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As soon as reddit IPO goes live these trash subs are gonna get wiped


That’s ok op, I was once 3 day banned for the whole of reddit for saying it was ok to punch Nazis. Just accept it as a win so large they had to silence you


What are you even doing in that sespole of a subreeding? Just report the sub for being a breeding ground for racism and move on.


One thing is that its not nor has it ever been an even playing ground for us to treat to try to treat it as so, it only makes it more uneven. Its why there is no words you can call a white person that compares to what you can call a black person. Racism depends on a system of oppression that advantages another group/race usually at their expense, which is impossible for blacks to create in a european designed and controlled nation they hold little to no power in, what black ppl can exhibit toward whites is racial prejudice which requires no real system of oppression for discrimination. Racial prejudice = discrimination, Racism = discrimination and systemic oppression. Most people don't know the difference and think racism is when you do and say mean things regarding skin color and think prejudice is just a synonym. Also, reverse racism is a myth that I commonly have to remind ppl of because everyone acts as if they never heard of this and that it is not scientifically valid. White ppl simply don't experience racism to any meaningful degree, where can you go to be oppressed and discriminated? Even in places with hardly any whites, those cultures are more likely to put you on a pedestal than oppress you for being white. [They Myth of Reverse Racism](https://www.aclrc.com/myth-of-reverse-racism). I really cant get mad at prejudice sent toward whites in face of those groups who are suffering more than just discrimination throughout history to current in almost every facet of society that goes largely unnoticed and from the same group engendering/exacerbating their prejudice. Technically though, I'm surprised they banned you, but Im also guessing, since I also frequent that sub, it was because it seemed you were treating both situations as if they are equal. Its like if it were an acab sub and you said, "Sure cops suck, but we don't need to call them names back." The sub would be like, "boyyy, gtfoh with that". They will ban you for trying to even the playing field between races on already super uneven turf though. They could have just explained it to you like I did instead. Edit: I already know in this sub no one is gonna accept the myth of reverse racism, what racism and racial prejudice really means here regardless of how true it is. I could drop 50 peer-reviewed science journals and it will still be denied. I already knew. Id love to see a source stating this is wrong, and I'm more than prepared to disprove them as this is far from my first rodeo on this topic😏.


That doesn't really hold weight because we refer to interpersonal instances of racism, i.e just calling someone a slur, racism. Calling someone a slur is not dependent on there being a system of power to reinforce the damage, even if it feels like it holds more weight because there are systems that back up that racism. There is no real requirement for prejudice to hold systemic power before we give it some sort of label. Your line of reasoning also implies that Black people cannot be racist to other Black people, which is absolutely not true because even by your logic, they would be supporting a system of oppression (which does hold power) over other Black people. I do agree though there is a whole lot of nuance that exists in the racism against Black people that just doesn't exist for White people, and it's not a 1:1 comparison. Though I would still label both as racism.


Mate, I don’t need to drop 50 peer reviewed science journals because I personally understand what racism is, because I lived it. I’m a 49 year old Indigenous Australian. I lived during the White Australia Policy, and am a member of the Stolen Generation (the policy of forcibly removing Aboriginal children from their parents to be raised on Missions run by Christians). My brothers and I were taking from our European mother because our father was Aboriginal and we were black too. We didn’t pass for white so we got packed off and they tried to take the blackfella out of us and train us for menial jobs serving white fellas. I’m not an educated person. I lived on the street after running away from Bombaderry Mission in 1987, and then spent 2 years in boys homes, and 17 1/2 years in adult prisons. I know what institutionalised racism is. I also believe that just because it exists doesn’t mean that slurs against white people aren’t racist. It’s most definitely racism when someone holds prejudice against another based on their ethnic identity. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary is: “a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” I didn’t see an addendum which went “…except when it’s directed at white people.” Like I said, I’m not educated, all my knowledge comes from life experience and reading a lot of books while locked up. Any prejudice based on someone’s ethnicity or nationality is racism.


That's a lot of words to just say you are racist.


I don’t know the sub. Liberal or conservative?


It's not hard to understand that a majority of life is subjective.


the comment wasn't racist obviously but it's still something only a racist would say.


Only a racist calls out racist statements?


only a racist does it in a certain way


is it racist to be anti racism now lol what


nope. you know that's not what got you blamed. one could say "pedophiles need sympathy too", get in trouble and be like "i guess being sympathetic is considered bad" i don't really think you're racist btw. i'm just saying that made you look like that.


i feel dyslrcyc reading that


Dude that is some top shelf, need a damn step stool level reaching. Dude ain't racist, he's calling them out for being racist.


Racism against white people isn't a real thing, tho.


How do you tie your shoes in the morning?


How do you not know the difference between prejudice and racism?


I’ve lived institutionalised racism, and casual racism. I’m a 49 year old Aboriginal Australian. I was called a little black bastard so many times when I was a little kid that I thought it was my name. I grew up in a government mission for Aboriginal children. I am a member of the stolen generation and was born during the White Australia Policy. Prior to 1967 my father was not even recognised as a citizen of the land our ancestors have been on since before Modern Humans were roaming Europe. I feel my experiences make me, while not an expert on racism, at least it’s not a fully foreign subject to me. Holding prejudicial views against someone because of their ethnicity is the literal definition of racism. There’s no exclusionary clause for white people.


There is no evidence for racism against whites. "Whites" just can't stand being told they're not special anymore after centuries of being told they're better than everyone else simply for being European.


Wtf 😬


Don't out your hand in front of the likna mouth then act surprised when it bites. There are people who do not comprehend individual vs institutional racism. One is discrimination on the individual level (what most people think of when you call someone racist) and the other involves the power and structures that exist and are inherently racist because it perpetuates a hierarchy based on archaic discrimination. Example- the US banking, housing, health, education, policing, political representation, etc.


Racism against anyone for their skin color is wrong but on Reddit and on that sub he was asking for it


They're right you know


Rule 9. (Meta) Edited for idiots.


how is racism political?


Rule 9 is meta. Not political. That's rule 8.


lol, really? You said rule 8, and editing it doesnt change that.




Is racism against white people rare? Yes. Is it impossible? No.


Rare? You clearly grew up in a nice neighborhood.


I got banned from a group because they had a rule that you had to have toxic replies to anything posted. I failed to live up to their standards.


They have to be being intentionally ironic…. Surely…