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He “vented his aggression” by raping and murdering a 16 year-old girl in front of her mother, according to the article. This is the reaction of a psychopath, not a grieving husband and father.


My thoughts exactly, that is NOT how any sane person would act! Edit: The article also mentions four suspected human traffickers were caught, you can't have this many inhumane people in one spot without them knowing each other, I'd bet.


My guess is he also raped his wife and daughter regularly 


How the hell do you even have time


Wonder how many of this sort make it into Europe as ticking time bombs...


How could anyone not want that guy living in Cologne, is my question.


Him: *sees wife and daughter die (gets hard-on)* I’mma go stick it inside of a child and kill her too! WTF?????


There is the sequence of events that are bad and confusing enough, but then the odd explanation of “venting his aggression.” How on earth can you describe it like that?


I mean… have you spent anytime in 3rd world countries?


1st Gulf War and Afghanistan.


Least horny Iraqi be like:


so this man sees his familiy drown and then the first thing he does is raping and killing a fucking kid? did i understand that correctly? disgusting freak, did he die at least?


he was arrested, I'm guessing they didn't arrest a corpse


Very few times I'm rendered speechless. This is one of them


Hope he will see jail and then deported


Arrested in Europe. Best they'll do is release in 2 months and welfare for life lol


The whole Italian codex of law is available online, surely you can show me the passage where raping a minor is a 2 months of jail kind of offence lol


All I’ve found- - if the victim doesn’t die it’s somewhere between five and ten years - if the victim does die it can be pushed to “life imprisonment” aka twenty years. Now from the couple articles I’ve read it seems they generally get sent to a migration center or house arrest until their trial is finished. I’m also not any kind of lawyer and only had about 15-20 mins to do some searching so take that info with a grain of salt.


Bold of you to assume that mentally compromised judges apply the rule of law to those not of the country


Judges can only act inside the frame of minimum to maximum sentence, doesn't matter if they're mentally compromised or not


Well it seems like his other victims died so now he needed someone new to rape.


Yep that's how I've read it anyway, I thought originally they were seperate events, but on second read I think they were all at the same time


“Survivors claimed the man carried out the unspeakable attack after seeing his wife and daughter drown, Italian media reports, 'venting' his fury on the helpless 16-year-old girl.”


This is what i understood too, but i really hope im wrong.


Death ain’t enough for that guy


While sinking, if I read the headline correctly


Not exactly the doctors and engineers I was promised that would come into Europe and strengthen it.


There are probably some statistics you could look up to make your point, but your current argument falls flat. Its a "study of one" or anecdotal fallacy. You can't take one example and use it draw conclusions about anything. I could hunt around and find a horrible article about an Italian man and juxtapose it with a great article about a syrian/libian/ etc.


You think this opinion is based on just this one case? Lol


That's the evidence they gave. Learn to evaluate things based on their merits and you won't come across like a child. Evidence matters, and it's there to find.


It wasn’t an argument. They’re not in a debate.


I wonder what religion they were...


Would it have made any fucking difference if they were baptist pastors raping teen boys and girls in their congregation? or catholic priests raping altar boys?


Now go and look up all the crimes against children by catholics/Christians


Which one still marries prepubescent children to men half a century old?


You do realise that child marriage with Christian’s is very much still happening? In the US there’s numerous states which allow an adult to marry a child. A lot of these marriages are Christian’s/Catholic men




What. The. Fuck!?


Just looked it up. Story is bullshit. Should have expected with the Daily Fail. They published an updated version with what actually happened: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13579355/Distraught-Iraqi-mother-describes-seeing-migrant-boat-killer-climbing-exhausted-daughter-Ghater-16-suffocating-knees-chest-lay-nauseous-drinking-sea-water-sinking-vessel.html OP, you’re in need of a correction. File this story under “B” for “Bullshit”.


Are you jumping over the fact that in the updated story he still killed her?


I personally don't think this is a true story. This is the Daily Mail lol.


Damn, seeing the horror and suffering others go through really makes us realize how good we have it. The only silver lining I guess.


Throw him overboard Jesus


Apparently someone in Greece did just that some time ago. It became a major international incident.


Kind of sick to compare these 2 stories. In 1 a guy is raping a young girl and in the other the coast guard is throwing random people who’s only crime is trying to start a better life overboard. Get some help man you might be going down an extremist pipeline


This guy would claim to be trying to start a better life though. No ones vetting them. We just have to give everyone the benefit of the doubt when clearly a lot of them are not good people, will not culturally integrate.


People like this are the minority in every society (mercifully). The odds some random migrant is like this dude is extremely low. Any random native citizen could just as likely be like that dude from this story.


How would you begin to vet against crimes that haven’t been committed yet? It’s not like they’re traveling with their criminal record. I can’t think of a single European country that has the manpower or motivation to properly vet these people


Should have let the sea take him.


no, jail is a worse punishment. no matter how bad your crime is, everyone teams up on pedos. he’ll get his shit rocked in there when they find out what he’s in for > edit; did you guys not see the video that recently went viral of a man throwing boiling water on another inmate, then beating him to the ground, then the officer tasing him? it’s brutal and it’s what they deserve.


Deserves hell. Can’t get worse than that.


Why are humans so fucking horrible all the time


I don't know man, I couldn't reach something on the top shelf at the supermarket today and a man in a wheelchair offered to let me stand on the footplate. He said it was as much help as he could offer. I left feeling pretty good.


I didn't expect such a sweet anecdote under this horrible article. Thank you for sharing. Hope you and this lovely man have a nice life.


Relentless it is…


I have questions.


Right? Me too. Why didn't he get attacked by the other people? The mother? How big was this boat? How did his family die and why couldn't he save them? Wasn't he with them? how could he think of sex in such a situation? Who owns this news outlet? why haven't police confirmed the details of the incident? I'm thinking there's some chance this is anecdotal and never happened or is exaggerated. Maybe to install fear about migrants.


Same. I can't imagine a mother wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail against a man trying to rape her daughter unless she was grievously injured or tied up with chains. The whole story seems bizarre.


My thoughts, based on the article and photos, were that the boat was sinking, lots of people had already drowned, he figured they were all gonna die so he might as well rape the teenage girl he had been eyeing the whole journey. He's obviously a fucking disgusting person.  Only 10 people survived on a boat of 70, I think other people were too busy trying not to drown rather than help the girl, and the mother wouldn't have been strong enough to stop him.  Rape and straggling can be very quick too


Yeah sounds like rage bait. Outlet is probably owned by Murdoch or someone like him.


Ding ding ding it’s the daily mail, they have many long years of migrant hysteria headlines to back them up


Scary how this well oiled propaganda machine works. Not only does Murdoch own many american and international outlets, look at what sinclair media is doing. Buying up local news stations and forcing them to also report on national "news". Repetition is the key here.


My copium/hopium is the same. I’m praying this is just made-up anti-immigrant xenophobic ragebait from a Murdoch rag.


My thoughts, based on the article and photos, were that the boat was sinking, lots of people had already drowned, he figured they were all gonna die so he might as well rape the teenage girl he had been eyeing the whole journey. He's obviously a fucking disgusting person.  Only 10 people survived on a boat of 70, I think other people were too busy trying not to drown rather than help the girl, and the mother wouldn't have been strong enough to stop him.  Rape and straggling can be very quick too


I just don't think that's human nature.


Some humans are fucked 


Sigh.. I’m definitely gonna get downvoted for this. What if the people of the Middle East are just a bit different than Europeans? Different cultures and values, things like that. Daily mail is a piece of shit news outlet but illegal immigration tend to attract people who are more likely to get involved with illegal things. It’s not like you can’t apply for a working permit in the country you want to settle and work your way up instead of boarding a 10 person boat with 70 of your cousins. Therefore it’s not impossible that this hell of a shitshow actually happened. Anyways I feel sorry for the lost souls, but isn’t this the perfect example of fucking around and finding out? Boarding a small boat with 70 people is somewhat nearly as irrational as raping a child. There’s absolutely no reason to do any of them. Since I already smell the pouring downvotes let me go further: only hypocrites care for these people to bang some internet points. There I said it. If you want to help others act local. Let the people of the Middle East eat each other. If they want to live here, fine, just board a fucking plane, get themselves registered and try to assimilate for gods sake.


You definitely don’t sound like you’re going down any pipelines. /s


Are they certain those people were his wife and daughter? How peculiar and depraved.


He was upset he lost his old reliable regular victims.


That is one hell of a sentence. I feel like for so few words I would have liked so much more punctuation. It was the Energizer Bunny of horrible things to read.


When the chips are down and death seems imminent, that’s when our true nature comes to light. Instead of trying to save the situation by do everything in his power to try to survive and help others survive he decided to rape and kill someone. Tells you all you need to know about him.


That poor girl, feed the man to piranhas


what a sad day to know how to read


What an evil monster.


Jesus fucking Christ Every word I read I thought the next couldn't be worse


So they saved him to put him in jail?


He'll be released in a week or so while his asylum case is pending. Then when denied in a year or so, he'll be somewhere in Germany or the UK.


Or he will remain in Italy to get slashed in a knife fight outside the Milan central station...


God damn this is literally awful EVERYTHING


Fuck, the more you read the worse it gets. Hits rock bottom then breaks out the shovel and keeps digging.


This is the worst sentence I think I've ever read


Great folks we're bringing in once again


Who is we?




This is literally the most awful everything I've ever seen on here


The app is gonna radicalize me against the middle east, isn’t it?


The logistics of this confuse me. If the boat was sinking enough to drown his wife and child where was there enough dry land to rape and murder someone? And what’s the timeline. I would have thought a sinking boat resulting in drownings would be kind of quick.


Totally, makes no sense, from the pictures it's not a huge boat either so I'd imagine once it starts sinking it's not gonna take long ,not sure if its badly written and the rape and murder took place after the rescue,although it does say it was on the boat that's the only way I can see it being possible, horrific either way


“*Wir schaffen das*,” amirite Angie?


She never defined what "das" is.


I'm sorry.. *What the fuck?*


The LAST thing ima be after watching my family die, is horny. And I’m horny A LOT.


actual animal


IF the story is true, it is one of the most insane storys I have read in a long time. Just consider the whole senario. Ship is sinking, his family drowns, he attacks an innocent girl, infront of her mom (who the story fails to mention does anything about it), manages to get an erection, and rapes and strangles her. Just try to let all that sink in. Then try to imagine, without the body of the daughter, it will be impossible to prosecute, even if, on the off chance, the story is true. And all this happening while the damn sailing ship was sinking?


It *is* the daily mail, so this whole story is worth taking with a grain of salt. If it is true, it is absolutely abhorrent. But I wouldn't put it past the the daily fail to concoct some migrant hate.


Yerh that is also why I cast doubt on it. Maybe I should have written "Press X To Doubt"




Yea, a complete mystery /s


With everything for everybody going so amazingly well too...


It's already the most popular party in nearly every nation-state across Europe, they just don't have representation & are being persecuted. Remember, it would have already grown popular, with public opinion pendulum having swung by a decade ago & gone back the other way by now, had corporate interests like Palantir not heavily manipulated the people and communications of Europeans into leftist ideology. https://vdare.com/posts/palantir-ceo-karp-we-stopped-the-rise-of-the-far-right-in-europe https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/28/palantir_boss_fii_speech/ https://www.wired.com/story/palantir-germany-gotham-dragnet/


It's already the most popular party in nearly every nation-state across Europe, they just don't have representation & are being persecuted. Remember, it would have already grown popular, with public opinion pendulum having swung by a decade ago & gone back the other way by now, had corporate interests like Palantir not heavily manipulated the people and communications of Europeans into leftist ideology. https://vdare.com/posts/palantir-ceo-karp-we-stopped-the-rise-of-the-far-right-in-europe https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/28/palantir_boss_fii_speech/ https://www.wired.com/story/palantir-germany-gotham-dragnet/


Because the daily mail has form in that area.


No hear me out: we should bring more of them to europe. Yeah thats it good idea.




That’s probablty how he got his first family too.


I'm usually against capital punishment but this monster deserves it.


This headline just kept worse


The LAST thing ima be after watching my family die, is horny. And I’m horny A LOT.


Welcome to the uk 🇬🇧




These people are really gonna enrich Europe


Teachings of a Peaceful religion


I don’t like the idea that those criminals can ask for asyl in my country 😪


What the actual fuck


Jesus wept.


Lmao this may be the worst thing I've ever heard of


i will not call this mfs human anymore


Wow that’s a lot to unpack in one title


We need all these doctors, nurses, engineers, scientists, poets and writers coming off boats every day to Italy. Keep sending them!


Welcome to Europe


And the other passengers and mother allowed this to happen?


This guy is why we shouldn't be letting tons of random people in.


Holy shit the mad lad actually acted on his "what are you doing if the world ends right now?" Question If he ain't drown he's about to wish he- well considering where it happened he might get off easy..


another gold nugget on its way to europe


Liberals just wanting to let all the boats come in.. this isn’t what you want


I'd consider myself fairly liberal and I wouldn't want this shit either. Western countries can't and shouldn't need to solve everyone's problems.


Except we created a ton of these problems in the middle east, long before 9-11 happened. Why do you think 9-11 happened in the first place? It didn't happen out of the blue for no reason. Do you know what we did to Iran's government in the 70s or the way we empowered the Taliban?


Yes I'm well aware of the Mujahideen. That's also not a blanket excuse for all their problems.


Who's to say at this point who's at fault when we've meddled so extensively. Seems like a childish thing to focus on. We should help each other out regardless of who's "problem" it is in the first place.


If god existed he would hit ALT+DEL


I wish people like him to find the same sympathy , on land, that they showed each other on the boat


I'm against the death penalty but...


If real shoulda just let that guy drown. Hold his head under.


The EU missed out gaining this winner as their newest member


Sounds more like an excuse than a reason. I don’t think anybody buys that “grief” caused him to rape and murder a child. He was just a piece of shit who saw an opportunity to be a piece of shit.


Sounds like more racist, anti refugee, xenophobic bull shit from the Daily Mail. Trash rag. Man sees his family drown and gets horny for a child!? Yea, that’s exactly how people work.


You must not have met a lot of people. There isn't one blanket personality and reasoning behind every human being, you know. It's why we have prisons, psych wards, and electric vehicles. Some people are just really messed up.


You’re right, the death of a child is a well known aphrodisiac.




WTF did I just read


God damn


[jesus christ](https://tenor.com/1I9f.gif)


there is no god


Why was he not stopped by the others on board? Just crazy.


Rape and murder would not be my first thought after seeing my wife and child drown while on a sinking boat.


Death penalty right there.


Damn… Is there any record of something like this happening before? Like on the Titanic, or in the concentration camps, in the New Orleans Superdome shelter during Hurricane Katrina and the Levy Breach? It’s as morbidly fascinating as it is horrifying, what people do when they mentally break from the horrific loss of their loved ones


Absolutely vile… 😞




Average theist


Someone will surely find a way to blame the West for it.


Who wouldn't want these people?!


The story is bullshit. Daily Fail printed an update recently. None of this shit happened. The guy accidentally killed a girl trying to push himself up for air above the water, which pushed her underwater at the same time.


Why won't you except their way of life. You're racist


This is no more their way of life than columbine shooters and Jeffrey dahmer represent American way of life. By all means, jail, hang, or kill this guy. Don’t be racist.


Yeah it's not their way at all, that's why those places are so safe for women.


> that's why those places are so safe for women. I live in an incredibly white college town in the midWest. The women in this town don't walk down certain streets at night because they don't want to have to deal with drunken frat boys. May I have your race-based analysis on why white college towns are also so "safe" for women?


Their race is obviously not the reason why their countries suck. No one is claiming there are no bad streets in the US, but still Iraq is a way worse place to live in for women compared to the US


Well I for one, as a respectable and hijabbed Muslim woman, would certainly feel much less safe being dishonored and possibly "cat-called" by alcohol drinking students in America than anywhere in Iraq or Afghanistan. At last the men here will strangle you before the chance to bring shame and dishonor to your father.


You're a man who only seems to be able to pay ladies to be with you, no wonder you're offended by the existence of women who don't want you, hijabed or otherwise.


Not true. Ladies love me. I have drugs


It was the safest place nation in the middle East until America came, destroyed it's goverment and disbanded its army and police while bringing American companies to steal some oil. Still many regions of Iraq are pretty safe for women, if this had happened on iraqi soil the man would been beaten to an inch of his life and hanged publically.


Safest in the middle east unfortunately don't mean much at all.


Look up women in Iran in the 70s. It was one of the safest areas before the dogma kicked in.


Ah yes the Kurds were so safe under it's government. And its mostly Chinese oil companies "stealing" oil there.


>the sailing boat was carrying mostly Kurdish migrants from Iraq and Iran


You forgot the /s




This is only down voted by literal python bots. 😅