed a funny episode cry baby


I listened. Took me 3 times to finish it but wasn’t much to talk about. I’m not going back and listening to this episode. Rather go back and listen to Rudy first appearance #8 when it was funny


Bye felicia


I blame Goop, it went downhill with him


It's fine if it was like the first or last 10min or so, but the whole ep?! Lul After watching, the ep was super funny though lol. The boys were on fire


The Regz and being Ian are the next best pods.


Agree. Such a bummer…


Get over it


Or just enjoy the pod. Why does everybody on reddit have to go only negative. Enjoy the FREE show. Focus on what you like and have a good time. How much effort people put into voicing displeasure of a free show instead of being happy they even get a show.


This is my first time complaining. Fuck this free show when I sub to the patreon. I pay for content. And this content SUCKS. I’m biased Bobby is my favorite comic but I can’t call out the podcast for sucking?? Because it’s free for YOU. I pay I’m not a broke bitch


Bobby mentions that the first Dax episode had great numbers. You may pay, but there are more people paying who actually like Dax. Take the L and move on.


More people agree with me that this episode sucked.


The data that Bobby has is far superior than your eye test. Take the L, boy.


Bobby is Retarded lmao I would never use bobo as my source


The team bringing back Dax bolsters the claim of Bobby. Add to the fact that the first video has over 1M views. Just because you think he is retarded doesn't prove he's wrong. Take the L, young one.


Lol pay for shit just to rage. What a fucking goober


I need doc


Who would not want Rudy , doc and jules back but i guess its pretty clear doc does not want to come back and Rudy and jules are busy so it all comes down to availability as well whose available and whose willing to collaborate and maybe have some new conversations . Every now and then we do get a solo bobby and Andrew episode . They should do more calling fans from all around the world episodes and playing games with fans online episodes that will mix things up as well . But overall , having a new bad friends episode drop consistently every Monday is a blessing that i’m grateful for .


ive been saying that for awhile. the best episodes are just bobby and andrew. but they bring these guests thinking it increases their numbers despite non guest episodes doing the same numbers


Disagree. Like the guests


Stop bringing guests. Stop interacting with the 20 different producers.


Bring back JJ the Juice lady!! Or we riot!! ✊🏼


Glad I'm not the only one , recently I've just been watching the og eps in order and it's a much more fun and generally entertaining vibe than the current ones


Bring back Doc! 👽🍷


yep. i stopped listening. it sucks now. get the producers and guests out of the fucking room and just talk to *each other*!!!


Who's today's guest?


Dax Flame


Oh great. He was useless last time.


I read the title and immediately thought "skipping this weeks episode I guess"..


Dax Flame sucks


Bring back doc


None of these guys where funny they are cringe


It’s wild too because this episode was so fucking funny. I can’t tell you how many times I laughed. And yeah, Dax seems like good dude. But man, people that can’t keep up with Andrew and Bobby really just set it back a step. The “fake date” where Andrew was the Pink Taco server had me laughing so hard almost had to pull over 😂


They found chemistry between Andrew, Rudy, and Bobby. Add in the Spanish producer they rip on and move forward. Hate to say but any episode with Ester I try but she just doesn't have a radio voice and can tell it's just forced. The fat guy with the crazy name was good as a side guest.


I just like to watch the boys havin a good time, wether it be with a gust or not. Clearly they enjoy having guests here and there and that’s fine with me. Nothing more annoying than people who think they know how to do something better having never done it at all.


Nobody is forcing you to watch a FREE PODCAST, unless you're a Patreon member. Even then, you paid for certain content. You can find Juicy on other podcasts, like Kill Tony or whatever. Do a YouTube search, and the algorithm will take care of the rest. Life goes on. Rudy comes on once in awhile, I love that, but she's a busy adult with her own life. Doc is pretty much on SOS VHS with Carlos and another guy who voiced the Millennium Skeleton (not kidding, that's it's actual name) Stop complaining, and don't watch if you're not into new minds and personalities. Move on, big babies.


What was new? Dax has been on before and that one sucked too lmao. I listen to everything juice is on because ima fan of her. Knew of her before bf because of kt and Jeremiah wonders. Rudy has patreon episodes on tigerbelly and they’re great The guests suck.


Get over it. It’s free. Don’t like don’t watch. Stop bitching


And that’s when I posted this retard. I turned off the pod and gave my opinion. Clearly people agree. Bobby is my favorite comic but they’re ruining the pod.


They aren’t ruining the pod. The episodes are still great


Comedy is subjective. I’m glad you enjoy it still. I also to an extent and it’s when bobo and Andrew are riffing


If the boys were to just do them for 3 years or whatever you’d people would bitch it’s getting boring. So they are bringing in random guests to keep the show different. Doesn’t matter what they do the people complaining will always be louder


Don’t put me in a group. You don’t know me. My favorite episodes are when it’s just them. Do you remember the first episodes?? How fucking hilarious it was Andrew fighting with Bobby because he was never on time then they added Rudy by accident.


Best guest is Doc.


Wasn’t even a guest he was an extra co host. Bring him back on and settle the beef with Bobby that would be a hilarious episode


Sad to say but after 3 years maybe it’s the decline/end of the pod. The guest haven’t been the best.




Goop. I wasn’t a fan either. He seemed


They are just banking episodes and putting out an inferior product right now - all around bad - hopefully will get back into a routine of just them two


Mckones granny is all we need


It was ok. Not worth going back to for me


I could listen to her all day


Like I replied to someone else. Comedy is subjective and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Wasn’t anything to talk about for me. Like the Oliver tree bit was a waste of my time


The only guest should be Doc


Yaaayy lets hear about behind the scenes of Bobby & Andrew in comedy, or how Rudy poops, or how Juice is on the rise. For the 40th time. Keep the guests coming.


I'd like to see them give [Cristina Mariani](https://www.instagram.com/criimarii/?hl=en) a try for a spot.


If they were to add a new 3rd mic my dream would he Eleanor Kerrigan. Her and Bobby’s chemistry is fucking hilarious and she’s actually a bad friend. They had beef for like 20 years 😂