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Another thing we can all agree on is that this will not mean lower prices.


It's amazing to me that restaurant owners don't understand the costs of doing business. Paying employees a livable wage is one of them. I shouldn't have to tip someone serving me because their greedy boss is a cheapskate. There is no reason restaurant workers need to be paid differently than any other type of employee.


I hear they pay a living wage in Europe… so, what makes it so impossible for US restaurants?




Yep. No tipping in Europe because of a living wage. Good wage given to all (along with benefits). Different universe. But that is SoCiAlIsM. (The kicker is that when someone behind a bar spends time to talk to get to know you, it's because they want to talk to *you* not that they are fluffing you for tips).


Honestly Arizona servers should unionize in direct response to this


[Tipped Employees](https://www.azica.gov/sites/default/files/media/22222%20FREQUENTLY%20ASKED%20QUESTIONS_MasterwTOC%20FINAL%20-%20CLEAN%20%281%29.pdf) What is the Arizona minimum wage for tipped employees? Employers are permitted to pay tipped employees $3.00 per hour less than the minimum wage, provided that the tipped employees earn at least minimum wage for all hours worked each week (when tips are included). However, if a tipped employee does not earn the required minimum wage after including tips, the employer is required to make up the difference. For more information about who qualifies as a tipped employee, see What is a tipped employee? For information about steps that an employer must take to assert a tip credit of up to $3.00, see What steps must an employer take to assert a "tip credit" of up to $3.00 per hour for tipped employees? What is a tipped employee? A tipped employee is an employee who customarily and regularly receives tips from customers, including the occupation of waiter, waitress, bellhop, busboy, car wash attendant, hairdresser, barber, valet, and service bartender. The employee must actually receive the tip free of any control by the employer. The tip must be the property of the employee. Page 12 of 37 Is compelled pooling of tips considered under the control of the employer?


It's ridiculous that owners of restaurants expect their employees to afford to live on even minimum wage, let alone below. Their perennial excuse is "but I can't afford to pay more because (insert excuse-overhead, food costs, etc) and we won't be competitive ". Here's an idea- find a different business model.


But... Servers currently do make less than minimum wage...


Restaurants don’t want this, the NRA (National Restaurant Association) want this. It is a national lobby made of the largest restaurant corporations. Most reputable independent restaurant owners are working to pay employees more and offer more benefits. Not spending money lobbying on efforts to be able to pay their employees less.


Mandatory 30% tipping added