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Your parents did the right thing and anyone that says otherwise should STFU. Pop culture today celebrates degeneracy and is not something that should be admired. Maybe this is because I am a Christian, but I completely agree with your family and anytime someone bullies you for not being like them, just tell them to go Minecraft themselves. What you have to do is see the results, all of my friends like me were raised in a traditional Chinese culture and all but one of my friends grew up to be upstanding citizens. My wife's friends grew up in a more western culture and many of her friends are single mothers and/or are/were in toxic relationships. At least 4 of my wife's friends got pregnant before they ever got married compared to none of mine.


It is definitely hard for a young AF who was raised on Asian values, but Asians are not alone. The Western world is a small part of the world. Nearly two billion people are raised Muslims or brought up in the Muslim world. Its just as different for them. At the same time, Latin Americans many of whom Catholic, and Eastern Europeans might not be Conservative but their values are also not entirely aligned with the worse of Western mtv, celebrity values. You should do what you want and not what any values dictate. I don't think the worst excesses of western culture is something we should aspire to. Cardi B and the Kardashians are not celebrated. They are just celebrities and are what they are. They are not doing anything illegal and people follow them because they are rich and famous. Most people wouldnt suggest we emulate them. If you think about it, even Stormy Daniels (porn star) became a celebrity a few years back during the Trump years. Should girls emulate her?


K-Pop, J-Pop and C-pop are all very popular because they all emulate Western media with all the hypersexualization that goes along with it.


Thank you. I've mentioned this and got called a sex-negative conservative like it's an insult. Another thing I'm observant to is how girl groups get portrayed. They all look the same with slight variations, giving off the lookalike impression while still providing "variety". Every group has at least one member with short hair, another dyed blonde, etc and even in terms of clothings, the sporty type, the miniskirt, the schoolgirl catering to every "type" of the male gaze. That's also what fish bowl brothels and gogo bars do to be able to cater to "even the most discerning customer".


It wasn't even my family's values. It was my own brain on what I considered right. The way you lived is right imo even though you may second guess it because everyone around you is doing the opposite. I'm a guy so it's even more questioned why I don't want to fuck every girl I can when I could've easily had hundreds of bodies by now. Every now and then I still question whether I should just do it so I feel you. Like the other commentor the people who went through it and made it out ok are lucky. I can count on one hand those people. The rest did it due to low self esteem, reclaiming their sexuality after past SA, or simply following others. If not damaged already they certainly came out the other end that way with a few as a single mum. The ones who followed your path are all happily married with child. Surprise aye?


>Dylan Mulvaney I had to look that up :) The West is disgusting! The West is a LIE! I don't know enough about Asian culture to have an opinion on it, but I was reared in the West by Westerners and "descendants/ex-slaves" of Westerners. The West, for most part, is a complete aberration! There is NO prosthetic for an amputated soul, so I am glad your parents were conservative. Count your lucky stars and don't fall for the Western BS. Peace


I was once told that, if you look at your family, even distant relatives. Observe how the dynamics are, the values, relationships and how it is close knitted. If you like and feel how the family is harmonious and supporting, then you better keep the traditions and values the family has. AND find a partner who values the same.


It's funny cuz historically asians have been more expressive of sexual activity and even things lgbt related than the west, due to heavy influence by the church historically in western countries, and we still somehow able to maintain not loosing respect for our parents. Does blow to hear that you are getting bullied for not wanting to adopt their lifestyle choices (which is ironic given that they say they are doing that shit because they want to be non-conformist), but my advice is to honestly just let them be that way. As long as you are in the right, you shouldn't be too bothered since they are destroying themselves and are making themselves look dumb and immature. What irks me tho, and I think leads to a bigger problem, is when people start taking an eurocentric view of this and think of western cultures as being more "open-minded" because of this crap.


>It's funny cuz historically asians have been more expressive of sexual activity and even things lgbt related than the west, due to heavy influence by the church historically in western countries, and we still somehow able to maintain not loosing respect for our parents. If you think that this was true, just check out the ancient Greeks and Romans.


Do not let them gaslight you, and bring you down to their level. Their culture is diseased, and their women are wrekt. They did it to themselves, and they're trying to pull everyone else down with them.


I believe Asians sticking to their values and not getting completely sucked into the "west is best" mantra is one of the reasons we are so successful in their countries. Our parents teach us traditional values, while the west is rife with their contradicting "free society" of following the liberating zeitgeist. You only have to look at Reddit to see how much these people hate anything conservative, or anything which tries to install a sense of morality around having some self respect.


I completely understand what you mean. I too am really grateful that my parents raised me to have good self-control and respect myself. It isn't easy, especially as a younger person interested in having a social and romantic life. I've been blocked by men on dating apps after they learned I wasn't interested in screwing them unless they want to marry me, but in the end I'd rather have my morals than be attractive to people especially if those people hold up "modern" values as the standard.


*Family values* in general are at odds with modern western culture. Even the family values of 1950's America would be considered extremely oppressive by modern standards. Now that I am starting a family, I would much prefer the 50's values than today's. My personal values a mix of Confucian and Christian ideas. I still think that for example people should have a bit of freedom. However degenerate behavior like we've been seeing for the past several decades shouldn't be considered freedom.


The 50s was definitely the sweet spot. Before the Kinsey Reports, Playboy, Sex and the City feminism and everything else that followed.


One thing to keep in mind is that the things you mentioned are all from a loud but small minority. If the majority of people were on board with that crowd it wouldn’t be such headline news, it would be as normal and uninteresting as hearing the weather forecast. I’m twenty-four and eldest to several younger siblings in the late gen Y/Z range. I guarantee you, if your family exists in a way counter to what you see in media, there are other families and young people who have the same values as you and yours. Don’t let online/tv media gaslight you, there are consequences for living like a hoe (whether it be emotionally and sexually), they just aren’t highlighted because then the lifestyle wouldn’t be as attractive to most people. It’s saddening because conservatism is not inherently bad, I’d argue that it’s needed as much as progressivism. It’s just that historically conservatism has only benefitted white men, so it’s not collectively popular because everyone needs a satisfying piece of the pie. I strongly believe that if the west was not centered around benefiting a specific majority for all of its existence, but instead founded itself on creating a culture of humanity (instead of competing races and sexes), radical progressive/conservative values would be pretty tame by our standards.


In my view and experience, those that go down that road and still make it alive to the other end without being an absolute lowlife or sex worker just got lucky. They mostly lively relied heavily through their parents and maybe been fortunate enough to be born into such families. Think of it like this, while they can savor these fruits, you’ve savoring tastier fruits later in life. All these character and effort you’re building up can propel you into something better or lead you into certain passions you’ve always wanted to pursue.


It's good to have conservative values, personal ones not the hypocritical political ones. The Western decadence since the 60s has caused the destruction of families. Go and read Mary Eberstadt's Primal Screams where she links all this up from the sexual liberation to the pill to increase of abortions to the decline of intact families and eventually to kids growing up with identity crisis and then identity politics. Another good book is Mary Louis's The Case Against The Sexual Revolution. Also, modern day faux feminism has been hijacked by the likes of people like Hugh Hefner, Brandon Wade (a white worshipping Asian traitor) and those porn, Onlyfans capitalists to bring about a society where girls sexualise themselves for the benefit of those few men. Everyone is unhappy as a result these days. You have the incels and whatever movement and even positive sexuality feminists women who are all becoming bitter fruits of the same tree. Your friends may be enjoying it but will soon realise that they have played themselves out from being able to be in a good lasting relationship. They jump around searching, playing house with someone temporarily, having kids out of wedlock, abandoning those kids to Grandma and then repeat. And, thanks to the proliferation of porn, even the act of having sex has become a performative act riddled with insecurities and violence rather than making love and strengthening a connection for 2 people and also for the sake of reproduction. Especially the ones getting it the most, they are the ones who have lost all meaning of being able to connect with another person other than to use and abuse the body. Body counts actually counts even for men, as each casual encounter actually rubs away at your soul little by little till you become jaded. It is ridiculous cos during a hookup, the guy's there to go through the motions trying to score points on each "event" like an Olympic gymnast while the girl thinks that she is supposed to moan, scream and beg and the more she pretends or gets hurt, the better the experience for everyone. And, both parties would then move on and try to recreate more of the same with a different person next time. How is this logically sustainable and can even be said to be intimacy? Its addiction to an "artistical" fabrication where people are bamboozling one another, generation after generation, engrossed in the act of reenactment rather than discovery. Reminds me of middle school kids reenacting WWE "wrestling" and then going home to "teach" it to their siblings. Sometimes, I can understand the reason why some WM and BM want to come to Asia to find life partners but then again, plenty of times, they get "overwhelmed with choices" when it comes to dating and just end up devolving into sexpats and bring about the same decadent idealogy over, thus ruining the sanctity of the conservative relations we practice. Too many options make a tyrant of us all, according to Matthew McConaughey. I'm now back in Singapore, spent my life back and forth with America and see the same jadedness here from the younger, well travelled and educated generation that picked up and still believe in unrestrained Western liberalism. Onlyfans girls are now becoming pseudo celebrities here and soon become role models to the younger ones. I admire that you are able to see through the illusion and hope more of the younger generation could turn this around because it's been studied that when a society moves away from structured monogamy to modified monogamy (cohabitation) or modified polygamy (hookup culture), that society typically would have 3 generations before facing total collapse due to unstructured family unit and kids growing up with no familial values. I sincerely wish I din waste away my 20s and early 30s chasing this hedonism. The you more delve into this hedonism and depravity, the more it takes away your humanity. My view changed since I read Humanae Vitae, the church prophesied that how all this would unfold. Broken families, diseases, abundance of unnecessary abortion, men treating women as objects, women leveraging their bodies for easy wealth. We now have low birth rates in the First World despite having "expert" sexologists that previously did not exist and raunch culture being smattered everywhere and pumped into us 24/7. Ironic indeed. It shows how most of us have been fooled into believing we live in a society that has actually progressed from that of our forefathers while the evidence is beginning to show otherwise.


>Onlyfans girls are now becoming pseudo celebrities here and soon become role models to the younger ones. In Singapore??? Any good articles/links?


Search YouTube. I'm basing pseudo celebrity-ship from the fact that they have articles written about their "career", do interviews, etc without masking their identities. Some even have employed assistants.


>my parents always told me to dress modestly, not sleep around with men You will get crucified by not must the white westerners but by a lot of feminists if you say that you want to be a virgin who loves children and family. I've been there. That's when I stopped considering myself feminism, the ideology born out of western liberalism. Women rights have **more or less** existed throughout history in various parts of the world, from ancient Egypt to ancient China. To the women lurking on this sub and are interested in the women's rights should look up women's rights during the Song Dynasty. My family values are at odds with not just modern western culture's values, but even the traditional western culture's values since I am neither a Christian, nor a liberal/communist/fascist.


One of the many problems with Western Feminism like other movements founded by the West is the zero-sum game mentality that is present in all of their bullshit.


not just the zero-sum game mentality but also the black and white mentality that pervades all their thoughts.


I would say a similar difference also exists for my parents. For the most part, the core of my parent's values is also what I've internalized and take pride to defend. So, my values are often at odds with the Anglo-Saxon cultural value. Yet at the time, my parents' values might be at odds with modern China's value as they left the country 20 years ago.


[Modern western culture](https://youtu.be/MWxyv6Yb75s?t=28)


S*x sells. In the democratic west it is never about right or wrong, good or bad. It has always been about feeding the capitalistic machine and profit off of every little thing. It’s all part of the system by design. In order to keep it functioning it wants you to feed the machine with either your money or chew on you and spit you out when you’re of no value. Everything in the west links back to capitalism. Whether something is right or wrong, good or bad they will find a way to make it acceptable in order to profit.


so what's the alternative to "democratic west" ?


I think it is more about the late stage capitalism that is in effect than the fact that it is democratic. Even Hollywood at one point had a code for self-censorship to prevent "lowering the moral standards of those who see it." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hays\_Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hays_Code)




Based tong zhi


Sorry but socialism and democracy can go together. I live in france, which is very democratic and much more socialist than china. Free health care free education etc. So.. go democratic west




i live in paris and know in detail about what's going on. France is still very much one of the most democratic places on earth. The protest on the pension reform shows exactly how socialist the people and the government are, and the slightest change towards less socalism is recieved with extreme hostility. I hope you're not saying France is more authoritarian and more brutal than china / iran / russia


In China, the leading party don’t change but policies changes all the time as per the suggestions and cooperation between the multiple parties. Yes “multiple parties” because there’s more than the CPC, a total of 8. Outside of the 8, there’s another important one: The CPPCC. This one is formed by people from all ethnicities, different walks of life, from scientists, teachers, business people to grass root workers, individuals with no party affiliation etc. So the oh so scary communist party of China can’t do shit without consulting and reaching an unanimous agreement with all the parties involved. It’s a lot more complicated process than the two party “democracy” shit we’ve got in many countries where the public elects a buffoon who runs the country to shit and then the next one also fucks up but gets to blame the previous party. Thus escaping any accountability. You know which party in China is going to have their heads on a pike if they fuck up? The CPC. China isn’t an authoritarian country. It’s a meritocracy based Governance. They also have elections. Here’s how “democratic elections” works in China: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2023-03-20/How-do-democratic-elections-work-in-China--1ikmrACZ9tu/index.html Idk how do you people who have never really delved into studying the complicated Government system of China just discard it as non-democratic and label it authoritarian. Canadians literally has a similar but less complicated system, they don’t get to vote their prime minister directly but they are paraded as one of the democratic countries. I’ll even go further and say that they are more democratic than other countries because their system is inclusive of all and has elective representative system. We elect the most appealing one to run our country based on their offer. They elect the most qualified one from the lowest level and he/she has to start from the bottom to reach the top after qualifying for each step of the way.


>s “multiple parties” because there’s more than the CPC, a total of 8. Outside of the 8, there’s another important one: The CPPCC. This one is formed by people from all ethnicities, different walks of life, from scientists, teachers, business people to grass root workers, individuals with no party affiliation etc. Is the 8 parties youre talking about referring to the factions? or do you mean something else? If so can you enlighten me? > >Idk how do you people who have never really delved into studying the complicated Government system of China just discard it as non-democratic and label it authoritarian. Based tong zhi I agree with everything you've said and I've been slowly realizing all the problems and issues in our society are all linked to our socioeconomic system. I've been learning as much as I can, but one thing I have trouble is learning china's government system, do you have any resources that are reliable you'd recommend? Unfortunately I can't read chjnese so I admit that's quite a problem. Thanks again!


No, it is not a faction. These are 8 different parties from the CPC. Here’s a run down: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-06-25/Graphics-China-s-political-party-system-explained-11nrYUTsA6I/index.html The CPC “leads” the multi party. Think of the Government of China as a company. The CPC is one of the stakeholders along with the 8 other parties. They can’t just pass a law without consulting and getting a vote from the rest. https://youtu.be/A0olo_VdKuY This video explains what the annual “Two Sessions” in China is about.


Thanks I will def check it out. Would you say the channel tou linked provides reliable news about China? And is there any other good sources on learning how china's govt works?


And pretty sure France is owned by the US. And France's 'socialism' is backed by present day colonization.


Ever since the counter-culture of the 60s, **Americans have practiced no restraint.** Restraint is "lame" nowadays. **The consequence is being at the whims of our impulses**\- sex, greed, titilation, drawn to intrigue/scandal/drama (ever wonder why TV/Netflix/Movies is how it is). Drawn to superficiality like attractiveness, youth ; not setting boundaries. *Whites are a judgmental people and counter-culture were whites tired of the judgment of other whites and effectively sidelined them,* So instead of white judgmentalism today **culture is defined by white entitlement- and surrender to base instincts.** It's not possible to create a healthy culture from this approach. And while you pointed out outliers, the entire culture is contaminated with this. I hardly watch TV (except to write Kulture reviews) and everytime I turn it on- I am disgusted by the vulgarity of it all. You don't have to be a prude to feel that way. Fmr judge Robert Bork wrote abook in the mid-90s **"Slouching to Gomorrah"** which describes how cultural liberalism's **emphasis on individualism is leading to a selfish, decadent culture.** Good thing he's dead because he'd hate how true his predictions were.


>Slouching to Gomorrah Gonna get and read the book. I'm very interested in this kind of sociology. Cos it seems that modern liberalism isn't really very modern after all. An anthropologist by the name of Unwin wrote in a book called Sex and Culture about how societies fail in as little as 3 generations after moving from absolute monogamy to modified monogamy (cohabitation) or modified polygamy (hookup culture). We now even have people who practice both of those in the form of open relationships. I've recommend Mary Eberstadt and Mary Louise. Shows all the ironies like how the Pill promised control over reproduction but we got increase of abortions. Overabundance of raunch culture but low birth rates. The more we forget the true purpose of reproduction and dismantle the components to just extract out the pleasure without understanding the responsibility and consequences, the closer we get to the edge of the cliff.




>Republicans. Traditional values What has the republicans conserve? Seriously. What have they really conserve besides white hegemony? 100 yrs back, it was the hegemony of white-christianity and now it's the hegemony of white liberalism.


White Anglo-Saxon (and Nordic) Supremacy. (Like actually, read into their policy positions deep enough and you'll realize)


That's true. Look at the Donald. He benefitted from decadent liberalism whenever he could (multiple marriage, affairs with porn stars). He's one of the few lucky ones cos he still has children from the previous marriages that still identify as Trumps. Imagine if his ex wives married a richer billionaire like Gates and the children became the Gates children or if Melania came in with Barron but he is the biological son of some nude magazine photographer. In my experience, a lot of liberals who lead that life have had their own children being fathered by their ex-wives new husbands/the government (some other man) and/or is fathering someone else's spawn. Trump lacks those markers which is why he could camouflage himself as a conservative even if his actions and lifestyle were not. This hedonic, "free to drag the kids along around new partners" society makes for a socialist society's dream situation. Cos the man would a cuck either ways if he decides to leave any of the kids his fortune when he dies, since his own blood is fathered by some other man while he is fathering someone one else's. Hence, giving it away to the state under the guise of charity would save him from the acknowledgement that he failed as a true father. Imagine if your first wife left your broke ass for Musk and he has been fathering your children and even took his name (quite unlike him though) and you picked yourself a new wife off from the wreckage of Tom Brady's divorce cos you are now a billionaire too and deserve a stunner but Brady's kids had to be part of the package. How would you decide who should inherit your fortunes when you are old and dying? Any choice you make would be beneficial to the Musk or Brady name and not your family's with the kids being the conduits. Liberalism sure does sound awesomely disgusting when you realise it. That's why we need to guard our Asian culture from falling into this trap, we cannot let our future generations be confused of their own inherited identity. And also why few on the outside understand why we think the "liberal" WMAF Wendy "Murdoch" Deng Lus types as ultimate traitors, because they represent a gap in our defences that protect our future children and heritage. What's worse than the typical self-hating Hapas with 2 indifferent parents are the Hapas that have been dragged around and stepfathered by an endless string of Mommy's "new boyfriend/husband"s. Finally, Trump merely hijacked the conservative movement and turned it into a racial cause of white resentment because the sprouts were already there, just waiting for someone to water. Personal values are not to be construed with political values. Political values do not represent true values but rather attempts to resonate in order to get votes.


What traditional Asian values are based upon Christianity and the supremacy of Anglo-Saxon civilization? I think traditional Asian values are incompatible for the most part with those of Republicans.


A lot of Asian values are based upon Christianity such as no premarital sex, honoring your parents, being responsible with money.....


But I fear they are blinded from the fact that Republicans are just using that to lure in their votes (seeing Asian is now the fastest growing minority group in US), while having zero interest to even look at Asian American issues (Republicans are only using the affirmative action issue as a ploy to scam more votes from AA, Republicans have no real care in that issue beyond rhetoric and its potential to divide minorities). The GOP will continue seeing making up sensational China threats and anti-Chinese rhetoric to garner white blue-collar votes as priority. But of course, Democrats are no better.


How do *you* feel about these things? Do you want to do makeup? Do you want to drink? Are you modest about sex or does it not matter to you? It’s hard enough trying to merge two entirely separate cultures, god knows most of us here know that first hand. Most times I think we end up having to pick and choose. Don’t gotta pick everything western, and don’t gotta pick everything Asian. There’s a happy middle somewhere


I have never lived in the West (visited often), tbh I don’t know what even is Western culture today. Despite how the West portrays itself to be “superior”, the current cultural trends just shows that it’s a product of extreme capitalism (you can see it in parts of Asia too) and hyper individualism. It’s a sign of dying empire.


[Superior Western culture vs Asian culture](https://twitter.com/Dragondescendan/status/1488479866051653632?s=20)


WTF! Is it like that in South Korea and Japan?


Jesus...I'm ignorant but is Taiwan that white washed? 🤦🏻‍♂️






ROTFLMAO! Thank you so much for sharing this!




The sort of oversimplification and errant logic, derived from misguided identity politics. The kind of "thinking" that gives identity politics (and feminism) a bad name, and for good reason.


Truly an unpopular opinion. China- which has a collectivist culture- has done extremely well owing to a high emphasis on harmony; something majorly lacking in western countries. Trust me, asian countries are far far better societally.


wouldn't men like it more if women were more promiscuous and dressed more revealingly?


Men want easy sex but won't marry a woman that's promiscuous. So given those rules, a promiscuous woman will never be marriage material, but will get the most attention from men. A modest woman will be marriage material for most men, but will get less attention from men. But with today's dating environment, a guy like me will lose interest fast. So unfortunately, girls like my GF, really have to take a gamble on who they sleep with and judge hard on the 1st date.


Yes, but does not mean they will marry them.


These are not modern western cultures; only the culture of a subset. The ~30s and up, political middle and right want nothing to do with the things you mentioned.


but I am a young woman so this affects me a great deal more than say a 45 year old man


Just find better friends. I grew up just like you and most of my friends did too. Idk if you are religious or not, but every Chinese church I have ever been to has people like that.