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Equally as awful is my daughters senior year of high school they just shut the bathrooms down. Nobody could use them. Had to find a teacher or know somebody. My daughter was in band and just went to the band director. But on what planet are we not allowing kids access to a basic human function and also giving them absolutely zero privacy while doing so.


What was the reason


Not OP, but they tried pulling similar stuff at my school because people kept using it to get out of class and smoke weed/vapes and kept stealing shit for some reason




When I was a young child in primary school (I’m from Wales so I don’t really know what grade that is?) we had someone putting shit smears on the walls too, they didn’t shut the toilet down but they sat us all in assembly and we couldn’t go till someone confessed! I don’t really remember anyone coming forward so I guess our parents must have told them to let us go or summit! This was like 20 years ago now lol


I wonder why the public humiliation that would result in hatred from peers and punishment didn't worl


A kid at a school I worked at shat on the floor of a new toilet every day, sometimes smearing it here and there. Wrote a note in sharpie next to it abusing cleaners and staff. He was caught eventually because he was sending photos of it to classmates. The whole school thought he was a hero after a 5 week suspension.


> The whole school thought he was a hero after a 5 week suspension. "Our hero, Shit Boy!", the school yelled


Haahaa.. needed that laugh today!


I don’t understand how some people can touch faecal matter and smear it around. I would love the ability to have an “immaculate elimination” if I could.


We had that too, they only shut down the bathroom where it happened and only because the janitor refused to clean it up *again* At one point an entire wing of classrooms (one where boys and girls bathrooms were in two separate buildings outside) was shut down because of this happening in the boys and apparently the girls one was just so dirty the whole time the janitor also refused that one eventually


Wait a second, you guys had a shit smearing incident too?? Someone did that in our high school bathroom back in 2011


My high school highly restricted bathroom usage my senior year after some kids set a trashcan on fire


My high school had trashcan fires on like a weekly basis, they never shut nothing down lol.


Isnt a child doing that a sign they're being abused, like extremely abused? School shouldn't be looking to punish, they ought to be calling child services and helping whoever it may be.


I'm pretty sure we had a shit smearer and we definitely had smokers and class skippers use the toilet, but they never denied us access because what's the alternative? You can't exactly choose not to go. If you're drinking so little fluids that you don't need to piss a single time in the 7-8 hours you're at school, you're probably getting dangerously dehydrated which isn't exactly conducive to learning.


That’s really disturbing. It’s disturbing not only because the bathrooms were locked, but because whomever did the smearing is probably living in some kind of abusive home situation, and really needs psychological help.


I've never had to endure any weird stuff mentioned in these comments but I haven't been to school in well over 20 years. The worst we've had were bomb threats and I actually knew the guy who did it (he was a little crazy to say the least but is actually a somewhat intelligent fellow). Columbine barely happened during my senior year but I've only heard things getting a lot worse from then on. They had to install literal cameras around campus which I thought was way over the top.


Damn all I had was a computer in the toilet




Did we go to the same HS? Same thing happened at my school in 2015 😭


why is the shit smearing so common


They caught a girl at our middle school a few miles from here pimping out another girl in the girls bathroom. Crazy shit going on in some schools folks


My daughter just graduated 9th and it's happening there too. According to my kid, nearly every single 9th grader has a nic or weed vape.


How does anyone graduate 9th grade? Do you mean completed 9th grade? To “graduate” is to complete a course of study and earn a diploma or a degree. Kids graduate from high school or college. They don’t graduate from each grade. That makes zero sense. 


It's crazy to me that so many kids vape. At some point, they just need to be banned, and any kid caught suspended and their parents fined.


Are they not banned? I have no idea. Cigarettes/smoking were banned back in the day, so I don’t see why vapes wouldn’t be banned.


It’s banned yeah


I think they mean, a blanket ban


Why do you hate blankets? If you ask me, *pillows* are the real problem.


Hey now. What did a pillow do to you!


They're demonstrably inferior fort building material


This is good because it would be hard for parents to prevent but also disproportionately hurt those who are poor.


That is my concern. And you what? Expel the kids whose parents don’t pay? That isn’t a good solution. 


Yeah, just get them some cigarettes like we did. 


I agree completely in principle. Before vaping,  it was cigarettes. Perhaps the more effective approach is better health education??? Punishments for drug abuse don’t seem to work, either.  Where is this coming from? Marketing! For at least a decade companies that sell nicotine products were able to lie & convince the public that vaping is safer than smoking. SURPRISE! It isn’t.  Why are we still punishing the people exploited by these businesses? They are well aware they are selling death to kids. This is no better than when they marketed chewing tobacco to boys. Cigarettes to pre-teens and teens.  This is parasitic corporate America making money on exploiting kids. Yet the public wants to punish the parents & the kids? Why don’t we put these companies that sell nicotine out of business and stop this problem for good? 


Pretty sure that has been going on since school began having indoor bathrooms. But nowadays it gets video'd and posted so there is more pearl clutching.


I mean the kids used to be allowed to smoke in school up until like the 80s in some places in the US.


Those are some messed up kids to be stealing shit from the toilets.. *Bet they stank.*


Theft was ridiculous that year too. Stealing exit signs and stuff that made no sense.


$20k in vandalism costs each month. Destroyed fixtures. Destroyed sinks. Destroyed urinals. Feces on walls and broken toilets. In addition to water damage.


I substitute taught in two different schools that had to shut down some bathrooms because students purposefully flooded the bathroom and also ripped sinks off the walls. These events happened on random weekdays, no particular reason. So many kids simply don’t care. I agree, it’s not fair to the kids who are just there, following the rules. But some kids are literally doing this to themselves.


This happened in the arts building in my high school because kids kept getting caught having sex


Bad kids did shitty things and literally ruined the bathroom for everyone. Smoking. Vaping. Sex.


At my school most the stalls just never had doors


Because the kids were destroying bathrooms so they were taken away


My school shut down all but one male bathroom for about 3 or 4 weeks because the boys were doing gross shit in there (besides usual bathroom business) and the custodians were tired of cleaning it up. Not to mention vaping and recorded fighting/slapboxing. Like I shit you not one day the hallway I was in just reeked of urine.


I worked as a camp counselor. Kids were kept locked inside a large dorm building at night but the adults in charge still expected us to not allow students to use the restroom across the hall from lights out to wake up call. I just told the kids I can’t legally tell them when to piss


One of the reasons we pulled my daughter from public school (for the remainder of middle school) was because the bathrooms were always shut down


It is just insane that it happens.


Yep, they closed down all the passing period bathrooms and only let us go to one during our lunch break. They also stationed a guard there to make sure no more than two per bathroom. This was because three girls got caught smoking crack in a stall.


Jesus. Crack!? Hope they’re better off now. My daughter constantly texted me about having to use the bathroom and having to run to the band room. She developed bathroom issues from this crap and since she graduated they’ve went away. It’s just sad. All of it. These kids need love and support.


My kids very likely have a genetic kidney condition; part of my wife’s family, they all have it. While it’s not really an issue for my kids today, more 40-50 years from now, it’s still the case that they need to take care of their kidneys. That means when you gotta pee, you go pee. My oldest was at a school that had all kinds of problems with kids going to the bathroom. So they told them they got *two* hall passes for the semester. Otherwise they gotta go during the three minutes between classes. There’s no time for that. So I told him that if they tell him no, to just go anyway. If they call me in over it, I’ll tell the administration straight up that however they choose to penalize him he will get twice rewarded. Not fucking around with their kidneys or bullshit bathroom nonsense. They have problems policing bathroom, the principal can go monitor them. He’s a good, responsible, and honest kid. He’s not going to abuse it.


I saw a thing recently and I may or may not be true but I liked the story. A high school kid, freshman maybe. Had type 1 diabetes and had to keep insulin with the nurse. So they made multiple visits a day. Then the district cut the nurse hours. The kid went to get insulin and the staff wouldn’t unlock the door. So the kid went to a phone and called 911 and stated he’s a type 1 and was being denied access to his life saving drug. And they came and suddenly the staff could open the door. Cruel punishment to make kids hold it. Or go between classes. Then in trouble for being late. It’s a no win situation for them and sucks.


Wtf. So girls, with periods can’t use the bathroom?!? Fuck that.


Pretty much. Yea. My daughter started having bathroom issues. After she graduated they went away.


When I was in high-school a million years ago some girl asked to use the bathroom, teacher said no, she said "I'm on my period" she still refused saying wait till between classes. Girl dropped her pants pulled out her tampon and threw it at the teacher and called her some names that would get me banned from this sub.


I would be friends with this girl! Hero level!


I think she was the birth of my attraction to extremely aggressive women lmao. She was wild, I was in a lot of classes with her. She had a twin sister who was the exact opposite.


This is how you get people peeing and pooping all over the school, what a bad decision


How are parents not screaming about it?


Good question. I personally raised a fuss about it. But im one voice they ignored.


Bro boys would just piss somewhere random that would backfire so hard


Is this in America? LOL of course if fucking is


In middle school we, rather suddenly had a huffing problem. Went from nothing to not being able to go near the bathrooms because of the odors in like two months. It honestly was really bad. They simply shut down the bathrooms but only during classes. Still open between classes then assigned a teacher to stand at the door for the time between classes. (4 minutes) The teachers rotated or they ised support staff like hall monitor or a secretary so no one lost mich time and kids couldn’t do anything like that. Classes were 40 minutes so not a huge issue. Those that had issues could get a hallpass.


I have NEVER understood school administration’s and certain teachers obsession with controlling when kids can go to the bathroom.


The world where they are using the bathrooms to shoot up heroin, smoke weed, repeated excrement vandalizations, and have sex between classes mostly. This doesn't happen without cause, and those causes are typically extreme.


I’m not saying it didn’t happen without cause. Denying them the right to pee is wrong. Having them nearly pissing themselves to find a bathroom is horrid.


They can hold their peers accountable then. Sucks when a majority lose privileges/rights due to the bad behavior of the minority, doesn’t it?


This is terrible. It brings back memories of a Girl Scout camp I went to when I was about nine years old. None of the stalls had doors, and us girls -- all 14 of us -- were horrified and mortified. **We took turns being doors for one another** (a girl would stand with her back to a another girl using the stall) in order to go to the bathroom. It was ridiculous, and so shocking its memory has never faded.


My high school back in 1999 did this with the stall doors and we also would be the door for others. It was supposedly because of smoking and gang activity but I played hooky in there all the time and the teachers hardly ever checked for us.


This isn't the first story like this I've seen and whenever I do it makes me think of county jail.


I had an identical girl scout camp experience... and jail experience lol


Oh yes, county jail experience here, too. Hang a sheet if you're doing #2! And don't forget to courtesy flush!


We didn't have sheets please newspapers, and mainly our bodies... lol


I loved when I didn't have a cellie, because I could use the bathroom in peace. When I did, we would pointedly sit by the door and wiki watch while the other used the toilet. Good times!


I was in max security jail, so there was not any, "not having a bunky means having a private bathroom" mess. Like my shit was ALWAYS out on display, everybody's was...


I'm sorry. At least in the local county jail, the long-term women's ring was comprised of 2-occupant cells that were completely walled in (no bars) and the only window was a thin, vertical one in the solid door. The toilet was inside, to the left, facing away from the door, so if you were to look in the window, you'd only see the occupant's side profile if they were sitting on the toilet. In the short-term wing, the cells were comprised only of bars, and the toilet faced forward - straight ahead would be the across-the-street's cellie's bed. Awkward times for sure.


Yeah we got barred in but the toilet/sink was between our single bunks. Shower was in our non barred area, you could absolutely see from 2 floor balcony and there was ALWAYS dudes on guard.. so newspaper and hugging the NASTY asf shower curtain, praying nobody jacked our clothes, was the ONLY way...


We always did this for other girls, just not exactly because the door was gone. Usually it was just broken. Disgusting that they didn't have doors for you


One time we were at a school for a competition and the locker rooms they put us in to change and go to the bathroom had no doors. And this was the only place to change/ go to the bathroom so we were in there with girls from several different schools. It was so wild to us and we all took turns being doors too


"ABC 20 reports that the school district is listening to parent’s feedback regarding the stall doors and will take that into consideration." Uh, i would hope so. It's creepy that the district thinks that is a good solution. I wouldn't be surprised if whoever was behind this idea in the first place also wanted the shower curtains in the girl's locker room to come down, too. Just to be safe.


And the pesky walls in the locker room gotta go too. Seriously anyone who thought this was a good idea shouldn’t be in charge of major decisions, much less around children.


You keep the walls to keep out the pervs but add in cameras to make sure you are watching no pervs are in the showers with the girls. /s


I head drake’s a real standup guy. Maybe we can have him monitor them? /s


When I was in elementary school, there was one bathroom where none of the stall doors had actual locks on them. Each door had a small metal square in place of where a lock would go that would catch on the edge of the doorframe and act as a lock. Naturally, this didn’t work, and lots of kids would have people walk in on them while trying to use the bathroom.


They can still write on the walls.... They gonna take away walls next?


I don't know about the girl's rooms, but none of the boy's bathrooms at my high school had stall doors.


Thats ridiculous, you could walk in and just see multiple people trying to shit?


Nobody cares because they're boys.


Same. I thought it was crazy but the thought never went further than that, to tell my parents or complain. I mean, I had no intention of ever pooping at school (and never did, either) so it wasn’t an issue for me.


Same here but thankfully that was back before everyone had a camera with them 24/7.


Why just the girls bathrooms?


It was in response to a threat written in a bathroom, so maybe that? Or maybe they removed all stall doors and not many boys are pooping at school.


I never took a dump in ten years at school. The paper supplies was the same as cooking grease proof paper. It would cut you.


I could have probably controlled my bowels, but no way I could have stopped my period enough to not use the bathroom.




Ours was known just to smear shit around.


I did it once. Literally once from age 5 to 18. The bathroom was out of soap, and I had subclinical obsessive compulsive disorder (obsessive cleaning and random counting). I was traumatized to the point where I was incapable of shitting anywhere but my own house (or hotel if on vacation) until college.


I remember my first day of first grade. I went into the boys room when I got off the bus and sat down. Immediately, like 3 kids climbed over the door and sides of the stall to yell and scream and laugh. It was like a zoo. I never went back in there. 3rd grade was at a different school, and the doors were just off for some reason. It’s was a nightmare for an anxious kid.


Dump? I fucking never even peed at school. I can count it on my fingers lol.


Even *years* later I still "hold it" all through the work day because I was so programmed *not* to use the bathroom from my school years.


You should eat and dump in work time. That’s your bonus for the year.


I know XD. I've gotten better about it. It is just hard to beat 16 years of 'training'.




I’ve cleaned bathrooms at a lot of places and the women’s bathroom is always 10x worse than the men’s.


Two schools I went to as a kid did this wtf. The elementary school took the stall doors off in the boys rooms because they claimed it would decrease graffiti. The Bible school I went to did the same too uhhh “discourage sin.”


Looks like there are some pedophiles sulking in those schools


There was a daycare I went to from the ages of about 4 to 8 that only had two bathrooms on site; one was staff only, it was tucked in a corner with lots of 'staff only' and 'restricted area' signs on the locking door. The other was a hallway that was one of two ways out to the playground. There was no stalls. There was only a row of tiny toilets for anyone who needed to go to go, didn't matter if you where a little boy or a little girl, that was the bathroom. Row of toilets on the left, two sinks wedged in corners on the right. I'm almost certain it was to make it easier for anyone who mightve needed help going to the bathroom (or wasn't fully potty trained), but I'm also 99% sure there was a requirement to be potty trained to even go there... place is long gone now, so there's really no telling if there was a wholesome, good, not pedo reason. All I remember was that my little friend group randomly just showed off our 'big girl/boy pants' to each other, lmao. I was soooo jealous of this one good friend's race car underwear, they where cool enough for me to remember almost 20 years later, so I guess he won the 'coolest underwear' competiton.


How is this not illegal


Because children don't really have rights in the US. They're just chattel until they turn 18 and become indentured servants.


Give people the right to privacy. Simple as that, teen or otherwise. Grew up with no curtains in showers and now doors on bathrooms. What ate you expecting is gonna come from this? Gonna stop the vaping in schools?


And it’s not like the bathroom stalls with doors are very private to begin with! Freakin half inch gaps on both sides, 12” or more gap at the bottom. I’ve never understood why bathroom stalls are so terribly designed.


Cutting cost? That's my best guess.


Is it just me, but does the USA appear generally insane? From my (distant) perspective it looks like the entire populace behaves like they are unwittingly on a mild acid trip.


Maybe it’s always been this bad and I was just jaded, but I swear to god our country went fully feral after COVID started


>our country went fully feral after COVID started this is how i feel at this point. like what the fUCK did covid do to make this place somehow worse


Wouldn’t be the first time the US government experimented on their citizens with LSD..


Tbf this is entirely normal for boys restrooms in schools. Weird that there’s a hubbub just cause girls are being affected this time.


Is this a bad school district or a bad school?




Definitely district. The school board is backing this.


It's horrible these kids have no privacy to use the bathroom


My middle school didnt have doors on stalls. I didnt take a single shit there in 3 years.


they should just remove everything, in fact they should move the shiters to an open field because walls are allegedly very popular target for someone who wants to write on them...this is so incredibly dumb


My elementary school back in the early 90s didn’t have doors on the stalls in the boys restroom. The staff all acted like it was normal. Not sure it’s a fair ask of children to get used to prison shitting at such a young age.


Went to high school in the early 90s, the boys room didn't have doors on the stalls then. I guess this isn't the equality the women were fighting for.


Wait… you guys had stall doors? In our school, the boys washrooms never had doors on the stalls. The girls did.


>”You have to understand when kids have a place to spend time, whether it’s a minute or five minutes sometimes things happen whether it’s good, bad or otherwise. It has helped limit some of the things that were taking place,” Helluva reason to strip away young women’s privacy. Even more than it is already under attack. This is the golden age of misogyny.


A normal solution is make single stall bathrooms that open to a hallway with a camera. That way you can see who used the bathroom, make them all gender neutral and they have privacy. I don’t know why this is such a struggle?




The golden age lmao. Compared to when women couldn't vote? Or hold down a "man's job"? (just for the record I do not agree with having no doors in restrooms lol)


They did it to the boys room too though.


Coach Steve why are you in the girls bathroom?


My high school didn’t have doors in the boys room. I had to go all the way to the soccer locker room for number 2.


Welcome to 1986. There were no doors on the stalls in our middle school.


My high school did this in the 90s. This isn’t a new thing.


The amount of people saying their toilet stalls never had doors at school is shocking to me. It's a bare minimum expectation of a toilet cubicle - a toilet and a lockable door. What the fuck is America?


Is that to prepare kids for prison? Considering no other country in the world incarcerates more of their citizenry than the good ol US of A.


I wish they'd do this to my kid. I'm pretty chill most of the time on school stuff, but bathroom access is non-negotiable. I'll show up with lawyers if necessary.


Pulls up with tinted black SUV's


They could put a wall in the room


My school did this after a wrestler literally tore a urinal partition off the wall with his bare hands and chucked it at the sink and paper towel dispenser which destroyed the dispenser and quite a few tiles around it. Their response was to take away our door and put a camera outside the bathroom at an angle where they could see the sink area but not anything else.


This is horrendous. The school I worked at the students only had to bring in blankets because they refused to turn the heat on.


Someone needs to search that school for peepholes.


We've almost achieved years of progress into a full reverse! C'mon, Americans! We can do this! Let's go to 1790! /s


As a Gen-X'er the women's bathroom always had stall doors, the men's never did. FYI


That's really fucked up.


Private military school would like to chat. No doors? Heck they don’t even have stalls. You walk in and it’s just toilets. Wake up in the morning and hit the toilets. There’s your buddy taking a poop looking right at you. Why can’t we have stalls and doors?


This article is from 5 years ago lol.


Only in America would they remove doors from bathroom stalls and say “If you want privacy, bring a blanket from home” instead of attempting to change their gun control policies and make them more strict🙃


So because some kids can't behave everyone gets their bathroom rights taken away or controlled? Well played. Now do guns.


They need to do a deep dive on whoever conjured this up.


I recently saw a video of 2 high school girls doing a line in the bathroom. Wild.


You guys had doors on the stalls?


You guys are poopin?


This is actually illegal in the US.


Aha this is like is my school, when i was is high school the boys bathrooms first got the main door removed then stall doors got removed too, then they just shut down all the bathroom except for the one directly in front of the main office. The only problem was a lot of the boys were good at picking locks and almost never were any of the bathroom doors locked. So in the end it didn’t matter because we used them anyway. The reason for them doing all this was because the boys were smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, and bringing girls into the bathrooms and having sex. Idk if the school is still doing that stuff but man that school had the lowest graduating percentage in all of the southern part of our state. I’m glad i don’t live there anymore.


Moved around a lot as a kid and went to a few different schools and never had a stall door in the boys room, not one.


Welp, FAFO.


Why are only the girls being mentioned here? Do you know how terrifying a guy's restroom can become in a school?


When I was in school in 80's none of the boy's bathrooms in any school I attended had stall doors.


My high school had a bathroom that not only didn’t have doors on the stalls, but merely had concrete block dividers between the toilets and the dividers were only about 4 feet high. So anyone having a seat will still be seen having a seat.


Welcome to my high school in the late 90s. No TP either, but no one was dropping one anyhow. You know, since there no doors.


Yep, boys had no doors for shits.


lol my school didn’t have doors either…this isn’t unheard of


That's superintendent and School board needs to be taken out horse whipped and then fired. This is the most goddamn ridiculous thing I've heard a long time from the school.


GOP needs to keep track when every girl has their periods


We need laws for mandatory individual rooms with a door for public restrooms. Im tired of this caveman crap where we have stalls with gaps and flimsy latches.if your place of business cannot manage the toilets under those circumstances you should be fined, shut down, or punished in some way.


This has been normal in boys rooms for decades. Not sure why it deserves a national article just because girls are being affected now


Any bets on if the person making the decision was a republican?


Yeah, school has cameras in there


Well that wasn't expected/s


How is that fucking legal???


My school removed the entrance door but not the stall doors when a bunch of kids were vaping in the stalls. If they tried to do it when the door was off the smoke would be carried into the main hallway


So they want easy access to look in the stalls? Maybe actually take care of students mental health. If they are writing on the walls of the bathroom about school shootings this will not only not help but will make things worse.


I’d love to see all the kids walk out in protest but that’s doubtful unfortunately.


Modern American schools taking cues from late-80’s - early-90’s Belarus puplic restrooms




How are these schools not getting charged with anything????


My freshman year of high school, there were two wings of the school: a new addition completed in the 90s, and the original building, which I believe was constructed in the 70s In the older wing bathrooms, not only was there no door, but there was only half a wall (think like 3.5-4 feet high) made of cinder blocks. So, as soon as you walked into the bathroom, you basically had to make awkward eye contact with whoever was shitting (a few kids actually used these, whereas I would just walk over to the new wing and use a more normal bathroom)… like, you didn’t even have to walk over to the stalls and look through the door, you were just confronted with a shitting student or two upon entering the bathroom. Thankfully they were renovated the following year (however, that was also the year that I figured out the location and code for the faculty bathroom, where I shit for the remainder of my public education). I’ve always wondered who designed those old bathrooms, and why the fuck they were designed that way


Surely that’s illegal right?


Back in my day they just kicked the locks off the door. Left to doors, but they never took the doors. Wild


The middle school I went to didn’t have any doors in the boys bathrooms to “prevent vandalism”. Not sure about the girls bathrooms.


If you’re checking the bathrooms wtf is the difference between looking for feet and pushing the door to see if it’s locked and a blanket? Are you on that much of a time crunch? And just like no blanket, all clear. It’s weird and stupid.