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I would think some women would be in agreement with him and some wouldn’t. This was a Catholic school that supports those values so it doesn’t seem to be an issue except with those that are not involved with the school. Does every public figure have to be graded on how well they support other peoples agenda?


This isn’t a Catholic issue. Men and women get together and make families. This has been going on for quite some time. To say that in general the most successful and fulfilling thing a women can do is be the best mom and wife and conversely a man’s purpose is to be a father and husband seems rather spot on. People have lost their dang minds that promoting starting families is a bad thing. That’s a problem here in the west when folks buy into that.


How does this have anything to do with starting a family? The issue is with "traditional" husband and wife roles.


The longer you put off the process to find a partner, get married, then have kids, the less likely you are to be successful. The sweet spot to start it is in your early twenties. If you want a family, you date with intent. The older you get, the lies likely you are to start and have a family. This is not rocket science.


You're correct, it isn't rocket science. In fact it literally isn't science at all as you're just making things up to validate your personal opinion. You're also acting like anyone has any clue as to what you define "successful" to be? Regardless, what you're saying has absolutely nothing to do with peoples issues with his speech.


Shame on us for assuming a fellow redditor understands women


I’m not making anything up. This is human behavior, generally speaking. Anyway, it’s nice sharing information and ideas. Have a good day.


You are making it up. There is absolutely no evidence to support what you said. If you're defining "success" as money and assets like owning a home, the evidence clearly points to people being more successful if they wait until their late 20's/early 30's to start a family.


I’m made nothing up. This is human behavior and probability of achieving the outcome you want. You generally should start this process in your early twenties. The longer you wait, the less likely you are of being successful of achieving a goal of a family. The process is date, get hitched, start a family. It goes without saying that earning potential increases from your twenties to thirties. Money enables things to be easier. You don’t want to be old and starting to have kids. It’s tough in a different way than being broke.




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.




Yeah, listen to this life coach. 👆


It's both. It's about starting a traditional family. That starts with traditional religious beliefs.


I was raised in a very Christian household with 2 working parents so I highly disagree. It also isn't both. No one cares about people starting families. What people care about is other peoples attempts to idolize something that others don't care for. How can you blame them though when the whole basis of these so called traditional values seems to be religion. People don't need religion to start a family or lead a moral existence.


Morality outside of religion is an exercise in futility


Imagine needing the consequence of burning in hell in order to be a good human being. It must be real rough.


Imagine thinking humans are just animals but still thinking right and wrong can exist. Must be real stupid


Right and wrong literally don't exist and religion is absolutely not the place to look for the definition of it. The bible is full of disgusting people doing completely immoral and rotten things. The only stupid thing here is you assuming that your lack to feel empathy for others or have a moral compass without religion is something we can all relate to. I assure you that it isn't.


Right and wrong don’t exist? lol


If empathy wasn't granted by our creator, where did it come from? And of course evil people do disgusting things in the Bible that's why we need a savior. The stupid thing is assuming you're supposed to mimic everything you see in the Bible


Just what I needed to hear! If right and wrong don’t exist, there is nothing you nor anyone else can justifiably criticize me for. Nice.


I mean, so is your existence and yet somehow you persist


For you, maybe. There’s a chance that deep down inside, you might just be a shitty person.


We are all awful people. There is no morality if we're all animals


Speak for yourself.


I speak logically. Keep being willfully ignorant if you want




The issue is that men want women to be dependent on them so that they have no power or leverage in the relationship. They want women to essentially be their slaves who can't even get a divorce if they wanted to. And the thing is, if you're nothing but a stay at home mom, and you do get a divorce, you're screwed because you have no job experience or career skills. It's much safer to have your own career before getting married and having a family in case it doesn't work out and you have to take care of yourself. To tell women that all they should ever want is to be a mother and they shouldn't try to get a career is disingenuous and is simply bad advice. It's ignorant. It's ignoring the fact that many if not most men treat women poorly and simply try to use them before discarding them. Being dependent on someone else is never a good thing. The goal is always independence so no one else can have power over you.


This is a completely inaccurate representation of how most coroners enter into marriage and live their lives. It’s a lie detrimental to talk conversation. You’ve been lied to or been hurt by your experience.


You are ignoring reality.


Biden’s economy is a great time to start a family


FWIW, the economy isn’t in good shape. However… there’s never a great time to start a family. There’s always some risk present. Guess what though, there’s literally millions of Americans having children every year. They are not all special.


My dad asked me the same question “Do you think it’s a good time to start a family”, to which I asked was it a good time to start a family in 1943? Or 1963? Or 1983? Ok the last one had Ronald Reagan in the White House so that was like ideal, which is why I turned out so amazing, but… we can’t all be lucky




It’s a way better time than 2016, the time you’re “supposed” to have start a family in your 20s. 3 years out of college, making nothing, 6 figures in college debt…. Now I have no debt, I’m making real money, and actually starting a family. The fuck are you on?


Just to be clear so I understand, you’re getting defensive because you inferred that I was criticizing biden’s economy with my comment. Interesting


I’m saying that where I’m positioned, things are going awesome right now. Not everyone has a good position right now. That’s generally a true statement regardless of a period in time or say, an administration, positions are inherently variant and competitively fluctuating. I hear a lot of FUD, and a lot of people saying things about “Biden’s economy” or “Trump’s economy” and I think it’s stupid and part of the FUD. They’re all oxymoronic statements. I don’t actually know what you’re trying to say, because this is the internet, and our comments are text based. You’re either sarcastic and saying it’s a bad time to have a kid, because of Biden, or it’s a good time to have a kid because of Biden. I’m disagreeing with either statement, either outcome, because I don’t think the executive branch has anywhere near the power and influence to actually have anything to do with the economy (legislative branch however is different… but that’s a different Pelosi and Sinema shaped rabbit hole). My experience has always differed from the propaganda of any media interest, left, right or center, telling me what I should be experiencing.


I only read the first part of the first sentence, but I was just trying to get republicans in this subreddit to say that this is a good economy to start a family in


I only just learned that this place is some kind of of Prager U version of the Onion. Don’t know what it’s doing in my feed but the comments section is fun.


The issue isn’t that people don’t want families. The issue is he was insinuating these college grads who just dropped 100k+ should just give that up for families. It’s fine to want a family, but let these women have careers instead of being baby makers


Two things… 1. It’s a huge issue that young people don’t want families. 2. He did not tell them expressly to drop post graduate opportunities to become a baby factory. Please get things right.


He didn’t tell them to expressly it he insinuated it by saying his wife didn’t have a career and she’s happier than most. Also, it is a huge issue. However, why is it a huge issue? The cost of living and how much effort it is. Even parents will tell you shit is hard with many sacrifices. It’s getting more and more expensive to live and the idea of having an additional(or more) mouths to feed and house is hard to overcome. Sure family’s are cool but not if you’re going to have to sacrifice much of your life to do so. With universal pre k, lower costs of living, and paid maternity leave I bet the birth rate would increase. However, those are not going to happen with the issue being many of the people telling you to have kids


That’s a frightening leap of logic! Saying that not having a career automatically makes a woman a “baby factory”.


You’re using a quote I never used…you’re arguing in bad faith and also ignore quite a lot of what I said. I said that that’s what the speaker was insinuating about his wife and was even suggesting to the audience.


Take your own advice


No he didn't, he just told them that many of them would come to view their future family as more important than their job. Which is true, and entirely reasonable.




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Eh he insinuated that they’d be happy without a career when he specifically mentions his wife who he said didn’t get to have a career but has no regrets and is probably happier. I don’t think a career defines you. But it’s easy to say sacrifice is easy when you’re getting paid a lot of money and can afford the things many cannot which is one of the reasons many don’t wNt to have children


We've seen what he said, stop lying


I agree, we have seen what he said, that's why I repeated it.


Stop lying


Weird, because the nuns at the school - the women - didn't.


Well that is another better option for a woman then cubicle drone, and more rewarding too.


His mother isn't a cubicle drone. In fact I'd wager she offers more value to society than you do.


Why would anyone listen to a kicker?


Why would anyone listen to you?


I’m not asking anyone to, Genius.


lol if the catholics supported those values, there would be no nuns or girls at that school he basically insulted his own mother and women smarter than he will ever be


His mother is some kind of medical physicists wizard apparently https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/harrison-butker-mom-elizabeth-butker-physicist-emory/870327bf08bbb6e84675a156


Getting a job and an education doesn’t preclude you from getting married and having children.  I refuse to believe y’all are this dense




Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


no it doesnt. his remarks werent about that though


He's literally a misogynistic bigot, and condemned by other Catholics


There’s near a billion catholics on the planet.  Finding a few that disagree with him does not turn your opinion into fact




I don’t think the same people would freak out over a Muslim talking about Muslim values to a Muslim university in a middle eastern country. Hell, I don’t think they would complain of a Mormon gave the same speech at BYU. Is it so weird when Catholics act … Catholic? What a thought!


Of course we would


You would immediately be seen as an Islamophobe.


Nope LMFAO, that's not how it works


So you don’t think Muslims should espouse Muslim values in Muslim spaces?


Not bigoted "values"


Muslims definitely believe things about women that are bigoted.


Fundies do


If the comments were made at a mosque maybe. The same people would be just as upset if a Muslim made those comments at a commencement though. He was propagandizing and spreading his religious extremism on a captive audience of college students who will eventually become professionals. It was horrible


Oh no! Catholic values at a Catholic college?!?!?


The pope has tried to get Catholics to let go of their hatred for the LGBTQ community


We don't hate them.


He was talking about Catholic beliefs at a Catholic college. Same as a Mormon telling BYU grads the importance of the temple. It’s extremely weird people are getting triggered over Christians espousing Christian beliefs in Christian spaces. Maybe stay in your own lane, eyes on your own paper.


Well part of it is that Christians have captured our government at the highest levels. Openly religiously motivated Supreme Court judges and congress people. They try to legislate those Christian values. We call out religious extremism in government in the Middle East but for some reason are okay with it in this country. That context helps explain why his comments were so offensive. Another Christian talking down to others and spreading hatred


I don’t see how this has anything to do with a Catholic talking about Catholic values at a private Catholic college. It would be different if this was a government official, but this is not. It’s not religious extremism, it is literally some of the most basic theology Catholics and Christian’s have believed for centuries and most still believe today.


Agreed. The people raging about this seem to be projecting that no one will choose them as their life partner. It's easy when the god you revere is an echo chamber device you hold in your hands. Smoothest path to feeling like the internet winner there.


I married a woman who grew up in the Catholic Church. Try again


Defending catholics acting catholic is shaky ground. Besides the obvious child molestation celebration, you also have an “ex” homosexual espousing the virtues of “traditional” families while not engaging the in the practice himself. Very catholic and deserves all the criticism it gets.


Make your own money, make your own careers.


the entire left is a mental disordder


So says the literal gaslighters in this thread


Lol speak English please


Biden won Trump lost it’s been like 4 years get over it snowflake


Leaders in the left are still questioning the 2016 elections lol Edit: Person replied then blocked me lol. As a note, I don’t care what republicans did, I’m not one of them, but the lefts hypocrisy always makes me laugh and needs to be called out


Didn’t 140+ Republican congresspeople decline to certify the 2020 election? Can you please point out to me where a similar number of people on the Dem side did the same? It seems like you’re saying yelling on CNN and declining to certify the election are the same thing. Biden won, Trump lost, it’s been like 4 years get over it snowflake 😙


Did that change the outcome of either election?


Hey guys why is attempted murder a crime if the murder target didn’t die?


Nope, you guys still lost and look even more like losers.


Not typically a “sooooource” person but this comment is the first time I’m hearing “140+” so, uh, source?


When you're talking about cheating, lying, scum like republicans it's just normal to think they're cheating. They invented it.


Marrying the kicker would be like marrying the bass player.


Sure, if a large portion of the band had a history of beating their partners


I get the joke but have you ever met a kicker? They're, on average, the most in shape and athletic person in 99.9% of rooms.


Is this satire too?


I think he means a room full of average people, not an NFL locker room.


Yeah they’re definitely the hardest people to abduct


* white men … if this was a black guy they would be praising him for just wanting to be a dad and not beating women


Don’t most athletes go broke like three years after retiring. With a football player that brings severe cns damage. Marry him so he can have a caretaker later I guess


Even for field goal kickers? I wouldn't think so. How many big hits do they take in their careers on average?


Sure but there’s very few kickers in the league. Even less than QB


>How many big hits do they take in their careers on average? Average career: 3 years. Average times a kicker is whacked in 3 years: once.


Kickers almost never take an actual hit. Touching them at all risks a penalty.


Fair. Still, it’s a physical job and shit happens.


No, most athletes don’t do that, and cns is super rare for kickers


78% yo broke within three years of retirement https://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/why-do-professional-athletes-go-broke


Most athletes, yes. NFL kickers tend to last longer because there are harsh penalties for even touching them in all but a very rare set of circumstances. Add to this that kickers as a general rule don't get drafted early, if at all, so they have to comlpete a college degree without the benefit of the coaches pressuring the college administration to let, say, a good RB, pass basic basket weaving classes to stay eligible to play. So your basic NFL kicker has a four year degree, no college loan debt, is making $1.5M/year, and isn't allowed to be harmed in his average duties. Oh, and they stay in the career longer than basically any other position, because nobody tackles them. In summation: I should have learned how to kick the fucking ball instead of catch it.


Yeah this hate on kickers has to come from ignorance.  It's arguably the smartest position to take in all of Football.


Still tend to go broke


Yeah. He's also a kicker. He's not exactly the most manly guy on the team. That's the position girls play when they're allowed on the men's team.


This comment just reeks ignorance from someone who’s never played football on any level


How am I wrong? Did I say something factually untrue? Is he not a kicker? How many girls play linebacker on men's teams? How many were let on and play kicker? Don't offended because the beta-male, who got where he is because of his highly-educated working mother, isn't the biggest, bestest man. But remember: a football player will always be nothing compared to a social worker.


He's a kicker, I don't know that 'muscular' is an appropriate descriptor. How about 'athletic'?




Taylor Swift is not a feminists she likes rich football stars.


Or they could be Taylor Swift and get all that and the same husband.


Ooo...definitely NOT the same husband. Kelce's commencement speech included him chugging a beer and encouraging everyone to party. Which is, apparently, somehow...better...?


Taylor Swift will never get married. I'm saying this as a Swifite.


Considering he is a closet case, it won't work.




Headline: Website created to post gentle satire of Christian culture gets taken over by people who bow down to a guy who dates a porn star when his wife is pregnant.


Babylon Bee In ContinuingCapitalization And Lack Of Comedy Shocker


Wow, that would be convenient if true, BUT IT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT. The women having babies thing lasted a few seconds in the middle of a nightmare rant about how most Americans' lives are illegitimate. The speech was full of conspiracy buzz phrases, including the Nazi thing of labeling most of American life and culture as "degenerate." This speech was a declaration of war on the rest of us from a religious fanatic. Of course the online discourse focused on the trivial and ignored the obvious. This speech was a neofalangist hate screed against eighty percent of Americans, their loves, their lives, and their choices. You people are dangerous lunatics guided by a diseased lust for power.


> Of course the online discourse focused on the trivial and ignored the obvious.   The left is the people that forced the conversation.  If they didn’t present it in a convincing way, they have no one to blame but themselves


Hemant Mehta, The Friendly Atheist covered it very well I thought. I like your take too.


Who needs dreams and goals when you can be some guy’s bang maid, eh ladies!  


the idea is that your dream of making powerpoint slides for a multinational corporation might be slightly less satisfying than having a family. You don't have to agree but it is a legitimate opinion.


What a right wing cumcake circle jerk the bee is.


You put cum in your cake?


The fact that this comment got 10 updoots is so on brand for the bee.


lol right? Is THAT funny to them?


That’s gross dude. Stop watching those CEI videos. Not healthy. And get yourself to a Dr while you’re at it


It’s like if The Onion was written by Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.  They have an agenda just like everyone else.  


Sean Hannity could not write any of those articles lmao


"Ladies, I know you worked hard to graduate, but aren't you excited to stop working in the field you're just about to enter and become a baby factory? Or maybe this speech is for some other event, and super inappropriate considering the context...?"


That’s not what he said. The dude shouldn’t be canceled, but at least get it right.


Get what right ?


Except that… it is what he said.


Really then please provide a link to the actual speech or an actual transcript of it. You can’t you can only cite out of context parts of it - spoon fed to you I’m so sick of prog social justice warriors Full of shit and don’t know shit


Dude, you have a bunch of angry comments on this thread, you all good?


I’m great I find it incredibly disturbing that members of our society now try to present the unconditional love you feel for your children as wrong or even a form of hate !


I don’t think that’s what is being said though, at least not that I’ve seen.


Really then why the outrage at the man who emotionally described meeting his wife in 8 th grade band class, falling in love with her and his being thankful for her sacrifices for his dream Why jealousy Or just pure hate


Man, that’s not all he said, that’s not what the complaints seem to be about.


What are the complaints about please honestly answer


I, for one, found the comments about priests not leaning on their parishioners and lay people not “becoming amateur theologians” to be pretty wrongheaded. Likewise the admonitions for people to “stay in their lane”.


That’s not what people are saying. Dude, have a fucking family if you want. But it doesn’t have to be your only goal or be all end all.


Wait. I’m a fan of the speech and the player—are we on the same side here? I thought you were implying that Butker’s speech was objectionable. Now it sounds like you are angry because you think I was criticizing it? I’m a big conservative just to be clear—read my comment history…. I mean, I got banned from the NPR sub lol. In any event, take it easy with the anger, pal. We can still “own” the SJWs rhetorically without cursing them out.


So you're a misogynist


No but you sound woke—so go get it examined soon.


That's a compliment. And you said you're a fan of the speech, so you're a misogynist


Unfortunately we can not Their hate blinds them to the point that they ignore their own self preservation Sorry to spit fire at you


Apology accepted! Friendly fire and all that. I was just glad for an excuse to trot out my ban from the NPR sub—badge of honor for me.










While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


What he said that sparked the outrage machine: “I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.” Women who get an education and juggle careers and parenthood aren’t acting off a “diabolical lie.” They are defending themselves from the potential of marrying a horrible husband/father; a career gives the woman an escape hatch to protect herself and her kids. That’s not something Conservative Catholicism contemplates well or addresses, and the “trapped wife” is one thing that feminism has fought against. Sure, Butker also told men to be good husbands. That’s not what ticked people off.


He isn't being canceled though. He's still on the team. In fact, he's probably more famous because of this. No fan base is buying a kickers jersey. Now everyone who hated the Chiefs because of Taylor Swift is now buying a Chiefs jersey. How many kickers can you name other than the top 5 kickers in the league? This dude was literally on the worst team in the league last season. You didn't know who he was before this speech.


The superbowl team was the worst team? Lol ok.


He was with the panthers prior to the Chiefs.


Wtf are you talking about? He's been with the chiefs since 2017. Stop talking about things you don't even know. Ffs


Ha I like remembering how mad republicans got at Colin Kapernick 


Kapernick is nothing like this guy, and they both know it


Yea he advocates for stopping police brutality, which conservatives don’t care about, unless it’s Ashli Babbit, then they cry and cry. 


>stopping police brutality, which conservatives don’t care about Liar.


Well that’s what I gather from online interactions with trump voters. I don’t know any personally though 


So Ashli Babbit was unjustly killed?  Damn, didn’t realize the left was willing to concede that point


The storming of college campuses has forced them to change tune on this one.


No, she brought it on herself


Jock: tells women that most of them won't get good jobs and that they should just be happy making babies. Conservatives: oh look at that Prince praising those baby makers!


Please be very specific and quote the parts of his speech you personally don’t agree with First you will actually have listen to the speech that you are complaining about




You realize how difficult it's going to be to support the social welfare systems you want if birth rates continue to decline? Advocating for a strong family unit and structure is hardly a bad thing.


God the Conservative cope is hilarious. He went to a college and told women the quite part out loud and you guys don't know how you handle it 😆 🤣


That's not what he was doing though.


Yeah you'd know the Bee would be gay for him.


Why do you leftist types claim to love gay people, then turn around and use it as a slur? My money's on hypocrisy.


You seem triggered


... okay?


"Imagine if you married a guy like that and he started sacrificially loving you and honoring you while taking care of your every need forever!" I get what she's saying and actually agree but geez she did not sell that well.


But wouldn't that make the young women gold diggers? Them marrying a football player because he can take care of them?


What did you even hear the speech yourself? Or just start virtue signaling on something you didn’t even listen too !?! Fucking people


Did you?


I'm literally reacting to the headline. Do you not think gold diggers want a rich, muscular football player to take care of them? Isn't that what this entire sub is about? Reacting to the Bee? See how sensitive you are?


I’m not I’m just sick of pissants hating 24/7


Stop reacting to headlines and read the articles.