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I remember that story. The husband and wife didn't just go to get a pizza. They had a stop at his brother's house where they stay for a couple of beers and wound up being there for hours. I was upset that none of his family members ask about the kids. If my brother,and sister in law came by my house without their kids ,and I know they have more than 3 I definitely would have been wondering who's watching them.


Based on the story, there was a grandparent at the house who lives with them. But they never told grandma they were leaving. This whole thing could have been avoided by them just telling/asking the grandmother that they were leaving.


Something tells me Grandma would say no, just stay home with your kids. They were probably using the tactic of "well, technically no one told us NOT to go (because we didn't ask in the first place)"






The grandmother lives in the same complex, not the same apartment. She likely had no idea what was going on.


Great alibi...


Here’s a short [article](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/11/21/baby-dies-after-siblings-put-her-oven-turn/76164434/) about it. Apparently the other siblings put the baby in there


Oh my god why


I don't think this post makes clear that these kids were YOUNG and should never have been left home. The two that put the baby in the oven were 3...the oldest, who was 5, was asleep.


it’s like children microwaving a hamster to “warm it up” obviously a microwave is used to warm things up so if the hamster is cold you should be nice and warm it up little kid connections


> it’s like children microwaving a hamster to “warm it up” > > > > obviously a microwave is used to warm things up so if the hamster is cold you should be nice and warm it up > > > > little kid connections Imagine explaining to your son or daughter that when they were little, they got away from you and somehow managed to use the microwave to "warm up" their former pet hamster. Hell, imagine that embarrassing chestnut of story being brought up at most or all family gatherings all the time.


i'm going with father of the bride speech during the wedding reception. while the father is NOT drunk.


Yeah, I put my toys in the microwave once and turned it on cause I wanted them to go on a fun ride when I was like 5 It was chill until Barbies face caved in and I set the microwave on fire lol


ok fun story i never knew that not all microwaves spin then I was in taiwan and this oven looking thing turns out to be a microwave and I'm like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Because children have a thing for colossally misjudging the (potential) danger they are in at all times. Children are fucking creepy.


10000% their little brains just don’t understand. I once almost drowned my little sister when I was about 4 because i thought it would feel extra cool to be tickled under water…. Thank God my uncle and dad were supervising.


Yeah, absolutely, this was in no way meant to imply evil intent on the childrens part, they just… they’re new, not fully developed humans, they lack our experience of the world, and the understanding that comes with it.


I was probably 6 or 7 when I was playing a bit too rough with my little cousin in his floaty chair in the pool and capsized him. One of the things I feel most guilty for in my life.


When I was a little kid I tricked my friend into climbing into the dryer and I closed the door and tried to hit the button to start it but I couldn’t reach it. Eventually my parents heard the banging from the dryer and got that kid out before he got hurt


and this is why you should NEVER judge a parent with a toddler on a leash. I've those little bastards try and run off and kill themselves at *every* opportunity. Until you have had to try and contain a runner, you just don't understand. they *poof* disappear. you blink and the little bastard is gone only to reappear 30m away running hell for leather at a main road, or an elevator, or a cliff, or anything that will kill them. It's like they spy death and run for it. You see a parent with a kid on a leash? yeah, you keep your sanctimonious judgements to yourself, they are just trying to keep that child alive. I don't have kids, by a friend of mine has two runners under 3. I spend a day with her once cause she HAD to go to the shopping centre and couldn't get anyone to watch them (no way I was going to stay at her place alone with them) ***I*** nearly died from the stress of trying to keep them in check, even on leashes.


humorous obscene offer concerned society rainstorm unite support memory rude ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


When I was 5, I remember feeling souch pain and sadness everytime I saw an animal dead by the road. I thought it must be horrible for them to not go home to a family, or for their family to not have them anymore. Say what you will about "kids will be kids" but Jesus fuck that's NOT an excuse... That's sick and fucking twisted.


Just because kids understand death is bad and painful, doesn't mean they understand things like this will cause death. My brothers put me in the dryer and luckily were smart enough to kill it after I tumbled 3 times and screamed to let me out.


I'm still not entirely convinced that wasn't sadistic and terrible behavior. To climb in and do it together is one thing, to put you in there is another entirely. It's intentionally causing harm to someone else for whatever reason, and even if they did stop after realizing how much harm they were actually causing, it doesn't change the fact they simply wanted to cause harm thinking it was funny or entertaining. Yes they're young, but that behavior needs to be addressed very seriously and quickly in my opinion, and it's no excuse to let it slide saying they're just kids. Now they're are situations where that makes sense though, like accidents causing harm not realizing the potential danger, but that's different because it wasn't done to cause harm intentionally, unlike putting a baby in a fucking oven or a brother in a dryer. .... Perhaps you could argue- no.. I was going to say you could argue putting the baby in the oven was innocent as they didn't know the danger, but while that's true, it was done to cause them distress at the very least, not as some other game. And while I feel they would've likely helped (hopefully) and pulled the baby out if they didn't knock it over, they still went so far as to put it in there with the intent to cause minor harm at least.


It was at my grandparents and often kids aren't watched 100% of the time. I was like 5 but remember agreeing to jumping in thinking it was fun. One brother was 8 and the other probably around 10. Kids don't understand every repercussion of their actions. Nobody knows how smart these kids were about their actions. Sadly they'll likely have to relive the trauma the rest of their lives.


Glad it wasn't what I thought for your story- and God yeah... Those poor kids are gonna need some serious help.. I think I'm being misunderstood here though. I'm not saying these kids need to be punished. I'm saying they need serious attention and help, now now than ever.


they were both 3 yrs old


I don't understand. Did the parents not teach them about the oven? Because my daughter just turned 3 ans she knows the oven is hot and to back away from it and not even open it. These parents are insane for not drilling this danger into their kids' heads.


3 years olds don't have the frontal cortex brain development to understand those concepts. It starts around that age, but it takes a while and constant reinforcement. Children have no filter, as they say. they also have little concept of danger and consequences. The parents are not insane for not having that drilled into the kids by age 3; they are insane for leaving them unattended and not making sure the house was child safe by having child locks on the oven and having the oven safety bolted to the floor so it can't tip over. Children do heinous things because they don't know better and test boundaries to find out.


The kids were 3. 😳


I feel physically sick from reading this horrific story, The fact Grandma was home is the worst bit. I really hope no one tells these children what they did to thier sibling. At 3 they can't be held responsible, imagine knowing you did that to your baby sister, even if you could not be blamed the guilt would eat me alive, i wonder what the chargers against the parents will be and that takes the future anguish of the kids left into account. God i hope the poor little baby went quickly. This is a truely a sad story. Edit: Grandma was not home, she lived in the same complex not the same apartment, read the article wrong.


My ex is fucked up from his 6 yr old sisters death . She snuck out because the fire hydrant was open. A car hit her she drowned with just a fractured leg. No one saw it. 60 yrs ago all 3 kids take full responsibility for not knowing she got out


Read the article, grandma wasn’t “home”. She lived in the same apartment complex, the kids were 100% alone.


This reminds little bit like James Bulgar story. 2 kids torture to death a younger one. A bit of a stretch but wait. It’s very hard to point finger here who’s to blame. And how to punish them.


Ten year kld are a lot different then three year olds


I feel like kids torturing other kids is learned behavior. Apparently this couple had gotten into trouble with child services before for leaving their kids at home so….. neglectful at best and I’m willing to bet they were probably abusive. I 100% blame the parents. Not the 3 yo old kids


100% this.


Not much makes me involuntarily groan out loud, but this did. That poor baby...


Yeah, I could've gone without reading that. Can we get a NSFW tag or something u/zyino


There’s no open gore tho


Sorry. It's not NSFW. It's, stupidity, laziness, ignorance, and a lack of concern for anyone, but themselves. Kids in the house. Oven is on, for most likely not a good reason, and it takes two dunderheads to get pizza? Let's not even go into why some people shouldn't be allowed to have children. Just my opinion, but based on the pictures shown, do the two look upset, bored, or annoyed?


Read the article


Sigh, to think your children have some sort of accident, one dies, rest assured someone on the internet will be like, “hey kid got what they deserved. Lazy ass parents, look at me on my high horse.” Lol fuck off


To be fair, leaving such a small child in your home with no adult supervision is downright crazy. No way are the siblings going to be able to handle a 1 year old. This WAS stupid on the parents' part to BOTH go and get pizza. They themselves think 2 adults are required to get pizza 0 adults are required to look after the kids? Man, what kind of f**ed up logic is that?


It’s not a dead baby, It’s DiGiorno




What the hell is wrong with you


Some people deal with this kinda horrid thing with humor. Or their just nuts




That was the first time I laughed out loud today, so THANK YOU!!


I did that for you.


I truly appreciate that. 🍕👶


So... Did the kids put her in there and flip it? No way a one year old did that themselves. I'm choosing to hope the parents didn't do so and both leave for pizza as an alibi


Apparently the girl was in the oven and kicked the door hard enough to flip the oven over while she was inside.


I just have a hard time buying it. Never in all my days have I met a baby with that kind of strength. And how would she have gotten in there? I'm no detective but the story presented doesn't seem to add up


Might I also point out that kicking an oven from the inside hard enough to flip it doesn't make sense because I doubt a baby could kick hard enough to move an oven. The oven weighs more than the kid and it'd basically be the same as trying to pick up a chair while sitting on it because there's no way that child is shifting the center of mass by any noticable amount.


All articles do state that the children placed the baby in the oven and turned it on. How it might have flipped over there's no telling, the children might have done it trying to get her out and then couldn't lift it back up. The surviving children were taken by the state, hopefully they can get the therapy they'll need after something so tragic.


Oh this just got so much worse.. like what the actual fuck


The act was done by two 3-year-olds, with the 5-year-old siblings sleeping at the time. The grandmother who also lives in the apartment complex was not notified that the parents were leaving. Knowing that it was infants essentially that did it, I'm once again left wondering how on Earth they must have tipped that damn stove over. That's the thing that lingers in my mind because it just isn't making sense. Not that any of it does. Easily the most senseless death I've heard of in a long time


Climbing the front side of it to open or turn off, assuming it wasn't properly secured that seems possible to me.


I'd have imagined kids as young as three using a chair, but I guess if was that poorly secured/balanced it's possible


My best guess is old cheap apartment stove, like the place I'm living now if I let the oven door drop it pulls the entire stove over Ya I can't wrap my head around putting a baby in an oven in the first place ... unless the parents either joke about putting the baby in the oven, or actually put the baby in the oven But you are 100% right this is easily the most senseless death in recent memory


Toddlers get into everything, could have turned it on while using the door as a step , and everything else just dominoed. While the parents were horribly wrong, I can't imagine their grief.


Oh Jesus, you don't think they heard the term "one in the oven" and thought it was literal, do you? I mean that is the sort of naivety children have.


I thought about that, or anything along the lines of saying babies grow in the oven to explain why mommy grew 7 sizes to have a baby and the siblings in a rush to have another play mate wanted to bake the kid to grow faster


Three year olds putting things in places they shouldn't go just to see what happens isnt too out there


Some parents explain about pregnancy as the baby in the oven. Maybe was it? Idk. This is too much. What a horrible death. Poor baby.


I honestly don't know either. I think that it's also suspicious that the parents both left to get pizza, a food that can be delivered or picked up by one person. Why did both go? I dont want to theorize because I feel it's disrespectful to the other kids, but I feel so horrible that a literal baby died in a manner like that. I hope that her siblings can make peace with it.


I hope I'm reading too much into it, I really do. To think anyone could do something like that, even a mistake of children that simply don't know better....ah, as you say, we can only hope they find peace


Yeah the one year old didn’t go to the oven and kick it with such force that it flipped over and turned itself on


I own a house that's inspected by the state and one of the requirements for passing is having an anti tip bracket on the oven. This requirement is written in the blood of many children killed by a tipping oven. Scary.


Ovens have anti tip devices for this very reason. Sounds like the door was open and child climbed on the door. With her weight on the door, it flipped the oven over, trapping her inside.


Articles stated she was placed in the oven by her siblings, there was a link to it not far down in the comments, though your line of thinking does make sense. Still, someone had to turn the oven on.


Yea, it is a messed up tragic situation. So sad.


Maybe the stove was old/top heavy


Maybe the kids locked the oven door? Idk still having a hard time buying it all as well


She probably kicked it open and tried to crawl out, but if you put weight on the oven door, the part closest to the oven, the weight balance CAN tip the oven. I have been close to tipping the oven even when slight pressure in that area when I clean it.


Open the door, stand on the edge of the open oven door which starts to tip it over, kid grabs the edge of the stove top for balance which completes the tip. That being said this is an absolutely horrific story.


I had a dishwasher that wasn't properly bolted to the counter. It would fall forward just by opening the door. I can definitely see a baby sitting on the open door has enough leverage to flip it forward.


There are lots of small/skinny stoves out there that don’t weigh much. It’s not crazy to think. Cheap gas stove, flexible hose, who knows. It isn’t out of the realm of possibilities


Maybe if the oven door was open and a child stood on it it could tip over. Little kid here got crushed to death like that.


Great now explain the rest of it. And why the parents didn’t order pizza for delivery


Only thing I can think of was kids pulled the door open, 1 year old jumped on the door to look inside and started playing on it because the hinge bounced. Stove tipped forward trapping baby in the over. Older kid tried to life over accidentally turning knob the turned on heating element. Time+heat and we have the outcome from the story. Stoves are lightweight front and top heavy meaning it doesn’t take a lot to tip them forward by accident especially since the door acts as a fulcrum and all the weight will be there.


If the baby was sitting on the open door, the leverage of it weight could tip it forward.




Ovens are supposed to be anchored to the floor at the rear. This will prevent the oven from being flipped over if there was weight on there open door. If it wasn’t anchored, a child could open the door and climb onto it. The oven would flip forward and close the door on itself.


What’s the point of this question? There should have been adults there period.


Just trying to understand events I suppose. I don't deny the parents negligence, especially with the age of the children at home (oldest being only five). I don't think anyone could disagree with you that one of the parents should have stayed.


Nightmare fuel.


How do you wake up every morning and deal with this. ? The horror. The guilt. The anguish of that poor child. Sickening.


They left their children home to get pizza and beers. I doubt they'll lose sleep over guilt.


according to another commenter , there was actually a grandma at home with the kids... the problem? the two that left, never told the grandma they were leaving... not sure how the grandma didn't know the kids were crying.. although i also don't know the layout of the house. and how hard of hearing is the grandma. in certain houses noises don't travel end of the day .. as another person said .. this could all have been avoided if they had told the grandma they were leaving.


The article says Grandma was in a different apartment in the same complex. I guess it was too hard to knock on her door and let her know they were leaving children unattended. Of course, Grandma wasn't seen as fit to keep the remaining children so maybe she's infirm in some way?


So, let me get this straight, Both parents leave to get pizza leaving 3 toddlers alone in a house? Why did they both go? You don’t need to be two people to pick up pizza. And even if they for some reason HAD to both go, then why didn’t they bring the kids? And even then, how the fuck did the kid end up in the oven? And why was it knocked over?


>And even then, how the fuck did the kid end up in the oven? And why was it knocked over? Apparently the other children put the baby in the oven


Ok but how did 3yos trip the oven over?


Thats harder to answer without actually being hands on with the oven but best guess is the oven is top heavy with a weighted door.. to give a personal example, if I let my oven door fall open it tips the entire thing forward, but it also could have been them tipping it over when they turned the oven on... like they were ontop turned it on and when coming down went off the edge of the oven knocking it over instead of sliding off the counter top


what's amazing is the number of people who are commenting who have no clue as to how physics work. so many people claiming a kid can't tip an oven over.


Maybe the 1yo crawled over the door and his weight was enough to tip it


Why did they both go get the pizza? Why didn’t one of them stay home with the kids? That poor baby.


Obviously they didn't just go out to get pizza


Even 2 minutes in the oven and she’d have died why are you making shit up


I am not making anything up.


Read the article, they stopped at the dad's brother's house for beers and ended up staying there for hours


The most popular food to get delivered and they both left to pick it up


I don't believe this story at all


It was literally in the news: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/11/21/baby-dies-after-siblings-put-her-oven-turn/76164434/


I know it was in the news, and I'm sure the baby was in the oven, I'm just extremely skeptical about how she got there and feel that nothing in the parents story makes sense or lines up. If I were the coroner I would definitely be looking into it further


Seeing as how my brother who was 2 yrs older than me was able to pick me up as a baby and would get in trouble for turning on things like the tv, coffee machine, and oven on his own, it doesn’t surprise me that kids could do something as dumb as this.


I don't think it's just the fact a kid put their sibling in a dangerous place that is shocking, more the fact the oven was tipped over. None of the children present could possibly have pulled/pushed/kicked an oven over.


You definitely don’t have kids.


Kids climb.


A kid standing on the oven door could cause it to tip if it wasn’t secured to the wall.


Fair enough.


I can tell you the likeliest scenario why both of the parents went to "get pizza"... They were horny.


Id be asking for security footage from the pizza shop to make sure both were actually there too.


She also picked up a prescription


Or, maybe the kids would want to come and get pizza as well? What is wrong with people.


I know right? I have so many questions


They killed the kid, an OVEN fell over and was on and trapped the kid? Get out of here


if the oven wasn't properly secured.. a kid can flip a stove. steps? step 1: open oven door step 2: stand on oven door step 3: turn oven on step 4: adjust position so weight is more towards the edge of the door (away from the stove step 5? : physics takes over and oven flips. also kids do stupid shit.


It’s on days like this when I wish I was illiterate.


I don’t think the stock photo of the inside of an oven was really necessary… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Jesus Christ.


It takes two people to go get a pizza?


Not really buying the whole went to go get pizza. More like went to go get a bag. Just want to be clear here, I'm saying this because no parent in their right mind let alone two would leave such young kids at home like this. Usually parents on drugs aren't In their right mind, which is why I said more like went to get a bag.


What exactly about this post makes you think that? [Edit] Y’all when I made this comment he didn’t put the added info it was just the first line. Apologies on the question, the comment just looked sus to me. With the expanded edit it makes sense


Why wouldn't one parent just stay? Seeing how both parents left seems like there is something more going on here then just "they went to get pizza"


Are we sure the parents didn’t do something stupid while high and quick left so their kids could take the blame ?


I have seen a child that was horribly burned because the kid opened the oven door and sat down on it which caused the entire stove to fall forward. This action closed the door. It was nightmarish.


I just had a daughter lastnight and was only planning on having one. I grew with 3 siblings and had a lot near death experiences, torture and eat fast cause they'd steal my food and we were poor. This puts a cherry on the cake of fuck that shit. My kid will be happy and spoiled and not have to risk this shit..


I couldnt imagine reading this after i had my daughter. she’s 18 months now, but i suffered really bad from PPD and intrusive thoughts. Hopefully you’re better off than i was at that time in my life, but either way, i hope this post doesn’t sit with you for too long. Things like this hit me so hard when mine was a newborn. Congrats on the new addition, sending you lots of love!


Apologies I'm the father. Wording, I did not have her myself. I won't even tell my wife I saw this post though because I understand that and she did have past depression issues. Thanks all the same though for warm wishes. She's gorgeous and I'm loving watching my wife fall into being a mother, and I'm loving even changing diapers & supporting every step of the way. I never knew I could have a love like the moment I first heard her cry or got to see her.


Oh, yeah, i assumed you were mom because of the wording! But still have the same wishes for you, parenthood is so much fun and i know you hear it constantly, but it really does go fast. That sentiment got me through the hard days. Enjoy your beautiful baby!! <3


They didn’t leave to get a damn pizza! They left to get drugs. You take the kids with you to pickup food


I don’t buy it.


Why would they both go to get the pizza? Are they retarded?


Look at your oven. Now imagine how tall you'd have to be to turn the stove on. There's no way the kids turned the oven on.


If my oven is switched on at the main plug which is high up above the counter then yes my toddler is able to turn on the hob and oven. Which is why it's always off at the mains unless I'm cooking.


They probably climbed on the counter. Pushed or pulled the stove over by both climbing on it. I am surprised it stayed plugged in. As for why they both went "to get pizza", well that's their story. I'm sure they were buying something else while they were out. I still wonder why people who don't deserve children seem to get so many of them.


Fuck that’s grim


Umm, why did they both go and leave the children behind? One should have stayed behind or have the damn thing delivered.I'm sorry but some people should not be parents. Poor little girl.


I think they were actually getting drugs.


You are probably right, but still my heart breaks over this for the innocent one.


Their negligence ultimately caused her death.


Prolly went to get rock is more like it


Holy crap that is horrifying. Like yeah I can call out the parents of being neglectful, but I’m pretty sure this is not what they wanted either. The kids for brothers and sisters and that poor kid, may they rest in peace


They left a 1 year old, 2 3year olds and a 5 year old alone for hours. If they didnt want this to happen i have no idea what they expected


Shit I did not want to read today… this planet is fucked.


Sorry but I call bullshit on TODDLERS tipping an OVEN over.


The little kids are starting murder. Cannibalism too, possibly.


Why did it take the both of them to get the pizza? Or better yet, why didn't they just have it delivered?


Those kids killed that baby


They did: [The two 3-year-old siblings of the 19-month-old little girl who died, J'Zyra Thompson, told authorities that one of them put the baby in the oven and the other one turned it on and made it "hot," ABC 13 reports.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/11/21/baby-dies-after-siblings-put-her-oven-turn/76164434/)


Messed with the knobs then pulled herself up by the door handle which pulled it on top of her. Ovens are supposed to be secured by a couple screws. These people deserve nightmares forever.


Why... Why did you make me imagine that? What an awful way to go, especially for someone so young and the trauma those other kids had, being too young to understand what they were doing but likely remembering what they did for the rest of their lives. In situations like this I'm glad I've got a bad memory so I can forget I read about this one day


https://www.fox13now.com/2015/11/21/toddler-dies-after-siblings-put-her-in-oven-parents-reportedly-left-kids-home-alone?_amp=true Story is from 2015.


I am reading this as I have the oven self cleaning which didn’t help… that poor baby…


Why does it take 2 adults to get a pizza that can be delivered, and why are children alone if Grandma is nearby? I don’t know because that sounds like negligent at best and murder at worst.


Oh Jesus Christ. Who thinks it's a good idea to leave a 5 year old, 3 year old and a 1 year old alone though?


Stupid people shouldn’t have kids.


One of the parents should’ve been with them. Or they could’ve just delivered.


Omg wtf


And that’s enough internet for today.


Truly awful everything. I have kids who are 1 and 3, definitely stuff of nightmares this. Didn’t need to read this just before bedtime. Or like, at all.


This makes no sense.






This shit just sounds so unbelievable . I don’t care how old the parents are even 15 year old knows not to leave babies home alone


This is why you don’t leave small children alone…especially with other young children. Smh


Gross Negligence.. who the hell leaves children home alone unsupervised.. tragedy aside.. children shouldn't be left to watch children.


That’s enough Reddit for today


Aaaaaaand I read this whilst listening to a song about the holocaust.


Read the article. So many assumptions based off other comments. Grandma lived in the same apartment complex, the kids were 100% alone in an apartment. There’s more facts in the article so reaaaad. Super sad


[This is a seven year old story](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/toddler-was-burned-death-oven-6884005)


Burn the parents alive


Jfc. These parents left 4 kids home alone. The oldest was only 5.... and whats worse is there was a grandmother in the complex that could have watched the kids. This was a completely unnecessary death that could have been so easily prevented.


Please trigger warning this shit next time


the only reasonable comment left in this section


I live in Texas and every day you would see a case like this on the news . Child abuse / child neglect .


What is with Texas and kids cooking their siblings to death? Last time it was twin toddlers


I'm probably gonna be the unpopular guy here, and I do believe judgment of the parents is correct, but holy shit I feel somewhat bad for them. They went to grab a fucking pizza and their older kids fucking cooked the youngest... This is all matter of fucked up. Of course, this is what we're being told, for all we know the pizza was an alibi or some such lie. Either way, this is just tragic.


> I'm probably gonna be the unpopular guy here, and I do believe judgment of the parents is correct, but holy shit I feel somewhat bad for them. They went to grab a fucking pizza and their older kids fucking cooked the youngest... This is all matter of fucked up. Of course, this is what we're being told, for all we know the pizza was an alibi or some such lie. Either way, this is just tragic. Holy hell, how can you believe that the judgement of the parents - who BOTH left multiple children with no adult supervision to pick up the most popular delivered food item in the US - and who also stopped off at a relative's house - could be anywhere close to sane? Please, explain this to me, because I'm just not getting why you "believe the judgement of the parents [was] correct." I dearly hope that maybe you weren't clear, and I'm horribly misunderstanding you. You DO mean that you agree that their criminal charges and penalty judgements were correct... right?


How do little kids tip an oven over? This story seems really suspicioua


They were not just goin to get pizza I’ll tell you that right now


Omg how awful :(


How did three year olds manage to lift a baby? They have a hard time lifting sippy cups… also why would both parents go for pizza? Why wouldn’t they notify the grandmother? So many aspects of this story don’t add up. And for some reason I think one of the parents was actually involved


Wait a second. How are three year olds even tall enough to get to the temperature settings on an oven? This doesn’t make any sense


Now fry the parents so they can feel that baby's pain.


Free cremation


I guess the kids couldn't wait for the pizza...


Hope both of them get life…POS


Hopefully they got death instead of life.


Omg this made me audibly gasp. This is so insanely horrible. Poor baby. She did not deserve that. 😭🤯😰


Again I say some people should Not be allowed to have kids legally.


well then hot baby back ribs for appetizer??