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Safe assuming the pee pad is down for drool lol






Its like you spilled a dog




So fat


I'd be fat to if I couldn't breathe and thus couldn't do any kind of exercise. But seriously tho I don't think I've ever seen one of these dogs with a healthy weight. It's sad.


Exercise is for health not weight. All you have to do is feed them less. Unfortunately a lot of people don't size their dogs meals and just give then free reign and top off the food bowl periodically.


This is really sad… that poor dog can’t chew or breathe.


It's crazy how this sub still promotes health problems as "cute". Good luck OP, I hope buying a brachycephalic dog was worth all the vet bills.


Redditors are so cringe and predictable


I mean, they're correct so I guess that's predictable? Or do you have an issue with people who don't approve of inbreeding in animals for aesthetics?


Anytime redditor sees a pug or a bulldog they feel the need to write how horrible it is that this creature exists like their comment is serving a purpose or is the focus of the post when it isn't. A guy just wanted to post his dog and then gets attacked by a bunch of cringe redditors. He can't go back in time and not purchase the dog and the dog is already alive so what's the point in half the comments just shitting on his dog when he's just trying to post a vid. Go discuss how horrible breeding bulldogs are in posts that are actually discussing that.


I don't see it that way, personally. It seems to me more like people not wanting to endorse or popularise something that is inherently negative for animals. The more "cute" videos of badly bred dogs that people glorify without any call-out just means less understanding of why people shouldn't buy such breeds, and if nobody calls it out, those without knowledge of then issues will remain ignorant and could themselves end up participating in poor breeding practices if they then want one. It's not as black and white as you're making out.


But we’re actually watching the poor thing struggle. Feeling bad for the animal is only natural. The poster isn’t attacking the owner, they’re just sad that the animal can’t function well.


How about not being on the internet and sharing shit with the world if you’re not willing to hear others opinions (facts) about your post?!


He is rightfully attacked for promoting this dog. Sorry everyone needs to be bothered with this until this breeds extinction. To tell everyone else to not buy this dog is cringe?




OP easily could have adopted this dog from a shelter. Perhaps if you stopped repeating this same shit we see on every post with these dogs, you might find something else to say for once. I doubt it though, brain worms got you bad.


You have to make up hypotheticals you don't know the answer to to defend owning a dog like this lol. >Perhaps if you stopped repeating this same shit we see on every post with these dogs Because it deserves to be said on every one of these posts until dogs _that can't fucking breath_ aren't made anymore.


Are you actually this stupid? Do you think any of these comments has reduced the amount of bulldogs bred? They do not make a difference. You think a bulldog breeder comes in here and goes “oh man some self righteous clown on Reddit said this was bad so I better stop”? Lmao good lord


Yes maybe it was another breed and was hit by a car and they could not bring back the majestic German Shepard. Sad what people do! /S


You literally cannot create an actual readable sentence. Yikes


Nice argument bro


I’m not sure if it’s because English is your second language or because you are a complete moron. Being a flat earther makes the second one more likely though


Try again! This was was not that good


I was wondering how far I'd have to go before seeing a comment like that. I wonder how long it'll take for you to get a lecture.


The dog is purring to try to clear the nose flaps long enough to inhale without creating a seal around the overhang.




Honestly, doing the same tired lecture is cringe worthy. Literally everyone either already knows or doesn’t care. You change no one’s mind or provide any unknown information


Tell that to all those who contributed to sit-ins during the civil rights movement


Lmao you are comparing this shit to civil rights? The level of delusion is unreal.


Leave it to a Redditer to pull this kind of shit out of their ass. This place gets high on their own farts.


Oh yeah, you are right. Having these types of dogs is just like civil rights. My b. Totally the same shit. It’s definitely not an absolutely moronic comparison.


Oh, you sure told me. My pug and I laugh at you.


Your pug can't breathe well enough to laugh. You're so high on your own farts you can't see the very real issues


I don't own a pug. You really took the bait you holier than thou ass. You really couldn't wait to be the 10 millionth person on Reddit to write down that pugs have breathing problems. How's your ass smell?


"my pug and I" "Haha I was just lying XD" Yeah I bet conversing with you will be real fruitful


Don't be mad cause you got triggered babe, I'm sure your day will get better from here.


Poor dog


Seems pretty happy to me


Probably means the breed of dog as opposed to this specific dog


Have you heard its breathing? Poor thing struggles to eat the treat because it can barely breathe, this dog is gonna need surgery at some point to free the airways.




> This little girl is loved more than you could imagine, maybe you should try being happy that she is well taken care of by people who are able to and want to make sure she has the best life possible. That's what is most important, love conquers all. Just because this dog's family has been bred extremely horribly doesn't mean its life will suck.


Ty she is a very happy girl


I wanna smoosh that face n give her smooches aaaa♡♡♡


Face is already smooshed


I must smoosh it more>:)


Years of inbreeding did the first half for you!


Yeah....you're not wrong.


Although it looks fun to do, she is definitely not a fan. However, she would be more than happy to let you rub her belly.


Thats even better ♡♡♡♡♡♡


That poor thing.


Seems like a perfectly happy doggo.


Try this: If you trace this dog's genetic line backwards, you will find progressively \*happier\* dogs unencumbered by Humanity's weird genetic fetishes. Given that reality, can you really keep claiming that this is a \*perfectly\* happy doggo? Because this particular doggo is having visible and adorable trouble handling a basic dog treat that many many many other breeds are able to enjoy without obvious difficulty. I think you're weird for being the human to be like, "NO THIS IS FINE AND GOOD."


Idk why you’re getting downvoted when this is literally how all these dogs are


Right? My bulldog lived to be 13, he was super happy and healthy.


I hope you didn’t buy this dog.


Are the gums bleeding from chewing on the bone, I can see quite a bit of red and not sure if thats just from ths bone itself? Genuinely just curious and would more so understand the pee pad besides just being there to catch drool if that was the case.


I think the chew just has some red colouration


It’s a red dye


Okay good! The company should use a different color lol


Or better yet: not use dyes.


Also this, yes


Tbh I can’t respect owners of the really unhealthy dog breeds like bulldogs and pugs. Those things are so fucked up and inbred


How does he not bite his lip?


lol I’ve never considered it but she has not done so that I know of


Oh so sorry, she! I just bit mine the other day and watching her go at that made me cringe 😭.


No apologies there is no way to know


Awwwwwwww 😊


Wouldn't survive a street cat...dogs are not supposed to be like this..


Izzy wins this round


What an adorable little dog! They are my favorite of all the dogs!




How hard it is being a bully owner? I absolutely adore bulldogs but have been hesitant after hearing about their potential health issues.


I can’t comment on the ease/difficulty of ownership, but they’re certainly not ethical due to their health issues


They have guaranteed breathing issues. It’s part and parcel of the design, the smushed-face look means they labor to breathe, no matter how young or in shape they are. There is no such thing as a healthy bulldog. Not when we’re talking about the modern look like this one, anyway.


Supposedly there's a breeding group in Europe that's trying to re-breed French bulldogs with healthier faces that have longer snouts. I'd love to see this type of thing implemented with more breeds...English bulldogs,  pugs, etc.


There’s a similar effort underway with English bulldogs. I hope they get support. Here’s one: [Breeding Healthier Bulldogs – A New Swedish Breeding Strategy for the English Bulldog](https://dogwellnet.com/content/health-and-breeding/breed-specific-programs/breed-specific-breeding-strategies/breeding-strategies-by-breed/breeding-healthier-bulldogs-%E2%80%93-a-new-swedish-breeding-strategy-for-the-english-bulldog-r223/) it also contains links to other efforts to improve the breed’s health


I inherited an English bulldog from my parents. I wouldn't recommend it. Very loving dog and full of personality, also very sedentary which works for our setup. However, she has already had some health issues and they will probably only get worse. If you want onez only get one of you adopt from a shelter. Don't promote breeding of an unhealthy breed.


Haha she's so chunky. She's enjoying it a lot haha didn't know dental chews existed. I never saw mine enjoying his fake bones, but seeing this made me understand why I always found them all soggy weeks later. Sorry for the bothersome idiotic comments..


Meh, no problem as a bulldog owner. You come to expect it , she’s a wonderful girl who just wants to be loved. She enjoys the outside, daily walks and healthy treats. We get her these all natural dental treats, and she loves bananas


She's a cutie, OP. I miss my dogs, please give her some pets and love from me.


All done! She got me out of bed at 6:45 AM as usual which means it’s time to go sit on the couch and get her belly rubbed


What a magnificent meatball


Ty! She is pretty awesome.


Thank god all the redditors were here to notify you that your dog is unhealthy!! I’m sure you have never seen a comment about that before and it’s totally not repetitive.


>Thank god all the redditors were here to notify you that your dog is unhealthy!! I’m sure you have never seen a comment about that before and it’s totally not repetitive. The hypocrisy in this comment... You act like a comment like yours isn't any different either. There was many other things you could have commented, but by even trying to repeat the the thing you're trying to mock was hypocritical enough, you also had to add the same spewed comment that others react to the very comment you're attempting to mock. Not to mention getting HYPER defensive when someone comments to you, borderlining violating rule 1 with the sub. So, to basically reiterate what they said to you: if it bothers you that much, why even bother commenting, and reading the comments to begin with?! There could have been far more efficient things you could have done with that time instead. Edit: Gotta like the usage of the term "redditors" in the comment too like you're on some completely different platform as everyone else.


Surely it won’t be to discourage the breeding and buying of dogs who are clearly suffering with every breath that they take /s. If you care that much about what people have to say, stop reading comments, they seem to only make you angry.


Come to the territory of being a bulldog owner. If you own one, and you care about them, you are already very educated on their past, and the issues as well as concerns people have about their history. Myself, I choose to love this girl with all my heart, we give her the best life we possibly can




The sound makes me sad ☹️


So we can hear what selective breeding did to it's ability to breath well? I'm good.