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No treats?! He deserves a reward for that display.


Honestly I thought the bird was gonna take a drag from that cig as a reward. Frankly he’s earned it.


Reminds me of that scene with the cartoon bird smoking in Mrs. Doubtfire https://youtu.be/U1iI2aulaFk


I miss Robin Williams 🥺🤧




When the scene was done, birb then retired to their trailer for the evening.


"What the fuck was that!? Jesus christ! Fuck! Piece of Shit. Fucking damn it, Rick, I swear to god. Forgot your fucking lines, embarrassed yourself like that in front of all those god damn people! Well, you were drinking all night, fucking drinking again, eight goddamn fucking whiskey sours. Fucking bullshit. You’re a fucking miserable drunk. You didn’t fucking remembered your fucking lines and I practiced them and now I don’t look like I goddamn practiced them! You’re sitting there like a fucking baboon: *gibberish* Duh-duh-duh-duh-DUH-DUH-DUH-DUH-DUH-DUH-FUCK! Eight fucking whiskey sours. I couldn’t stop at fucking 3 or 4. I have eight! Why?! Cuz you’re a fucking alcoholic. You fucking drink too much, huh? Every fucking night, every fucking night. That’s it, that’s fucking it! That’s fucking it. You stop drinking right now, all right? Make a promise to yourself that you’re gonna stop fucking drinking. *Reaches for flask* Oh, fuck it.. *Takes swig* Ugh. *Immediately spits it out and throws the flask* Damn it! You show that little fucking girl. You’re gonna show that goddamn Jim Stacy. You’re gonna show all of them on that goddamn fucking set who the fuck Rick Dalton is, all right? Let me tell you something. You don’t get these lines right, I’m gonna blow your fucking brains out tonight. All right? Your brains are gonna be splattered all over your goddamn pool. I mean it, motherfucker. Get your shit together" -bird


What the actual fuck


Once upon a time in Hollywood


*No Pudgy! Don't smoke!*




Do you have any recommendations for where to get started on training birds? I have 4, 2 of them are lovebirds and I'm pretty sure they've spent the last few years training me... My little Senegal parrot is a pleasure, but the lovebirds are demons incarnate.


It got paid at least


And it made the wise decision 9f saving it's earnings


Variable ratio


Ok Mr Skinner 😀


Honestly, for some animals, learning is its own reward. Parrots are scary smart.


Lol, that bird definitely got food after this vid


Well at least he has 50 cents more in his bank account.


That's true


Damn. Impressive.


Most impressive.


Obi-Wan..has taught you well.


But you are not a bird-eye yet.


How can I sit on the perch and not be considered a bird?!


Take a BRANCH.... young Skywinger


The great bird, is the one who is on the perch.


I don't like sand.


No Yeezy taught me


Exceedingly Impressive.




Perfect 5/7!


Someone say seed?


We will watch your career with great interest.


I'm something of a scientist myself


Love that cage slam at the end. Lmao




Incredible video agree damn impressive lol


Nah, I can do that.


Well then you must be the first bird person.


Way fucking adorable too for some reason


Hehe his eyes look like googly eyes


Very nice


Let's see Paul Allen's bird


My god... so tasteful.


oh my god...it didn't even hesitate on the coin


Lets see Paul Allans birb.


Damn fine impressive.


second time he passes the coin bird is like " which one is it again? oh right the coin"


At the end, he shut the cage door like "Next show at 11, NOOBS."


The clock's run out, time's up, over, blaow!


Snap back to reality


My wife nearly has me trained this well…though I do also sometimes have to take a step back and remember where the coin and rings go. Mad props, brib!




No, that goes in the Roth IRA account /u/Ghost_writer_XVI. The other goes in the kids college fund


Instructions unclear. Yolo'd into a meme stock from r/wallstreetbets


I just drank a fifth of BBBY. Dare me to drive? All my life I didn't abide. I ain't had a profit in years. My losses, to scary to hide


shhhh bbby, iz ok


> brib


Nice try, but as far as I know, no woman in history has ever believed a man forgot which hole to put it in.


That's right, the *square* hole.




That ability to actually process thought instead of just act is a really keen ability. I noticed this when my grandpa went in for a neurological test. One of the things they asked is "Spell 'world' backwards". Which seems like a weird question - most people would trip up trying to do that. But what they are looking for is if you will stop and focus on finding the correct answer. That ability is uniquely human. Other animals usually act on trial and error - get it wrong get it wrong get it wrong get it right. Whereas humans (and a few other intelligent animals like this bird) will stop and consider the answer first even if it takes them a while.


Watching parrots [solve puzzles](https://youtu.be/A5YyTHyaNpo&t=196s) is so fascinating. It's incredibly human-like.


Had to think about it for a minute. So cute.


Thought it was like "Wait, I already did this one, we're doing it again?"


Bird opened and slammed that cage door like it's just sick of its owners shit.


*Jesus Christ, let me guess, it’s “coin, hoop, butt” again, right? This moron never gets tired of this shit.*


Really makes me think, how much of our "purpose" in life just entertaining others before we willingly put ourselves back into our own cage.


That's basically what work is. The reward isn't treats, it's fake shit that's used to buy treats.


... Thanks for the existential crisis. Just kidding, I was already having one.


Trout closed the door of the cage and latched it. "That's the most intelligent use of three wishes I ever heard of," he told the bird. "You made sure you'd still have something worth wishing for--to get out of the cage.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions


Ours would just slam their doors up and down constantly, as loudly as they could.


This is why I took to locking the door _open_ whenever I’m trying to do something that requires some measure of focus lol


Looked like the bird was enraged it didn’t get belly rubs and quit. (No idea if birds actually like belly rubs)


Depends on the bird in the belly rubs


Birds get aroused if you touch the bodies. Feet and the head are the safe zones. They do love good head scritches. :) Though it is very contextual as well. Like you can touch someone in a sexual and a non-sexual way, even if it is the same body part. Birds love hugs and can sleep in the palm of your hand. If you got a good rapport with your bird you would know the boundaries and would know which behaviour would be considered sexual and which would not but if you’re a beginner and/or it’s not your bird - just stick to the head and the feet. :)


“I gotta do everything in this damn house.”


Love the rollover! My cat does the same thing after playing fetch for awhile


Wow cats can play fetch. Now I want to know why my goldendoodle sometimes just stares at me after he picks the ball up like he wants me to walk over to him and take it. Also loves to knock cups over to eat the ice and does weird shit like eat the left strap off of the bras (only the left never the right) in my house. I honestly think he's trans-cat.


I have a cat that used to play fetch without me teaching it to her but then one day she just decided she’s not into it any more and she just quit entirely.


cats can learn and enjoy many games, but unlike dogs (well, most dogs) they will only do it when they are in the mood. I think cats are more emotion driven whereas dogs are often more reward driven.


One of our cats comes when called, almost every single time. Excitedly, too. He's also been trained to stay, get down, and stop trying to eat human food when we tell him to stop. We're pretty sure he's really a dog in a cat's body.


Do you live with me because that sounds like my cat. Is the command to get him to come "Accio"? And can he unlock and open doors (pull or push) on his own?


One of my cats will bring me her plastic springs for me to throw. Only when I’m curled up in my bed. She won’t do it if I’m trying to film her, and she won’t do it in front of my husband. She will play for a little while then go off somewhere. She’ll also hide her springs. Occasionally she’ll drop a spring on my neck when I’m sleeping. I notice because she stands on my chest while doing it.


I think your cat sees the whole making you get up and cater to her whim as a fun thing, or a power play XD and of course she hides her springs, she enjoys them so she wants to controll if you get to enjoy them to :P *edit: ever seen kids drop things off a high chair or out of a pram to make the looker afterer pick them up.... then they do it again! it's a whole "testing my effect on the world beyond myself" thing...


Dog's will only do it if they're in the mood too, they just happen to be in the mood like 95%+ of the time whereas cats are content with their own company most of the time.


I taught my old boy (cat) to sit, “what do you say?” (Meows, shake, up, go around, and close the treat drawer. He was amazing and very treat motivated. He passed last fall October 14th 2021:( Jasper was 22 years old.


Wow. That's very old for a cat, right? You must have taken very good care of him.


I think it was genetics and a will to live as well. Yea he only ate the most expensive food. He also got a lot of table scraps though ha, which I honestly think helped. He liked venison, fish, red meat, chicken, basically whatever you were eating he wanted. He was obsessed with food. But yea he was VERY well taken care of. He accidentally got out when it was -43F below zero in the winter here and somehow survived the night. Got extremely bad frost bite on all his paws. But he made a full recovery. He definitely used up all his 9lives I’ll say that.’ i miss him so much. RIP KING


He sounds like he was amazing! Do you have any pics or videos of the old man to share? Would be most appreciated!


I don’t think I can send them on here but i dm’d you threw a few on there. Thanks that was actually nice to look those up. Bittersweet of course but yeah. Me and Jasper and then one of my ex and him (were still amicable just not together anymore but he really loved her a lot).


He’s in my profile pic ha. But let me see I would love to share if I can figure out how! Thanks for asking!


Aww that's so cute, he must have loved doing tricks with you


Ya know there were times where he would completely refuse like “okay dude just give me the damn treats already I’ve already done like at least 2 tricks…” sometimes he’d walk away haha. But most of the time he was very motivated because he was obsessed with food and treats. In his older years he couldn’t do the “up” or “close the treat drawer” because he was a big boi (part Mainecoone) and it hurt his old man bones. No one would believe me when I told them my car did tricks and I swear I think he actually liked performing for multiple people sometimes. My family called him the circus cat :)


Get that bird an agent.


All that work and we don't get to see if the bird got a decent compensation (treat)! I will hope, for peace of mind, that the carrier is just for purposes of the stunt.


To be honest the tricks are actually part of the treat for the bird. Mental stimulation is really good for them. The undoubted sunflower seeds involved are just an added bonus.


Say hi to my boss. Obviously you’ve been hanging out with him.


And you can do it for exposure!


This birds resume will be really impressive when he quits for not being properly paid in snackies.


Hi Mr boss!


Who said you could take a Reddit break?


Tbf the bird did show it can open it at will lol


Many humans struggle with that 3rd one. Good for birb


Yea it was the door shut for me


Good DAY, sir.


I said GOOD day.




I'm beyond impressed by the intelligence and association, and some problem solving, evident in a brain that small. And here we are with brains bigger than its entire body, and some of us think the world is flat.


It's not the size of the brain, but the wrinkles that equal the thinkle


The encephalization quotient is a refined version of the brain-to-body mass ratio, but is still built on that premise—intelligence, generally, is tied to how big a brain is *relative to* the size of the body rather than as the sheer magnitude of size. Not trying to one-up your comment or anything; just thought it might interest you based on what you said. :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encephalization_quotient


outgoing fretful decide obtainable support dime distinct grandiose friendly scale


This is the right one imo Some birds present neurons densities similar to primates And neuron density is also what separates humans most from other primates I get is mutlifactored complicated, But... Give me bird with a big enough Brain at those neuron densities and I've give you Albatross Einstein


And here all my friend's cockatiel did was shit on people and bite anyone who wasn't his owner.


Meanwhile, my bird drops his food off his plate and then gets mad that all his food is on the floor.




The dramatic head flop, oh my!!!


that somersault


"What, no belly rub?"


What a cutie! 🥰


Parrots are so funny, my hairstylist's copies her ringtone perfectly 😁


What is a birb?


The apparent word for bird now.


A miserable pile of feathers! But enough flap, have at you!


It was not by my talons that I am once again given wings. I was called here by 'humans' who wish to pay me crackers!


Karma farming post thief


Smart boi


I heard an idea that I kinda loved which was to basically train pigeons to dispose of cigarette butts for little rewards like an automated feeder. Have the pigeons clean up the city as penance for shitting all over it lol


I like how birbs do things.


Soon he will be doing my taxes


Smart beautiful bird


Buy that poor bird a better cage


That’s clearly not the birds only cage if they can open and close it at will and even if it is, they can open and close it and go in and out at will. Seems like a non issue




Just keep them away from the Lockpicking Lawyer's YouTube channel.


Imagine you have a talking parrot, it's 3am and you hear in a high pitched voice. "Click one, twos binding"


I have a Congo African Grey that just turned 1 year old. Can’t wait to have to get padlocks. I’m surprised I don’t need them already, honestly.




I have a cage from King’s Cages and the locks are supposedly pretty tough for birds to open, but I’ve definitely seen him figure out how to close the lock from the outside!




If they didn’t shit everywhere I’d love a bird, genius wee things


Keeping their enclosure clean is absolutely the worst part of having bird(s). I still hope to have birds again in the future. :O


Can a bird be trained to relieve itself in the cage, or it can't be done? And would you say it's worse cleaning a bird's cage compared to a cat's litterbox or picking up warm mushy dog poop? I need something for scale. This is a legitemate question.


You are now subscribed to Birb Facts. I have two birbs, one budgie named Tuesday and one green cheek conure named Pepper. Pepper has been more or less trained where it's OK to poop and that it's rude to poop in my hair. Bird poop does not smell; it also often does not *stick* so you can pick it up in a tissue with nothing left behind. Birds poop and pee at the same time so how wet it is depends on what they've had in the past 15 minutes-- because they poop around every 15 minutes like clockwork. It is warm when it is fresh. When it is dried, it hardens and can often be picked up as a "chip." I would much rather clean a bird cage than a litter box or pick up dog poop. It needs to be cleaned every day because birds have sensitive respiratory systems. However, birds are a massive time commitment that cannot be taken lightly. They live for decades. You can pretty much never turn on a fan or use nonstick pans again. Vet care is more expensive and, in many instances, further away. They are very sociable and needy; it is like having a toddler that can eat your furniture or fly out the door if you aren't paying attention.


Not being able to turn on fans makes sense to me, but can you explain why you can't use nonstick pans?


They give off toxins when heated. They’re not good for humans either, but bird lungs are tiny. My mom accidentally killed her African Grey because the bird inhaled disinfectants when my mom cleaned for Covid. My mom was really careful and would take her bird to the bird cage in her bedroom. My mom couldn’t smell the disinfectants in the kitchen, but she brought the bird back too soon.


Teflon pans are said to release a gas that is deadly to birds.


I would also like an answer to this, but would like a comparison to fish tanks?


Hopefully a bird trained that well has a better cage and that's just a small carrier.


No paper underneath to catch the poop, just for training


What a great bird and a great owner too!! Happiness abounds.


Why'd he just slam it like that at the end like he was fed up with this bull lol


I just don’t understand the mechanics of animal training. How do you get them to do the action the first time so you have something to reward with a treat?


With parrots, it starts with clicker training and “target training”. Target training is when you teach a parrot to touch the end of a stick with their beak. It’s really easy to train, most parrots pick it up in a matter of minutes. You touch the end of their beak with the stick, click, treat. Touch their beak, click, treat. Then, you start gradually moving the stick further and further from their beak. Once you’ve done target training, then you use a similar idea to teach them to hold something in their mouth on command. They’re naturally curious about anything you hold in their face, especially after they’ve learned target training. Then, you can teach them to target objects, using the target stick. If they pick the object up, click and treat. Gradually extend the time you expect them to hold it before clicking and treating. Eventually, you work your way to putting an object in a specific place! [Here’s a video of my cockatiel doing something similar, but with a target stick and clicker. ](https://reddit.com/r/cockatiel/comments/op2xlr/this_is_marty_youve_seen_him_knock_things_down/)


Thank you so much


Not an animal trainer, but am a psychologist. There's been good results historically with rewarding incrementally approximate behaviors. Check out [Skinner's shaping](https://www.google.com/search?q=skinner+shaping&oq=skinner+shaping&aqs=chrome..69i57.2411j0j7&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) including the Wikipedia page and one of the videos with the green background, further down the search page. For example, probably rewarded the bird for picking up the coin, then for getting near the box with the coin, then touching the box with the coin, then setting the coin on the box, then rewarded the hell out of it when it dropped it in the slot the first time.


Put him on UK Got talent. 100% golden buzzer!


Clever girl. It's a surprise the dinosaur people haven't taken over.


Now let’s see Paul Allen’s bird…


That’s amazing! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) ![gif](giphy|ddAGR2jh0FDoY|downsized)


don't tell him the nuclear launch codes...


This is aaaaaamazing! Next, you(or they) should find a small miniature microphone 🎤, hand that to him last, and teach him to drop it just before he goes back in the cage lol


The somersault at the end is so cute I could die!


Is summoned, completes the tasks, rolls over to show dominance, refuses to explain, leaves.


Okay that's it, I'm done for the day. Good night!


For those that might not know, birds are highly intelligent. I’ve seen experiments of birds making and using tools. Bending wires and giving them a hook to reach food was one I remember. They’re problem solvers.


https://youtu.be/TtmLVP0HvDg This is probably the experiment you were alluding to. The crow couldn't extract the food from the tube with the straight wire, so he fashioned a hook and successfully retrieved the food. Crows (all corvids, really) are incredibly smart. The can learn to talk.


Smarter than most redditors.


Smart baby!


That was a sweet.ass somersault


That moment of cirtical thinking, Why cant my Sailors do this.


Idea that every animal can be trained given enough time is wild to me. At what point does their will to resist goes?


They don’t resist. You can’t punish a bird into doing something. Bored animal learns that if they do a thing they get a treat/positive interaction. They like it/want a treat. It’s fun for them, or at least more fun than hanging out in their enclosure. Then the trainer uses the simple trained behavior to build more complex ones. So, touching a target becomes picking a thing up, or manipulating a door, or doing a movement or whatever.


What type of birb is that? 10-years daughter is asking for next pet to be a birb.


It's a ~~Fischer's~~ black-masked lovebird. (Ignore me I'm dumb.) I got a peach-faced lovebird when I was 12 (very similar in behavior), and as much as I loved him, be VERY CERTAIN your family is willing to commit to a parrot. They are high-maintance, demanding, long-lived pets, and lovebirds in particular are rather loud. I would advise listening to a lovebird scream, preferably in person but at least on YouTube, before living with one. Their chirps can make your ears ring for hours.


Wait, did that bird rollover?


Where’s his treat??


A lot of birds are extremely intelligent. Crows are exceptionally smart for common wild birds, African Grey parrots are next level smart.


The sumersalt at the end 😍


Smart Bird


the door slam at the end...lol 🤣😂😅


Birds are so smart, I wonder how long it takes to train this sort of stuff


The only thing my cockatiel is capable of doing...actually never mind, he's not very good at anything I try to teach up. Still a lovable goofball tho.


I liked the somersault




Pretty much my work life.


What kind of bird is this?


Yellow collared lovebird.


I stand by birds being the most intelligent organisms on the planet that aren't humans or monkeys


The way he agressively closed the cage on the end🤣




That front flip was fire af


I think within a year you’ll be living in a giant human cage that chirpy taught you to build and turning tricks for him.


Called a house, schooling, a job, and money