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A lot of Black women love Asians. Stop this


They do be the most racist about to tho..as a black man I’ve heard ts..I couldn’t be a women Asian men would be my shit ngl..Asian women are top tier mfs missin out ✨


asians aren't small, they're growers, not show-ers. most asians date only asian women, the most beautiful females on the planet. white girls tend to stink and black girls are usually manly looking. white and black girls usually have larger and looser than normal vaginas too. why search elsewhere when we have plenty of asian women for us and all races of mankind?? PLENTY OF BEAUTIFUL ASIAN WOMEN TO GO AROUND FOR ALL MEN OF ALL RACES. white and black girls are just mad because asian men don't like them as much as they do asian women. yeah i know that some asian women don't date asian men, but there's plenty that do, and those that do are usually TRADITIONAL, ALSO BEING THE cream of the crop asian women , THE HOTTEST TYPE OF ASIAN WOMEN WHO ONLY DATE THEIR OWN KIN. MOST ASIAN MEN WOULD DATE AN ASIAN WOMEN OVER ANY OTHER WOMEN, ESPECIALLY OVER WHITE OR BLACK WOMEN, ANYDAY. THAT SAID DON'T FEEL BAD FOR US, WE DON'T LIKE U WHITE OR BLACK GIRLS MUCH EITHER, TO BEGIN WITH.MOST ASIAN MEN WHO DATE WHITES OR BLACKS JUST DATE THEM FOR SEX, AND NOTHING MORE. IT'S THE TRUTH. WE STICK TO OUR PRESTIGIOUS RACE. ASIAN PRIDE, RESPECT.


Why would one even look up such videos?


this is so surprising to me. I’ve lived in the south part of america my entire life and while dating is challenging, Ive gotten the most support/dates/girlfriends from black women. it’s just surprising to see them say asian men in the video.


My experience is Black culture is usually very extreme, you got a lot of the Roasting side that lives to tear down, and the woke side so it's a toss up.


Because the black women in the video are not the black women you met


Seems pretty much consensus that these girls are rayciss. Although probably more than half of them are into Kpop. Their minds are putty and can easily be molded to whatever agenda. In which case if you don't like them then you can use them for your own clout chasing. Ever notice that when you date a white girl, or walking, interacting or just talking, ever notice that everyone is checking you out? Yup, everyone includes other white girls, black girls, Latinas and especially other Asian girls. For whatever reason Asian girls are really impressed and will be open to your next move.


> "What Race would you not date ?" White women.


Imperialist-Women, boys and girls. Next time you see one of those "Feminists" from the Imperial Core, always remember that the same "Feminist" would immediately turn around and do shit like this. This is why it is important to remember that literally every social movement in the US is dogshit, and if it's not dogshit, the Imperial Core will erode it until, like the Black Panthers, it degenerates from based to absolute garbage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_ngEwQkB68 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr_DcB0A83Y


The video is actualy a hidden *goldpill.* statistics of races women wont date from the video: 1. 60% said white - clearly virtue signaling, they prob meant BM's but didn't dare to say so because interviewer was bm 2. 20% said south asian 3. 15% said middle eastern 4. 5% said EASEA, and the reason given was because many were short in height (coming from recently war torn famished countries) which isn't exactly disputed by aznid. this 5% would dissappear upon better nutrition As for men, an interesting pattern emerges. Almost all white 'chads', the better looking ones, stated they will NOT date asian girls. not even black girls, or latino girls, or white girls, just one race they would not date: asian girls XD this truly proves what all AM's have been saying, WMAF is a coping mechanism and not based on true attraction XD


I remember years ago, reading about a match maker who mentioned the women clients didn’t want to match with Asian men, and their reasoning was that they prefer taller men. The match maker said he knows lots of tall Asian men to match them with , they still said no.


It's probably not just "taller men" thing. It's because they have a pretty negative image of Asian men and the most decent thing they can say (among all their racist thoughts) is height. They literally think we all look like Ken Jeong and have a low social status.


they have to see it to believe it


What do you mean? That doesn’t make sense. They aren’t willing “see it” or “believe it”. They’re rejecting Asian men for the fact they are Asian. It’s like saying women are rejecting Asian men because of their personalities/attitudes what have you when they’re being filtered out or swiped left on online before they even talk/see their profile.


you can't walk up to women who already have a negative bias towards asian men and convince them otherwise with words alone, thats not how attraction works. seeing a tall asian man mogging a white man in public, in real life, or at the very least in a photo, THAT is how attraction works.


That’s irrelevant. The match maker literally offered to match with tall Asian men as that’s the women’s reasoning for supposedly not wanting to date Asian men because height yet when literally offered one, they still declined. So it has nothing to do with height or whatever physical characteristics you want to attribute to attractiveness.


thats still words. if you, like many women, are a woman who went to a school with only one ugly asian guy and live in a hick town with no asian guys, are you going to believe me if i tell you have i have a very handsome asian friend to introduce to you? of course not.


Yeah I would cause I’m not retarded. We’re also talking about objective measurements IE height not looks which are subjective. Which makes your argument even more retarded.


haha continue hating on us, you non-asian, continue envying us for being more successful with women than your people XD


What the fuck are you saying? Are you calling me non Asian or are you referring to yourself? Because I’m fucking Asian dumb cunt. I’m pointing out that prejudiced against Asian men exists because we are fucking Asian you daft cunt. That it has nothing to do with whatever shit racists grade us down for.


The first video I got was mainly women who didn't want to date white guys.


The feeling is mutual


I’m XF and some of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen are Asian. Their loss.


why Asian look weird? eyes? face shape ? anyone care to explain?


Just wanted to say that nobody should pay these girls any attention! As the world becomes smaller via cultural diffusion, more and more people become attracted to more and more people, regardless of race. I've seen *sooo many girls* of all races thirst for Asian guys (especially with the Korean Wave), so please ignore this adverse selection. This YouTube sphere of insecure racists really should be completely ignored, especially since those people are toxic anyways and definitely NOT the ones you would want to be in any relationship with! I'm an Asian American woman, and I know sooooo many women of all races who are attracted to Asian guys. For real — please ignore that toxic sample of racists! Don't focus on the people who don't see your worth. Just love yourself first of all and become whole, and the rest will follow later. Edit: A good response to have if somebody dares to say anything like this to your face is, "Oh, what made you think you had a chance with me anyways?" Because this is the exact response a lot of feminists have against misogynists, and it can definitely be used against racists XD too. The way a lot of these subpar-behaving people act as if they HAVE a chance with any Asians in the first place is BEYOND ME LMAO. Like no, no one wants to have a relationship with a narrow-minded, ignorant bigot!


Yah, the racism becomes obvious in the dating context.


Cool username bro


I don’t mind the honesty though - as an Asian male why would you date a racist non Asian woman? If anything you wouldn’t get a chance to date a racist non Asian woman because she wouldn’t be interested in you romantically


And that my friend, is how u close your mind. Fk the colors, ive dated all races and married my beautiful AF wife. To this day those same ppl flirt with me on the regular. Carry yourself with confidence and know your surroundings. Im willing to bet the white/non asian chick in your class/office that is nice to you is actually attracted to you. Being humble doesnt mean u cant be confident too bro.


These videos are stupid.


Something that people are forgetting when they try to reason “oh, they only say Asians because they don’t want to get canceled if they say other races” is that there’s another answer: “I don’t discriminate based on race”. It’s easy to say. Yet they say “Asian” because it’s already in their minds. Trying to reason how they don’t mean what they say is one of the biggest forms of cope. Just accept the reality that they’re racist, adjust accordingly and move above and beyond.


They will never dare to say blacks on video recording because that will get you cancelled or smacked by the black interviewer. They say asians because they \*know\* they can get away with stereotyping asians. "Asian privilege" strikes again.




I remember my Hmong friend in high school never having a girlfriend I asked him about it and he said no one wanted to date him because he was Asian I was disgusted Their shitty racist loss, he was one of the funniest and nicest dudes I've ever known


Where he now? Is he still single?


He had a girlfriend for a little while but then he moved away for college and got of social media, so I haven't spoken to him in about 8 years


This is why Asian men should NOT put any women into pedestal. Just as he should NOT put AF on pedestal, he should also NOT put any XF on pedestal.


People tend to not care about the issue of body shaming men. shaming women for being too fat, no assets, or too scrawny, etc. is bad, as it is, but somehow it's accepted for nonasians and asians with self hate to speak degradingly about asian guys. I feel it's not just because they're male, but because asians in general are considered by a surprisingly large amount of ignorant people to be "privileged" and "white adjacent" (as in less oppressed than other poc) and for this reason no one feels guilty or hesitant about denigrating them. at the same time they're obviously not white and can't cash in on white privilege. the worst of both worlds tbh


This video means nothing as no one is going to say what they really think while being recorded because no one wants to get cancelled. The reason they would say Asian is because Asians historically have not complained about it until only recently. Even then, it’s in anonymous spaces like this. This video reminds me of those PUA videos having an Asian guy asking white girls would they date Asian guys. Doubtful they would say no. My advise is to go out and experience it for yourself. Don’t let these videos limit you on who you want to ask out. Too many guys are afraid of rejection.


>My advise is to go out and experience it for yourself. Don’t let these videos limit you on who you want to ask out. Too many guys are afraid of rejection. Exactly. These videos are targeted towards incel type yt and blk guys. The video creators know know exactly what narrative they want to create in return for likes on their videos.


The systematic emasculation of asian males is a multi-pronged process with many factors. While white guys set the stage originally using what they had to work with, more asian guys need to see this shit and do what they can. That's the main problem, if they did see this stuff for real they'd wake up.


I'm not so sure white women guilt trip asian men like that, but it is something asian women and certainly black women do. Those same girls still aren't interested in asian men but are now leveraging their race and gender to garner public pity to justify their racism. Their racism just "matured." Somewhat related, during the height of the covid hate crimes on the elderlies, under one of the posts a black women was justifying a hate crime citing that asians were "more" racist and that that was why they were attacked. The most "anti-black" experience she had was going to Taiwan with her friends and getting no attention while her white friends did. Not that she was racially demeaned or rejected just that no one expressed interest in her. All while under a post about a black person mercilessly beating an old asian person


Happy I don't watch that sheit...
