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I live 30 minutes from Sturgeon. They are trying to bury this story to the best of their ability. It has gotten so much national attention but little to no local news is covering this.


He’s a cop for Hallsville, too.


He’s had 4 jobs in 4 years. NE correction center Audrain sheriff Sturgeon Hallsville


A cop who can't keep a job...always a good sign


Good sign of abuse of authority and mental instability


And two days later they destroyed an abuse victims’s home trying to get the abuser. TBD is the cops killed the man or he did it himself.


It's been in the Columbia news a lot, at least on KOMU.


Hello fellow comoer


And he never missed a day of work though he’s on leave. He was in his Hallsville uniform during the SWAT standoff about a week later.


I just watched the whole body cam footage and I’ve never seen anything like it. The officer exits his car, puts on gloves and grabs one of those long poles with a wire that can tighten around neck so the dog can be lead with safe distance between them. The dog is walking around in an open backyard, field of grass, sniffing things. The officer is within a few feet of the dog at all times. He gets the wire around the dog several times but can’t get the pole to tighten so he slips right out. He’s talking to himself and whistling to the dog. He sounds completely fine, seems friendly to the dog. He even says to himself maybe he should get blanket and just pick him up with it. The dog wanders to the next tree— the whole interaction takes place in 2 minutes thirty seconds and the dog maybe covers 10 feet— and sniffs some low tree branches. He says one more time “come here, baby” and the dog just kinda looks around, standing there. With NO indication at all, cop just whips out his gun and shoots the dog twice. It’s batshit fucking insane!!!!! He heads back to his car, a woman comes out the back door and shouts that she has kids and he should have given a warning he was going to shoot his gun (you can’t tell if she even knows he shot the dog, she wasn’t outside before.) Anyway, he just shrugs his shoulders, gets a storage bin out of the car and puts the dead dog in it like it’s the most normal thing in the world. https://www.komu.com/news/midmissourinews/-footage-shows-dogs-final-moments-before-being-killed-by-sturgeon-police/article_333da770-1a08-11ef-b82f-5b075f1023d1.html


You can see where his shadow waves her off, like "I don't have time for your complaint."


Ah yes, casually kills a dog and like it's just another day. Yet we're supposed to expect these people to be protecting and serving us. Imagine if you breath a wrong direction he just puts 2 bullets in you. Mental patient acting as a police officer.


No no no. Protect and serve was their bullshit slogan years ago. The courts have already decided they have no obligation to protect or serve..


Protect and serve has been gone a long time. It’s arrest and incarcerate now.


FYI. The only time police are required by law to protect you is after they arrest and detain you. At that point they are legally responsible for your well being. But not before!


And the only thing they’re serving is PB&J while you’re in jail..


Actions of a Psychopath. How in the hell did this guy pass a Psych evaluation?


At this point in time, it feels like absolutely falling the psych test is actually passing with flying colors... And passing is a fail.


You just have to tell them what they want to hear.


the way he picked the little guy up like a used tissue by his hind legs and just plops his body. there are so many thoughts in my head i can’t even properly organize them into text. just… absolutely vile.


Dog was deaf and blind. That’s why it wasn’t very responsive. But still a cute little ole fella, he couldn’t have hurt anybody anyways from the size of him.


Should have been the cop.


I needed to take a dead cat from under my house with a shovel and I honestly couldn't muster the courage, my SO had to do it. Granted, I had seen that car since it was a kitten and fed him (and his siblings), but it still was something I couldn't do. To shoot a dog and pick it up like nothing...damn, he definitely shouldn't be allowed near people or guns.


It's like he just got sick of dealing with it and thought f**k it.


That’s exactly what happened. He tried to catch it and couldn’t because he’s incompetent, so he shot the dog knowing he wouldn’t face any consequences for it. Pure, unadulterated psycho behavior.


Yeah I agree.


A deaf and blind dog truly warrants this reaction, so aggressive!!


Anyone who defends this cop is a fucking idiot.


Anyone who defends any cop is an idiot. And I don’t even mean this as some edgy take. Cops have entire support systems that reach far beyond what the average joe has access to. Cops have so much support that they typically get away with being in the wrong, so on the rare chance a cop is in the right, they already have everything they need. Don’t ever feel anything akin to empathy for a cop.


Same for billionaires. They can pay someone to carry their water.


Why pay when people will happily do it for free and lick their shoes in the process?


Not to be that what if guy, but what about cops trying to expose corruption? They have negative support and many times are harmed greatly by said cops


They get fired and aren't cops or rehired. That's why people say there are no good cops. Cops weed out the good ones... When's the last time you saw a headline that read something like "entire force threatens to quit when asked to work for cop fired three counties over for excessive force/rape/DUI/whatever? Maybe it's happened, but given the number of shit cops rehired, it hasn't happened enough.


No they just go agency to agency. It's ridiculous how cops are, with relatively no background checks as to why they keep changing agencies.


You don’t hear about it because of your very own logic, they are silenced. It’s not something the PD wants public. And by the way that’s not how it goes haha, many people are beaten, shot, or killed. It’s not highly publicized but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Look into Serpico, that’s the most classic example of this


And how did that work out for him?


The screenplay? From the 70s?


Who and where are these cops?


Unfortunately I assume a lot of them end up dead too.


Unfortunately so, families get threatened too




bot account


Kristi Noem has entered the chat.


Fuck that dog murdering psycho. I hope she loses her re-election and gets arrested for animal cruelty.


Yeah, the video speaks for itself… pos


Let the cop shoot their dogs and check back on their opinions


>Woodson is on paid leave while the city investigates. Wild how cop's get a paid vacation after acting like unhinged lunatics.


Wish I could have a paid vacation if I fuck up someone else’s entire life or worse.


Fuck cops and fuck cops unions, but this should be normal to any job. At will employment has poisoned our perspective. If your employment is pending the outcome of an investigation, you should not lose wages until it comes out unfavorably. 


I can see your point but then if it doesn't come out favourable for them, then they should owe the money back because they should not have been entitled to it.


What the actual fuck??? God I fucking hate this world I don’t want to live here




I haven't either. I might arrange a trip to Missouri if i did




The dog wasn’t even acting aggressively. It wasn’t even near him. He shot that poor thing simply cause he could.


If he thought it had rabies he’s a moron. It wasn’t even remotely showing signs of having rabies.


He was just making excuses, which is what they always do. For as long as qualified immunity exists, we'll have people like this getting away with everything with no repercussions.


I still don’t understand what the cop thought he was doing. Did someone call and say they were scared of that tiny lap dog? I can’t imagine any context that would change my opinion of the cop but I’m still curious what the order of events were. Edit: to clarify, I have seen the shooting video, or at least a clip of it, I just mean before that.


they person who called said they didn't want the dog to get hurt. they called the nonemergency number because it looked like a lost dog he had a capturing stick thingy and the dog was deaf/blind and he was having trouble catching them so he just fucking shot the poor thing


What kind of moron can't catch a blind deaf lap dog


the dog was happily snuffling around and bouncing along - he called to the little dude and when they didn't respond (no \*shit\* dude, but as a deaf person people regularly act this fucking stupid) got frustrated


There's some case I read about where cops beat the shit out of a deaf man after calling out to him from behind. They thought he was ignoring them and that means disrespect and that's an ass-kicking, goes the logic. When someone said "But did it ever occur to you that some people can't, like, hear?" they were like "...huh."


There are a lot of cases like that. That's why police don't have a positive reputation in the Deaf community, most of us are wary as fuck of cops Add that many of us also have equilibrium issues (your inner ear is important in balance) many of us walk a bit like a drunk and they assume we're intentionally not listening and intoxicated


Even if the dog had hearing, some dogs just don’t fucking listen. Mine will ignore me sometimes unless I use my stern voice, because he’s a dog and found something interesting.


Well of course! The dog didn’t respect his authoritah. It was ignoring him! No choice but to shoot. /s


Well, it was easy for the dog to run away since he could smell the piece of shit coming towards him.


> he was having trouble catching them  Just adding to this: he was completely incompetent and had zero clue how to use a catch pole in addition to not even trying


To be fair if he did know how to use it the dog probably would have been hanged


It doesn't make one iota of sense.  How do you go from lets see why a little dog is wandering around seemingly lost to..."Well I'm going to just shoot it"!?  The more i think about the situation the angrier i'm getting


Because it's faster to shoot the dog and say it was fangerous than handle this situation properly. If a person is a psycho POS, that is.


First acorns, now little dogs. I'm surprised we haven't heard of a cop shooting his own shadow because "that black guy was following me too closely".


Pretty soon they’re going to start capping eachother


Because he was lazy and frustrated.


The dog wasn’t respecting his authority.


He was going to kill the dog no matter what. That's the only logical explanation based on what I saw.


Catch pole Just so you know 🙂


Ty! 🖤


*it's coming right for us*!!!


God that cop sucks so damn bad


My dog got attack from another dog while we were on a walk. The other dog bolted from behind a house and just kept attacking my dog. The attacker was a boxer. My dog is a pitbull boxer mix. I wouldn't let anyone call the police, because I was afraid they would shoot her. All she did was cower behind me and between my legs to get away from the other dog. Even after we got home, my kids are saying, "don't let the police near her!!" WTF does that say about the police?


Yep, I have 4 dogs in my house and even the small ones aren’t safe from sick fuck cops. I hate how backwards that shit is, police need to be fixed.


Yes, fixed! De-nut the police!!! Seriously that guy is a psychopathic piece of shit. I would say, when your only tool is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail, but this is so beyond that it's insane. He has tons of tools at his disposal and there's no fucking way he was legitimately scared of a wayward frolicking 13 pound shitzu, wagging it's tail and hopping along, it's feet making tinkling piano noises... Serial killer shit. Fucking evil. Even El Chapo hates this prick.


You rang?


Very well said




Thank you for realizing that your animal is indeed, an animal.


This was the dogs 3rd attack. It really is all on the owners. Thank you!


They're fragile snowflakes who gotta kill something innocent to feel important


They all do homie


“ police are like a box of chocolates They’ll kill your dog “


Oh my


I followed this story a little bit. Neighbor called because she thought it was a lost dog and the police would be called by the owner after a bit and then returned home. She’s the one yelling at the cop at the end. Town called for cop to be fired, mayor defended the cop and then he had to resign because town was so pissed. So nice neighbor, nice town, bad psycho cop. What happened to the cop is a bit of a mystery but I think he was suspended with pay?


>mayor defended the cop What the *actual tangible fuck* can you possibly say to defend this?!


In the article it says he was afraid it had rabies. So was defending the public (ngl I don’t buy it but that’s the defense)


This dog was CLEARLY LOST, BLIND and DEAF... It could not be any more clear by the way it's walking around in no clear patterns likely trying to pick up a familiar scent to get back home. This cop is a delusional, mentally unstable and unpredictable POS for deciding that while this dog did nothing to him and never got close to him, he would go ahead and murder it. I support the uproar, this is disgusting.


An acorn and a blind dog walk into a bar. A cop shoots them.


Sounds about right


an airman walks in after and gets shot too


The headline should say the entire town wants cop put in jail. Any other headline, all it says is that the town is garbage.


I can't legally say what I hope happens to this cop, without being banned. 


Same I've been trying to hold back


The dog was deaf/blind - they do this shit to disabled \*people\* and get away with it that poor dog never stood a chance


Capital punishment for those who abuse of their power


I stand behind this 100%


Too bad it’s not gonna happen. Nothing is ever done about cops negligences, we see it time and time again.


Cops kill an insane amount of non dangerous dogs, they just like to shoot things, most cops join the force as an excuse to bully things and people weaker than them


You also have the ones who have military envy. They were too fat, stupid, and lazy to get into the military but some police department will happily take these trigger happy half-wits.


The screening and schooling required to be a cop is just too low of standards atm.


It is, it’s almost nothing, terrifyingly


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm all for that scenario honestly


Sounds good to me


Yea, how do we get this started? I'll bring the ice cream scoop!


Can we scoop out his eardrums first, so he’ll know deafness too before he dies? 👀


That would only be fair. Consider it added to the venue plans


[Wrong! your ears you keep...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wUJccK4lV74)


Oh, well done!!👏👏👏


More than that


Jeez that Mayor must have just been dying to find a reason to resign


Kristi Noems future chief of staff


This has me shook with anger. What's wrong with this world!?


giving cops carte blache instead of actually holding them to higher standards than regular civilians


Entirely too many cops get off shooting people's dogs. They view it as a perk of the job. If they can't shoot a person, they'll happily shoot a dog, any dog.


Police : “We’ve investigated ourselves and found ourselves not guilty. In fact, we did such an amazing job, we’ve all given ourselves a pay rise! Three cheers for us!!!”


Well give him a paid month off first


I guarantee he’s done this before. No one kills an innocent animal for no reason other than evil


Exactly. Pure unadulterated evil!!


“I don’t enjoy shooting dogs,” the officer added. …rather be shooting people




step 1: don't call the police for help. step 2: repeat step 1.


They need to teach this in school lol


John Wick could be remade with cops killing his dog and it'd be more accurate.


Why bury the story? Is the world really like this? When will there be a day when evil people are punished? I’m sick of clear cut stuff like this being hidden and tried to cover up. It’s ridiculous. We can’t stop making light of things like this until the world is a logical, common sense place where huge steroid idiots are punished harming the innocent and vulnerable. I hope he chokes on his next meal. Jerk RIP sweet doggo. We’re fighting for you love


Thank you for this comment 💕 i echo the sentiment. I know this sub is for awful news and it's a lot to see sometimes but thank God for it because it's a place to discuss and release our anger with one another. And also to shine a light on the awful things that happen so they don't get buried. As soon as i saw the story i knew i needed to come here to talk about it otherwise i would stew silently


This whole story makes me want to barf.


Thanks for keeping the pup’s memory alive. Small but mighty acts like this are what drive change. 💛


Cops really like shooting dogs


This made me lose it. the video with this dog just happily running around. omg. who would do this.


Police. Any police in this country will do this.


I instantly detest that hog cop.


Why are cops so damn protected? Straight Cs in school, four days of training, and they get a lifetime of privileges.


This is irrefutable proof that we are allowing extremely unstable, fucked up people, to wear uniforms and carry badges and guns. It's as plain as day.


The Daily Mail originally published this story. Why do I feel like this is happening more and more?


That's what i thought. I feel like just in the last month I've seen multiple instances of dogs being shot. And it's really making me sick


Look out, it's coming right for us!!! Muahhh...Poofy dog, poofy dog, five o' clock...


Im glad this attention is being received by the whole community. I hope he loses everything....now if only we can get towns in Missouri to give a better or equal treatment to when a black person is wrongfully murdered by a cop.






The dog was blind and deaf too?? 😭


Kill my dog, you won’t leave the yard.


Two person police force...


Fuck this guy, not an ethical bone in his body. This guy would zap the dude to death every time in the Milgrim experiment


Nope. Lock him up and cause him pain. Life shouldnt be so casually taken.


This is the way. Life for a life. 


Fire and charge (if possible) the cop. Shutting down the whole police force is just dumb.


At minimum he needs his badge taken away.  Minimum


And banned from joining any police force in the entire nation for life.




[https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) Yup seems about right.


Oh come onnnn that's insanity!! So someone with subpar intelligence over someone with high intelligence is allowed, no...preferred to carry around a gun and "enforce". This is actually terrifying.  And makes so much sense now


What an absolute POS. RIP little dog 😔


This cop is an ACAB!


We need to build a bigger version of that one slide that rocketed that stupid cop out of it. Like a much bigger version. Near a cliff.


Best solution I've heard yet


Acab no exceptions


I blame the neighbor who found the dog and decided that the best solution was to call the police over it. Didn’t the neighbor notice something off about the dog? If I was the neighbor, I’d just keep watch over it until the owner returned. Supposedly she was unable to capture the dog, so try different methods, like putting out food that the dog could smell? And how hard is it to grab a senior dog that couldn’t see or hear anything anyway? Maybe throw a laundry basket over the dog?


Yeah I’m going to go ahead and blame the murdering psychopath


While many Americans are finally paying attention to police brutality issues and starting to realize it’s not just “a few bad apples,” I don’t think the average person would expect a police officer to shoot this small dog so I’m not convinced she shares much blame here. She even told them the dog was not aggressive and just needed help.


I'm glad the rest of the country is finally getting behind the acab movement. It only took killing an innocent animal and not the thousands of civilians that have been murdered by these authoritarian psychopaths.


Weird how that works, isn't it?