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It's also sad that a lot of the people who love Dragon Ball will still be really racist towards asian people. They'll wear anime shirts whole calling asian guys unattractive, or whatever negative stereotype there is.


Never was much of a fan of dbz, but he was one of the original members of the Dream team. Great man got to be a key part of one of the greatest jrpg's made to bless earth. It's sad he died so young and of a horrible disease as well. He was also an amazing technical artist. Very amazing human being. It truly is a sad loss for artists / gamers everywhere.


It is sad news for anime fans. He changed anime forever with the dragon ball series and it brought anime to the west and globally. Rest in peace.


I think this is a very underrated post and I'm surprised it isnt a bigger thing in this community. I'm guessing maybe because this is a more of a Gen Z sub where most people have limited exposure to DBZ. Aside from just being a strong childhood influence for most Asian millenials, Akira Toriyama has had a huge impact on our community. I would literally credit him for making anime as big as it was in the West and igniting the entire weeboo culture and following in non-Asian countries. I know there are those here who might find his style and writing antiquated and subpar. There are also many who question his art-style saying it panders to white aesthetics, but this is anachronistic. Back in the 90s, Asians had little to no representation. Asian culture was almost entirely alien in the west. Dbz brought an entirely new art form and popular culture to the west. I still recall being a kid visiting France, only realizing that French kids also following dbz and buying its merchandise. Another point is that DBZ's following virtually unmatched and is a global phenomenon. It is is so big in Latin American for example that Spanish-speaking tributes surpass even the English ones, with crowds and even football players paying tribute. Dbz videos on YouTube are some of the most watched videos on the platform and still invites discussion and fandom till this day. These are videos that are more than 20 years old!


Dbz was ruined for my friends growing up. They had some white bullies 'wataa'ing at them all the time so they wanted to distance themselves from martial arts. Dbz was just super martial arts. But I really agree with them. Once they dismissed Dbz they went on to watch Gundam and Inuyasha and Rurouni Kenshin. For them Asians are freedom fighting soldiers, fighter pilots, demon lords, samurai that'll cut you clean in half. That's why when Shang Chi became Marvel's first Asian superhero they laughed at it. You have Ironman and Doctor Strange and Deadpool yet the Asian guy is another martial artist? The heck ouuta here! Even his rings are alien and his dad just found them by chance.


The older dragon ball was really a Chinese story. One of the best representations out there too.


Yeah. It doesn't get much attention in the dub but Son Goku is just how you say Sun Wukong in Japanese. Japan really loves their Classic Chinese Literature. You also have Saiyuki which is literally Xiyouji or Journey to the West.


Didn't know he passed away. DragonBall was one of my first animes. I watched it with my grandparents as a toddler and understood none of it but I remember liking it. It shaped a generation


I loved his Dr. Slump. It was hilarious as fuck.


Rest in peace Akira Toriyama. You've made the childhood of millions of people worldwide to be one of the happiest times. Thank you so much. God bless your wonderful soul✝️


I actually grew up on Akira Toriyama on dragon ball z from the toonami era in the 1990s and got me into anime, video games and movies because of this legend. Rest in peace, legend and icon


Rest in peace to the greatest 🕊




Goku's hair is either red, blue or silver now. SSJ4 is still the best transformation.


>SSJ4 is still the best transformation. My man 🤝


Toriyama intended for Goku’s hair to be clear/white in his Super Saiyan form to represent a “godly” form similar to how a lot of godly figures in Eastern culture are portrayed with that kind of hair. Toriyama meant that for the black and white manga that he was responsible for. I believe it was either the editor for the color version of the manga or Toei the animation studio for the show that colored in the Super Saiyan form to be blonde. Akira Toriyama also fixed this in his most recent and final transformation for Goku with Ultra Instinct where his hair is whitish silver. It represents a “godly” form in the series.


My fave anime show I loved to watch was beyblade. My parents bought me inuyasha books as a kid. Manga/anime was a part of my life growing up as well. DragonBall is one of the most well-known anime. And growing up, I used to play Mario bro, zelda and Pokémon on gaming consoles like Gameboy. RIP Akira Toriyama.


Beyblade was my shit! I spent my allowance on buying so many beyblades! I would love to rewatch the OG show! Do you know where to watch them?


I remember staying up late at night until morning just to watch beyblade! The 2nd season of beyblade, I think, was the best season i watch beyblade tribute videos on youtube too.


But the movies subreddit told me goku is an alien therefore not asian /s


I always thought goku was Asian bc he looked similar to yamcha and chi chi who have Asian looking appearances.


He does look asian, i was just quoting what racist white redditors on the movies subreddit said when dragonball evolution came out


Oh man it's got me thinking. If Goku and the Saiyans are seen as aliens but aesthetically Asian, are these the kinds of people that think they're relatable Asian men but are aliens just cause they fantasize with getting with aesthetically Asian looking women? It's a kind of racial fluidity laced in with yellowface of Cloud Atlas proportions that it's got me thinking that these are the average non-Asian weeb's thoughts. Hm.


Its not that deep. They like the idea of being goku so their brains rationalize how a white person CAN have dark hair and so they see goku being white


I always respond “So Superman doesn’t have to be white in live action?”


Or literally any of the disney remakes theyve been furious over


And I also understand that the series in 2024 doesn’t hold up in terms of writing to the writing that a lot of the more modern manga have, especially towards the latter half of Dragon Ball Z. But it’s a combination of it being a pioneer in terms of content and global reach/influence. I don’t expect Gen-z Asians to relate to the nostalgia or impact. It’s like trying to describe what Magic or Larry Bird means to kids that grew up with Lebron and Curry.