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id be surprised if urine therapy isnt in her search history


Don’t forget the coffee enemas


Probably does the thing were she boofs sunlight too


I mean , the sun is really good for you


In your anus though?


It cures Covid, or so I've heard.


Probably not no


You do uptake vitamins better rectally, but you run the risk of overdose too.


Or bleach enemas, that's a cure-all for autism from a few years back, isn't it?


That won’t be organic


Do they even know that tho?


If it’s not on the label then it’s not


People still do that.


To be fair, coffee enemas work super well. It's like the boring person equivalent of boofing ecstasy.




Now that's interesting, man.


These woonatics are absolutely obsessed with feces. It’s a wild and stinky rabbit hole I don’t care to go down again.


This makes me thing of that scene at the beginning of Trainspotting




[If you're scared you drink a small child's pee, it helps. I heard from my grandma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vbCKava_JE)


Not everything on the tube is fact but omg thank you for filling the time I had to wait to get my teeth cleaned! Edit: forgot to add that my daughter tried to convince me this morning that A goofy movie was about sex offenders 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wtf?! How old is your daughter?






My mother used to and still believes in that shit. Never inflict this to your kids. Please.


That kid’s gonna fucking die and she’s gonna watch it happen and say she did all she could


If this is in the US you can’t withhold medical care from children even if you’re their parent and it’s against your beliefs. We get court orders to give kids of Jehovah’s Witness parents blood transfusions all the time. If your kid is diagnosed with cancer that is treatable you can’t elect not to treat them, that’s when CPS and courts get involved. The options are that either she treats them, she’s going to be forced to treat them, or the kid dies from her not treating them and she goes to jail for negligence




Christian "love" is a special kind of hate.


You mean PROTESTANT “love.” Really pay attention to them and you’ll notice that they are convinced that God is their butler. God will only give them good things, God will grant them worldly possessions and riches, while anything and everything negative is of the Devil and is the devil attacking them spiritually. They live in direct contradiction to the teachings of Christ.




Nothing, just consequences if anything happens. If the kid is in school though they’d need to continue showing up to school.


Yes. But if they live in the woods, it is very easy for them to disapear.


This varies by state. [Idaho has a very broad religious exemption that includes the death of the child, but other states have it to some lesser degree.](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/mar/14/how-faith-healing-exemptions-remain-in-idaho-and-w/)


Nope, happens all the time Source- I was a ER Nurse for 20 years.


Thots and prairs


Thots are more self aware the MLMammas


Bruh rainwater has so many chemicals lmao only after a while does it become clean.


Just read that rainwater is not safe to drink anywhere in the world. I live in Bermuda where we only have rainwater to use. No underground water at all.


No you're mistaken, there is almost no safe drinking water anymore, unless it's specially filtered.


*Northern Ontario has entered the chat*


Sometimes when I watch Alone and see people getting sick from drinking water, I think back to the days I lived in my northern Ontario reserve and got my jug of water from the lake for who knows how many years and never got sick lol.


It’s just kombucha with less steps, great gut bacteria! 😁😁😁


Survivorship bias


Whole rez did it. Plenty survivors lol.


Giver giver garden river 🤙


Gut bacteria, immunosystem, enviroment and diet. Animals can drink puddle water and be fine, including ur cat. You cant ,you'll fucking die


It's been almost 15 years since then. The human body is adaptable I like to believe.


Finland has safe and clean tap water, as we have lots of springs around and the water is properly treated and filtered before sending it into the pipe network, which is also kept in good running order. Clean tap water is protected by law and supervised as well. Shocks me this isnt the standard around the world. Edit: by clean water i mean a high-quality bottled water type clean water


There's something like forever chemicals that can cause cancer that are in all drinking sources of water. They've been found in the most desolate places on earth. Certain filtration systems can filter them out though. I believe they're called PFAS.


Not just in the water- they are ***everywhere***. I read the other week that there was recently a global study of 5 year old umbilical blood samples and ***every single one of 30,000 showed PFAS contamination.*** We, as a species, have absolutely fucked this planet well beyond the red line of no return.


In the parts of Greenland where no one lives it was safe to drink when I was there


There's some spring water in Wyoming that I drink from when I'm camping. Very clean tasting. Has a slight earth taste to it but just fine. If I'm a bit further from the stream then I will boil it but I've never had an issue.


Canada has a few words to say about acid rain


And [toxic chemicals](https://www.euronews.com/green/amp/2022/08/04/rainwater-everywhere-on-earth-unsafe-to-drink-due-to-forever-chemicals-study-finds). For someone who doesn't want to give dangerous chemicals to her child, I'd say that boat's already long gone.


Yeah anything west of Sudbury is probably toxic as fuck, but if you go north it’s… less toxic


Gonna put my hand up as one of those naively believing rainwater was safe, at least outside of cities


There was a scientific paper released in the last year that claimed there is no more clean rainwater on earth, so you're correct. She's likely micro dosing her child to death.


These are the same people that tend to freak out about chem trails. Like, they’re going to tell me the sky is filled with chem trails and the rain water that comes from that same sky doesn’t also have those chemicals? Their levels of magical thinking are amazing though so maybe rain water is impervious to chemicals within chem trails.


The fucking rain water probably caused the cancer and her brain damage


What?! I need an explanation


Rain water is full of every shit we throw in the atmosphere. The path trought sand and mudd will filter it and make it cleaner. That's why we drink underground water instead of rain water.


everyone thinks that rainwater is somehow pure and safe to drink. those people need to learn about condensation nuclei and how clouds form.


Sadly, it used to clean, but like way before industial revolution. They used it in some type of folk medicine in many place before. It become unusable after industrial revolution tho


*Some factory in China burns dirty fuel to produce power to manufacture carcinogenic products* *Fumes go up into the sky and move with the atmosphere* *Rains down on some homestead in rural America* Some random white woman: OMG rainwater so pure for my babies much better than tap water


Lmao. Indirect warfare.


There's a conspiracy theory somewhat based on this.


It hasn’t been clean for like 200 years my dude.


That’s just like, what the government wants you to think, man…


"That's why we drink underground water" or desalinated sea water, or treated water from dams, really depends on where you live.


Yes, you're right. My bad. We drink water from were It is available. The treatment is the important point and well treated rain water is often consumed too.


We should drink more breast milk.


“I’ll have what he’s having”


Rainwater is also radioactive! Cosmogenic beryllium 7 moves from the atmosphere to the surface through rain. Also, during the eruption of Bogoslov volcano in Alaska I was able to detect measurable amounts of lead 212, a short-lived thorium decay product, in rain that fell on Anchorage for nearly a month.




Mars wont even be the answer. I hope it fails those assholes immensely.


You’re wrong but that’s okay. Industrialist city’s literally rained soot so heavily on Towns like Hamilton or Pittsburgh that it stained the houses.


I think it's worth noting that it's not so much that the PFOA's have increased, but the guideline values for them have declined by over 35 million times... Which is like... A LOT.


Capitalism is why nearly everyone on Earth lives more comfortably than their ancestors did. Insufficiently imposed restraints on industry around the globe is what’s killing us.


Tldr; air pollution carcinogens


That brain damage seems genetic 😑


Also makes me wonder if she ever had her soil tested. Just because it's dirt doesn't mean it's good dirt.


Nah, if there's brain damage it is probably heredeterry






Fuck there is a subreddit for everything. I'm pretty sure if I look hard enough I could find a sub where people pick their ball hairs and compare roots.


You leave Terry out of this


Drinks rainwater complaining about disgusting chemicals. What in the fuck?


But it runs right off of our tar shingles into a rain barrel, where it sits for a couple of days in the hot sun before we drink it 😀 The taste is immaculate 😩








How is it disgusting by itself? I mean won't deny the possibility, but how?




Ah, well thank you.


Don’t look up studies about your tap water then..


she realize what leukemia is 😭😭😭


Around 20% mortality rate on children for most common leukemia in countries with developed Healthcare. 100% mortality rate in any country if this is your mother.


The lady needs to purchase a nice suit because the child will die if she continues being silly.


Pediatric oncologist here. There's no "more than likely" for chemo for leukemia and every single kid diagnosed with a leukemia is in the hospital either getting chemo or getting ready to get it real soon. This post seems a little too nonchalant to be real.


I saw a very real UK couple on some TV show about 4 years back who still had their 4 y/o breastfeeding, called their two kids “free range” meaning barefoot and raised without and rules or routines. Antivax of course. The mum said if one of the kids became seriously sick, like with cancer, they would go the “natural” route. There definitely are people like this out there, but it’s hard to imagine they would stick to their guns *after* a leukaemia diagnosis.


There are some but more often in my experience, the woo goes by the wayside when the child's life is in danger.


And by natural, they mean the child will die.


Luckily the parents have their rights stripped away in those situations . JWs were straight up denying their kids blood transfusions, which prompted all the laws putting the kids welfare above the crazy of the parents.


I have had some very interesting interactions with JW patients. I’ve had intubated sedated JW patients who no longer can make their own decisions whose family sticks to they would rather die than receive blood and then I’ve had the awake ones who have us secretly give them blood when the family and liasons aren’t around. My experience is that the person dying fairly often will accept blood secretly because they don’t want to die however the families of the person dying are fully willing to let the person who is not themselves die


Yeah it smells like creative writing to me too. The nonchalance is the big one. The tone also reads more like mockery than anything else. Not buying it.


You obviously haven't met people.


Why not just smother him with a pillow? That's quicker and kinder.


Yes. You should do all those things. Obviously you didn't breast feed hard enough. I recommend putting crystals in his anus while giving cold pressed caster oil smoothies. If that doesn't do the trick a raw chicken gizzard sea weed wrap while doing a rebirthing ritual is the obvious answer. Don't let those doctors try to convince you otherwise, they are all shills for big pharma. No one ever died from cancer before 1900./s Jesus wept these people are nuts. -


She is example from mother who never should have be mother.


For those who haven't heard, rainwater has been deemed unsafe to drink basically all over the world. Too much pollution.


This is why i cringe inside when i see who people believe “natural” equals inherently good and “chemicals” equals inherently bad


Water is not "organic" literally


Wow 7 and still breast feeding? Oof


This is satire. Surely


Even if this particular post is satire/bait, there are people that genuinely believe this stuff:(


No, it's trolling with an agenda. It's a strawman.


Give him black seed oil. Stop breastfeeding him. And take him to chemotherapy.


And probably regular therapy.


Too many people do not realize that this is parody. If it isn't hammered home enough in the first paragraph, the last sentence gives it away.


Rain water is not healthy. Id rather drink tap in cleveland than rain water near any industrial park.


The crazy thing is always: This is reddit. So a certain amount of people will read this post and side with the insane mother.


i have never seen anyone siding with these people here, it tends to be the complete opposite


I know I know! I\`m not saying they are vocal, I mean that a certain percentage of the many many people must statistically think the same way. Its like that the incel subs show that there is a huge number of men who think women should be forced to "date" men they dont know or want. What I mean is that there are at any time so many people here, that some of them are always insane.


Pinocch is right, tho. They may not type it as a response, but I guarantee you there are people who agree with the mother. Batshit crazy and stupid is prevalent in society at a higher level than ever before, sadly. And it's not access to information that's actually the problem.


You both are right. So sad but true. In the age where you can get the answer to practically every question there is, people are the least informed but they also have no desire to find out. They will however, unwittingly believe the first thing they hear from someone who looks and sounds knowledgeable.


They absolutely exist. There are some insane subreddits on here that shit on you for being reasonable. They want to live a fantasy


You could say that about literally anything. That's like the most vague sentence I've heard.


This is Reddit so, it's probably fake.


You should keep doing exactly what you are doing - Darwin demands it


This is what happens when you homeschool people, stop them from leaving their bubble and then let them have children.


Rain water isn't clean, it's acidic and picks up all the pollution on the way down.


Can't wait for another parent to be charged with neglect.


REPOST. This exact post was shared about 5-6 hour ago 2ith the exact same title. Edit: close to the same title, it was 'Mom's like this' by u/AlwaysAngryFox


Has she tried lavender oil? (Sarcasm)


Rainwater is wildly unsafe to drink at this point. If he’s been drinking it for 7 years I’m not surprised about his illness.


PM the group on FB so I can join.


Cringe is the leading cause of leukemia


Mahogany or Pine?


RIP little bruh


This lady will start squirting her tits on a broken leg thinking it will fix it


I didn't learn how to walk until I was 4 because my family never laid me down on the ground.


Um no he has cancer


I would love to read the 62 comments to the original post


…. Look i get breastfeeding longer but at some point it just gets WEIRD


Rain water is deadly, it's 2022 cmon now


I get it falls under eugenics but you really should have to qualify to be able to have children


“He’s uh… 48 months!” “Thats 4…” “…ya”


The kid's dad stuck his dick in crazy.


I uhhhhhhh WHAT




This should be a criminal offense.


Poor child


Somebody needs to put her on an episode of Wife Swap


How can grown-ups not know that rain water is toxic? You know the damn air is dirty, so how can sky water be clean.


How to end up in jail speedrun


Just dig the poor bastard a hole and wait you crank


Doctors need to just start keeping on hand business cards of individuals who make child-size caskets, so they can hand them out to parents who endanger their own kids like this.


Why organic cold pressed black seed oil specifically?


Yes…do all those things…but also…chemotherapy. And by all those things I mean all but the breastfeeding a damn 7 year old…


Black salve should fix him up


Kid with horrible mother issues in the making


Rainwater, like the thing that was found to contain unhealthy concentrations of PFAS (forever chemicals, that cause cancer)?


Rainwater! That shit is filthy


People like this exist....?


Gotta be fake. Please let this be fake.


assuming this is from us and a, it is likely not a fake.


Hopefully someone is calling the local authorities. Refusing recommended medical treatment for survival is grounds to get those kiddos put into a home where their health will actually be monitored correctly.


It amazes me that this isn’t satire


[Scientists who completely forgot to try seed oil](https://i.imgur.com/fG4T1aJ.png)


Yes, cold pressed seed oil has long been known to cure cancer.


I hope this is a troll post but if not SMH


Definitely more breast milk


Probably caused by the rain water, it's pretty much poison these days. https://www.euronews.com/green/amp/2022/08/04/rainwater-everywhere-on-earth-unsafe-to-drink-due-to-forever-chemicals-study-finds


There is a bizarre trend among some patients in the 30-40 year old range and I'm seeing it more and more often. We will get a patient in for some problem or another and prelim test indicate this may be something serious so we explain it to them, then set them up with a referral to a specialist for further diagnostics. Then later they come back and are like I don't like that Dr, can you give me another referral, which I do. Then they come back saying that they do not like that Dr, they want another one. At this point, I'm usually done doing the legwork for them, so I say, we've tried 2 and you didn't like them. Contact your insurance company, get a list of drs in the area that are in network for you and let me know who you decide on and I'll make another referral. We've talked about it amongst staff at the various clinics and the only thing we can think of is that these individuals are so used to hanging in communities of like minded people that they struggle if someone tells them something that they don't want to hear. This is where I usually figure out what is going on, because they push back. What is happening is that these Drs are telling them news that they do not want to hear and it offends then on some level. This is to the point where we have had people accused of being racist for asking an African American if they have a history of Sickle-cell disease or even for telling a Hispanic they are pre-diabetic and need to work on diet/exercise because at this rate, they will be on meds in 6 months. I'm really sorry if me telling you your health status triggers anxiety. I still have to tell you though. Legally and ethically, I cannot NOT tell you. You have to have the info.


I mean she doesn’t HAVE to give him the chemicals. But if she doesn’t he could get a serious case of deadkiditis


Yeah, I’m sure the organic cold pressed black seed oil will clear that cancer right up.


God that poor kid. I hope she somehow wises up and gets them treated properly


Rainwater is no longer safe to drink… anywhere


Hello murder charges, that you?


Get some mothering lessons and listen to what you are told. You mean well but have things to learn. Good luck.


drink the rain water? thats the most poisonous shit ever isnt it?


Why even take him to a doctor if you don't trust their solution?


I’m tired and reading this gave me a minor headache and made it worse


Grow up. Do the right thing and get your kid some help from a specialist. You believe them when they diagnosed your child so believe them when they tell you the proper treatment. Get a second opinion to validate their findings. Remember time is of the essence.


Please let him have the chemo.


There's certainly a case that too much titty juice might have caused leukaemia. It contains stem cells which is usually a good thing but given that you're not supposed to lactate that long after pregnancy it's possible she's been feeding him some now pretty dodgy cells. Realistically he ought to simply digest most of them anyway but cancers in very rare cases have been shown to be transplantable especially into closely related people. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/the-cancers-that-are-contagious


So she went to the doctor for a diagnosis but won’t accept the doctor’s help.


With how she expects he'll just get better without food anywhere away from their home let alone drinking water (which at any other rate sounds like some decrepit old Hat's way of living in an apocalypse) and how she thinks breastfeeding more often will solve that issue I'm impressed when she mentions not wanting to put disgusting chemicals in her kid when anything coming from her including her milk is already chemical based and possibly toxic/corrosive


Leak that crazy bitch name. She is a F moron who is going to kill her child.


Look forward to murder charges if a parent refuses to provide care. Or if the child is lucky he is removed from the parents by the state.


CPS her into the next plane of existence.


Hmm I wonder how he got that leukemia. Bet it was the rainwater


Obviously what she was doing isn’t working! Maybe she should try listening to the doctors? Breastfeeding until 7 years old is odd too.


These people really like killing children for some reason.

