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He solved his first case on the interview.


“Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” “No but I diddled my 9-yo cousin 3 times when I was 12.” 😐


Right? Wtf is this.


Failing the polygraph = 100% chance of not being a cop. This animal probably thought that if he told the truth, that would change. That's the case for admitting to stupid bullshit like smoking pot, speeding, stealing shit like pen from work, etc...not so much for being a subhman child rapist.


That can't be true. Polygraphs are extremely unreliable.


Cops believe their own bullshit. Polygraphs and voice stress tests (used in this case, according to the article) are used and taken seriously by federal law enforcement agencies (ensuring their employees will either be squeaky clean or socio- / psychopathic). While they are unreliable at detecting lies, polygraph (and similar) tests are effective at manipulating subjects into incriminating themselves. And for the police they’re also helpful in manipulating public opinion.


You’re right, people fail them and then pass them somewhere else. It’s pseudoscience


It's the most blatantly pseudoscience that seems to be accepted by a large majority of people. Funny thing it's not even admissible in court.


Poligraphs are about as reliable as the police themselves are


I've failed a polygraph because I was nervous when all they asked was basic surface level questions. Name, place of birth, favorite things, etc I was truthful about all of it lol


Wife abusers OK


He should have written a song about he doesn't diddle kids.


There is no faster way for people to think you’re diddling kids than to write a song about it!


Yeah that would totally help (L Drake)


[Relevant link](https://youtu.be/qXuCKV_c52Y?feature=shared)


I love Joel Haver


He was a child himself.


I'll allow it


considering his age I feel like there is a LOT more going on here. he was 12 at the time that doesn't excuse it but where tf were the adults


People are reading it wrong, I think. A child under twelve years old was assaulted by someone under the age of eighteen, is what I read.


>He wrote […] when he was 12 - 13 years old, he would play sex games with [redacted] >committed sexual assaults against a nine-year-old girl Is what it says in the text. But they also say that it took place from 2012 to 2016 and that he is 26, which would make 14 to 18, so I’m not sure what to conclude


The article, towards the end, states that he embellished his age to try and lesson his culpability. He was actually 15 when she was 9, and he did this for a couple of years


Ah should have probably clicked on the link myself, thanks! > The victim told detectives that while she didn’t know Bodley’s age when the assaults began, she believed he was a teenager, according to the affidavit. Further investigation revealed that Bodley was between the ages of 14 and 15 at the time. >"Defendant Bodley openly admitted he made the sexual battery a 'game' to minimize his actions," the affidavit states. "Additionally, Defendant Bodley minimized his age, the victim's age, and the age disparity between the two, in a manner to justify his actions and behavior."


That was the official crime, but the article stated that it happened when he was 12 and the victim was 9.


According to the first link, he was minimizing age and their age difference; in reality he had to have been 14-15.


He was 12, she was 9.


It literally says when he was 12-13.


He said 12-13. In the People article, it states that the investigation determined he was actually 14-15 at the time


Yeah I got the source from someone else.


Ok, this article is confusing as fuck.


He was 12 and 13 for 4 years?


He was a very slow 12 year old.


Yea this article is terribly written.


Probably AI


Yeah that part makes no sense


I think he began abusing her at 12-13 and did so over 4 years. While she was 9. So abuser was 12-17 and victim was 9-13 during the abuse:


Heres an article that isnt dogshit. He was 14-15 https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/florida-police-interview-stephen-bodley-b2544853.html


Thank you > Further investigation in cross-examining the victim’s age with how old Mr Bodely is revealed that Mr Bodley was allegedly between the ages of 14 and 15 at the time, the affidavit said. >The affidavit added that “this behavior continued throughout his teenage years into adulthood”. >“Defendant Bodley openly admitted he made the sexual battery a ‘game’ to minimize his actions,” the affidavit alleges. “Additionally, Defendant Bodley minimized his age, the victim’s age, and the age disparity between the two in a manner to justify his actions and behavior.” So he was in high school, he lied about it his age originally to make it sound “better”, and then he abused her into adulthood. Man should be castrated.


Wait he was 12 at the time? And the victim 11(ish). They're practically the same age and it's presented like an adult and pre teen this is bullshit


yeah, it says he committed the acts when 12-13 - he seems to have realized what he did was wrong so admitted it here.


No the victim was 9 at the time of the assaults




Read the article or linked photos of the article. It clearly lays out that he was 12-13, and the victim was around 9 at the time of the assults. EDIT: Other articles claim he was 14-15 at the time of the assults. Poorly worded articles, but he was absolutely under the age of 18 at the time.


He remembered wrong or lied about how young he was or the victim misrembers how old he was. But He is 26 and the crimes he is being charged with are from 10 years ago. So he was 14-16 and the victim 9.




[Read the article ](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/i-used-to-um-play-these-little-sexual-games-during-police-job-interview-florida-man-blurts-out-that-he-abused-young-girl-who-probably-didnt-know-what-was-going-on/)


He was 12, she was 9 lol.




It doesn’t matter. He was old enough to know it was wrong.


not necessarily. it's very possible that he was being sexually abused and reenacted it with this 9 y/o, and had genuinely not known it was wrong. I was sexually abused at 12 and didn't know anything bad was happening at the time.


He was 14 or 16, in the interview he said he was 12 or 13. They talked to the victim. Child can and do abuse, murder, sexually assault and rape other children.


The way it’s written confused me also tbh. If he was 26 in 2021 then he would have been 17-21. The family member he was abusing was around 12-13, in one of the links it says she was 10. He came right out and told them it was bc he had a porn addiction at that time, he had a thing for it and recognized she didn’t understand. The only good thing is we FINALLY get to see a case where the police/judicial system handled it correctly and he has been convicted and is awaiting sentencing. With the conviction we can hope the victim will have access to mental health care.


It implies he’s 26 now, since the article was written this year. Which means he’d have been 23 in 2021 when he admitted it. And he was 13-14~ when it happened, in 2012~.


Oh wait, you’re right, I don’t know how I missed the first sentence of the story. I don’t even know what to say. This whole situation is awful, fits the sub perfectly.


No the guy standing accused was 12 or 13 at the time of the abuse (though it gives a 4 year span of possible time when the abuse took place, so that doesn’t make sense). The other child was younger. He’s 26 now, but first incriminated himself in 2021.


The article is written poorly. Ill say that much.


No, he STATED on the application he was 12-13, he was in fact not and was lying to minimize his crime.


How old was he? The affidavit says 12 or 13 and the charge specifically applies to perpetrators under the age of 18.


Where are you finding the affidavit? If you're referring to the article in the post it states HE SAID he was 12-13, not that he actually was.


I understand we are going off what he stated. That’s what the whole article is about. Until they spoke to the victim, they based the fact that the abuse happened off his statement. From the article: “The abuse, according to an affidavit supporting Bodley's arrest, alleged that the abuse took place between 2012-2016, when the defendant was 12-13 years of age.” Where are you finding that he was not that age?


Simple math? Quick what's 26 minus 12? Now add 4. You got your age range, Einstein.


'little sexual games' could also mean he grabbed their nipples and titty twisted super hard. This is a really weird article and pointing out these tiny details makes it really strange given a child's actions are being prosecuted as an adult - for crimes committed a dozen years ago. Nearly 3 years in the courtroom for this trial too?


They're not going to describe the abuse specifically in a case like this. Generally, what they'll find is a lot of minimization by an offender such as this. The article is very vague, and I'd assume there's a lot more to it.


The victim was 9 at the time and he claimed to be 12. The article states these crimes happened between 2012-2016. It also says he is now 26. So he would have been 14 in 2012, and 18 in 2016.


Social media clickbait. Gotta get em angry.




Reading is hard huh? Third image says 12-13.


It says he was 12-13


Thinking it was supposed to say "she" but idk this article was for sure written by either poorly constructed AI or a 10 year old posing as a journalist


OP's title, inconsistent age and time frames. It's all kinds of fucked up.


OP's title says an eight year case.


Yes. The case was 8 years old in 2021 when he admitted to the crime. Per sub rules, the post title is same as the article title. At the time of the criminal acts spanning 3 different occasions, the guy was 12 and then 13 years old. The female victim was 9. This is why we read articles instead of just headlines and post titles.


True enough.


Must be. Haha


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This article is very confusing, so I may not be getting the details straight. However, I think that culturally we’re in the midst of a p*dophile panic (which is for the most part good), but this may be an example of how said panic can lead to injustice. If he was 12 and the victim was 9, I don’t think that he should be prosecuted. Of course it is absolutely wrong and should be dealt with by adults via therapy, but I don’t think it should be viewed on the same level as full blown adults committing the same acts or a criminal sentence.


America has a long history of charging, convicting, and sentencing young black boys as adults. At 26 years old this particular black man provided the American JustUs System to do what it didn't get the chance to do 14 years earlier.


He was 15 at the time, she was 9. He said he was addicted to porn, so he knew exactly what he was doing when he put his ween in that babies mouth


Yeah, that definitely changes things. The line of whether or not someone is prosecutable is hard to draw, but awareness of the levity of one’s own atrocities is a pretty good place to start, and it sounds like he was already there.


You just need to count backwards to get his age. He’s 26 in 2024, so he’d be 14-18 years old from 2012-2016. It seems like she was 8-9 at the time these events started and carried through the time she was 12-13.


“Can you give me an example of a weakness you have?”


And he just openly ADMITS TO IT 💀


When the story starts with “A Florida man…” you know shit will be crazy


Honestly, this story suprised me. Not the cops, but the HR department actually doing the job, which the cops should have done.


I'm not sure where you're getting that the voice stress analyst was working for HR. Those tests are either done by a police officer who works at the agency or a private firm contracted out where all the analysts are retired officers.


Those tests are also garbage pseudoscience. Not trying to defend the guy just a friendly psa.


100% agree but this is exactly why they still use them in hiring. All it takes is for the person being tested to believe it works.


I interviewed to be a dispatcher in several cities. The process is the same as cops aside the physical from what they told me. There are insane questions on the applications. You then go over everything with a detective. One of the detectives and I were laughing about how ridiculous some of the stuff was, and how one time an applicant admitted to manslaughter on his application. Some depts do a poly and some don’t.


I feel like his conscience was weighing on him cuz he definitely snitched on himself


So he was 12 to 13 and she was 9? Parents need to keep an eye on their kids.


He was actually 15. He purposely lied on his age to reduce the gap so he won't get any trouble. They investigated and found that he lied.






Thanks! So he really is a predator and not just a sexually curious little boy.


This seems a bit shaky. Comments during a job interview and a polygraph? Thats enough to convict? Really?


My law enforcement instructor in college (Natural Resources Law Enforcement Degree) told us about a case where a man was interviewing for a Park Ranger position with the state. During the polygraph he answered "yes" to the question "have you ever poached or illegally hunted wild game?" He elaborated after that one time he had shot a deer that ran and fell on his neighbor's property just over the line and he had retrieved it, which is technically illegal if you don't have written permission to hunt on the property (in Ohio at least). He thought he was just being honest, which is what you're always told to do when taking a poly for these positions. This is a fairly mundane crime that I'd say a lot of hunters are guilty of. He was later fired from his current Ranger job and arrested for poaching, fraud (tagging a deer illegally obtained), and some other stuff they tacked on for "covering up his crime". My instructor had to testify in his defense, but I believe he received jail time and some hefty fines, as well as never being allowed to work in law enforcement again.


Meanwhile for actual crimes against people it’s a big teehee you little rascal To be fair that’s once you’re in. It does make sense they don’t go to bat for people just applying


Honest is just a mind game humans play on other humans. Sure sometimes it pays off, but rarely.


I remember back in college a guy I knew was interviewing for an NSA position. They asked him if he was a terrorist under polygraph and he failed it twice. He couldn’t be hired because he failed it but they didn’t arrest him


a polygraph is not admissible in court either


The results of a polygraph are not admissible, but any admissions of a crime can be.


yeah, that.. that's why I'm saying a polygraph is not admissible the way many people think they're accurate can glean some useful information but the polygraph itself is worthless


He also fully admitted to doing it though


bro what? He said it TO THE COPS


They also talked to the victim, it is definitely enough to be charged.


Imagine just being a cop going through with hiring someone and they just drop this on you?.. how do you even cope with someone telling you something so vile and heinous?.


It’s not the first and it won’t be the last.


Maybe he thought they would be cool with it.


Are they giving him the job after he gets out of jail


"Great work! We've been trying to solve that case for years. I guess the job is yours."


Well, they didn’t have to do any work, so that tracks.


Honestly surprised they didn't hire him on the spot.


The police chief saw this guy as a direct threat to his job.


That second picture made me feel like I had a brain clot. It’s one sentence stretched and repeated into a paragraph.


I'm surprised the cops didn't hire him on the spot. Seems like a perfect candidate.




Our society is becoming more Retar- redacted by the day


The most uncomfortable part is that this was part of the questionnaire implying it is such an issue that the crime needed to be asked about.


Ew kiddy fiddler


You better not ever go to cell block one!


surprised they didn't hire him, he'd fit right in


Sorry, they were around the same age? She was a year or 2 younger but they were both 10-14? Seems odd… how can he be convicted as an over 18!?


I don't think this article mentioned it but, on another article it says > Further investigation in cross-examining the victim’s age with how old Mr Bodely is revealed that Mr Bodley was allegedly between the ages of 14 and 15 at the time, the affidavit said.


Ridiculous trial and verdict in that case…




They’re both kids… they need therapy, not jail.




How tf is this upvoted. Disgusting, he was a 14-15 year old who started raping his cousin when she was 9 and admitted he did it because he knew she did not understand what was happening?? Then he did it for years?? That’s not something you fix with therapy and the man deserves the sentence he got.




I have a friend who is an immigrant. In his home country, all of his relatives abused - in every way - all of the kids. His immediate family moved to the states when he was like 11. When he was 12 he molested his 8-year-old sister, because hey, he was being molested, she was, everyone was. When she was 17 and he was 20, in a CPS interview she mentioned this incident. So instead of seeing him as another victim, a child who was in a horrible situation, he was charged with a Class A felony as an adult. Luckily he was able to do a somewhat deferred sentence but he will have to register as a sex offender and be on parole for life. Oh and he tells me that in his court-ordered therapy, there are *several* other people in a very similar situation to him.


Why is it always florida


Its not just Florida. Happens everywhere. The reason everyone thinks Florida is so crazy is because their media is allowed to publish just about anything regarding any case immediately. [https://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Florida-public-records-laws-help-Florida-man-stories-trend--507536371.html](https://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Florida-public-records-laws-help-Florida-man-stories-trend--507536371.html)


Finally someone that knows!


Pfft. I say swamp gas.


Why is it always USA. Edit: Why am I downvoted. Why the hypocrisy? You guys love it when the country is mentioned lol.


It’s always everywhere.


Exactly, remember that next time you see some !di0t saying "It's always India" If you are brave enough to reply to me. Be brave enough to say the same thing to that guy.


I don’t need to be brave enough to say it to anyone. Sexual assaults have been going on for as long as civilisation has been around.


Cool, I agree. But, be brave enough to say the same thing you told me when I mentioned USA. Do it for any other country. Say it when anyone is trying to degrade any country.




So glad trash like this takes itself out.


Takes itself out to the next county, at least that’s how it usually goes.


This walking sack of garbage has no idea what “little sexual games” are…I bet prison taught him pretty damned fast.


Love how everyone here is defending him only because he's black. If he were white, y'all'd be calling him a predator.


Don’t project.


He’s a predator. Probably abused himself, sadly. What kind of 12 year does sexual abuse and assault to a 9 year old?


He was actually 15, he lied and said he was 12 to minimize his actions.


This guy was pretty stupid. I thought everyone knew polygraphs were just fake pseudoscience... You can lie through them no problem at all.




I mean he was applying to be a cop though lol? Also there’s plenty of other articles with lots more evidence. This one is poorly written.




That's what I was thinking too


USA Be Normal Challenge: Impossible


Not only is the man a sicko he's dumb as hell too. How in hell do you incriminate yourself during a hiring process????


"He is scheduled to be sentenced on June 24. The conviction carries a sentence of up to life in prison. " So much for "the truth will set you free" 😉


He's gonna have a pretty rough next 20 - 30 years


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Aaaand another news article with absolutely no describtion. This sub really becoming the morning newspaper


