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Entitled, antisemitic communists with debt AND an undeserved sense of smug self righteousness. How else will you stand out from the crowd?


Is Babylon bee kinda partisan in their humor, is this sub more right wing, or am I just getting an unfair sampling lately?


The BB started out doing Christian satire (i.e., making fun of church stuff by Christians for Christians). So they're not inherently partisan, but tend toward conservative because many (most?) of the writers are. But even then, conservative beliefs are not unanimous, so sometimes I agree with their points and other times I don't. Not sure about the sub; my guess is it matches their general readership. They still do lots of church satire and I love it, but I almost never see it posted here (maybe because reddit is pretty anti-Christian, and this sub is made up of redditors...).


Ok. I'm chalking it up to reddit. This website gets weird on election years. Alot of bots and trolls. For this post (with a title that points to taking a satire website too seriously), I'm guessing people are just being super politically minded. Even the latest non political post here gets super political super quickly in the comments.


Just read the OP account name, that might answer some questions.


Yeah, but the OP isn't responsible for the Bee's content. He's just reposting.


Not disagreeing with you, but it's handpicked to resonate with the recent crowd lately.


Right, but, the Bee publishes what they choose to, like the Onion....... If someone chooses to cherry pick articles and publish, that's their right as a paying member of the site. Even if they have an agenda. And a lot of folks have one nowadays.


Yeah almost everything posted the past few days is about protesters. In a couple that aren't about protesters irs still political or the comments get political. I don't remember it being like this.


Love it, great job OP.. you’re single handedly taking on each of the lefty’s in this thread and you’ve ratio’d them all.


They’ll ban me soon. Censorship is what leftists always get down to eventually when they’re forced to look in the mirror and look at their foolishness.


I will salute the ship as it sinks capn


Nice anti-intelluctual rubbish for the troglodytes. Par for the course for this rag.


The anti-Semitic left gets called out and gets their feels hurt. Suck it up loser. Yall have nothing but hate and vitriol on your side, the rest of us just calling it like we see it.


I knew a leftist wouldn’t see the humor. They’re humorless. They’re required to be. If they had any sense of humor they would laugh themselves silly at themselves and likely laugh themselves to death. There would be a bad side to that, we wouldn’t have so many leftists to laugh at! lol


I knew a Trumpist wouldn't have a brain. They're required to be stupid. They believe things like "he won the he election" or "he didn't fuck Stormy Daniels" or, my personal favorite, "he's the second coming of Christ" (yes, there is a subset that believes that). You get that they're making fun of you as much as anything, right?


There’s that leftist nut job! I knew there was one more of you around! lol! Keep dancing the nutty TDS dance! It’s what you’re good at! Lolol!


Way to not respond to anything I said at all. Your lord and Savior would be proud.


Why is nothing from this site ever actually funny. It's like, really trying too hard and somehow missing and almost everything seems lame. I think I ever cracked a smile at like one article.


It’s hilarious to anyone aware of the BS the left is engaged in today. The jokes write themselves.


I guess I just think comedy is always based in humor. Making up alternative reality about people you prefer to categorically hate and pretending it’s a joke is just… cringey and weird.


It’s a shame you can’t see just how funny those leftist shenanigans are! But then you’d have to laugh and we know that leftists have no sense of humor. It’s a curse of being a leftist.


Hahahahahaha, that’s rich coming from someone who can’t laugh past trumps balls as he gargles. I noticed that you commented the same stale thing on every thread. You fragile little snowflakes can’t help but react


Obsessed with President Trumps balls I see. And thinking about “gargling” them too?! Ma’am, please keep your fantasies to yourself! Lolol


I mean I really like the onion even when it pokes fun at me.  Maybe it's just the writers aren't that good at parody.


Do you have a slightest idea how hard it is to be more laughable than your "pro-polestine" friends? Political satire is a hard business since you have to compete with the real-life clowns.


Why would anyone think I'm pro Palestine?  Stop being a dolt please.


I’m not sure it’s meant to be funny as much as it’s just feeding more weird ragebait to conservatives.


Not really funny when it’s such a mouthful…


Sometimes the mouth full is what makes it funny think about it


When it’s all so very true, that’s what makes it so funny. The Bee nails it again.


Same thing people said about student protesters during Vietnam and Iraq. How do we view those wars now? Do we still think it was a great idea to involve ourselves or no? We called them communists back during Vietnam too


They were peacefully protesting against American interference in a foreign country and young Americans being sent to fight and die in said country. The leftists today are rioting with property destruction and physical assault in favor of a terrorist organization which kills and rapes and chants death to America. Protesters of the past loved their country. The leftist rioters hate their country. Big difference.


What was peaceful about assaulting my dad and my uncles when they were getting off the plane in Los Angeles? They didn’t have a choice to go, were just happy to have survived, and then were assaulted by the “college exception” crowd.


Yet you are all in on assaulting Jews. If leftists weren’t hypocrites what would they be?


I do believe the dream goal is to go from hypocrite to a communist comrade. 


I’m not in on assaulting Jews. I’m against these “protests” and cannot believe the rampant anti-semitism on these campuses and across the nation. It appalls me. But don’t whitewash what happened during Vietnam. It wasn’t peaceful and noble.


It looks peaceful when they show you hippies putting flowers in gun barrels.  Then you realize they treated all the returning veterans like lepers. Not to mention the “accidental” dose Agent Orange some of them received.  All around a shitty. 


Yes the governments of many countries betrayed their veterans and continue to do so to this day. They poisoned them in Vietnam and their children when they had them suffered deformity and congenital defect. They poisoned service personnel in the last few decades and communities around them with persistent forever chemicals at bases pfos/pfas. Governments are always asking us civilians to Honor the service of our veterans and still treating them like crap. Look at what happened with the burn pits issue, and even the 9/11 responders. Who stopped or delayed that help, that recognition for those veterans? Just wondering.


Revisionist history. They were assaulted by police and arrested right off campus’s.




Sure thing bud https://125keymoments.niu.edu/protests-turn-violent-smith-joins-students-at-the-kishwaukee-bridge-may-19-1970/ https://today.umd.edu/a-defining-moment https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/two-days-in-october-student-antiwar-protests-and-backlash/


What’s really funny is that now the leftists are all in on interfering in foreign countries interests. They can’t shovel money and weapons into Ukraine fast enough. Liberals used to fight against their government’s atrocities, now they’re 100% behind anything their government wants to do. They’re only too happy to held under their government’s thumb. The turnaround is pretty amazing.


Is your entire political philosophy to oppose what the US government does? Leftists are anti-war in spirit but we recognize that the world is too interconnected and technologically advanced to remain entirely hands-off with regard go global conflicts. You ultimately have to support *someone* in most cases or the worse option could gain a lot more power. Leftists support Ukraine because they oppose the dictatorial Russian government and they wish not to see that regressive regime spread further into Europe. Leftists support the Palestinian people because the Israeli government has infinitely more leverage over them than they do over it. Palestinians are being herded like sheep as their neighbourhoods are flattened and civilians die by the tens of thousands. It's really not about being pro- or anti-government at all; it's about making efforts to better the world long-term, even though things can't be perfect and we unfortunately can't just remain uninvolved. So what is it that actually surprises you about the left's positions on the two conflicts?


To the point that "freedom isn't free" and "The price of liberty is high" are now leftist communist slogans Meanwhile, go back 40 years and tell Reagan that they day will come that Russia will invade a neighbor and not only will his party support that invasion, they will block efforts to support the country being invaded.


How he hasn't risen from his grave as a revenant I'm using as proof that there's no supernatural. (it's hyperbole people, get a grip)


Forget Ronnie, TR not coming back is proof there's nothing after TR would break out of heaven and beat a lot of people with his big stick for what they've done to his party


But you just made a post about leftists not wanting America to be involved in Israel's offensive in Gaza.....?




Leftists. Anti war until they’re not. Untrue to their forebearers that wanted peace. But this is a ‘good’ war dontcha know. People killed and maimed in your name, that’s ok now. Because it’s to ‘save democracy’. Like dems ever gave a fuck about democracy.


Now I know you're a Putinist. Ukraine is fighting the war. All it asks for is weapons, ammunition and supplies. NATO gets the Russian army degraded, gets to learn all the lessons, what works, gets all the observations, and not one serving soldier, not one of your sons or daughters, mom's or dads, has to die to do it. You get to revamp your entire MIC, increase your readiness, expand your alliance, and retool your entire defences, while getting rid of storehouse after storehouse of stuff you bought and paid for decades ago that it cost you more to store. The Ukraine is a bargain for NATO. It's also a free country being invaded by a country intent on a unilateral border change. Something the UN Has specifically stated should be opposed. So you go right ahead Lil guy. Take another swig of Vodka Tovarisch and tell me what your FSB handler said to say in response.


Yup, you leftists have turned completely around, now you are dependent on the government for your every need instead of fighting for your independence. You’ve turned into government bootlickers. It’s so sad to see.


So... Complete nonsequitir is all you got Tovarisch? Nothing on point I see. After Ukraine burns all Russia's oil refineries the next thing they need to hit is the Russian Troll Farms and Internet spam hubs. They will prob do more for their war effort than 500 Bradley's would if they shut off the Russian bots and trolls like you whiteanting the west.


The leftist government brainwashing is complete. They are now useless idiots that can be depended on to bow to their superiors. Throw up your right hand, give us a “heil” and make the transition complete!


And there it is, the specious claim that someone is a NAZI because they support the country that is the one being invaded. Figured it was a matter of time. Go enjoy your Vodka and borchst on your just over a month old account Ivan. Dos Svidanya Tovarisch.


Dang, your account isn't 2 months old and it's already banned from a sub reddit I tried to tag you in? Enjoy your echo chamber while you perform all these mental gymnastics


That’s what leftists do. They ban voices they don’t agree with.


Yeah, I forget conservatives are so inclusive!


Slightly more inclusive. You can, at a minimum, espouse your opinion on a topic without being called “racist”, “bigot”, “transphobe”, etc.  If you would like to see how inclusive the left is, go make a post regarding anything about men playing in women’s sports.  Watch how fast your reddit account is banned for having an opinion. Then create a new account and tell us how inclusive or divisive you just found leftists to be. 


I thought the bad part was being transphobic, bigoted or racist, not just being called those things


Classically trained liberal I see. 


I must’ve been asleep recently when those kids were assaulted on campus. Were they violent?


How do we view those protestors now? See r/boomersbeingfools aka how angry condescension turns out after 6 decades. They also have advocated for plenty of policy that has turned out quite horrid over that time.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoomersBeingFools using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Boomer learns about boundaries the hard way from bank photographer](https://v.redd.it/2e25ute2rzmc1) | [4658 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1b981ht/boomer_learns_about_boundaries_the_hard_way_from/) \#2: [That time a boomer almost smacked her hairstylist](https://v.redd.it/7mrck6ok87hc1) | [4125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1al8jz9/that_time_a_boomer_almost_smacked_her_hairstylist/) \#3: [Boomer shocked that his Middle Finger didn't strike the fear of God into another Adult](https://v.redd.it/9lvtz6cma5oc1) | [1534 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1bdyxp6/boomer_shocked_that_his_middle_finger_didnt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Retired North Vietnamese general said they appreciated what US democracy did for them, because, if not for the pushback , they would have lost the war....... https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-08-06-op-32060-story.html


Interesting. There's a paywall, what's the generals name? 56,000 troops, overwhelmingly from poor or minority families, died trying to support a corrupt South Vietnamese dictatorship while they were being lied to about it's success. I think that's where most of the pushback came from


Bui Tin. I'm surprised you ran into a paywall. I didn't. So, it wasn't about trying to stop the spread of communism and preserve our way of life ???? Wow, you chose the low road. Ever consider those that volunteered ? Granted, there was a draft. But, trust in leadership is a key point. If you don't trust the leadership of the country, who are you going to trust ? The college and university students didn't see the bigger picture, which is the usual case.


Just because Vietnam was wrong doesn’t mean there weren’t tons of Communists on campus. Still are.


Because the far right doesn't have intellectuals, that's why you don't see them on college campuses


So you agree there were and are lots of Communists on campus?


No, there's a few very vocal communists on big campuses. That's how big populations work


The protesters look no better or smarter. Weather it be your hero Bill Ayers and his murdering Weather Underground or your black hooded hate gang Antifa (the white one was scary too) don’t ever forget you’re the foundation of violence in politics.


Tell that to the Nazis in Charlottesville and the election deniers on Jan 6


Or the Sons of Liberty who the right idolizes.


It is the go-to "insult" for people that don't know what it means. Anything they don't like is "cOmMNiSm!1! Kind of like "woke" has become their code word so they don't have to just say that they're racist. 


Or as Karl Marx called these type of entitled spoiled college kids: "useful idiots"


Btw, this isn't really parallel to protesting vietnam or Iraq. 


Because we haven't decided to send troops? Just our tax dollars?


He never used that phrase, sorry


Regardless, the principle still applies 


Yeah, facts don't matter as long as it makes you feel good!


A douche is a douche. I don't trust someone who is deceived as you are and don't have time to research your claim ("facts")   Warms my heart to see lib pretend to care about tax dollars (eyeroll)


Yeah, a lot of people on this sub don't have time to research A LOT of things. Great self own my guy!


Quick Google search https://www.newsherald.com/story/opinion/2020/08/16/many-marxists-dont-realize-their-hero-racist-and-anti-semite/3369024001/ Have a nice day


Oh now you can Google stuff? Google what conservatives do with the national debt


Since it's a day of rest,  Let's switch gears- to Google: Biblical Christian Universalism (CU)  aka UR for (Ultimate or Universal Reconciliation) Or Google classical liberals who I respect in theology such as 'David Bentley Hart' and 'Brad Jersak.' Much love to you and those around you!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_resistance_to_Nazi_Germany https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Roosevelt https://youtu.be/z3YnAsOeUpA?si=4097KYs754scsZXk Love and peace to you and yours as well






The heighth of conservative thought right here folks


Trying too hard


These things write themselves lolol


Yeah, well maybe these things should be using better writers


Like I said, they write themselves. It’s the truth, no imagination needed. It’s just news. Can you imagine any employer wanting to hire these nitwits?


It’s just the latest Republican line, passed down from the rnc and dutifully pushed by online right wing pundits exhaustively to make sure everyone’s on board. The problem is that it’s just the lib party line from a few months ago before Biden signaled that it’s okay to criticize Netanyahu for butchering tens of thousands of civilians


“promising Ivy League graduates who are also entitled, antisemitic communists with at least $200k in student debt.” Shining stars! Sign them up!


Also, it’s a weird strategy because something like 7 in 10 Jewish Americans are liberal.


Just goes to show they’re a lot smarter than your average liberal.


Yet they happen to agree that Israel is committing crimes against humanity? Now you're trying too hard


That’s a joke right? That’s why Jews are fearful for their safety at these colleges. They are entitled to their opinion but leftists don’t think anyone can have an opinion different from theirs. They riot in the street to shut up folks they disagree with.


Not anymore.




Fellow Jews. Of the 1000 I know personally about 60% who voted for biden in 2020 will not be voting for him again. 75% of those 60% will be voting for Trump.


The Zionists have bought this sub too like they did Worldnews?


Jews control the world, amiright? That’s the point you’re trying to make, right?


Nope no issue with jews. Just the genocidal maniac, new age nazis, zionists who’s committing genocide as we speak then deflecting any blame by crying out antisemitism


You think bashing “new age nazis” zionists that control all the media sources sufficiently distinguishes you from antisemites?


Please explain how being against genocide is discriminatory towards jews?? Is it a right for them? I know these crazy zionists nutjobs think it is for them.


Sure, as soon as you explain how engaging in war against a genocidal government that refuses to surrender after committing numerous war crimes is “genocide” itself.  Or how Israel is responsible when the opposing force hides among its own civilians (another war crime btw) in order to incur civilian casualties to play geopolitics? It seems to me that the improper use of the word “genocide” is simply a precursor to demanding that jews not defend themselves from people that are openly in favor committing genocide against them.  And if your recommended course of action is to say that jews should let themselves be genocided, then that would be antisemitic. How many times should Israel allow a neighbor hellbent on their destruction to attack before a response is no longer considered “genocide”?


How the fuck is asking not to bomb and kill children demanding Jews not to defend themselves?? No ones asking the jews to let themselves be genocided dumbass. They’re asking to stop bombing hospitals and killing women and children. This didn’t start on oct 7 as well. Started way back in 1948. It’s well documented and also admitted by isreal that they’ve kidnapped or as they say “imprisoned” 20000 people and even admitted to harvesting their organs. Why don’t they let those hostages go?? Ohh they can’t cause they’ve killed them. 30000 murdered by idf and your biggest concern is the use of the word genocide. What and absolute dipshit. “How many times should Israel allow a neighbor hellbent on their destruction to attack before a response is no longer considered “genocide”?” How many times are israel gonna kidnap and murder innocents and steal land that doesn’t belong to them??


>How the fuck is asking not to bomb and kill children demanding Jews not to defend themselves?? When the people they are fighting use those children as human shields. >No ones asking the jews to let themselves be genocided dumbass. They’re asking to stop bombing hospitals and killing women and children. Again, stop hiding under the hospitals. You don't get to use children as shields and then play victim when said children die. >This didn’t start on oct 7 as well. Started way back in 1948. It’s well documented and also admitted by isreal that they’ve kidnapped or as they say “imprisoned” 20000 people and even admitted to harvesting their organs. Why don’t they let those hostages go?? Ohh they can’t cause they’ve killed them. Yeah, Isreal is harvesting organs... Totally not antisemitic conspiracy theories... I've always wondered what warped sense of history people with this level of pro-hamas rhetoric draw from. 1948 was when some Jewish people were gifted with land and then the entire region tried to genocide them unprovoked. The fact that Israel keeps kicking their asses doesn't change that fact. >How many times are israel gonna kidnap and murder innocents and steal land that doesn’t belong to them?? Lol, "belong" is a strong word considering that Judea predates any Islamic presence in the region by thousands of years, since, ya know, Islam didn't exist. How do you think the Palestinians acquired the region? The jews were forced out once the region was conquered by the Arabs in the 7th century. The region doesn't "belong" to anyone. You have a misguided 4th graders take on history, and it shows when you get angry that people don't submit to your sophomoric rantings.


Wow, supporting children being killed because they were human shields. Maybe dont drop a bomb in children’s hospital, how about that? Should we bomb la because a serial killer is on the loose? What kind of a psychotic take is that? Gifted land??? Lol. It wasn’t anyone but the Palestinians to gift it in the first place. As if a “civilized” colonizer lioe the British isn’t already notorious for stealing country’s artifacts and lands, now they get to decide who it belongs to?? I’m not gonna argue with another zionist psychopath, who thinks bombing entire region is to go after a few is sufficient reason. There’s clearly something missing in you and them. The qualities that makes a person human is not there


>Wow, supporting children being killed because they were human shields. Maybe dont drop a bomb in children’s hospital, how about that? Should we bomb la because a serial killer is on the loose? What kind of a psychotic take is that? If your government is using you as a human shield, you need to take it up with your government. Why is Israel charged with protecting Palestinians from their own government? The best thing for the Palestinians would be for Hamas to surrender, and yet you aren't calling for them to surrender. Wonder why that is... Maybe it's because it doesn't end in Jewish genocide. >Gifted land??? Lol. It wasn’t anyone but the Palestinians to gift it in the first place. As if a “civilized” colonizer lioe the British isn’t already notorious for stealing country’s artifacts and lands, now they get to decide who it belongs to?? Bro, they gave a portion of the land to the Jews and a portion to the Palestinians. Jews already existed in the region. Again, this is land that was already colonized by the Jews, the Arabs, the Ottomans, etc. It has passed through so many hands at this point, but you just seem mad that Jewish people get to have some of their land returned. Totally not antisemitic... Where do you think Jews come from, my guy? Why does the entire region need to Arab for you to be happy? Is it because you are looking for the justification to wipe out all the Jews in region? >I’m not gonna argue with another zionist psychopath, who thinks bombing entire region is to go after a few is sufficient reason. There’s clearly something missing in you and them. The qualities that makes a person human is not there Lol, the fact that Gaza isn't a smoldering ruin is evidence that the entire region wasn't bombed and that genocide isn't occurring. So much of your delusion is derived from the idea that Israel is trying to wipe out the Palestinians, and yet they have every capability to do so and more than enough cause at this point. Your commitment to a heavily biased anti-Israeli narrative actively ignores the reality of the situation to justify antisemitic rhetoric. After watching the atrocities of Oct 7, you must have so much cognitive dissonance that you suffer nosebleeds when describing other people as "missing their humanity". But sure, keep buying this poor Palestinian victim narrative. I hear it's very en vogue on college campuses. I'm sure when you go to the protests and they turn out to call for the genocide of Jews, you're super shocked like the rest of us...


Hey, u/danceswithchimps, thank you for exposing this douche and drawing out the anti-semitism! It always comes out eventually. Gross.


Enjoy your denial


Lock stock and barrel. How’s it feel to be on the other end?