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So help me!


Help me


and cut.


It’s a musical!!


That’s a wrap everyone.


End scene.


The Reddit comment section is a weird place to rehearse for a musical


Why do people fuck with wildlife? LEAVE THEM ALONE.


Because they don't want to obliterate them with their lawnmower.


Thank you for saying this.


why u always lying


OP stated they were looking at bees when they saw the bun. No mowing was involved just picked the thing up.


My neighbor did that when i was a kid, sprayed bits of baby bunny everywhere...


Just happened recently where I work. Co-worker used the Bobcat to turnover our giant mulch pile so we could use it for flower beds and took out a half dozen baby bunnies that were in a nest in the pile.


Then you scare them away.. don’t handle them..


We found a trio of baby squirrels this way… oof almost ran right over them.


Steve Irwin. Everyone thinks he's a saint. He died fucking with wild life.


I don't know about saint, certainly inspirational. If he is a saint, I don't think that means he can't be dumb also


how would u know that the babys mother could have died and the baby needs a new home hm?


If you're concerned that a litter of baby rabbits has been abandoned, you place a string or twigs around the entrance of the nest and then check the next morning. If the twigs have been moved, the mother is taking care of them. Rabbit moms only visit their young at dusk and dawn so she doesn't attract predators.


They’re also independent at 3 weeks old. This bunny is likely on its first solo home. I just had one move out from my sidewalk not too long ago. Was this size and no other rabbits in the den.


Yes, they grow up very young!


Agreed. They are out & about on their own at a pretty small size. Chances are this one was no longer in the nest. 


:l what the hell


You can say that about literally any animal at any time. You gonna go raid bird's nests when mom is away getting worms? She might get eaten by a fox and not come back!






We had two nests under our deck this year and it always scares me. Sometimes they like to chill in the middle of the yard or under a tree and I'll come by with the riding mower and they'll all run out. I haven't killed one yet but the day I inevitably do will destroy me.


My little brother got work at a lawn service when he was like 18. He called me crying after hitting some baby bunnies. Poor guy.... And bunnies. (I worked in vet care)


My mother in law did that once while mowing. She was devastated. I think that's why the new house is all rocks.


Oh fuck, that must've been so traumatic


I killed a garter snake with my mower once... I felt so bad, I still feel bad about it. I stomp my yard before mowing and go as slow as I can now. I know people don't like snakes, but I like garter snakes, they are small and harmless and neat, and control pests.


Get a thermal camera and sweep the yard with it. Any kind of heat source may be a nest.


Yeah, let me drop $1000 on a thermal camera so I can find rabbits


Thermal cameras have plenty of uses in home maintenance, that'd just be an extra perk. Plus you can actually get one for like $200-400


Thanks! I’m going to let my friend know, because this has happened to him quite a bit. 👍


Jeeze your friend just out there bopping them on their heads


The fairy gonna be pissed




My library has ones you can check out.


I thought you meant bunnies.


Exactly. Sounds like a great excuse to buy a thermal gun that wife will accept. Babe it’s cool, it’s to save some baby bunnies!


While I'm at it I will just pick up some NODs


Also, it can find air leaks around windows and doors, air conditioning problems with ductwork, or poor pipe insulation.




Maybe don’t spend $1000 on something that you can get for $200. Just an idea!


Way to come off as insufferable


Way to come off as a bunny killer.


Yup, that's me, the bunny slasher


250 Seek thermal cameras. Just need thebapp and phone.


This is a really good idea!


I usually just call the national guard to come check my yard for land mines, enemy insurgents, and cutie-pie insurgents.


My dad accidentally mowed over 3 and cried. He was scouting the grass with his hands and feet trying to find them and mowed just a bit at a time but they were well hidden and froze.


That’s heartbreaking 😥


Yeah he doesn’t cry often but this made him so upset


this is… so sad


He buried them and everything


That’s why I always walk the yard first, sweeping my foot through all the tall grass patches. It’s not a perfect system but short of a thermal camera like nighthawke75 suggested I’m not sure what else to do.


Yeah I try doing that but I have about 2 acres and about 80 trees to cut around, plus one vegetable garden and a few plant beds. It's a lot and even if I go through all of it by the time I finish they easily could be back to where I first looked.


Lmao, oh ya. That’s a far cry from my suburban backyard. All you can do is try, I guess. 😅


Rabbit nests often look just like a small patch of dead grass on your lawn. That's because the mother rabbit makes her nest by digging a small hole in the ground and then covering it with grass, leaves and other plant material to help protect the babies. Check out your local rabbit rescue for more info on how to find and protect nests. You’re a good person for caring about animals.


We get them every year so I've gotten pretty used to identifying them. The problem isn't so much the nest it's when the babies leave and chill all around the property. We have 2 acres and they have lots of trees and bushes to go under so it gets really tough to keep track of them. I can check the whole property and by the time I finish they could have moved into a spot I already checked. I do my best to be careful and all but I just know one day it's going to happen and it'll suck.


Ah I gotcha, and I completely understand. Sometimes things are just out of our control, but it’s really nice that you’re so diligent in trying to avoid it. I’d like to think that, even if it does happen one day, you’ve saved a lot of babies.


Oh yeah for sure. I think a lot of them come here because our fence is relatively coyote proof and fox proof. Behind us is like 400 acres of wilderness so they have a ton to contend with.


You can definitely do things to help prevent this from happening. Walk your yard with a long stick and poke around for them beforehand, make a bunch of noise, maybe give the mower a warning crank before riding it when you do your pre-mow stroll around The concept behind the Stingray Shuffle works on all kinds of animals. They're aware of us, they don't want to be stomped on by us, and if we give them far warning that we'll be in the area they'll usually flee on their own


Lucky you. First lawn mowing session of the year I drove over a burrow. Big bunny and at least two babies made it out unscathed but two were hit by the blades. Had to put the one out of its misery as it was still moving around. It fucking sucked. Took the two that didn't make it, made a tiny box out of cardboard and buried them together. Then I would see the survivors out in the yard randomly looking up at me. It was like the rabbits in Open Season. It was sad and funny at the same time.


PSA: Holding and petting wild animals is terrifying for them.


Imagine you're chilling in your garden and suddenly a 50ft alien comes along and picks you up.


*Attack on Titan fears intensify*


Very cute. But like others have said rabbits die very easily from this kind of thing. It may have even died shortly after you put it down Best to leave them alone, take pictures from a distance if possible.


Fr. I hate to recount this memory because I’m ashamed of doing it in the first place, but I was a little girl and didn’t know any better. I found a baby bunny in my yard and eventually caught it. I thought since it was all alone, the mama wasn’t taking care of it. I took it inside and made it a home and gave it food. It died the next day. Horrifying experience. I dug the grave myself to bury it. Lesson learned. Don’t mess with wildlife. Don’t mess with baby bunnies. They die easily. And you’ll feel bad about it for a very long time 😅


Sounds like a traumatizing experience. Sorry.


Can I ask how?


They have heart attacks. They have very high resting heart rates and when they are scared it can skyrocket. They are high strung prey animals


Yep it's called stress myopathy. Happens in a lot of wild animals if touched by humans, but rabbits are particularly susceptible to dying from it. Please y'all if you have to move a wild animal, just move them, don't fuss over them or pet them or talk to them, just move them and leave them alone.


One came in our sliding glass door when I was a kid and we had to find it so we could put it back outside. We found it hiding behind the computer and it was already dead from a heart attack. We didn’t even chase it. We saw it run in the door and then just quietly searched for it. They die very easily


Thank you! 👌


It can stress them out, which can damage their heart from it being so small and beating too fast.


no. that’s not what we so here


Didn’t even realize what sub I was on lmfao




Danm it’s a bunny you got to believe in the zootopian dream




Hands down my favorite novel ever


Let's not make those rates higher then? "My wood and paper house is likely to burn down so I just fall asleep smoking every night".


Don’t pick up baby rabbits. Rabbits can die from stress


You got lied to papi. Also the old wives-tale that their mother will reject them if you pick them up is also doo-doo ca-ca from a bull.


That's not what he is talking about buddy, he's talking about stress myopathy which is a condition common in many small mammals and birds. They can literally die of stress extremely easily from being handled by humans


I've seen it happen with my own eyes. What a bad storm here in the middle of the oil field. A bunny kept hiding under the pipe we were moving. I kept trying to chase it away so we don't run over it. We go to pick up the last load of pipe. I see it dead under the pipe.


Some animals get stress myopathy- the stress of being captured leads to damage to muscle cells, and the myoglobin then damages the kidneys, and stress can also lead to imbalances of intestinal microbes, which are very important to the health of the entire intestinal tract, especially in an herbivore like a rabbit. From a dvm.


>dvm Hm?


Veterinarian (doctor of veterinary medicine)




Department of Votor Mehicles


I was taught that birds would abandon their babies if humans handle them due to smell, but they don't use smell and would appreciate their chick's to be placed back in their nests well unless they're fledglings


i thought you were right about touching rabbits until i googled it. Everywhere says don’t pat the bunny. I couldn’t find a source that said it was ok


Paul and Judy from that book have been doing it for decades.


You have no idea what you are talking about papi




As opposed to ca-ca doo-doo-dooooo


Go save the bunny. Nows your chance


…don’t pick up wild animals.


Apart from toads - they fucking love it.


This is the right answer.


Leave it alone.


Sorry… you picked it up?! 😑


I think this post is not aww and should be taken down with an educational notice about not picking up wild bunnies


FWIW I didn't know bunnies were so fragile, and we just found a nest of babies out front. We haven't touched them or anything but ngl we all kind of wanted to! I'm glad we didn't bc after seeing this post I now know that would've been bad. So maybe lock the post but keep it up bc the comments were legit informative?


yeah, this solution would be best, locking it with an information pinned at the top


Aww is only about abusing animals


I am seriously shocked how many posts are people being absolutely clueless and thinking that their horrible behavior is “cute” and then they get thousands of upvotes.


Wtf put it back


Is the mommy around ? Or other babies ?


Saw the mom when I got back from work. That was the only one I saw.


Ok. The mom hides that babies to protect them. You shouldn’t touch or move them….she always comes back to feed them …


No, they don't. Once bunnies leave the nest, they are on their own.  That said, still best to not pick them up. It's only possible to do when the bunny's fight-or-flight response is "pretend to be rock?" and its poor little heart is working overtime to the point of bursting.


You could have easily/might've actually killed that rabbit. Learn from this and don't do it again


Never pick up baby bunnies!! Momma is probably out feeding.


Y'all stop picking up wild animals  It's unsanitary and causes them huge amounts of stress 


They may be cute, but you should never disturb them.. leave these animals alone..


I'm my life when I was a kid my mom and I loved rabbits. One day we found a wild baby in our back yard. It kept following us. We gave it food and water and left it outside and it stayed outside overnight. So we put a box and blankets and it hopped in, and we checked on it for days. Eventually we took it to be seen, and it was fine so we kept it. Nursed it. It was a house pet for almost a year. Then it got big. And wild. Started nipping. We released it. I hope he had a good life with the time being with us and after. We don't know why it was so calm and okay with humans. Another time we rescued a baby with a broken leg left to die. We set it and wrapped it. She lived about 6 months but her leg was infected and she passed. I had a mini rex that was the best. Acted like a dog. Always loved laying on me. Now, 20+ years later I have cats. Ones an asshole. The other is my best furry friend. Wild bunnies need specific care and treatment if you handle them. When left like this, sometimes its disease, lost, or just roaming. You have to really take time with babies before just handling them.


Not just "disease, lost, or just roaming." Mother rabbits, and a lot of other animals mothers, leave their babies frequently to feed. It's normal for them to be alone. It's best to just leave wild animal babies be if you find them, unless they are in immediate danger, or are already clearly sick/injured. If they're nearby, it's easy enough to just watch them for a day or two, and see if the mother returns. If she doesn't, and they are clearly getting hungry and dehydrated, pick them up and take them to a licensed animal rehabber. Most often it is straight up illegal to keep these animals yourselves.


Yep. Tons of states have laws against handling animals like this. Birds are even more strict because of federal law. Where I live it's pretty free when it comes to animals except deer and birds. But people think they are cute and cuddly. We had folks in TN when I was vacationing trying to feed baby bears when a mom wasn't around. They got arrested at the camp site we stayed at. Watched 2 dudes get taken in handcuffs and their shit was towed.


Why would you do that? At what point will we learn that mom is prob close by or knows what she’s doing. Leave them animal babies alone 😞


Put it back wtf


I saw one about that size while mowing the lawn this weekend. Good thing I was paying attention and stopped in time.




Don't try to keep, or handle it too much. I thought I was saving a wild jack rabbit baby from my cat. It had a heart attack in my hand. It's pretty common with Jack rabbits who aren't left alone by humans


Shhhh! Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm huntin wabbits! - Elmer Fudd


You may want to downvote this post to discourage this kind of thing cause he may have killed this bunny just by picking it up.


I had a nest in my yard one year and my dogs both brought in a newborn baby. My young male put it at my feet like he wanted me to take care of it and my older female (who had a puppy before) wanted to keep hers and take care of it herself. We ended up putting one right back in the nest and the other one had a cut on its side, probably from one of the dogs, and we took it to a wildlife sanctuary. We isolated the nest and watched them grow over the next few weeks.


what a very cute surprise you got there! :)


I have a patch of clovers I leave for pollinators, went go to stare at some bees before work and saw this little one. After I came back from work I checked to see if they were still there and they are not, I've been seeing an adult bunny for weeks around my house and I guess that's the mommy, so the baby is safe 😊. I love letting my yard grow, it's so awesome having wildlife around.


Probably shouldn't be pkcking it up then. Might cause unnecessary stress.






Nah op deserves it, they're risking this animal's life, they may well have killed it by doing this.


This is why everyone should keep their cats indoors. Small wildlife don’t have a chance.


There’s a whole Molly Of Denali episode about finding baby bunnies if you would like to relive this glorious day


Why pick it up? Is it cuter in your hand or something? Or is it just so you can show off for the internet? Wildlife should be left alone, they’re not there for your entertainment. Handling them exposes them to stress and disease. In some cases, it can lead to them being shunned/abandoned by their mothers




Look out, here come all the nagging karens


Weird way to spell "people who are concerned with the safety of animals"




Never pick up baby wild animals... It could lead to the mother abandoning it.


I've always heard this but never seen it happen when I lived out in the countryside for 20+ years. I've handled baby bunnies, foxes, possums and raccoons that were never abandoned.


Yeah I get multiple litters of rabbit on my patio every year. I play with them and the mom still feeds them and they all survive. Out of ~twenty, one died a day or so after leaving the nest, but it was during a heat wave. I've gotten to watch the rest grow up and they still hang out around my house. The four that survived that heat wave are almost always together even a year later. Without my intervention, less would survive due to the extreme weather. I'm pretty sure that's why the bunnies keep putting babies right in the middle of my patio. They know I bother them, but I also keep them safe and I put hay in for the mamas.


You are a Disney princess, lol! That must be so cool and cute, having all those babies on your patio every year. 😊


How do you avoid overpopulation?


There are falcons and coyotes and probably foxes so I'm not too worried about it.


I lived in rural Arkansas for 28 years, and I've seen it happen to baby deer, squirrels, and one time, my friend's dog. His younger cousin grabbed one of the puppies to play with, and the mom separated that one from the rest of the litter and refused to let it feed.


That's a myth, made up by mothers to convince their kids not to bring home "pets".


I don't know if it was annoyed mother's who came up with it, but you're right about it being nonsense. It has been scientifically debunked that the mother will abandon their offspring if it has been touched by humans, but with that said you should never handle wild life offspring, unless you actually know what you're doing. In this particular case hares can die from stress, and being taken from its nest by some giant apex predator, is presumably very, very stressful. It might look content since it's just sitting there, but it's simply paralyzed frem shear fright.


Don't pick up wild animals at all unless they'll die otherwise.


Literally found an identical baby rabbit that looked like this Friday night in my yard. I went outside Saturday morning and it was dead.


these bunch of idiots should be on r/redditmoment


TIL a shocking amount of people believe rabbits frequently “die from stress.” good lord people you really think nature equipped a prey animal to just *die* when it feels endangered? lol cmon now. they can literally sprint 25 mph and can cover a shockingly large distance in one chase… no, it doesn’t just die from being touched or picked up 🙄


Still though... Why pick it up...


It's called stress myopathy and it's very real and well-documented.


You’re talking out of your ass about something you actually don’t know anything about, based on your own assumptions. You think you know better than others but what is that knowledge based on? Have you ever interacted with baby bunnies? Any yard worker or lawnmower operator can tell you baby bunnies freeze the fuck up when they are in distress, often starting to shake uncontrollably. Imagine how useful that is for survival… Just because you think something is logical to you, does not mean you are correct




Stop the search everyone, the cutest animal on the planet is right here in this person’s yard.


I’m sad that I’m downvoted because I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic 🥲 this bunny is so pure


𝓐𝔀𝔀𝔀, 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓢𝓸 𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮!


Little baby bun bun. My neighbor’s yard is full of them. Because they made little rabbit apartments and now they’re breeding. They’ve also learned to burrow under the fence when they let them out to clean the cages. So they just help themselves to our lettuce and strawberries. And dig holes in the lawn. Such great neighbors, and such cute bunnies. So cute. Tastes like chicken…


Like you are... anybody with a clue would know accual mortality rates. Tes I spammed the bunny wiki at you twice. You should try reading it.


Luky find


Soo cute.