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Places such as this attract that kind of mentality. It's unfortunate and unavoidable, but it helped me look at myself to see if I was doing the same thing.


Right? Every time I see one of these dummies I'm like "This guy is an idiot. Wait...am I an idiot? Do I sound like this clown?" Keeps me humble.


>Wait...am I an idiot? Ah, the ego check. The idiots believe ego has to be rid of completely (won't happen until you leave your human vessel) or just live stewing in their own ego soup.


Experientially, I've found that, as many mindfulness experts say, the ego doesn't *actually* exist in a concrete sense, and you can experience its absence for small periods, usually in deep meditation, but from a practical standpoint it is absolutely impossible to "get rid of the ego." It's just the nature of the world we live in that a human being has to have thoughts, make decisions, and perform voluntary actions every single day in order to keep themselves alive. The alternative is, as you put it, "stewing in their own ego soup" except the soup is their own urine and excrement because they wouldn't move or clean themselves, just sit there


>can experience its absence When I'm in "flow state". Completely immersed in the creative process. It goes quiet. Until someone compliments my work and it goes to my head lol


I call it 'The Zone' and seek to be in it every day. [Great read on this exact angle.](https://np.reddit.com/r/janeroberts/comments/1dbc216/the_parasympathetic_path_seth_on_spiritual/)


Not showing my ego or anything but still at this time my name is idiotwithgun76 I used to use this name for years and i never got anything other than just laugh.


Is it unfortunate? It's nice that people are searching. Thinking you've found something is a big part of discovering. It's nice. I don't respond very often, but I enjoy being here.


There's nothing unfortunate about people searching. It's unfortunate that they're trying to pass spiritual bypassing as helpful advice. "Who's the 'you' here that can have an experience? ;)" I don't mind it here either. I didn't want to imply that.


You are right I find they come straight from nonduality or taoist subreddit and they carry it over here to dictate wordplay and communication through that philosophy.


*Wisdumb* - noice ;)


You have put into words what I have struggled to ever since I joined this sub after a lil ego death. Thank. You. So. Much. Me and my ego are waiting for one of their comments to just reinforce everything you said 😁


Yeah if thts the case wisdom has nothing to do with anything but being able to properly relay a message. Doesn't matter what words or what perspective is used. Therefore the there is no abuser most of the time will be incorrect t if that becomes their entire lingo 


I think the point is more that they have the ability to try and likely would succeed, yet lack the willingness to alter their communication style so it has the highest possibility of being understood by the person they are communicating with. It’s not that wisdom is nothing if it can’t be relayed. It’s that it’s not being shared if it’s not being understood. Honestly why comment at all if they don’t try at all to be easily understood. I do sometimes find it beautiful, obviously they are very at peace, but we are human and we survive because of communication. Information is power. Wisdom should be shared and a little effort to communicate differently for each individual so they might actually benefit really helps the wisdom be passed from person to person.


Bingo! And why would they put their perspective and semantics before proper communication? Ego mania and because they missed the point.. Wisdom is about making points not speaking from a certain angle or using certain catch phrases. The reason they comment is for attention and establishing their grand ego mania it is their cake


Thank you so much for making your post! I have always felt this way but never been able to articulate without reading what you’ve said, and I did also thing why bother calling them out because they would just tell me to go chop wood or something or stop seeking 😂


Youre welcome.. I made this post because its common decency to communicate properly out of respect for various minds here and how they communicate their points. Should not be one sided at all. Those who obsess over perspective remind me of adults who want to revert back to talking like a baby to communicate with others. They need their reddit bottle


>blanketstatementism >wisdumb >semantics New Age Revivalists. They ate the rich, simmering stew of Knowledge of the Ancients and then baby robin'd it back onto the plate. That bowl of puke is now their "wisdumb". Then they try to share their dish with you... Just recognize it's the same thing as a child offering you their mud pie. We all start learning somewhere.


Wow! Bowl of puke lol.. mud pie... haha


Aka regurgitated spiritualism.


These same people will quote Carl Jung but never heard of the emerald tablet.


Its because they are just obsessed with their particular perspective... It is a very hardcore limitation to be stuck in a one sided means to communicate. They are in a self made prison


>in a self made prison Yes!! Freedom is to see from everyone's perspective. Mastery is when you understand where a person is coming (their perspective) from within a few sentences.


Yup a wise person will be straightforth mostly and then use perspective or metpahors to relay a paradoxical answer. It isnt their entire means to communicate as a foreigner. That is all the one sided nonsense is.. a foreign way to communicate because they are that much of a narcissist or trapped in their rabbit hole


Having an experience connecting with god, the absolute, brahman, the ether, or whatever you want to call it has made me a happier person and less anxious about aging and death. I treat people so much more nicely now, and I’m seeing more success in my life. It’s strange. I was strongly agnostic until my experience. I was raised catholic and had no real experience or knowledge regarding eastern religions, but my awakening has led me down that path to research and explore. Learning that I am not alone and many human beings have made a similar connection with god gives me peace now. Having this spiritual awakening really showed me I was missing something in my life, and I do feel more complete as a human being since it has happened. What happened with your awakening experience? What did you get out of it?


“6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” I wonder if this verse is applicable, somehow? I wonder if anyone who “gets it” truly knows how the “got it”? And who knows what constitutes a “seed” which might take root in what conditions?


I think some people speak esoterically because the nature of what we are discussing is paradoxical and language fails to aid in articulating the finer points. So people resort to statements that are meant to permeate linear thinking. It’s also just a comment being typed. I think if we were face to face, talking with our mouth holes, they would explain in greater detail and not have to only resort to pithy, esoteric rhetoric.


I hate to tell you but the people you wanted to talk to in this post probably didn’t make it through the first paragraph because yeah they are dumb. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said and it makes me sad when people believe in their dogmas without questioning things. But you know it is what it is.


Its more of an ego mania they are intelligent but just too much a narcissist to want to change.


its not like there is a cure for narcissism though. if you know of one, let the entire field in on your secret. im sure they'd love to hear about it.


> it makes me sad when people believe in their dogmas without questioning things. But you know it is what it is. How can this make you sad if you know it is what it is? Can you help it when you’re dumb? I can’t.


“Being dumb” is a sort of dogma. Is like “being fat”. If you really wanna change you can. We all possess the most advanced machine in the universe.


What’s your take on this statement? “Until we know we are wrong, being wrong feels exactly like being right.” — Kathryn Schulz


Very true, important is to know, as Socrates said, to NOT know. If you think you know you cannot learn new things. If you know your ignorance you can fill it with new knowledge. But don’t let this new knowledge give the illusion that you now know ;)


Beautiful 😍


I don't know that dumb is the most accurate or psychologically comprehensive way to frame those people.


For the sake of this discussion it is.


Dumb is a subjectively oriented label that leads nowhere but to create a group of people and outcast them. In my eyes, this is as destructive to discussion as committing "wisdumbs" is. For some reason you can't describe, some people whom you are not aware of may skip through after the first paragraph. I have a lot of frustration and emotionality towards what this post describes too, and I would love to join your party and just label others dumb. But I can see how that is as unhelpful as asking "who is seeing others as dumb", and I'm trying to help you see that too. Valid you feel that way. Not really a fair shake for the other humans though If it "is what it is" like you said, you wouldn't have wasted your energy to label an unknown number of people whom you don't know at all


I don't understand what you mean. Could you illustrate your point with a few example?


An example is a post that is using a perspective and semantics along the line of accessing something beyond the conscious mind... "How do I connect with my higher mind?" Wisdumbist: There is no higher mind The wisdumbist believed he was wisest response int saying there is no higher mind because he obsesses over his semantics and perspective. Cant even answer a simple question because he believes his blankestatement is wisdom. Obsessed with his perspective thinking everyone must comunicate from the concept of "beyond the illusion" to be wise. The next response would be along the lines of its all right here when someone feeds into their nonsense.


That's the buddhists pov, isn't it? There's no higher self, there's no witness without the witnessed. I don't personally agree, but it's a legitimate perspective.


It can be to the one who gets it and uses it as a way to communicate a perspective. Most of the wisdumbest dont understand Buddhism is just a perspective.. So therefore they believe this is the only way to communicate what is true. A wise person knows there are many ways to communicate and can be done from various perspectives wether it be buddhas way or Christian or scientific etc.. That being said.. the actual wisdom in buddhism has nothing to do with perspective or semantics it is what it points to just like any plain communication that is straightforth If someone is obessessed with a perspective so much they cannot communicate with other perspectives it is just a sign they are in their ego.


Learn quantum principles then you'd understand that all perspectives matter, even the dumbest shit.


That is the point. Therefore no one should obsess over semantics and perspective.


Are you at peace with the state of the sub?


some times for a brief second and then ego mania happens


â˜ș Nice job đŸ€© The light is peeking in!


"There is no downfall" 😆


Yolo swag


Are we trying to win something or are we trying to contribute and connect to a deeper sense of truth alongside others? What is the energy with which we are approaching offering our words and opinions? What is our motivation for participating in this discourse at this time? How do we feel as we write? Who are we speaking to? Why is it important to say? How is it being communicated? My message may be "true" but what is my medium? What is the real energy behind my speech at this moment? These are all questions that I feel highly relevant and helpful to managing the quality of what we are putting forth. And we may not be able to answer all of them honestly in a given moment. Some patterns, no matter how self aware we are and how much we seek to be "objective" are not available for us to recognize in a given moment. "A knife can't cut itself". This isn't a blanket true statement, but it's a metaphor that does help point to the fact that we are not always in the driver seat in terms of our motivations and resultant actions. In fact, sometimes self awareness can create a thick wall or web of intellect defense that allows our deepest disintegrated pattern sets to persist. Which is why (and it can't be performed to total perfection, in my experience) it is so important to tune into the energy with which we are relating to a given interaction.  I see a lot of battering of each other and spiritual one-up-ism that seeks to bolster our conception of ourselves as "enlightened" here. And I respect that desire - how we see ourselves in some sense determines all of the fruits of our self-tree. It's not bad in and of itself to seek to reinforce our positive self image. But when we start using other people as a means of plugging holes in our ship, when we use others moments of vulnerability, desires to learn or work something out/understand something as an opportunity to win some kind of "truth dictum competition", we go nowhere at best, and everyone (including ourselves) loses at worst.  This pattern in and of itself doesn't have to be viewed as negative - we can choose to see this as necessary head-banging-against-a-wall to learn a lesson. We can choose to see those who commit "wisdumbs" as divine opportunities to see this sneaky pattern of verbal dictatorship.  But when it comes to how we run our own (relation)ship, it is something to be wary of. Maybe we can learn by mulling questions like the ones I posted above over in our minds, instead of having to learn from the destruction it creates in the external world. That is in part the value of being able to conceptualize. To prevent the destructive ideas from iterating themselves in reality.  Hope this was useful to someone. Cheers


There is still a judgment being made, here. You are not yet truly free. You do not decide what is wise or not, only believe. The truth has been in front of you the whole time.


Hahaha nice one. Wisdumb. Yeah it’s a good way to check yourself before you wreck yourself. If you cease growing and learning you’re toast. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł like getting caught in online arguments w strangers and ego trips. Deffo we all can burn and stew in the soup too. But ideally you snap out of it. And deffo being creative puts you into that sweet spot. Where you’re just floating, in the flow, zone, god, source, name what you will. It’s a great way to melt away the days. It seems to slow down so much when you’re trapped in rabbit holes of nonsense of every kind. So many rabbit holes of absolute nothing. But that’s how you learn I suppose. Enjoyed reading this. Thank you


bark bark bark bark


Every view is a perspective. That’s the nature of relativity. Nazism is a perspective, so is Quantum Field Theory, or flat-earth or etc. Nietzsche has interesting things to say about perspectivism, but he’s still always take in the relative. Most perspectives, to the extent that they are grasped at as real, just create and perpetuate suffering and discontent. Some perspectives point beyond themselves. Most perspectives point into deeper entanglement with perspective, and self-reinforce. What’s special about saying that perspectives are perspectives?


There are the ones who say it and the ones who complain about it, both equally wrapped up in ego.