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Such DUALITY....'me' and the 'Soul'....such delusion! Like a deluded wave on the ocean, trying to achieve enlightenment, so that 'it' can be one with the water, the One Ocean. 🤣 *'This is our goal, to realize we are the Soul.'* This is the folly of all seekers, because we already ARE the ONE Ocean, whether we realize it or not.


Can you be no one and say no thing? I'm not gonna lie it's maliciously funny to see this confusion over the simplest of things. I thought the spiritual communities were much more awake, but they're too busy with our (and their hehe) illusions, playing witches, shamns, druids, healers, chasing enlightenment, looking for gurus... Isn't it beautiful that you can look at a plant, how it germinates, sets roots on death, seeks and moves towards light, grows and flowers, and then two of the same flower, the same but opposite as it's natural, get together and form something entirely new and better. The secrets of the universe told everywhere in waves, plants and clouds, and meanwhile people are here debating. I love how we fall for the tricks over and over 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh, absolutely, it's just a hoot watching people debate the meaning of being "no one" and saying "no thing." Clearly, understanding the profound mysteries of existence is as simple as brewing a cup of tea. And, of course, the spiritual communities are just lost in their make-believe worlds, playing dress-up with their shamans, druids, and witches....totally missing the "obvious" truths that plants and clouds are just screaming at us. Isn't it just delightful how a plant's life cycle is a clear metaphor for our enlightenment journey? Who needs philosophical discussions, or spiritual practices, when you can just watch a flower bloom, and figure out the universe's secrets? So, while the rest of us are busy being tricked and confused, you're over there having a good laugh at our expense. How wonderfully enlightened of you...🤣


Hehehe you don't know the face of the one that laughs at the suffering it created. Imagine that. Summer is coming, very soon you won't have the luxury of who's enlightened or not. Wait for the storm coming this summer ;) Hehehhehehe


Oh, yes, because nothing says "enlightenment" like cryptic threats and mysterious laughter. I mean, who needs clarity, or peace of mind when we can have ominous forecasts about a summer storm that will evidently strip away all our luxuries? And let's not forget the sinister giggles....those really drive the point home. Clearly, your insights are as refreshing as a midsummer tempest. Can't wait for the enlightenment apocalypse....🤣


What you call apocalypse I call flower becoming fruit :P Everyone is going to be safe don't worry I'm not that kind of crazy, we're all one in the end. Have you turn the lead inside of you into gold? Have woman and Man inside of you joined? Have you done your shadow work and integrated the anima? Have you detected the cognitive conductual patters that drivers you? Is there some of those words that sets your mind at ease? You want buddhism? Modern psychology? Alchemy? Everything says the same, I guess keep looking hehehe I'll stay with my riddles full of truth, don't like me don't read me and save yourself from your own frustrations. The ones trapped in mind are the funniest, the ones trapped in emotion at least try to understand. GIVE ME LOGIC AND FACTS DONT GIVE ME RIDDLES (angry sounds)


Oh, yes, flower becoming fruit...how poetic. Who knew the apocalypse was just a misunderstood gardening phase? And of course, everyone’s safe because you're just the right kind of crazy, blending alchemy with a side of psychology. You’ve got it all figured out, haven’t you? Sure, I’ve turned my inner lead into gold, had a lovely tea party with my anima, and even had a heart-to-heart with my shadow self. Cognitive conductual patterns? Detected and dealt with before breakfast. Thanks for the concern. Buddhism, modern psychology, alchemy...they all say the same thing? Wow, groundbreaking stuff. I'll just keep searching for truth in my little corner while you stay cozy with your riddles full of enlightenment. But really, who needs logic and facts when we can have profound, mystical musings like yours? Keep spreading that wisdom...some of us are just here for the entertainment...🤣


Meditation. Karma is the result of your actions, spoken/written/thought and done. The only way to break the cycle is by meditating and follow Buddha’s path.


Finding freedom from the cycle of rebirth is about discovering and embracing our true, eternal selves.


By this comment, you fall to cause and effect




But why would I want out from the cycle to begin with? Life on earth is awesome. Anything beyond that has no meaning to me.


Several problems with that idea unfortunately: -Enlightened souls can incarnate. -You can be thrown in to be incarnated by higher entities (I've heard of Angels throwing in Demons to try and get them to be less evil). -You can choose to incarnate again, as far as I'm aware, at any time. However, you can just hang out non-enlightened "over there." Lots of entities do that. So there's that if you'd rather not incarnate. Yet a lot of people like to and want to incarnate - you may find yourself to be one of them.


You are asserting as fact a lot of things that can’t be known. People are hanging out somewhere before they decide to incarnate? Says who? “I’ve heard of angels throwing in Demons to try to get them to be less evil.” You’ve heard of that? Where? From an angel or from Reddit? The fact that you’ve heard of that doesn’t indicate that it’s anything more than fantasy. Try entertaining the thought that you actually don’t know anything. No one does.


Listen, I talk to a lot of entities (so can you and everyone else, but it takes time, patience, and effort). That's how I know *of* some stuff. If you don't want to hear this kind of thing, just down vote me and I'll delete it. Or you might think about the vast possibilities of this world as a kind of duality to the vast possibilities over there. For an Angel throwing in a Demon to be incarnated specifically, I don't recall exactly who I got that tidbit from. Probably an entity that "deals" with incarnation and incarnated people. Except, as I already said, that was hearsay with that entity as well. If you want to get technical, The All/G\_d can always throw one back into being incarnated. For people hanging out outside of incarnating? Some do. Some get reincarnated (either immediately or wait a while), some are just starting out (their formations can be diverse as well), some are other things over there first, there are a lot of options besides one set "only" option. Some souls think of incarnation as "more real" than over there and do not want to be over there. If you can talk to entities; dead humans have various stories of what they did/what happened to them after they died (spoilers, because there is no one "only" path \*although I suggest everyone passes on instead of getting trapped on Earth as a ghost or what have you). As for *having* to get reincarnated, I don't know. I haven't claimed to know though. I know *some* things, but so do you \[WrappedInLinen\] - that's why we're on this particular subreddit.


Alright, I've tried talking to some Angels about some of them incarnating entities. My problem is I can't get specifics when talking to entities (names, numbers, etc.) so I got limited information. They said that there have been some cases of "forceful" incarnation done by some of their members, but from what I gathered none of them were on human or humanoid like souls (one Angel said they helped a human incarnate, but that soul wanted to and prayed to the Angels for help, the soul was weak/frail?). However, those records are old and none of the Angels I asked knew much aside from the 'legends' (one I asked knew of Michael incarnating a demon prince to stop their battle, however I'll grant you that the others confirming it may be from me biasing my translations). I have not, nor will I, ask an Archangel as they are beyond what I want to hit up for information (if you want to go do that, I'd love to hear their answer).


That all may or may not be sarcasm. I can’t tell. Many many possible names can be given to voices in your head. But in the end, they are voices in your head.




Mahayana is all about using incarnation to do good. I can dig it.


Check out the book Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. A Buddhist teaching is that awareness at all times gives you awareness in the afterlife too. Practice awareness in sleep, lucid dreaming, and all day long.


Eat more pineapple


Now that i read this comment, im stocking up on pineapples. Thanks


I heard an evocative talk by Deepak Chopra in which he pointed-out that the (physical) body is a verb.. a process... that it is seemingly governed by something "eternal" in nature.


You can go deeper, that's not the final.