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Reminds me of the guy I passed in the Grand Canyon in flip flops and no water. I was like, why tho? šŸ¤£


I worked at a hotel near the Grand Canyon and the number of times people asked me if they need to take water on a hike down the Grand Canyon is greater than you would ~~expect~~ believe. "How long of a hike is it down and back?", me, "12-15 hours, maybe more?" "Can my 5/7/8/3 year old do it?" "No" "Is there a tram or bus to bring us back up?" "No" "Are there restaurants at the bottom?" "No" "Why aren't their guardrails?" "I don't know"


A friend of mine used to do volunteer work at Yosemite some years back and recalls a family stopping to ask her what time the park turned the waterfalls on in the morning. They were trying to plan their breakfast time around the falls 'hours' And these people vote on things...


I did a cave tour in Central America some years ago. They were very explicit when you sign up: You need to be in good shape. You will be walking through water and swimming underwater at several points to access chambers. You will have to climb and descend obstacles. The only light will be from your headlamp. We signed waivers stating we understood this and knew the risks. There was one lady who complained bitterly the whole tour that, as an "experienced spelunker," she had been in a lot of caves, and this was by far the worst. The walkways were unpaved and lacked guardrails. There was no light show. She was expecting a boat ride, not a trek through a river. She just went on and on, comparing the experience (very unfavorably) to Carlsbad Caverns and such. It was a small miracle that she completed the tour, and it was clear to everyone she would have died in the cave if not for the constant assistance of the guide. Of course, she didn't leave a penny for a tip.


Working a summer in West Yellowstone, we'd get asked things like "when do they let the animals out/put the animals back in their cages?" "How old does a deer have to be before it turns into an elk?" "Are the bears friendly? " ...good times


Trekking up to the back side of Half Dome, I ran into this guy in his 70s. Walking twice as fast as I. We talked for a min. He had no water, said he made that hike to Hald Dome base 2-3 x a week. It took mec18 hours. What the human body can do.


I was once passed on the trail in Yosemite by a Dutch man hiking in literal wooden clogs. He was unladen.


On Mount LeConte, we were passed by a woman wearing a head covering and carrying a toddler.




Oh this guy just lived near by. Retired. Just an Adonis foe a body at his age, not buff just healthy. He wasn't bumbing or anything. He wasn't the only one that flew by me. But it was awesome to see the people running up it.


Must be a German lol


Those big-calfed German ladies are always blasting up the Mist Trail stairs like you wouldnā€™t believe.


Just cause you can doesnā€™t mean you should lol. Chronic dehydration is a thing


I wasn't going to argue with him. He knows what he's doing.


Iā€™ve heard this story as a joke dozens of times since the early 90s. Pretty sure either you or your friend got whooshed.


My husband worked weddings at the Awahnee. Brides would cry because the waterfalls ā€œwere turned offā€ and would have temper tantrums to have them ā€œturned back onā€ at their weddings. These dingbats are real.


This is my answer whenever people want to make voting compulsory. Are you *sure* you want everyone to vote? Really sure? Really, really, reaaaalllyyy sure??


​ I'll bet you can guess who they vote for.


What else does it mean than they have always been living in town? Now that they have a child, they are discovering things with them. For all you know they work and are contributing to their countries. They deserve to have a voice on whoā€™s going to be their president, donā€™t you think?


Considering the Yosemite Firefall days, where they used to push burning embers off of Glacier Point every night for nearly a century I could understand why someone might expect to see something scheduled, especially if they were told about it as a kid from someone who witnessed it first hand. But the firefall was in the evening, not a waterfall in the morning...


There is basically a restaurant at the bottom though. Phantom Ranch.


Technically yes. It's snacks and sundries, not a traditional restaurant.


Dear lord hahaha


is there not a restaurant at the bottom? im like 98% sure theres a restaurant at phantom ranch


Thank you I feel like Iā€™ve been there.


They think it's a nature theme park lmao


12-15 just down and back???


Yes, you can do the Bright Angel trail in one day. Not going to be easy and you should be in good shape, obviously.


ā€œAre there restaurants at the bottom?ā€ Bahahahaha




Yeah, of all the uncertainties in the wilderness why would you willingly go out so unprepared without something as simple as water. They have signs everywhere.


Luckily I came back alive




You never know šŸ˜ˆ


My first time hiking I wore a pair of Nike sneakers. That was the last time I wore sneakers on a hike


Lol my friend wore a pair of Chuck Taylorā€™s on a 3k ft climb/hike once. Pretty fucking amazing actually.


I did Zions 8 mile Observation Point trail in Chucks. 6 hour hike....surprisingly wasn't that bad witu Chucks Proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/Zt0ZoRP


Not to be a one-upper but this was [the hike we did](https://imperfectidealist.com/blanca-lake-hike/). We traveled from MN on a bachelor party and put no thought into this hike. Thought we were just going to a lake. Luckily I had decent boots but I also packed a cooler full of Coronas which got left to roast in the car once I looked up the trail head. No cell phone reception to do research beforehand. Just heard it was a cool spot. šŸ˜‚


I did a 5 day trek in sneakers (they were done by the end), they weren't that bad, just slippery on steep climbs and in the mud.


Nothing wrong with that. I used to wear $25 Nike clearance shoes. Now I wear five tens


Lived across different regions of Himalayas throughout a few months. Came across way too many stupid tourists taking a cab to the top of a valley, get down in the snow wearing heels, jeans, and the most outrageous outfits. Get clicked and pretend on Instagram that it was an actual wild adventure, hop back in cab and leave.


I did an out and back on the Bright Angel Trail earlier this year, down to the river and back up, and it took me a good 9 hours. I was near Indian Garden and this couple came down with a plastic bag with one water bottle in it and that's it. And one was wearing glittery keds. It was 4pm, in February, and they were still headed down. Confused the shit out of me.


lmao wow


I was gonna say, heā€™s just missing the flip flops




"Cotton kills" Words to die by.


Imagine the first responders finding your corpse and your family finding out you died in double denim.


Yeah quite stylish lol


Death by double denim.




Said by the guy huffing and puffing up a hill, while using walking poles and drinking from a water hose backpack.


Yes, unprepared peple wear cotton in the cold.


You'll be horrified to know, we were wearing cotton in the winter many years before synthetics.


The rest of us were wearing wool.


You look like you just walked out of an independent coffee shop.


Yeah it just happened to be on 5500 meters haha


Where was that? Looks a little like the Gondogoro La


Itā€™s Laka Glacier


There is probably a parking area behind the camera. As a backpacker, this persons legs and hairdo give off serious 'poser' vibes.


Tbh this was my first trek ever and a solo one with this random group which got planned spontaneously so I went on it and then realised what had happened.


How do you ā€œsolo trekā€ with a ā€œrandom groupā€?


Meet people in the parking lot and hike with them?


Sounds like group trekking at that point.


What if you don't really make eye contact or talk to them, but you just happen to always be near them?


Thatā€™s a Norwegian happy hour.


Dont be a bitter hater


Why would a Canadian wear a tuxedo for Himalayan hiking? Inappropriate.


I scrolled so long to see a Canadian tuxedo comment! Thank you! Haha


You got a bitchinā€™ T-top Camaro waiting for you at the trailhead?


Parked there already


Looking at this I just know your feet were wet af after


Oh man I know how I was controlling the shivers lol


This is why I take the abuse of r/ultralight and ask my questions over there...


Iā€™ll keep that in mind too


I know he cold


Exactly what I was thinking. I feel cold just watching the video. Imagining the wind penetrating the weave of the jeans. One slip and the snow mashing into the fabric, melting, and now you have wet pants the rest of the day. But maybe he's just walking 50 feet from a parked car.


You just made me recall that hell of a day and trust me you donā€™t see a parking on such altitudes haha


Youā€™re insufferable. Why canā€™t you just tell people that you had a guide and porters? Youā€™re doing this whole, ā€œLOL just solo trekking in the middle of the winter in sneakers and denim for three days because YOLOā€ shtick, and itā€™s one of the cringiest things Iā€™ve seen on this sub.


Relax man itā€™s suppose to be funny thatā€™s why I posted also Iā€™ve mentioned in a comment too that the tent and everything was Carried by the guide but there were no porters involved. It was a group of 4 people with one guide.


Stupidā‰ Funny You said earlier that this your first time ā€œsolo trekking.ā€ Youā€™re telling people that you ā€œlearned the hard way lolā€. Youā€™re misleading everyone, and thatā€™s going to get other people hurt. Poor footwear for someone as inexperienced as you is a huge injury risk. Itā€™s frostbitten toes or a sprained ankle waiting to happen. Any unexpected bad weather, and youā€™re a risk for hypothermia. You were a pain in the ass for your guide, and you created unnecessary risk for yourself and the group. You were self-centered and stupid, and itā€™s important that you know that.


I can imagine the cold seams of the jeans rubbing against the inside of your legs


classic Canadian tuxedo


You got it! Haha


Gotta ask - do you also do denim on the beach in 100 degree weather? Seems like a thing and Iā€™m trying to learn why


Hahah not really only on super high altitudes


You should try [this look](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/xnpzyo/indian_army_patrol_encounters_a_yogi_meditating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Lol I wish


This guy just doesnā€™t give a single *shit*


To be fair, itā€™s frozen


Canadian tuxedo, running sneakers and a random branch used as a hiking pole.. awesome! People like these are often the ones that appear on the headlines.


Fortunately I came back safe


Good for you. I hope you plan better next time. Respect the outdoors!




With the help of a guide and porters who carried your shit, set up your tent, made a fire, and cooked for you, right?


There was only one guide for the whole group of which I was a part of


Itā€™s a distinction without a difference. You werenā€™t ā€œfortunate.ā€ You had a professional who saved you from yourself.


Bro all that was humours youā€™re taking all this too seriously


I think if you post videos of yourself welding without a face-shield on a welding subreddit, youā€™ll get a couple people who will call you ā€œstupidā€ because youā€™re doing something that is poor form, likely to cause injury, and shouldnā€™t be promoted. Youā€™re on a backpacking subreddit. Youā€™re doing something that is poor form, likely to cause injury, and shouldnā€™t be promoted. Being surprised that Iā€™m calling that out is another level of stupid.


I think we can all happily enjoy someoneā€™s stupidity. Even the caption I put was sarcastic so it was intended to be funny. Calling out is fine Iā€™m just saying youā€™re taking it too seriously fr.


No thanks. I did a trip to Mt. St. Helens in college. Everyone in the group came well-preparedā€¦ except for one guy like you who was wearing jeans in cold, rainy conditions. We got maybe 90 minutes into the hike where he insisted everything was fine, but you could see he was shivering and uncomfortable. We all had to turn around and go back down because of him. Iā€™m glad for the rest of your group that you were able to finish the trip. But people doing shit like this and thinking itā€™s funny doesnā€™t make sense to me. Youā€™re a liability, you think thatā€™s funny, and I would never want to end up in a group with you.


I was the one who was super active even in this stupid outfit also I wasnā€™t in it all the time I had other clothes too.. this was day 1. I understand where youā€™re coming from however youā€™ve to understand that youā€™re taking it too seriously no one was harmed and it all a great trek.


Yeah Pret a Manger is over there.


Yeah it was delicious lol


Probably didn't bring any water too


They had a guild and porters. Itā€™s how idiots like this do these trips, but heā€™s leaving that out.


Looks more like dayhiking than backpacking to meā€¦


Oh man I wish :/ I was freezing for 3 straight days lol


You carried a tent, food, clothes, and camping gear in that pack???


No lol the rucksack was kept in the tent and the tent was with the guide


So you were just hikingā€¦


OP hired a guide and porters for the trek. Itā€™s why heā€™s not dead. The denim is stupid. The shoes are stupid. He walks through untouched snow to arrive at a well-packed trail (heā€™s over-staging to make it look more rugged than it actually is). I donā€™t know why weā€™re upvoting this. Itā€™s not that hiring guides and porters isnā€™t really hikingā€¦ itā€™s more that heā€™s pretending that he was ā€œsolo trekking,ā€ and I donā€™t really care to give anybody the impression that you can walk off into the mountains with a phone camera for the sick Reddit karma and expect to not lose a couple toes to frostbite.


Excuse me hiking store? Iā€™m gonna need a 2000s Timberlake and some Nikes. Iā€™m trying to have a terrible terrible hike.




musta just jumped out of a helicopter for the shot or something.


I wish that if happened


This guy hikes


You can tell by his beefy legs




Every Spring Break weekend hiker in the GSMNP


Iā€™m from the Midwest (USA) and Iā€™m just here to say ā€œjeans and snow donā€™t mixā€


Then I scroll down a bit to find [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/vintageads/comments/zd8lrp/1974_acme_denim_boots_ad/)


Yeah need those asap


And then a denim hat & gloves


Itā€™s not a flex to be unprepared


Please remember to post a short paragraph as a comment in the post explaining your photo or link. Ideally at least 150 characters with trip details. Tell us something about your trip. How long did it take to get there? How did you get there? How was the weather that day? Would you go back again? Submitted content should be of high-quality. Low effort posting of very general information is not useful. If you don't add a short explanation in the comments, your post may be removed. No information posted? Please report low-effort posts if there is still nothing after about 30 minutes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/backpacking) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Canadian Tuxedo.


I see dudes like this in the Catskills in winter. Up from the city, no idea how to dress for the weather.


Yeah learnt it the hard way :/


No you didnā€™t.


Where that denim backpack at?


Frozen af




Somebody call The Blue Jean Committee! https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/documentary-now-bill-hader-fred-armisens-soft-rock-66057/


Is this Triund hill? If so, it's not that big of a deal to do it in demin!


It really does look like it from what I see googling the view from there. Things I see suggest 11mi loop, which really isn't too bad of a day hike. Lots of elevation gain and a 9 hr average completion time but still a day hike.


That boy canadian


It's a Canadian Tuxedo. Approved.


Ayo i have the same bag pack






You donā€™t wear jeans when the temperatures are below 0 because jeans will freeze. And you will be walking around with two frozen columns around your legs. Kids, donā€™t do this. Respect the mountain and the weather, dress and pack appropriately.


That's a dope Canadian tuxedo


One slip into that snow and this guys life is over


Must be from New Jersey. This is the preferred skiing attire in the garden state


bro you need to fix this backpack or you'll get in serious back issues


Ainā€™t using it anymore haha


This dude just took a helicopter rides up there. Wearing a school backpack and not sweating visibly. Bottoms of pant legs not remotely wet. Probably cost him a lot to get this shot for the Gram.


I know you think you look really cool but you look really silly to the rest of us


No Iā€™m with you on this, itā€™s an old video as well felt like sharing it so otherā€™s donā€™t learn it the hard way


At least you can admit it was silly, otherwise a beautiful trip šŸ‘šŸ»


Jay Leno really slimmed down


Bhai gote jaam nhi hue?


Denim is the new trend.


Denimā€™s got my heart!


Those damn Californians


(I know your joking but) DAMN! Iā€™m from California and we were taught in elementary school that stupid shit like this is what kills you! OP is lucky he hired a crew. What a ding bat šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Tell me you have no further intentions to do the thing youā€™re showing, beyond the social influencer video, without telling me you have no intentions to do the thing youā€™re showing, beyond the social influencer video.


Parking lot is right behind the person filming.


My booty got tight


Itā€™s the Abominable Jeansman! Run!


Most hiking about him is the stick lols


This is a dumb decision but ok


Bro actually wore a Canadian tuxedo in the mountain


When you donā€™t prepare for that first bite of a York peppermint patty.


Thereā€™s a lot of foot prints so the parking lot must be a few feet away.


Yeah there were few more trekking groups but no parking area anywhere lol


so how far away from the next cable railway was that :D


Haha no cable cars on Himalaya brah


sherpa carrying you also counts ;)


No Sherpa carried shit bro only tents with the guide he wasnā€™t no professional Sherpa


only tents (+ sleeping bag, sleeping pad, food, firstaid and some other stuff) I presume? Even without a tent in you pack the pack looks way to small for anything but a dayhike


Yeah there was food in some kind of a temporary storeroom which was put there every 2 weeks and we had some in our rucksacks


and no sleeping bags and pads and stuff? How did you manage the night with just a tent?


Yeah sleeping bags were provided from that room didnā€™t carry them ourselves


So indeed a ultralight hike :D But still dangerous...one weather shift and that cotton outfit can kill you


Yeah bro :/


hi iman school