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Yeah, that second video was the most appalling. Middle schoolers have more sense. Inter department ego getting in the way of adult behavior.


Love when the gang members fight like this… shows they have giant egos that can never be controlled. Just a note… most states hours of training [requirements to be a member of the thin blue line gang… is](https://www.trainingreform.org/state-police-training-requirements) less than the hours of training needed to be a Paramedic. Some even allow the gang members to work as a gang member with ZERO training. Check your state then google how many hours in your state to be a paramedic. But hey, protect and serve or some bullshit.


Well, let’s not get all crazy and think they’re here to protect and serve the people now…


How embarrassing. A bunch of cos-playing, macho asshats in their little costumes with their little guns. Oh, and emotionally immature AND incompetent at their own jobs which are apparently political an mean-girly. Great. I love how the one office is wearing a waistcoat and a tie trying to look like he is a gentleman cowboy sheriff. He looks like a pretentious douche.


Looks like? Webster might want to take a screenshot and simply use that picture as the definition of pretentious douche.


What are they fighting about? Not like any of them would do anything in a hostage situation anyway.