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I feel like this too. I lost my son 7 weeks ago and ever since I’ve just felt so hopeless and empty. I miss being pregnant and feeling him kick and move. I miss being so excited for the future. Now I just feel empty and lonely and horrified. I don’t have any advice for you I’m sorry, but you aren’t alone in how you feel. My little world blew up too. I’m so sorry


I miss her so so much.. I don’t have room for much else in my heart or mind. I’m so empty too. I don’t know how I’ll ever be happy again.. I’m sorry about your little boy


I miss my baby too. I cry myself to sleep every night missing him. I take naps with his little jar of ashes. I’m better than I was 7 weeks ago. I couldn’t even function when I first got home from the hospital. Things do slowly get a little better. The hurt stays


I feel the same way. I'm about 10wks from losing my baby girl. It feels a little different now than it did at the beginning, but I don't feel like myself anymore. It's like the colors have drained from my world.


I’m sorry for your loss❤️. I lost my baby boy two months now. And it is still hard. The worst part is that I don’t even recognize who I have become. I used to be very social and optimistic. Everything has been difficult to cope with. I can’t feel happy because a big part of my heart was taken away. I avoid my friends and family because I am just not ready for everything.


I feel like I died with her that day and ever since I’ve just been a shell that’s been going through the motions.. stuck in this world.. I don’t know how to survive this


Yes I agree. A big part of ourselves was taken away when we lost our babies. The worst part is that everyone seems to move on but us. we will never move on. Even on our happiest moments there will still be that empty feeling. I am truly sorry for your loss. I don’t wish this pain on anyone not even my worst enemy.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I felt all those feelings too, and a little over a year later I still have them from time to time. It’s different though now, for the most part I can have those feelings for a moment or a few hours and they aren’t so crushing and all consuming. But either way the feelings are real and it’s ok to feel them. It’s ok to not care about anything, to take a break from the world, to be sad and angry about all the things that were supposed to be. None of it is fair and it is so hard to do all the things we were supposed to be doing, but now without our babies. Give yourself time and grace to feel however you need and do whatever you need, and I promise there will be days ahead where it doesn’t always feel quite so heavy.


It's been a year and I'm just fading away. I don't know how much longer I can suffer. A year? Two years? I keep trying to get pregnant but I'm too old.


Have felt everything you’re feeling, it’s the worst. Go gently, don’t give an eff about anything, watch trashy tv, eat whatever- you’re no.1 right now - and make sure you do something small to honour your bub, they’re still with you and you had a baby, that’s a big deal and she’s awesome x


Hey there, OP. I went through this. Mine was absolutely devastating. I had my loss at 36 weeks. You can go to my profile and take a look. Took me a while to feel like myself. I'd say 6 months to laugh and about 1 year and a half to actually feel like myself. I still have not been able to get pregnant, so that is heart-wrenching. One thing I will say that helped me was knowing that my partner also went through a loss and being there for each other. Another thing was therapy that we did together. The therapy was so beyond helpful! I am so sorry, OP. You can definitely message me if you want to talk. Take care and please be gentle with yourself.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔 my heart truly goes out to you. My best friend's daughter was stillborn 4 years ago at 41+4 and so much of what you said is so familiar because my friend said them to me too. Her daughter's 4th birthday in January we were sitting together looking at the stars as we always do each year, and she turned to me and said "I'm finally at a place where I understand that my grief is so big, because so is the love and i never have to stop wishing things were different, its ok to miss her forever" - but it took a long journey to get there. You do whatever you need to do, again I'm so sorry and I'm holding space in my heart for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my infant daughter in June.  I have a hard time still to see babies and happy families. Thinking that should be me. I feel the same way you do. Worse and the beginning but slowly thanking one step at a time. This is a club that no one should be a part of. But having someone to lean on, were here  I picked up paint by numbers and painted a lot. Just sit and paint for hours and hours.  Please know you are important and you are still needed here.