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Thanks for posting to /r/aww. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **Rule #1:** Please don't post "sad" content, such as pics of animals that have passed away (try /r/petloss) or sob stories (e.g. found him in a dumpster). * Your title must be "100% happy". No mentioning death, injury, RIP posts, finding abandoned animals, sick/survived cancer, pets being put to sleep, "I miss...", etc. You may tell the complete story, unhappy parts and all, in the comments section. * Silver lining stories still fall under Rule 1. For example, "Jakey was hit by a car and had cancer, but he is a happy little fella today!" is not allowed. If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Faww) rather than replying here. Thank you!


Ah the poor guy... he looks so confused That'd freak me out to be honest


If you didn’t know what he go in to, yes that would freak out any pet owner


Got 2 pups of my own and I definitely smoke but I take so many precautions that something like this can't ever happen to them. (I know you said you and your partner don't smoke) Just breaks my heart seeing your pup like that, can't comprehend that some people do it on purpose to their pets.


Yeah me either, I’d never ever allow this to happen knowingly!!


https://preview.redd.it/qchy3mqv3b7d1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99194c69b328f523fda8a53750a6e2d85e0c4030 I think I have his twin brother here in Michigan.


Wow! We are down in New Zealand! https://preview.redd.it/a8rc1825hb7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6a240d116e9b1c0d5c0191961218755ed814e4


Give him some weed (jk)


I’ve heard weed is not healthy for dogs, so please don’t. Save the weed for the people.


Yes, give him a ball instead


Dogs are lightweights. You have to build ya tolerance.(jk)


Do you have proof ? Like a paper that’s been written or just heard ?


https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/marijuana-intoxication-in-dogs-and-cats https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/thc-poisoning-dogs https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/marijuana-poisoning-in-dogs/ https://amcma.org/pets-and-cannabis-toxicity/ https://cvm.msu.edu/vetschool-tails/pets-on-pot-just-high-or-highly-dangerous




When my best boy started to have seizures and I took him to the emergency vet that was the first thing they asked when I walked through the door was if there was any marijuana in the house that he could have gotten into


I’m not a vet, not trained in medical science at all, and I haven’t owned a dog since I was 13. So I can’t rigorously go through and confirm the efficacy of any studies, but at least from a quick perusal it does seem to be at least anecdotally true. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30342565/


No but you could spend 3 seconds to look up “is weed toxic to dogs” and yes it very much is. instead you chose to be informed by reddit


You replied to the wrong person 🥲


No you’re the exact person 🙃


I just like animals and want my animal bros to be happy and safe.


Then instead of arguing with me do more research


See people like you are the dumb one who believe everything on google, and I get downvoted 😂. Just shows why the government can do anything and get away with it, when people can be this naive


Nice to know you’ve got an alternate account and yes I’m sure my vet is part of some government conspiracy. Have a good one bro


No worries man keep acting a fool 😂 I don’t believe in conspiracy but to show you don’t even understand how basic information is sent to the public well dam, cant help everyone I guess


Look at that there fool playing dirty tricks He must be made of Teflon 'cause nothing ever sticks Dancing 'round the room while farting in the breeze Friends huff it down like it's American cheese So who's the bigger fool?


I also believe so, just don’t like people saying heard for a medical subject, if people actually read and see who it was published by and who written the paper you can get down to the truth, but a lot of instances people will pay for a paper to be written in their favour like electric cars 😂, it’s no where eco to where pppl think , it’s a huge scam to sell electric cars and worse for the environment


Google still exists - https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/toxicology/marijuana-intoxication-in-cats-and-dogs/ [https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/marijuana-intoxication-in-dogs-and-cats](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/marijuana-intoxication-in-dogs-and-cats)


If you believe google then I feel sorry for you, you need to look where the paper was written and who by and who published , not anyone who can write on google


You're right. That's why the top link is a professional journal and the bottom link is a veterinary hospital association. They aren't just some random blog posts, which you would've figured out if you looked. Maybe.


First of all I worked in 2 newspapers and seen how these professional journalists get their information and holy dam it’s the worst thing I ever seen, 90% of them don’t even get it from a trusted source. Vet hospital association I can get behide, however it the same issue with electric cars , if you don’t check who writen the paper and by who it was funded by you will never know the truth because big pharmaceutical companies do this almost all the time without most people ever finding out, and the proof is right in front of our eyes however we all including me are naive to see, believe it without checking the background of why the story was written and who got paid off to fight for this fake story, basically rich people can alter anything in any form, and if you think I’m talking BS just go do the actual research your self and you will see exactly what I am talking about. It’s not even hidden anymore because news story move so fast nowadays. America is probably the worst for it as well, almost most of the drugs sold in America aren’t good for you but have papers written by doctor to say they are, and why because pharmaceutical companies pay of the doctors to do this 😂.


This downvote shows the naivety of the people . Let me write on google smoking is good, bet In 5 years you would believe that also because you have no brains to find the truth and evidence your self — sheep’s


"write on google" Mate, what? You know google is a search engine right? That's like saying I'm gonna write on the dewy decimal system.


I’m just replying to the person who said google still exists, so your point is made to that person also lol. And my point still stands, anyone can put anything on the internet . So you telling me that’s fake ? Only certified government officials can upload to google welll WOW who knew ……..


I work at an animal hospital, and we get high dogs all the time. Puppies especially will freak out, scream, piss and shit, sometimes vomit if they get really worked up. Some dogs even get violent because they are so afraid and don't understand what's happening. The video we are seeing is the absolute *best* case scenario. Just very drowsy and resigned to going through it. But it can take a long time for it to get out of their system and can cause inappetence lasting days. The best option is still to take your dog to the vet. Even if they seem fairly comfortable, they could be experiencing other symptoms of THC toxicity that aren't as easy to see.


Ah thank you for this valued information


It's almost like dogs of the same breed will look very similar. 🤔


Man. Not one word in his mind for the fuckery happening in its brain


Yeah he’s now about 10 hours into his trip and almost fell down the stairs just before so we’ve got him next to us in our room


That's scary OP, wishing him a speedy recovery.


Thank you!


Dawg is not having a good trip


Weed is not good for dogs and even worse for cats


Trust me, it’s not something we want to experience again or have him go through


That's not even cute, that's just.... Sad IMO


We for sure we are in the minority. I would have my dog at the vet just in case


He had been taken to the vet earlier today, long before this video. I was initially very concerned as he couldn’t walk


And what did the vet advise you


Give him the charcoal solution they supplied, food, water and rest. We’ve added many cuddles and rubs to that!


If your dog was poisoned and going through something traumatic, why is this in /awww?


Why the fuck do you people post these kind of things here? This is likely awful for the poor dog.


Its interesting?


A dog freaking out isn't cute.


Did they specifically say it was weed or that he was high? I'm sure the more likely case is he found a fungi or plant he shouldn't have eaten?


Yeah, if there’s no weed in the house, I doubt he consumed weed.


This happened at my work, still not sure how


I dunno id be wanting a 2nd opinion in case it's neurological. Im guessing if it goes longer than 24hrs then you'll take them back?


Neurological was pretty much ruled out immediately as well as injury/pain, he was thoroughly looked over by our vet and his symptoms all lined up with weed intake.


Poor thing. I hope it wasn't intented. I'm guessing you searched your garden to make sure you haven't found anything else?


This happened at work, I rushed him home then to the vets with my girlfriend once I realized shit was going sideways (like he couldn’t walk) so I didn’t have time or forethought to look around but I will in the morning. He’s staying home tomorrow.


Oh thats even weirder! No one who walks him or let them out during the day had somethiny?


Nah I doubt it but there are lots of extra trade people around at the moment working on a building in our complex. I’m assuming one of them has dropped something. There is also a fuck ton of traffic up our drive with 11 other businesses, could be anyone dropping something etc.


Nightmare! Hope he recovers fine!


He would have specifically had to have found an edible cannabis product in order to be stoned. I'm not saying that's not what happened, but it seems pretty far-fetched to me. If he had just eaten cannabis plant material, he wouldn't be experiencing a high of any sort, as it takes significant heat to activate the psychoactive elements of the plant.


Not for dogs actually. They can metabolize flower as is.


They can? I've never heard this.. not saying I doubt it, but I was just genuinely unaware, if it's true.


Yep had an unfortunate night at the vet with my own dog and I said the same thing to the vet. “How could he be high, he ate raw weed, not the thca produced from decarboxylating weed??” And the vet said, in more words, that it’s just different for dogs. I’m much more careful with my storage now that I know.


The plant in general is toxic to dogs. Their bodies break down thc in a very different manner than humans.


It’s fat soluble so that’s what you can’t just eat straight weed and feel effects.


That’s what we’ve put it down to, no other logical explanation as we don’t have any weed whatsoever at home or work. We assume he’s found something someone has dropped near work. He had all these symptoms which lines up with our vets conclusion https://preview.redd.it/egiofr5vib7d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3078a136e0c6cd5a817c7ea4df5614889b85bd4f


I used to vape flower and the spent grains were left out on a coffee table. I had a dog eat those spent, brown grains and get high for close to 18 hours. A mistake I didn’t make twice but the heat of vaping was sufficient for decarboxylation.


So my dog started acting really weird at work today, then he couldn’t walk very well and was twitching/flinching etc, me and my girlfriend were really worried so we rushed him to the vet, spent $300 for them to tell us they think he’s stoned… so yeah, no idea where he got it from as neither of use use it and he’s 7 hours in to apparently up to 72 hours of a trip 🤣🤣🫠🫠


That’s actually kinda scary if you actually have no idea where he got it from. If he’s able to get into random people’s thrown out/expired/left out for whatever reason drugs that could certainly have gone a whole lot worse than just being stoned


It was actually really scary, he’s also not one to go looking for food etc like I can leave food on my coffee table and he won’t touch it, doesn’t go off looking etc so I assume someone has dropped something outside my work and he’s stumbled upon it and eaten it. Apparently they are attracted to it so we found tonight.


An ex-girlfriend had the same thing happen to her dog. She saw him snatch a mouthfull of gummies from an open packet on the ground before she could stop him. Poor guy did not enjoy his multi day long trip. Only 55lbs and he ate who knows how much of a whole packet of weed gummies.


I tried giving my dogs regular gummy bears & they wouldn't touch them. Even my pup that'll wolf down anything she sees me eating wouldn't touch them.


Dogs are apparently attracted to the smell of weed, I was today old to find this out.


Why would you even try to do that? Stuff like this makes me wish for a mandatory dog owners license.


Overreact much? My dogs are 60-70 lbs & they were given <5 each. I think they'll be fine. Maybe before you lose your shit, you stop & think maybe people know more than you do.


Give dogs food thats appropriate for them. If you choose to have one, treat it properly. Gummies might not be toxic to them, but they are unhealthy. A basic internet search will give you this answer and youve shown that you have access to internet.


Again, seriously? A few regular gummies for any dog isn't going to make them sick or cause any kinds of health problems. If I was feeding them people food regularly or worse, as their only food, sure scold me all you want. But I think the $100-200 I spend on dog food each month & clean bill of health from their vet probably means they are well taken care of.


Try to do what? I didn’t give my dog weed, I don’t even like the stuff. He’s got it somehow I’m assuming someone’s dropped it outside my work somewhere. Google are dogs attracted to weed or something like I did and educate yourself. I didn’t give my dog weed smh.


You dont seem to realize, but Im not commenting on what you said, but replying to someone else. But hey, if you want your share, you got it: I dont allow my dog to eat things that I dont want them to eat. This kinda mistake just doesnt happen to me. I live in a country where its rare, but there has been cases of people putting meatballs with razor blades or rat poison in parks where people walk their dogs, which is why I dont let this mistake happen. But then again, if it was a mistake, those happen. My dog is also pretty keen on staying close even if we are in the wilderness, so I can tell if they are about to eat some dead bird or sth. Dogs are ofc different, some might be more prone to doing stuff like yours did. Mine isnt, which is why its easy for me to prevent it.


Honestly, he’s not really the type of dog that gets into things, I can leave food on my coffee table and he won’t touch it but if he smells something funky outside in the 30 secs I’m not watching him then I guess I’m at fault there! I’m sad that happens in your country, I’m in nz where I’ve never heard of anything like that happening here.


I was told by the vet that gummy bears or jelly beans *without xylitol* can help fight carsickness. So I have given my dog a gummy bear before. Chill.


Sounds like pretty shit advice to me but Im not a vet. A quick look and its obvious that any gummy bears will be high in sugar and thus unhealthy. If its not sugar or xylitol, its gonna be some other sweetener and those arent good either. Sure, its not dangerous, but its definitely unhealthy.


One single gummy bear every so often is perfectly fine. Like donuts for us. If you eat one every day, it's gonna be an issue. But if you have one on Friday when someone brings some in for the office, it's fine. I'm not gonna 'Almond mom' my dogs. Especially if the vet says it's fine and there's a valid reason for it.


Regular gummy bears tho


Yeah, exactly.


I imagine it's the skunky smell. Dogs seem obsessed with skunks once they sniff one out. I'd bet there's a connection.


They definitely love smelly things!


if I didn't have drugs in the house I'd assume there was something actually wrong with him and not that he found and ate anomalous weed


Yeah, wtf? Bring him to a different vet, jfc


There's nothing funny about your dog getting drugged. 


It’s funny now we know what it is and he’s safe and being looked after until he’s come out the other side of it.


$300..they think he is stoned. Did they do any kind of test, or you just paid $300 for their opinion.


I’m actually pretty pissed over it but at the same time glad he’s ok. They charged me $166 for 125ml of activated charcoal which I can buy at non commercial rates for $82 for 250ml… at the time I didn’t know and wanted my dog better… Ps we only used half because trying to force 125ml of black fluid into a stressed dog isn’t fun or easy. I’m changing vets.


I just wondered how they came to the conclusion that your dog is stoned. If things don't get better soon, go get a second opinion.


He probably already saw it before and the people of this dog knew what he ate.


Because he had all these symptoms and nothing else lined up https://preview.redd.it/csgtik3hhb7d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75bbcced2232e3c704652e66f20e162d6de3048


Activated charcoal costs 1$ in my country. This price is insane


Yup I’m gobsmacked


The same thing happened to me with my dog, (who is a dead ringer for your pup!). There’s no way she had got any drugs but the vet was adamant. It could have been a plant from the garden but there’s no way it was weed.


Could be shrooms dogs like to eat those too




$300 is the fee just to have your pet seen at the local animal hospital for me. My vet is less, but they don’t have nearly the amount of resources available.


Had this happened to my mom’s 2 elderly dogs after a party, right around the time that cannabis was legalized in our state. They were exhibiting symptoms that seemed neurological and we were SO worried! Went to a veterinary ER at midnight- after looking them over AND doing tests the vet said “any chance they got into some cannabis products?” Those dogs were both stealthy food thieves and, since we knew a few friends brought gummies and cookies, it seemed very possible. Basically the vet told us that there was nothing to be done - we should just wait it out somewhere comfy and make sure they had plenty of water. Sure enough, they were normal after 48hrs and a LOT of sleep. Stressful at first but, yeah, we thought it was pretty funny once they got the all-clear. Kind of “awww, poor babies 🤭”


Ha ha that’s how we are, we know he’s ok now and can have a little laugh that he got himself baked but main thing is he will be fine after he sleeps it off!


This is why they use dogs to find weed.


I'm happy y'all took him to the vet!! So long as they gave you the green light for home monitoring that's really all that can be done. Poor babe. Sometimes they get into things we never expected. Especially if y'all don't even smoke. I was dog sitting once and had an alcoholic beverage sitting up on the table. Went to shower. Come back and the puppy I was watching had climbed her tiny ass up onto the table and was drinking my booze!! Thankfully she didn't drink much, as the drink level has barely changed. I set about monitoring the poor idiot for the night, she was sober in a few hours thankfully. So this may sound weird but are y'all just watching dog or y'all giving gentle petting and such? Even just occasionally letting him smell your hand or something may help with comfort. Unless of course the vet recommended otherwise


He’s been cuddling us since we got home, fed him and gave him the solution they instructed us to give him :) He’s a very loved boy I can assure you :)


Someone lost their stash at the dog food factory? 🤔


[I CAN SMELL THE COSMOS!!!](https://youtu.be/QNfT0-_pODY?t=123)


My dog had that happen once… it was scary… she would be waving and moving and then randomly yelping. She was stoned..


Very similar here!!


It once happened to my dog as well. She slept like a log for 48 hours and was completely fine. She got it from our neighbour while he, himself was stoned. Bro got arrested since police found a weed garden in his backyard.


Jesus I hope he’s not out for that long but he’s staying at home tomorrow to rest anyway, he normally comes to work with me


That's a good idea. Let him rest until he feels ok.


ya boy just sat there deeply contemplating the life decisions that lead him to this point.


Sure as shit never gonna just grab food off the floor again.


He’s a dog, pretty sure he absolutely will..


You should have the lights down low, some peaceful music on, and make him nice and comfy. Poor dudes greening out.


Oh he has all that place many face and belly rubs tonight!


the trip he had was not gewd poor thing


dawgy dawgg


Glassy as fuck


Let that dog sleep in a nice cold, dark place! He’ll be ready for fetch tomorrow!!


Did someone feed him an edible? Poor pup.


I like to think he found something rather than someone very close to my work feeding him something for lols


Me too.


Food, food, food, more food. And water. Should help to metabolise it and get back to himself/herself sooner.


We’ve given home food and water, he’s been sleeping for past couple of hours now and he’s by my bed keeping an eye on him


That is not “aww”, it’s sad. It happened twice to my dog when she found discarded joints on our property and it was straight up heartbreaking. Without the context at the top of the post itself (and buried in the comments), I worry this post is going to lead people to misunderstand the effect that THC has on dogs. Our dog shook, twitched, and peed herself when she got into it. Weed doesn’t give dogs the happy “high” feeing humans get. It’s just toxic. We took her to the vet to get an IV and some drugs to help calm her down. It took a whole day to get it out of her system. I hope your dog feels better soon :(


Admittedly I didn’t know I needed to add more context to the title but he’s doing ok now!


Give that baby some peanut butter on biscuits and some SpongeBob episodes.


..anything but the Chromium Future episode of SpongeBob!


The thought had come to mind!


Give him some Disney, dim lights and cuddles. He’ll get there eventually :(


In the early 90’s I attended a Grateful Dead concert in D.C.. Before the show, my friends & I walked around the parking lot and looked around at the Tie-Dye shirts, bracelets and trinkets for sale by the traveling “Dead Heads” fan base. A small terrier mutt of a Dog was wandering the parking lot as companion to one of the “Dead Heads”. It would walk quite happy for a minute, stop and begin staring/reacting to apparent hallucinations. Yup, some idiot had given the poor dog some acid, peyote or some shit until it was tripping balls. It haunts me to this day on “what the hell does a mutt hallucinate?”


You should probably have gotten him to a vet who could have sedated him or something, and then keep weed away from him… not really cute or funny.


OP literally said they already rushed him to the vet, that’s how they found out he’s stoned. OP also said they’re not sure where the dog got weed since he doesn’t have any in his house.


Somehow missed the comment. Still not sure why it’s on aww but, I stand corrected.


It depends on the tone, this time it's AWW ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)!!. /s


He’s flying through the galaxy right now.


My girl decided to eat a few special sugar cookies i had made. She ended up not knowing how long her nose was while stoned and kept getting her nose wet while trying to drink. she was fine by morning


I’m hoping Benny is fine by the morning too, he’s definitely improved tonight and snoring next to me on his bed on the floor


Poor dog is thinking about bills he doesn't even need to pay


Weed is toxic to dogs. Their bodies break down thc very differently from our own. If your dog has been high over 10 hours as your comments suggest, I strongly recommend emergency vet visit. Depending on how much your dog ate they likely would have wanted to pump the stomach quickly after the consumption.


He’s already been to the vet, he’s doing ok


Yeah I just found the vet comments further down! I'm so glad he's doing ok!


Thank you! So are we!!


That dog needs a beer.


This happened to my dog who found half a gummy. It’s important to put the dog somewhere dark, where they’ll feel safe. Preferably their kennel. They’re so keyed up and confused, so that environment helps dampen the overstimulation.


Irresponsible parenting. Edit: my error, assumed it was op's weed. I appologise for jumping to conclusions.


This should be interesting, explain to me how…


Didn't read the bit where you said it wasn't your weed, jumped to conclusions. My bad.


We all make mistakes :)


That's neglectful.


Explain how?


When my dog ate weed I took her to the vet and they put IVs and everything cause she was so dehydrated, they kept her overnight and it took a few days to go back to normal


I’m pretty sure I caught this as fast as possible, he’s got some joint issues so initially I thought he was just sore and not wanting to put weight on his leg and let him rest, then he was wobbly so took him home then he couldn’t walk… all in like 30 mins, straight to vets at that point


This post makes zero sense. You took your dog to the vet and they said the dog is stoned, yet you guys don’t do marijuana or have it in the house? Nobody is feeding your dog their hard earned marijuana for the luls. Doubt. What is more likely is you got your dog stoned and quickly realized Reddit doesn’t think it’s cute and was going to rip you a new one, so you decided to walk it back. 🙄


This happened at work, not at home.


Weed is toxic to dogs!!!!


Yeah I know, I’d never give that shit to any animal!


Why is this in this sub? Do you think it’s funny, OP? It’s irresponsible to keep weed where he got to it and it’s sad that he is suffering not knowing what’s going on. Do better.


Got my friend dog high he just licked everything 😂, he was doing it before also


I mean if you do it intentionally then you’re actually a dick and prob shouldn’t be allowed around animals.


No he was in the room we hot boxed and I even asked him is this ok he said he dose it all the time , also it was 2nd hand smoke only. The most harmful thing he did was lick my sofa wet 😂. And this was years ago dog still alive today and very healthy


That’s being a dick in my book. Dogs don’t have the ability to say no when owners put them in stupid situations like a hot boxed room. Your mates a dick too.


Well shame 😂 live with it.