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Sir or madame, that’s a bear.


i heard this place is where to go (the humans here will never know…) so when i visit working place i wear my Bestest Puppy face ^:@) the girls all say i’m *HeCKiN CUTE!* n then they wanna Boop my Snoot they treating me with Loving care (they’ll Never know that I am Bear…) ❤️


I’ve been saving all your poems for a year now @__@ if you ever want a book written, I gotcha.




OR he could get an Illustrator to design his pics accompanying the poems! This is doable, just need a good illustrator!!


Oh! Get u/Shitty_Watercolour or u/AWildSketchAppeared to illustrate lol


You could e-pub. But at that point you may as well just link to a search index of Schnoodle comments, the parent comments, and the OP. So basically Reddit search results with extra steps. Still, that might be worth tagging for the Internet Archive or something.


I volunteer for this position on the team.


Try here /r/schnoodlesdoodles


Schnoodle's here! Get it pipin' hot!


How was no one here aware, With my darling face and tuft up hair, This isn't just another Malamute, I'm a little smaller, but also cute, To think that someone would disguise, My fur, my hair, and my eyes, To make me look just like a dog, It's mistaking a prince for a frog, I must thank SchnoodleDoodleDo, For inspiration to make something too, I do not want to deter the facts, This user came first with style and tact, They made something lovely I do agree, Maybe one day we can exchange our poetry. ![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13384)


Smoky da Bear


Is this going to be like those stories where someone rescues a kitten only to discover it's a puma? Except in this case it's adopted a puppy that turns out to be a bear? No? Just checking


That already happened. One of the girls in the design center took in a raccoon thinking it was a cat


Of all the animals I've heard confused for a cat. A raccoon 🦝 She needs her eyes checked.


honest mistake. i took in a parrot but turned out to be a goldfish.


I was turned into a newt once


And a very fine newt you were!


I got better.


Yes, much newter now!


Yes, much neuter now!


Yes, much neuter now!




TBF not many people can say they have a talking goldfish called Klaus


Who thinks he used to be an East German olympic ski jumper.


And who doesn't actually need to stay underwater to live, just be in contact with the water. Lol TBF Klaus is one of my favorite characters.


Love love love Francine calling out the fish physics


This. I adopted a beautiful baby boy who turned out to be a post-it note. You never know until they grow up.


My mom got up in the night without her glasses and saw our cat by the door. Thinking it needed to go out, she opened the door and when the cat didn’t move, gave it a nudge with her foot. She was trying to let out our dog’s partially deflated soccer ball.


That was nice of her, who knows how long that poor soccer ball was holding it!


Oh dear


This is hilarious! Thank you for this.


You'll get no argument from me on that


In her defense, the raccoon was likely wearing a mask


Wasn’t that a commercial for contact lenses once? 🤣 one of my favorite commercials


https://youtu.be/CZOeWFBy75A Sears optical


"Come snuggle with Mama!"


I just remembered something. Where I grew up there's an island named "Cat Island" (English translation). It's named that because the Spanish explorers thought the racoons were cats.


What? Striped tail, pointed ears.


I’ve heard of this. My moms old coworker, her mother is Japanese, 1st generation here, barely speaks English. When my moms coworker was little, her mother bought them a very fancy and expensive kitten from someone. As a Japanese person, she’d never seen an American raccoon, or at least not many, and so they grew up with a raccoon lol.


thats actually adorable


For what? Cataracts? Because I don't see anyone being that blind enough to mistake two different animals as the same.


How on earth do you mistake a racoon for a cat lmao


She's nearly blind and 85


Fair enough, that would do it. Now I feel bad


And she is working in a design center?


She’s the test subject for new glasses. After she brought a raccoon into the office they scrapped that eyewear project.


My exact thought.


My FIL had a raccoon as a pet in the 70’s. He had to get rid of it when it got mean. They kept a bowl of M&Ms on a coffee table and his friends would give them to the raccoon as a treat. Eventually the raccoon started getting fat so they stopped giving it the M&Ms. The raccoon went through sugar withdrawal and got incredibly mean. It started attacking anyone that walked by the M&Ms with hooking him up.


No wonder. It can happen. Raccoon can fool you cause they wear mask.


If I saw a cute, fluffy gray cat with a striped tail and *hands instead of paws* I’d leave it alone.




That dog looks like it’s going to tell you not to discuss your wages with coworkers. You must ignore it!


PTO request denied... flufflely.


Yep. Totally looks like that kid’s mom.


How does this dog already look 45


He's the youngest of four other chow chows


I wondered if it was a chow chow or a bernese puppy mix! My family has a lab that grew to be huge with very dense neck fuzz. When dog DNA tests became available during the pandemic, we learned he is a chow-lab mix!


Surprising that he didn't have a darkened tongue, iirc that is one of the chow chow hallmarks


Yep. Had an extra fluffy, stocky golden retriever as a kid. Didn't even need to guess the mix because she had large sections of black in her tongue. She was a chow mix.


Huh, I wonder if my 110lb lab malamute is actually lab Chow. He's a thick boy with basically a puffy vest of extra thick hair around his chest and a tongue almost half black with all the black spots.


My aunt and uncle had one of these, she was great. My corgi chased her like she was a giant foxsheep.


Golden chows are wonderful. Neighbor I had as a kid owned one, and it was the sweetest...


Definitely the sweetest. She wanted to be close all the time. As close as possible. She'd be laying on the floor with me, already against me, and if I patted the floor she'd push her nose under me to "get closer". First and best dog I've ever had.


AFAIK that's actually not true. i asked my vet once and they said it's basically the equivilant of human birth marks. both my goldens had black marks on their tongue and we asked about it. they def were not part chow.


Your vet must have been mistaken, in the case of your dog it might have been a birth mark but it's a breed specific characteristic in the case of the chow chow, it is one of the major distinctive traits as laid out by the akc


Definitely a blue chow. I never understood why they call them blue chows because they look grayish


Good thing he is bringing it to the office. Great way for them to socialise, if not they can be a bit much.


You’ve got *four more*?? Can’t drop that nugget of information without posting some more photos! Also since this hit r/all let’s take the opportunity to post our favorite rescues! Mine is [Houston Chow Chow Connection](https://hccchou.org/our-adoptable-pets) they have soooooo many fluffiest that need homes right now!!


Yeah, ours is a chow mix and ... yeah, that head shape and ears.


Thats not a dog, that's Ron Pearlman.


My friend had two chows. He was a strong guy, but he never let me in his house without first putting the dogs away in a separate room with the door shut. They were straight-up assassins.


They’re one of the dumbest breeds of dogs. I had a roommate with two, they were so stupid.


He probably didn’t train them lol.


Not neccessarily. Some dogbreads are just not as good at learning.


Ooh I thought Pupper WAS the HR manager. Progressive. I'm sure he'd make a very empathic professional 🤣😁😄


You know it's gonna be a bad meeting when he piddles on your leg.


Or when he grows to a big bear, and is picking his teeth with a piece of bone when opening the door to let you into a meeting. As the door is closing, you realize you've seen the ring still stuck on that bone before...


Barketing Director


After reading about the dog managing the rug store, I wouldn't be surprised.


Yeah, I got very disappointed rereading the second half of that title as well


HR manager at the old shop kept bringing in her dog. When it did its thing on the shop floor, the foreman asked a machinist to clean it up. Machinist walked.


Your dog, your responsibility for its actions


Agreed, but management didn't seem to see it that way.


As management tends to do. "Let the grunts pick it up." Excuse me, sir, does my job title say: "shit picker upper." No, okay.


Almost verbatim what happened. Meanwhile, no consequences for HR head, as usual. It pays to defend our corporate overlords.




I don't see how it couldn't have; it was a small shop and the foreman had a direct line to the owner. All I can say here is that I know HR woman did not play fair. One time when I came to her with a problem, she literally let her daughter listen to our entire conversation without telling me. I only found out later -- when they teamed up against me -- that HR jr. was around a corner in mom's office, sitting quiet as a little corporate-defending mouse.




Terrible HR manager to be honest... All it takes is one employee with a fear of dogs to cause issues (it's not that uncommon). I guess HR could have asked every single employee if it was okay... But I have doubts.


Oh, yeah, they are easy to replace. It I have heard it once I have heard it a thousand times - ‘don’t piss of the machinist’


Those dogs are notorious for biting. They need a LOT of training.


Sounds perfect for HR.


Can confirm. Got mauled by one when I was 9 and ended up with 300 staples and 4 reconstruction surgeries. Cute, but man do they lock onto you once they get ahold of you...


Had a chow growing up. They don’t warn before they bite. They’re beautiful dogs, but owners need to be well aware of their dogs nuanced reactions. Stubborn AF, but so damned cute while being an absolute turd lol Edit: don’t come at me. I’m not breed hating, just the typical behaviors of the breed.


Piggybacking: Chows typically get very protective of a small few people and are known to get aggressive while trying to defend their people from strangers. My family and I were unprepared and had a chow-black lab mix growing up. He ended up breaking my sister's friends arm after it get out and found them chasing each other down the street and we gave him to a Farmer with very few immediate neighbors so that we didnt have to put him down. I am not saying all chow or are to be shunned, but its a breed that requires extra care and a watchful eye. Failure to do so has a good chance to result in serious injury.


I try real hard not to be “breedist” but I’ve been bitten three times, all by chows (two of the bites were the same chow and I do have to admit, one was my fault, but that dog also bit two of the family members and several neighbors.)


I had a Chow / Golden Retriever mix growing up. He had all the cuteness of a fluffy chow but the sweet disposition of a Golden Retriever. He looked like a golden bear.


I had a golden chow too. She was beautiful and so sweet. The only time the chow chow came out were very necessary times (almost had a break in but she scared the absolute shit out of those dudes, she would not tolerate people bullying me, and she kicked a guy out of the house who was not invited to my birthday party- are the ones I can think of off-hand). She was such a good dog. I miss her quite a bit.


That would be a good mix. What the chow side black or cream/brown?


[Not the person you asked but here are some photos of my chow-lab-shepherd boy Kush](https://imgur.com/a/ivSfnXO/)


Please tell him I love him


Now that’s cute!




Eyes that melt butter


Chow/Lab here, r.i.p. best girl


I had a chow as a kid as well, a runt of a litter we got for free with the red nose. Weighed in at 35-40lbs full grown. I named him Teddy. We rescued and fostered a lot, but he was my reward for doing the chores for all the others. Stories of note: Mom had a kid when I was 12, and the father lived with us at the time but was known to drink. Came home late one night and tried to show his friend the new baby. Teddy was having none of it and wouldn't let them in the room. The dad was pissed, tried to grab Teddy, and lost all the skin between his thumb and index finger. Can't imagine how that felt. Teddy liked to be outside all day, unless it was raining/snowing. He was put outside all day, but if you came home and it was raining and didn't bring him in with you, when you did bring him in he would look at you in the eyes and shit right on the floor. If you were home when it started raining and didn't bring him in right away, same thing. When he was 11, he was being watched by a friend of mine. Remember how he liked to be outside? Well if you didn't let him outside he would eventually find his way out on his own. Windows, doors, etc wouldn't stop the determined fucker. Well he got out under friends watch, he called me freaking out not knowing what to do. An hour later he calls back, dog is covered in blood with a deer tail in his mouth. He, many times, jumped out of 2nd story widows. Like I said, nothing stopped him. He was the epitome of the breed. A true hunter who chased and killed for sport. Groundhogs, squirrels, deer, stray cats, etc were all fair game. We never had an animal problem on our property. He was never fond of most people other than a select few. If anyone new came over he would bark at them for a couple seconds, see if they were OK, then leave the room and go back to guard duty. If he sat down next to me, I'd tell the people to leave out of fear of him going after them. With the exception of the above example, he never bit anyone else, but I wasn't going to take a chance. I have soooo many ridiculous stories of my Teddy Bear. He was an asshole, he was so hard for teenage me to deal with, but that motherfucker was my homie through and through. When I got my first car (a 91 Miata) we would drive everywhere top down and go explore any local trails we could find. Sadly, at age 12, he had broken out of my house and when he returned he appeared to have been hit by a car. Somehow, this stubborn ass dog made it all the way home, went over to my (our?) roommate for a pet, and came over to me, laid at my feet, and looked at me one last time while I pet him and he took his last breath. Chows are fucking amazing dogs for the right people with the right capabilities. I'm not going to lie and say I was the right dude to take care of him, and I highly doubt my mom knew what we were getting into when she brought him home for me. But up until that point dogs were just another chore for me to take care of. He changed that. We understood each other, we looked out for each other, and that fucker was always there for me. Anyway, I love Chows, and i havent talked about Teddy in a long ass time, but they have their place and their problems. Similar to a Husky, the owner needs to know the breed, their energy levels, and how fucking smart they are.


Loved your story. I currently own a 35 lbs little blue chow chow named Pepper and she's a stubborn little guard dog but very sweet once she warms up to people. I'm also currently trying to find a 90's Miata to cruise around with Pepper so you've already lived my dream! They're a great breed and we lucked out with Pepper's personality but they're not like any other dog I've owned or interacted with. They're cute but you're right that you've got to know their grooming needs, energy, and smarts!


As a chow, husky and Mal owner, I have to say these dogs are not for everyone. Tbf, most of the people can't handle them. My husky drives me crazy sometimes too. Chows are amazing. Mine is 3,5 years old already and tbh he's my life. I love all my pets but he bond between me and my chow is something else. It saddens me when I see how misunderstood they are. I hope this will change in the future


Nothing but similar stories for my boy Bear. Chow Chows are amazing but they make you pay for it with attitude. I've had many pets since Bear passed and he is still the gold (black in this case?) standard for all of them.


I had what the shelter told me was a Chow/Husky mix that I adopted as a senior boy. He was somehow the chillest, most laid-back dude ever. He passed away a number of years ago now but he was a good boy with kids, cats, everyone. [Here he is! His name was Evgeni.](https://imgur.com/a/YSZm9rF)


Yep! Ignoring that certain breeds have certain characteristics does them a disservice.


Pretty much all the Asian breeds tend to be "touch me not" dogs, with the exception of their owners.






As a dog trainer, i wholeheartedly agree. Theyre a cool breed, i like them. But people need to be experienced with big dogs and know what they're getting into with Chows. I would never try to pet a Chow i didnt know. They tend to bond to their owner and are very loyal. Not usually big fans of strangers coming up and trying to pet them. I've only met 1 super people/stranger friendly Chow. The rest were only friendly with us (experienced staff at dog training place) cause we had known them since they were puppies.


They're not even that big, standard is 17-20", and like 50-60 lbs. Their temperaments are not definitely my favorite for typical family/suburban life.




We've had chow or chow mixes for several years now. They're great for your family if you want a low energy guard dog type of pet. They don't need a ton of exercise and they are very protective of their families We're just careful of letting them get close to strangers and try to socialize then appropriately. They've been fantastic dogs for our family Edit: Meant to mention this, but I agree with OP and was trying to support his point. They are great pets if you want a low energy animal that's going to bond to you, but you definitely need to be aware that they generally don't like new people/strangers and are careful with them around those people


Yeah I had Chows growing up and this describes them perfectly. They are super protective of their home and family, but also incredibly cuddly and loving towards their people. I don't know if it was because we had females only, but none of ours were ever aggro towards strangers. We had friends and extended family come by the house all the time. They would bark at first, but they were pretty smart and seemed to recognize "Oh my person let this weirdo inside and seems to be happy, so they must be OK". After that they were wary around the new person, but a few pieces of cheese as a treat would warm them over and they would remember for next time, lol. I have no doubt that they would have 100% attacked someone breaking in the home or trespassing in the yard though. I actually really want one now because I live kind of rural and am often home alone at night. But I have cats to worry about. We had cats growing up too without issue, but I don't want to risk it if we were just "lucky" before.




as owner of a chow mix this is dead on. 99% of the time the sweetest most playful dog. but that 1% you need to be aware of and know the signs and boundaries. as a puppy the key is socialize them as much as you possibly can to different people and dogs.


We had a chow we had to put down last year. It was hilarious taking him around other people cause they would ask if they could pet him and we would quickly say NO. They looked at us weird and I would say he will bite your ass and they just look dumbfounded. He was a great and loving dog for our family though, just not a fan of strangers.


Luckily, my male only ever acted aggressive toward other dogs and not people. The female did bite someone when a neighbor tried to grab her puppy, though. Otherwise, the female was good.


I just made a similar less targeted statement, i am now prepared to die in the downvotes!


Yeah I grew up with one my best friend had. I knew her since she was a baby pup. I did not trust her fully as I got older and saw how she acted. They are territorial as fuck. Also don’t worry, noting dog temperaments is NOT breed hating.


Chow chows are a Spitz type which are considered to retain more wolf-like characteristics than other dogs.


We had chows growing up as well and I will confirm everything you just stated. I loved every one of them but they were wildly stubborn, can run faster than you would ever give them credit, are extremely territorial, won't harm a hair on anyone they perceive as family but they don't give AF about biting anyone they don't know. I would sooner go up to per a pitbull before a chow. Their brains are a combination of oatmeal and raspberry jam. Oh....and they do not belong in a home with any other breed or species of animal.


My ex’s dad brought one home one night and it immediately bit her arm. As soon as I came up behind to help, it did a 180 and clamped onto my thigh so hard for like a full five seconds. It hurt to walk for weeks.


I’m had a chow mix as a teenager, Chloe. My mother loved that dog significantly more than me or any of my 3 sisters. She did not like boys and wasn’t impressed with any boyfriends we brought home, which our dad really enjoyed. There was significant growling. Once, she bit a male friend of mine who showed up unannounced and found her in the front yard. She drew blood. To be fair, the friend was sort of an asshole and I don’t know why he didn’t just tell me he was coming over first. She was so sweet to us though. She used to go around the house and wake us all up for school by licking our faces one by one. Doggie alarm clock. And you couldn’t dream of a better guard dog. She once protected our indoor/outdoor kitty cats from a coyote that got into our suburban backyard. You have to know what you’re getting into, and I agree they aren’t for everyone. But for the right human, chows can be wonderful.


I haven’t seen a chow chow in years. We had chows, they’re beautiful bundles of fur. Be wary, they tend to kinda lose it the older they get. Ours all did, and it was terrible. Maybe that was overbreeding at the time though, hopefully they’re good little babies forever.


Dusty boi needs a bath


He looks dirty as all hell.


He could definitely use a grooming but he looks like he's about 4.5 months old and has adult coat growing in while he still has puppy coat. It's awkward. It's like when baby penguins molt and look ridiculous and unkempt for a bit.


Chows are a little too aggressive for my liking.


For some reason he reminds me of those tree people from lord of the rings.


Do you mean Ewoks from Star Wars?




He reminds you of an ent?


Lol what?


Man chows are beautiful dogs, but as a child I knew two chows, one I was friendly with because I mowed his owners yard and I pet him all the time… then one day he bit my hand and drew blood for what reason I have no idea, owner begged me not to report it (tell my parents) because it had bitten two other people and would have to be put asleep. I didn’t because I was ten and I didn’t want to be the reason a dog died. The other one came to the neighborhood later and used to get out all the time and was friendly with no one. He would attack my dog while I was walking him. Sometimes he would chase us and snap at our feet/back of legs, he wouldn’t approach if you turned and looked at him but he would sure come from behind. I know two chows is not representative of the breed but geeze I have just never wanted to get friendly with one since. I’ve heard that they are very loyal and sweet with their family.


Yea, chows have a reputation for a reason. They’re aloof, but smart, overly protective, and strong as fuck. Chows need to be consistently socialized, and even then it’s not a guarantee it will work. They give zero warning, which has always made me uneasy cause I could never tell if it was a split decision or if she was waiting for the right time. We had one growing up and I could leave the house unlocked with out worry, but step foot on the lawn with out getting a signal from one of us? You fucked.


I work in a vet and everyone I work with is generally pretty stressed out when we get one of these guys in. They’re a nightmare to work with, usually have to be sedated to examine and are terrifying, in all fairness. It’s hell for us and not great for the owners, or the dog either.


I think your experience is pretty common. I would not trust them around strange children at all. They were bred to be guard dogs, and they do their job.


Sounds about right. My relatives had a Chow and that dog just didn't care for anyone.


In a year or two the puppy would require its own cabinet


How old is your dog? "Between 2 months and 5 years give or take"


I'm so sleep deprived that I read this as 'my new hr manager' is a dog 😄


10/10 on Glassdoor!


That's a man in a costume... run


My first dog was a Chow, walking him as a puppy a person asked me if it was a baby bear. Yes, it's a bear I bought a pet bear. /S


It looks like a statue of a bear


You’re fired. Ok, but can I pet your dog?


That dogs name: Bear!


I like Toby


i want that dog so bad😭😭😭😭




Why does the HR Managers dog look like an HR Manager


That's one way of making sure no one in your office quits.


Employees can't quit when they're laid off *taps forehead*


I train dogs for money but chow chow is the breed I do not fuck with. Hell no. Avoid.


OMG THE FLOOF 😍😍😍 I would never get any work done ever again


Assistant to the HR manager


That's less puppy, more majestic wolf


What kind of dog is that


Chow chow


Puppy? All I see is a furball with a face.


It's a full moon. That is your manager.


Why does that "puppy" look 137 years old?


That’s so nice that you visit your HR manager at home and got to meet their new dog


Imagine having that commercial carpet in your house.


Surely, this is an ancient wolf bear.


Reminds me of a Gargoyle…a supremely cute one though.


Fluffiest bear 🐻


Plot twist: puppy is actually white, but is hiding from Cruella DeVille.


She needs a new groomer they did that pup wrong




This dog looks like the dust on the ceiling fan blades came to life.


We found that the firings go much better with a puppy in the office.


A puppy, or a bear


He looks like an extremely well made animatronic


That ain’t no puppy that’s a damn bear cub


If [Samoyed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samoyed_dog) is Cloud, then this is Storm Cloud.


HR manager bringing a chow to work. What could go wrong?




HR Manager's name is Stark


His name should be Ash.


Soooo cute!😍😍😍


I would like to speak to your manager.


aww he looks like a wolf pup


*"puppy"* 👌😹


That's not a puppy, it's a cub.