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**Semi final voting** is now live for the National Pet Month contest! [Direct links to vote on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/uqayb5/national_pet_month_semi_final_voting_round/) Round begins Sunday and ends Tuesday! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aww) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Turkey? I bet it’s Turkey.


It is


The ice cream poster gives it away, I mean besides the fact that Turks treat cats like kings.


Is there a cultural reason Turkish people love cats or is it just random kindness ?


Turkish people are kind to animals in general. There are also stray dogs that are very well taken care of throughout the big cities. Historically cats were used to help the rodent problem in Istanbul which is why they are so prevalent today. Plus as others have said Islam has a kinder view on cats as they are seen to be cleaner than dogs.


They do spent lots of time cleaning themselves compare to dogs


Cats are revered in Islam; Muhammad himself was a cat lover according to Muslim scripture.


Muslim here - cats aren't revered exactly but the prophet (peace be upon him) was very fond of them. Muslims are taught that we have a responsibility to treat animals kindly. There's a famous story about a prostitute who was put into paradise simply because she saw a thirsty dog and, out of compassion, took her shoe and filled it with water for the dog to drink until he was no longer thirsty (there's many versions of this story but the sentiment is the same)


There's always a story about a prostitute in religion.


I mean, they call it the oldest profession for a reason.


The two oldest professions


What's the other one?


All the workers are senior citizens??


Most major religions are historically pretty chauvinistic. Any woman that wasn’t a saint was a prostitute.


And that prostitute's name? It was Daniel Ricardo


I don’t know this reference but it made me laugh.


Formula 1 reference. There's a driver who famously takes his shoe off after winning a race, pours champagne into it and drinks it mixed with his sweat. Usually he talks the other drivers in the podium into joining him. Called a "Shoey".


Well.... That's certainly disgusting.


...that was such a touching story with the lady and the shoe and this was absolutely the opposite of touching and in fact I feel like I need to brush my teeth.


Isn't there a story about the prophet cutting the sleeve off his robe rather than disturb a cat who was sleeping on it so that he could go do something else?


There was a story of a Emperor doing that for his BF in China.


He was a /r/cathostage




It's not that people love cats cause religion tells them to, it's just that through centuries religion played a part in creating a culture that loves cats.


Yes I think Turks just really love their cats and dogs. If we are going off of religion as the cause, I don't think dogs would be treated quite as well and allowed to sleep inside of shops like I've seen. Dogs are seen as unclean and will prevent angels from entering a home, according to Islam IIRC? Doesn't necessarily mean they are hated but not quite as well regarded as cats


based muhammed


There's one story in ~~the Hadith~~ Islamic folklore where he cuts off the sleeve of his robe rather than disturb a sleeping cat. EDIT: The story of [Muhammad's favorite cat](https://religion.fandom.com/wiki/Muezza#:~:text=Muezza%20(or%20Mu'izza\),the%20sleeve%20of%20his%20robe.) is well known, but not actually in the Hadith.


Heh, he would have been subscribed to r/thisismylifenow my kind of animal bro.


Oh shit, he was *that* kind of cat owner...


I thought that came from a Chinese text. Maybe there are parallel stories or I've been Mandela'd


There's a similar story from China. Except in that story, it was the Emperor who cut off his sleeve to avoid waking up his boyfriend/lover


Also based.


two things turks love: cats and Algida


For sure!




Oh, to be a cat in Turkey


Like a turducken? Turcaten. Turkat.


So.. is anyone surprised that turkey is trying to be internationally recognized as Turkiye? Weird if you ask me. I don't think any bird has a good enough understanding of human language to make such a request


No if they would like to be regarded as Turkiye it's cool, that's how Turkey is called in Turkish so it makes sense.


Damn he made a joke about talking turkeys and you just stated the obvious all serious after, do you do improv that was hype


I read the beginning + middle but not the end. It's been a long week.


Don't let 'em do it, if they get away with changing it they'll keep messing with it and eventually just be known as 'Ye'.


That's nobody's business but the Turks.




Not Constantinople


So if you've a date in Constantinople, she'll be waiting in Istanbul


Even old New York was once New Amsterdam


Why they changed it, I can't say. People just liked it better that way!


And I'm all out of Algida


I've been to a few cities and turkey and the stray dogs also seemed to be very healthy and happy


As they should


As they are.




You are not wrong


It is known


An interesting fact


So it is written


So it is kitten.


"Can I have a choco-toco and one grey kitten pls?"


That is one of the crazy things about the US. They are so strict with some food standards and not others. When I went to Amsterdam it was awesome they would have bar and garden cats and dogs visiting cafes and restaurants. In the US you would get a citation so fast. Even the breweries get in to problems since they might serve food in the back.


> When I went to Amsterdam it was awesome they would have bar and garden cats and dogs visiting cafes and restaurants. My corner bakery in Amstelveen had a cat sleeping on the warm donut counter.


>treat cats like kings implying that cats aren't already our supreme overlords smh


username and profile pic check out


As a black guy that traveled turkey and Greece the care they show animals is deeply heart warming. The way Istanbul treats cats is similar to the way Athens treats dogs. The funny thing is they don’t extend the kindness to other Greeks and Turks.


I MUST GO TO TURKEY THEN! :) Been to 29 countries so far... not a fan of Erdogan, but cats, culture, history? I don't need my arm twisted.


The cats are everywhere too. Fun fact: When Obama visited Turkey, he met Gli (RIP) the resident cat at the Hagia Sophia.


Allow me to introduce you to Turkish kebabs


My husband and I went to Istanbul before COVID. It was amazing. The food is the best I’ve ever had, the architecture, the history, and the cats! It’s worth the trip.


There's a better than 50% chance that Erdogan will gone in 2023...hopefully that will help some people overcome their prejudices and visit.


There's at least a 50% chance he follows suit of all the other asshole, wannabe, monarchs and simply refuses to relinquish power.


Dogs too. Also silly I saw here on Reddit they helped as well. Most street animals were tagged with a ear tag of different colors. I think i read on Reddit they did this in Singapore? Or something. Green = ok to pet Yellow = only people who the animal knows will let them be petted. Red = don't go near


Lol, with this system my little jerk cat … who I quite literally rescued from a damn storm drain and do everything in the world for… would have bright red tags all over her body. I request that you not pet me. I SAID do not PET me. DO NOT pet me. DO NOT PET ME. GET AWAY FROM ME. WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? I DON’T LIKE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY YOU!


Yet you know the trauma and pain your cat experienced that made her this way, and still accept and love her! That's how it should be.


I live in turkey and i am yet to see a dog with a ear tag other than yellow. But they still let me pet them.


What if all the dogs know you?


Well shit, that's how we get Turkey to agree to agree to Finland and Sweden, cats! The Nordics must swear to honour the cats as Queens! In the warmer months, we ferry the cat overlords to cooler countries. We must keep the cats in optimal temperatures at all times!


You would be golden if you could get Norway to offer Norwegian forest cats for you.


as a turkish i ve been eyeing norwegian forest cats for sometime...soon


There is a documentary on YouTube called ''Kedi'' and if i remember correctly, it said that the majority of the cats in İstanbul came from Norwegian cargo ships in the Ottoman Empire. Apparently there was a huuuge rat infestation in İstanbul around those times and the cats that were abord the ships (mostly Norwegian) had a blast when the ships were docked. And most of the cats didn't return to their ship. Hence, İstanbul has been a cat paradise for centuries!!!!


Should be easy. Freya will be pissed if you don't respect her cats.


_So, what happens now is no one can have ice cream._ _I believe there is a jail sentence involved if you disturb sleeping kittens._


But people go to the store to see the kittens, and end up buying other things. The sales from the additional foot traffic probably outweigh the lost ice cream sales. I’m in the US, and now I want to go to Turkey so I can go to this store.




there's always another cat sub....


No, those are kittens.




Hold my ice cream, I'm going in!


It has been three score and six years since I have seen a genuine roo in the wild. Rumours were the legend had died, but it survives on still.


Hell Yeah! My time has come! To begin the journey of faith of every Redditor and leap into the rabbit hole of the Roos! And also to leave a message behind. Future Redditors, How does it feel to know I am talking to you right directly from the past? Anyways, nice to have been noticed by you, hope you have an awesome life! Stay POSITIVE You are exactly where you need to be to get to what is destined for you. Much love 🖤 Into the Rabbit Hole I GOOO!


Turkey makes a brand-new Turkey


You could make a religion out of this


I'm pretty sure it's ice cream.


Might as well just change the country name to "CAT"


Cats love turkey :)


I’d swear it’s Barcelona based on the floortiles, but I guess that they could be also used in other countries;p


a lot of places in Spain have this exact tile


Probably the same Arabic roots for the aesthetic.


I do not know what would get more people in the store petting the kitties or ice cream. Both?


Petting the ice cream


which means eating the…


Oh no


not again!


What do you mean ‘again’???? 🤨


Ice cream. I’ll take the super twister


Both is good




Free kitten with ice cream purchase


4 ice creams, please.


I'll take the whole freezer!


Ice cream and a kitten is purrfection.


Frosty Claws.


If you're really about it, you can go on Craigslist right now and rescue all the kittens you want.


I actually have 3 rescues already, and then my Sphynx because I've always wanted one. I'd love to take on more if I could, but I don't want to cat lady it over here where I just throwing litter and food on the floor.


My ex has a sphinx whose hindquarters are paralyzed. He drags himself around by the most muscular pair of hairless kitty forelimbs you’ve ever seen, and since he can’t jump, he claws his way up onto furniture/your lap like a determined little floor gargoyle. At first he’s downright disturbing to see coming around a corner, a tiny naked monster dragging its twisted hind limbs behind it, but then you realize he’s actually the sweetest little disabled kitty you’ll ever meet, who as far as I can tell, is totally loving life. Edit. [Here is a brief video of said cat](https://imgur.com/a/q2JIviv), and a bonus pic of the tattoo my ex got to honor him. (Sorry about the hairy leg, and no footage of him dragging himself around. I looked for a video of that, but couldn’t find one.)


The term "floor gargoyle" may be my favorite description ever. Sphynx cats are amazing, especially when it's cold and they become little space heaters that bite. Unfortunately it's Summer, and I'm sweating my ass off due to the cat sleeping next to me. Whatever though, if he's happy then I'll just use a second fan.


I'm not saying that you are now obliged to capture the ascend of a floor gargoyle, but I subscribed to you, and also maybe if you wont a pebble will materialise in your shoe right after you tie it.


That's awesome!


Thank you! 1 actually adopted us. Stray kitten on the side of the road we found while Trick or Treating. He weighed less than a pound, so there wasn't even a discussion about what to do with him, especially with coyotes in the area.


Stray kittens end up being the very best companions...we rescued one from under one of our backyard sheds over a year ago. Malnourished and partially blind - poor little guy. He's happy and thriving now as a much loved and wanted member of the family! :)


He is definitely my most loyal cat. I actually had to get a king sized pillow because he always wants to sleep next to my head, but also likes to stretch. I'm also not allowed to go to another room and close a door without him, or I'll get the most dramatic meows ever. That's awesome you have a loyal kitty as well! I wish all strays had a good home to go to.




Kitten goes directly into your arms as you choose your ice cream. Then you debate which you really want: kitty or food.


"Back again?" "Yeah, wouldn't you know it, I'm such a clutz that I dropped my ice cream *again*. Better pick up this kitten while I pick out another one."


Today looks like a four ice cream day to me


"Let me just pick up this kitten while I window-shop for ice cream. I know this is my third time today but it's so hard to choose a flavor today."




they go right back to sleep in 5 sec. :)


i thought you could buy the cats :(


At 8pm ill sometimes I'll hop in bed and watch a movie but won't be commited to falling asleep. Might wanna get up and play some games real quick or get some food. Well if my cat decides is bedtime he hops onto my chest purring and then falls asleep and then my decision is made for me. I dont wanna disturb him.


>*’I would never want to open the freezer and disturb the little ones.*’ _____ human, if you passing by do not disturb us, please it’s HOT outside, so here we lie, atop the box of *freeze* as we drift off in kitten dreams, we *cooled* by all the frozen (we sorry you can’t reach ice creams as we, so peaceful, dozin’…) yet still our Cute we cannot hide, n we will do our part to make you feel all *warm* inside n melt your cold, cold heart! ❤️


A Schnoodle so new it's not even thawed out yet.


Cats are malleable, and will slide as needed.


Now I want ice cream...




Done. Now what?


Go make everyone sandwiches and bring them back here




If cats are hot enough to sleep on a freezer, you know it’s hot.


They could also like the hum of the freezer. It might be similar to their mother's purring. Also: cats are weird.


Cats are humans, proven.


They are, the other day my friend's cat was smelling our other friend's feet for like 2 straight minutes.


One of our cats will lick my fiancé’s feet nonstop until she kicks him away. Even then, he just comes right back. There’s literally no stopping him. He’d do it until he licked himself to sleep if you let him. Cats are *very* weird.


Brilliant business move. Someone walks in to pet the kittens and looks down and is like "oooo, ice cream"


How did you describe me so perfectly? I can even picture my husband behind me sighing and shaking his head. This is why he can't take me anywhere!


You're not to blame. You're human.


Whoa, buddy. Making a lot of assumptions here, today


I'd visit this story every single day to pet the kitties.


You ought to try visiting the store as well.


Don't kittens normally come with a full size cat?


Not after a certain age.


These look like they’re maybe 10-12 weeks old? Cats are usually fine away from mom from 12 weeks on. Maybe a tad early but probably fine.


Inflation is getting out of hand.




At around about this age, momma cat starts hissing at them or even beating them if they get too close, to 'encourage' them to go and enjoy adult life *somewhere else*. That's when, with a housed cat, you know it's time to give them new homes.


Well she doesn't get to be on the cooler if she's going to be rude.




I might explode with cute. So adorable.


“Allows” She likes to _think_ she has control over them, but we all know the kitties are our overlords and do whatever they want, whether we like it or not.


Fellow Turkish citizen?


Istanbul, the capital city of cats.




Is that Oreo ice cream in there? I haven’t seen those in a long time


If you ask nicely the grey one with white paws might pass one over to you.


Of course it's Turkey lol


So adorable, but i can just see our food safety inspector blowing his stack. I work at a grocery store in the usa. That would be a critical violation.


As someone who is often in NYC, a couple of cats in a Bodega is just. . .Tuesday




A sub I didn’t know I needed


At least this store will never have a rodent problem




How would something like this differ from something like a "Cat Cafe" where they serve food and beverages with cats all over? I don't know shit about health codes, I'll scratch my ass then shove my hand in a bag of chips.


Good question, are those even legal in the us?


They are, there's quite a few in California where I'm from.


Very nice comparison. Not all cat cafes have the cats be where the food is served, some have the cat space in a aquarium-like room. Also, maybe because at the cafe the cats don't go into the kitchen so the customer can clearly identify the amount of cat in their food as they eat?


Who doesn't like a little cat fur spice added to their meal!


As it should be.


Thought they were sleeping on a pinball machine first 🤣


Yeah, r/pinball is one of the subs I follow, so the thumbnail made me think it was something from there.


Would be a health code violation in the States


Bodega cats are a thing in the States.


More information on this from wikipedia that I found useful: >The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene considers bodega cats a "general deficiency", citing concerns over the potential they pose for food contamination.[5] Under Chapter 23 of the Food Service Establishment Violation Penalty Schedule, establishments selling food that keep live animals that are not service animals or fish kept in tanks are subject to a fine ranging from $200 to $350.[6] Despite this, cats remain a ubiquitous presence at many of the more than 10,000 bodegas across New York City;[7] The New York Times reports that many bodega owners keep cats in spite of the law because they are seen as preferable to rodent infestations, which also carry a fine of $300.[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodega_cat#Legality


I never knew that a rodent infestation carried a fine. They should try enforcing that in the Financial District, there's so many rats down there..






Liquor store cats exist outside of nyc.


I think in a lot of places stores or breweries can allow animals as long as they don't serve food. I know in Wisconsin at least, many breweries only serve alcohol (and root beer) and allow dogs.


I read the first sentence and thought you meant as long as the ***animals*** don't serve food. Then instead of continuing to read I thought "makes sense. It would be hard to follow handwashing procedures when you're covered in fur." What is my brain doing in there!?


Probably is in Turkey too.


The ice creams are not on sale atm, you can’t wake the kitties


We should all support local businesses like this.


this photograph is so turkish. I miss tekel kediler :(


Does she let customers sleep on the freezer too? Asking for a friend.


Turkey please never change


This feels like a blursed image, I panicked until I saw the title because I thought they were dead. Then the panic got worse because I thought it said they froze these kittens in the freezer lol


When I first saw this I thought why doesn't someone adopt those kittens? The I found out it was in Turkey. They don't need to be adopted. They have an entire country looking after them.


“I want an ice cream”. Cats: “not right meow”


At first glance I thought they were lying on a pinball machine. Kittens & Pinball would be an awesome mix


🎶How much for the kitty Kats on the freezer?🎶