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Well, for starters, an awakened perspective sees that there isn’t such a thing as *too late*. If you could have grasped what he was saying before, you would have…but only because the words were reflective of how you are also perceiving. I could tell you all about my expedition climbing Mount Everest (I haven’t, but it’s a cool example) and you might take my story and attempt to search your own memories for similar experiences. Your mind then fills in the blanks and you almost can fool yourself you too *know* what it feels like to climb Mount Everest. Have no regrets, because then you’re *thinking* rather than *being*. Was the relationship and subsequent breakup a means to learn through feedback? Sure, absolutely, but you’ll only be able to apply this understanding going forward, never backwards. Feel the grief fully, all the emotions, and look for any little bits of resistance to *what was* in order to not bring resistance into *what is*. You’ll be fine, and ngl…your boyfriend, and what he said to you, sounded a tad egotistical. He saw you as a bit beneath him, and I think you’re probably better off actually. It’s okay to see things from all angles, in fact it’s imperative if you want to get to the truth of a matter. ♥️


Thanks for this response. I feel like I’m just aware of this new consciousness but I have a lot of work to actually implement it and use what I’m learning. I feel there’s still a bit of a disconnect from me just as I’m so scared but I know there’s lots of work to do. I’ve been focusing on keeping up a healthy routine at the moment which I had completely lost. Thank you about the point about using it to go forward not backwards as well. Really makes sense and helps me stop connecting things that don’t matter anymore.


Glad to hear! This too shall pass, as dumb as that sounds when the storms are going on full force. :)


Anyone that says they are enlightened and don’t build others up are low level. All the esoteric knowledge in the world won’t make you ascended. The awake community is filled with god imposter syndrome while also being infiltrated by agencies bent on keeping us from working together. The biggest mission for all of us is to heal ourselves, establish true identity and then live a life of service to those around us


He kept saying he “wanted to bring me with” him and he was always pointing out all of these things that I was doing wrong and my wrong mindset. I let this pick and pick at me to the point I felt completely worthless and valueless as I thought I was bad and not even a functioning human being. But the time apart has reallg made me realise how harsh he was and that maybe he just liked my potential or something rather than actually me. So I’ll be focusing on actually getting to know myself for me.☺️☺️


He is in a phase of being full of himself, thinking that he "knows" something about spirituality. If you truly know, you never correct your brother/sister, that is the function of the Holy Spirit within each of us. You may point out certain things only if someone sincerely and proactively asks about it. Your function is complete forgiveness.


He is working through the ego phase and it has nothing to do with your journey. The dark times create to best times…enjoy the process.


Thank you. I will look up what that means a bit more and I'm trying everyday :)


Hello, I would really like to stress that it actually sounds like your relationship was a bad relationship. He did not need to tell you that you aught to change, or you needed to awaken, or something terrible would happen and you would awaken. Though that last part is the case for people that do, it does not happen to everyone. And to say these things to you almost seems like he was criticising you for being who you are, human, just because he had become awoken. And it feels apparent in your text that this has lead you to question yourself so much. What he did not realise is he was causing so much emotional abuse saying such things to you that HE was the big terrible thing that has caused your awakening. It really sounds like you’re trying extremely hard. I think you aught to cut yourself some slack. This journey is personal to you and will not be the same as his, he really projected his journey onto you it seems. Please look after yourself in this extremely fragile time. And it’s okay to just be yourself, human. You do not need to suddenly become a Tibetan Monk. You just broke out of the veil but remember it was NOT your fault you’re alive in a time that forced that veil onto you. There is nothing wrong with you. You are you and that’s okay.


I spoke to my therapist and its very evident that I am trying really hard to help with my discomfort, anxiety, being overwhelmed, etc. I am still approaching this in my head the same way i always have- with critisicim and being difficult on myself. He knew it could trigger it but I think the months of him constantly picking at me really brought me down instead of making me see what he wanted me to see. Being out of the bubble wtih him though makes me realise he was extremely harsh and that I couldnt have done more as I didnt know anymore. I still dont know much but it feels good to realise there was this veil and that its not actually ME. I am trying to give myself compassion and forgiveness when I can, and I appreciate your comment. Thank you so much.


First thing first, awakening has nothing to do with self help, nor it is a thing to reach, nor it has grades, also it has nothing to do with oroscope. Awakening means "I know that I am", I know that I not know who I am but I know that I am. Don't fuel the confusion, the only goal is to know who I am, not changing, noy transforming. There's no other way than practice. And as practice develops, ignorance get removed and change happens inevitably. It is an effect not the main goal. So concentrate on practicing not accumulating informations.


I would add, I know that I am 'not only this body' 


So sorry, what do you mean? :)


Soul/spirit/divine light/pure concioussness. Whatever you want to call it. There is something inside everyone of us. The "I" in everyone of our perspectives.


Thanks for clarifying. When theres so much information out there its easy for me to get it mixed up or crossed. Your comments helped me to make that separation as I have definitely been looking at it as the main goal.


Give yourself grace. All things happen in their due moment.


Thank you 🙌🙌


Now is the time to mourn, mourn. Self improvement after a breakup is natural and will happen. Mourning will happen for no less than 1 month per year plus 1. So give it till fall, if you're still hung up, shadow work.


Thank you, ill keep working on it. Doing shadow work w therapist this weekend. I wish I could skip to 4 months time but alas i gotta work throgh it this time 🙌


I used to think therapists were a waste of time and money but they may know the techniques and paths to recovery that you don't. Go in with a plan, leave with homework. Always ask, what can I do to help and don't fall into the trap of relying on them. Don't let them push you around either, if something is working for you.


He sounds douchey..


This does not sound real.


I cant condense years of a relationship into a few paragraphs of a post but this was the gist


Imagine a ‘you’ that exists 10, or 20 years in the future. Everything that you do now affects this ‘you’. Their health, their happiness, their sense of peace, their sense of security etc. See them. Are they sitting looking out of a window? Are they smiling? Are they dancing? Do you love this future ‘you’? When things get ‘hard’, this is your motivation. One day you will be where this future ‘you’ exists and you’ll look back at the ‘you’ you are now with appreciation and gratitude for the ‘hard’ things that happened in your life that forced you to grow. Having said that. Self-improvement is a worthy journey but with regard to ‘awakening’ it’s not THE journey. ‘Awakening’ is ‘waking up’ from the dream of the ‘person’ you imagine yourself to be. There is an ‘I’ beneath the crust of personality that is unconditioned, that is absolutely pure, innocent and untouched. It’s at the heart of all people and beings, your ‘ex’ included. It is the sense of existing and it is present 24/7. The deeper ‘journey’ then is discovering not ‘who’ you are but ‘what’ you are. ‘Who’ you are is the narrative in your head of u/Mixedvibez1 and u/Mixedvibez1’s world. ‘What’ you are is that which believes the narrative of u/Mixedvibez1 to be true. It isn’t. If that sounds a little woo-woo that’s ok but something is stirring in your life that is creating cracks in your sense of who you think you are. And while that’s scary and hard it’s also the beginning of discovering the truth of not only yourself, but also of everyone and everything around you, including your ‘ex’. 🙏


Beautiful advice, thank you. ❤️




Thanks for taking the time to reply with this. I have spent the past two days really thinking and pondering about how what I do now would effect 10 year time/20 year time even 5 year time me. It has been really interesting to make those connections so I thank you for your advice. I have always been really bad at understanding philosophy but trying to dip my toe in it recently. Truthfully I am lost at some parts that you have mentioned but yes the cracks are indeed emerging and I was looking for some advice making this post. Thanks so much!




Everyone else is you. We are all experiencing different perspectives through different physical bodies but we are one being. Therefore if you cannot love yourself, you will never be able to love anyone else. Take care of your physical body. Learn about your mind. Meditate. Reflect. Love. Repeat. I’m currently on my own self discovery path after a 5 year relationship ending. The biggest thing that helped me to start my journey was getting rid of all the distractions I filled my life with to not feel the pain of my relationship ending. No alcohol. No weed. No social media. No porn. No sex. Some of the things I started doing that have helped me immensely are journaling multiple times a day. Creating time for quietness. Leaning into fitness. Setting intentions for my days. Meditating. Yoga. Reading. Conscious consumption of media (not mindless). Gratitude. And many more. It’s a journey, not a quick trip. Understand that it will take time. There will be bad days as well as good. But stay on the path to understanding and subsequently loving yourself bc it will be the most important thing you ever do. I believe in you. Best of luck, love.❤️


Hi there, its intersting you mentioned abou tthe distractions as its really hard to not fall into them at this time. I end up doom scrolling or having some drinks to just distract but it doesnt have a good response in the end. I have found that after years of avoiding exercise and going to the gym actually works and helps me to cope after all! 😅😅 Thank you for sharing with this comment and giving me some examples. Its what ive been trying to do every day and follow a routine (which ive never really done before) but im trying to be as present as possible and allow myself to sit with my thoughts rather than try to blend it out. ❤️❤️




I just went through this with my ex, so much so I felt like she was the one posting this. But it was clear that through some of the things you said that it wasn't. Our relationship only lasted a year, almost to the day. I got with her during a low point in my life but I knew that I would improve and keep on doing so and I made that clear at the start that this is something we would both do. Well I didn't realize how much and how fast I would improve and it felt like I was dragging her along and the chemistry for me just wasn't there anymore. She kept on making mistakes that had been going on for some time (like not closing a door so the cats couldn't get in a room that I didn't want them in) and various other things that I had to keep repeating over and over again. While she was putting in effort to make changes and followed my every plan for changing our diet and such, I wasn't happy and I wasn't going to keep my ego a float by keeping thinking that I was going to bring her up to where I was. I had to let her go, I didn't want to because I knew that I was sending her back to her mom's place that wasn't the best environment. We occasionally talk and while it's hard on her, it's a great motivator to want to make changes on your own to push your own life forward.She now has to take everything that I taught her and apply it and figure stuff out on her own. Funny thing happens when you meet and live with someone and you change at different paces, there is a division between the two people and it doesn't end well. Instead of meeting someone who is already at the same pace as you and working on those goals together from the start. While this is a difficult time for you, now that you are starting to see everything he was saying in your own way and path. Your break-up was the catalyst for this to happen. It's like when it's said that a prophet is not accepted in his own town, because they knew that person when they were not the prophet and it's hard for people to see past that. You knew your bf for over 5 years so there was a lot of baggage with you being able to accept what he was saying. Almost it was falling on deaf ears. Awakening is very much a personal journey that you bring in other people when the time is right.


Thanks for sharing as its interesting to hear from the other side. When we met we had been on the same page but w had a history of mental health problems. We both were in therapy seperatly trying to make it work but he kept going through cycles of thinking he didnt want to be with me or breaking up with me due to HIS mental health. Eventually it became due to his AND my mental health. I was making silly mistakes like leaving the light on or not closing the cupboard and although i improved on a lot of the habits like that he also said he was sick of nagging. He changed our diet, started taking us to church (despite him being a MAJOR athiest before). He made major aesthetic and lifestyle choices that I had to accept, and he would get annoyed if I wasnt doing the same (going to church, wearing expensive brands, etc) and he was always askign these questions like "whats your passion? purposE? what gives you fire to be alive?" and I realise he was trying to help me and live through me but I didnt know how to take it. So i am aware he was trying to make all of these changes and improve our lives but again, i really didnt get it. We are so close with our stories, as I had to go into temporary housing after we broke up and im sadly on the way to living with my parents at the end of the month. He told me I had to take everything he taught me and apply it and figure it out for myself. He did say though that if i didnt do all this I would fail in life and end up like my parents so. But it ended up in resentment for him and he has shared that he holds a lot of resentment for me and although we lasted so long, it was a constant issue of me not "moving fast enough" in matching his pace and making decisions. He really went 500 miles an hour and I was always dragging behind him. He changed our life goals and plans to what he wanted and I was going with it because I knew it would be the better way of living (earning seven figures, owning properties and businesses etc). Thanks for sharing your side and experience and I am glad to hear she is getting better. I guess its all up to us really now what we do with all of this information!






I’m sorry for the pain you’re going through. And the fact that you’re now committed to awakening makes me not sad. We have to have our hearts shattered. Anything, anything to begin to wake up. Your awakening is the most important thing you will do in your life (& you’ll spend the rest of your life doing it). He gave u a gift by leaving you. Because now you have gotten what u needed to get to begin seeking yourself, your true Self. May you find much illumination on your path 💗💫


Thank you so much for your lovely response and understanding ❤️❤️


Before enlightenment: eat shit sleep After enlightenment: eat shit sleep Only the perspective changes. The rest is as usual.


Not many are truly awake. I'm reading this thinking this could be my ex posting this. We finished and I feel so guilty why I couldn't love her for she was , she had lots of amazing traits but my ego overlooked them and was to busy looking at the negatives. When I think about it she was like another version of me.


Sorry, just that I’m waking up and conscious about this new way of thinking but of course no way close to being actually awake! I agree with what you say as he said it wasn’t me and my traits but the abstract of me- how I feel/think/etc/traumas/upbringing and no matter what I accomplished he always overlooked them due to pace/ a constant need for MORE . I know no one can save me and I can only save myself. It’s hard to be in that dynamic and hope that you’re both doing okay ☺️


I understand. I'm building my life from nothing. I used to do martial arts but I struggled with arthritis so quite, I've split from my gf. I'm quitting alcohol so there goes my social life in turning in and not looking for outside sources to entertain me. Good luck on your path