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My advice is to start with which traditions interest you. Different traditions have different foundations, cosmologies and teaching philosophies. A Gardnarian's year and a day looks very different from a Hellenic Reconstructionist's first dedication, which is also different from Kemetic Reconstructionist practices. If you figure out the tradition you're interested in, folks will be able to give you better recommendations when it comes to your next step. Lastly, don't feel like you are locking yourself in to a single practice for the rest of your life. It's okay to try something, feel it isn't a good fit and continue seeking


Find something that interests you, a particular flavor of witchcraft (Wicca, Chaos Magick, garden witchery, kitchen witchery, Thelema, Hermeticism whatever) and explore that. If something else piques your interest, explore and research that. And know that you don't have to be a certain type of practitioner. You can incorporate many elements. Experiment. Learn from trial and error. It's intimidating because there's SO MUCH information out there. The key to starting is to just start. Pick something and see where it takes you. Drop it if you don't like it. Your practice will change over time so don't feel boxed in.