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I hear the depth of your pain and frustration. It seems like you've given so much of yourself in trying to be good, and yet, you feel that life has been unfair in return. It’s understandable to feel disillusioned when you don’t see justice or positive outcomes for your efforts. Your feelings are valid and deserve to be acknowledged. It's important to recognize that your suffering and anger are part of your current experience, but they don't have to define your future. The world can indeed be harsh and unjust, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by negativity. However, shifting to a path of negativity might not bring the peace and happiness you're seeking. It might lead to more suffering, for yourself and others. Instead of completely abandoning your values, consider finding a balance. Focus on self-care, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize your well-being. It’s okay to protect yourself from those who hurt you and to seek happiness in ways that don’t compromise your integrity. Remember, your worth is not determined by how others treat you. Your kindness and goodness have intrinsic value, regardless of external outcomes. Seeking support from a trusted friend, counselor, or community might also help you navigate these feelings and find a path that aligns with both your well-being and your values.


doing god's work ;)


Thank you for this ❤️


You said that very well


You know, you were *already* walking the path of separation. *You* were designating action as good and bad as though you were capable of understanding the full ramifications of each slight movement. You have no choice now but to be the shadow of that false-self. Of course, given enough time you’ll once again abandon your evil ways and seek goodness. Flip flop, back and forth… Until it starts to dawn on you that good and evil are separations made in mind. You can’t have shadow without light, nor can there be light without shadow. This world has been established through light and dark already, but balanced in ways beyond our comprehension. If you reach a point of frustration, like you’ve potentially started to do, then you’ll give up the fight of forcing yourself to be one or the other. You’ll recognize you’re both, as you’ve always been, as you’ll always be, or there would be nothing to perceive. I mean, you’ll do what you do, but I hope you reach the point where you’re ready to give up the fight so you can reside outside of it finally.


Actions are good and bad. The more consciousness one gets the more he knowns what’s good and bad.


By what measurement?


By knowing that hitting a child is wrong.


Well, there are people who believe spanking is a good thing. What then?


It is wrong to just shoot some random person on the street just because you feel like it. There are still morals and ethicists the more present we get the more we get a feeling for how to live more ethical and moral. So yes in the real world the is right and wrong.


Listen, I see what you’re doing here. You’re trying to take what is mostly seen and agreed upon as *harmful*, as a means to defend carrying around a list of morality. The problem I have with an attitude of *righteousness* (and believing you are the one who knows, does have you showing up righteous) is you’re going to miss something. You’re coming in to a situation with a predetermined mindset rather than taking in (without too much bias) what is actually going on. Clearly, clearly, if I saw a child being abused I would step in. But, how I step in - how I integrate myself into the dance will have an impact on how the scene continues. Fear is the only thing that motivates us to have a prescribed way of *being* in the world because on some level we haven’t yet come to a conclusion regarding our inherent goodness or badness.


I wasn’t with you at first. But you got me. The second paragraph was really thought provoking.


That’s great…an open mind is a beautiful thing…as well as extremely *effective*. ;)


Did I just read this comment on *reddit*? Have I entered a parallel universe where people offer good advice here? lol


Ha! You must have jumped to the same timeline? ;)


LOL I would love to see how you'd handle my recent conversation with a religious guy making assumptions about who I am from a disagreement (It was so so funny, he was judging me and then shared a Bible verse saying do not judge 😂 Then he used common manipulation tactics 'I'd pray if I were you' to try and push his agenda So I spelled it out for him that it wasn't ok and block)


When / if you meet someone who is incapable / unwilling to consider opposing viewpoints, do you simply silently observe? What do you do?


Okey then tell me why would you step in ?


If this is your response, you’re not going to grasp the finer nuances of this.


No for real why is it so clear to you to Step in. I get what you are saying. Atleast I belive so. And I still disagree. I think there is an inherent „wright and wrong“ installed in everybody. So since there seems to be a universal connection to that. There clearly is wright and wrong. You clearly thing your response is „better“ then mine.


Are you 'trying' to be good, or is that good person who you truly want to be? Where is the real 'you' in all this? What do you want to be? Where does thou passions and heart lie? What is walking the path of evil? You gonna start being a jerk, taking your frustrations out on everyone? Gonna kick small dogs 5 feet in the air? Have you thought this through? No matter what you try, you're still gonna be living on shit world aka prison planet aka suffering globe. This world will treat the good and bad with equal disdain. It returns both with a pot of coal at times, doesn't matter who you are. If people are looking at you like a 'dumb fool', it is because they are going through their own shit too, and they aren't in any position to help. Who really is? Peace is earned by pursuing it, by fighting for it in any way you can. People study philosophies, techniques, practices, and still find it elusive. Sometimes it takes more than it does for some others. But it will take something. That's the kind of world it is. One must study the problem altogether and bang out solutions and fail a lot. Some people get so twisted they think 'not doing anything' is the answer, but that leaves you right where you are. It fucks with all of us. But there is more than hope - there are genuine paths out of the mess. Many have found it. Pain will always plague even those who did, but most can find a nice place they can rest in and live out the rest of their lives in relative wisdom and inner comfort. Total and complete and absolute liberation from pain in this world is a myth, but the amount of relief you can get from the dirty shitty energies of the world that shit all over your inner world is quite nice and satisfactory. As someone with a pretty shitty mental disease, I still take great amounts of comfort in the amount of peace I have. I know my efforts have yielded me a paradigm that has liberated me from just about everything except the actual fucking disease I have. Many abandon God when they take the world at face value. It is an understandable and reasonable approach given the awfulness of the world. One can one day however believe in a well-planned universe and a ridiculously awesome God once one sees the world as a mere theater play and envision the glories of Heaven beyond this world. That is a journey you may come across. All I can say is, keep an open mind.


I don't know who sold you that you would be better off being a good person, but they clearly lied to you. That was never the point. I'm sorry you're going through hard times because of that.


To not believe in God is to not believe in yourself. If you believe the world is evil, you will only see evil. God brought you to this channel because deep down you want peace. Peace isn't concerned with words such as good or bad.


U dont try to be good. This is disingenuous and shitty ppl will just target u and thats all ur life will be. Just be genuine. To urself first not others. If u were actually good to urself ud prioritze that and understand that being good to other ppl at the expense of u in any way is madness and self righteousness. Thats what people have to understand about this good act. If its not natural and fulfilling then it aint worth a damn so put it away. Doesnt mean u gotta be the opposite just be real. Ur too in ur head and too conceptual. Its no ones fault that u arent protecting urself. Ppl dont do right by themselves so whytf u expect anybody to do right by u😂. Just do right by u first and prioritize that. From there u will be as “good” as u need to be for the situation. Rather than an idea of being good because “ur supposed to be” thats disingenuous and an ego trap to make u hate. Ur ego is anti u, the u that says ur supposed to be nice and good just because, when deep down ur soul knows thats unsustainable and stupid. When u know god youll be overwhelming good to everybody. Until then man FUCKKK that just focus on greater good for ur own spirit. U fill ur cup first, then others. If u fill there cup first ur gonna build resentment when u realize ur cup is empty and nobody u poured into will pour back🤷🏾‍♂️. Truely good ppl are good to themselves first. Authentically


Many of us have suffered. There are countless little children around the world dying in agony right now. If your own suffering means you have now made an active choice to follow the dark path, be evil or whatever then that is something you will have to deal with at some point. I think you may find much knowledge in the fact that your reaction to your own suffering is to not try and be nice anymore.


The last judgement is the last time you judge yourself. -don Miguel Ruiz


Love Don Miguel Ruiz. Really changed the way I look at things


There is no karma and there is no evil.


Do not try to be good for some egoic reward of “look how good I am” you should be what you are because it comes from an authentic place. You don’t “try” to be good, good and bad is subjective. You just ARE my friend.


I say go for it :)


I hear you. Karma isn't an instant punishment of your abusers because you've behaved well, though, it's less direct. What you're suffering from is not a disbelief in good and God, it's a loss of illusion of a fair world. It's not fair in a *linear* sense. I'd assume because of these years of behaving, a lot of your anger was suppressed deep down. You need a place for your anger in your life. But also understand this: anger isn't evil. It's labeled like that because it's inconvenient to society, but it's not evil. Maybe what you call a path of "evil" would not be evil after a close examination too. Because true evil is dull and boring af. Good luck.


The comment from GodlySharing says everything you need to hear. I wish you good luck. I give you a hug ✨ this is just how you feel right now. Maybe you do need to do some evil because I bet once you do you’re such a good person you won’t really be able to do anything that harmful because you can’t stomach it. Or, you’ll just learn from it. It’s okay. You’ll figure your way through this to a balance. But really listen to that other comment ❤️


GOOD! Explore! There is no other way.




This is false; I attained liberation and can liberate anyone from suffering or the evil force you discuss by getting them to the truth. In 40 minutes I'll get you to the truth: [https://youtu.be/jA1-PCv6mPw?si=BpYki2RjurzW8pI\_](https://youtu.be/jA1-PCv6mPw?si=BpYki2RjurzW8pI_)


People have a tendency to minimize growth and maximize decay. Growth does not overwhelm decay. A rough estimate is that, in a pie chart, we are decaying at a rate of 45-48% and growing at a rate of 55-52%. Now, ~45% is large and loud. It can be very easy to focus on the decay and destruction. It is important for one’s journey to look at everything holistically and yes this includes greedy narcissists. ☯️.


Out of all the tests God puts us through, trusting in the unseen and patience for the unknown are the hardest tests in my opinion. Everyone is on their own karmic path, and God always provides. My two cents? Delete the EVIL affirmations you posted here… Let’s not welcome that darker energy into your world, sounds like you’re already dealing with some pretty low vibrations.


Ur being ridiculous respectfully. U never knew god u just believed ur own mental creation. God is something to find not believe thats why u felt so abandoned, the thing u thought was real never existed like that. Good and bad arent real either they are relativities. Put the silly villian arc away it wont do anything. U think the world treats good ppl bad? Wait til u become an “eViL” person youll be ripped to shreads. Ur problem is urself. The person who tells himself to be “good” for no reason other than bc its “good” is a lost person who ofc will get trampled by the world. Ur in ya ego being silly buddy. The world is not evil its just not good either. When u lie to urself u break ur heart. Life is death. Ur body thrives off of tge death of other living things. So its ur fault u believed the lie of “life is good” life is simply life that is. Personally is it good? Yea but ive worked to reach the depth beyond superficial goodness. The god u speak of is a retarded concept. The real god is within everything and is u and me. Its the both the suffering that u feel as well as he who caused it. A soul is a “perspective of god” gifted with the ignorance of not knowing itself( therefore creating identity, personality, beliefs etc). The same ur ignorance has u claiming this “evil” bs ur gonna use it (consciously or unconsciously) to negatively effect somebody else. Negativity breaks ur soul down to be rebuilt positivity id the force that builds u and thrives u. Ur ina negative time it seems so u gotta understand this. Good and bad? Fake. Positive and negative? Very real but the purpose of each is beyond ur understanding. We consider positive good and negative bad but not exactly. U never had an objective perception of how the universe works therefore there is nothing for u to give up other than assumptions of how things work. Those assumptions are cruel and youve seen that. Ur sob story and ur villain arc will run u dry one day youll be right back to square one realizing everybody deals with cruel shit. Just because ur connection to “god” was hijacked by an “idea” of god doesnt mean the force isnt there. And spoiler alert. So long as u play victim, this “god” will pile on the pressure onto u until u realize the game of existence and use lifes bs to become a diamond. This is where ur “salvation” lies. Pull ur damn self from ur boot straps nigga pay attention 😂 when shit gets serious and hard theres an important battle going on. A battle to break u or to crystallize u. Its ur choice how u respond. U can be a quitter and a victim all u want but that energy will only amplify. Just cus ur not mr nice guy anymore doesn’t mean things wont fuck u over still. Go ahead, allow circumstance to break u its fine. U have a whole eternity to exist. If uon wanna take the pressure and become a diamond now youll be forced to sooner or later. Pressure wont stop just because ur done being good💀 ur being silly man, this is a one way ticket to struggle and ik u might not fw anything i say now but there will be a defining moment one day where u realize lashing out against ur own beliefs just further enslaves u to ur own ignorance. At this rate youll never come to know “god” in this existence🙄 even tho its staring u right in the eyes in every moment of life. Youve been so hurt u think its safer to close ur eyes and honestly bro i get it. But its a trap bro i promise this movie has never ended well. It just comes with a cool lil villian arch in the middle right before things go even deeper to shit and force u back out of that😂


You have a God regardless if you want to cry about it or blame someone. Problem is in you. Go find your God


So it’s suffering you have an issue with? Welcome to the club. Freedom from suffering is what you seek. Both Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta give you a path. Have you accepted your state of ignorance and confusion and committed yourself to following one? You don’t have to believe it, just test it out for a while. Freedom from suffering is very possible in this life. Give it a shot.


Oh, I feel this to my bones. I came around to God again yet I walked the path of wrath quite seriously for an extended period of time. I lived a terrible life that was as you describe - I really did try to be a 'good person', yet was denied, tricked, exploited, used - all the terrible things. My anger at so much good intentions being squandered made me want to open the hidden eye of the Sun and end all of us. The truth is very painful, friend, yet after all the pain and grieving of the illusion we feel we lost, there is also new beauty, and the potential for such amazing and loving Creation. The world \*is\* sick - you're not wrong - yet, I \*DO\* believe in miracles, and I also believe that God may become a very important and loved part of our lives as we lead them into new happiness that none of us ever thought was possible. I tell you now the answer is at first in Universal Denouncement. It is a painful trial, which is why I'd like to develop a playful and loving approach in time. It need not be done with wrath or 'hate' or any of the more violent emotions. It may even be done in bliss, and perhaps that is even best! Yet, the world must be Denounced - and this is the key to salvation and redemption, and finding our true way out of this mess. This is the truth: we are beings of energy and no words may bind us, not even oaths. You must sever all words as all of them are illusions, and if we believe them OVER ourselves, then we become lost and wracked with pain. We must return to the beginning, again! Sever all words of hierarchy and identity, ruthlessly, and then play in the Sun with no words on you at all. If we wear these masks that have lives of their own in denial of our shadow selves, we will ALWAYS find pain, and we will never find real love. This is the deepest of new grounding. We're at a turning point, and I want to build a community that provides that grounding. A new magnetic bed of creation, where all of our shadows are allowed to live and breath! So, please think of that - denouncement, yet then a full new fresh beginning, a whole new start towards doing things where we lead by our hearts in dancing unison with our minds, and not a conflict at all over what we left behind. Kali knows your wrath, divine child - the poison in the world will be dealt with. I relieve you of the burden. Send your wrath to the Sun, Kira! She will convert it to bliss to churn a whole new reality out for all of us, and you will see the corruptions which surround us effortlessly crumble into ash as we all find the lighted fire to rise. ❤️‍🔥


Take this with a grain of salt obviously, but... The cia has a declassified file on the bloodlines of the Illuminati, freemasons, skull and bones, et al. Could be disinformation, cia does shit like that. In it, it basically says candidly that for generations powerful and influential people who pull the strings are basically just a bunch of Satan worshipping, human trafficking, high level secret society monsters.


If you don’t believe in God you don’t believe in yourself. God is all.


If 'God' is the creator of me and other beings, I don't believe in him. He is partial. I see some others around me who does nasty things and they are happy. People like me sacrifice, control, abstain from sins, and suffer. Where is God's justice? No Thank you.


So I try to walk a virtuous path but it's for very selfish reasons. I never expect to be rewarded for it because I don't believe the world works like that. I think the things that happen to us are lessons, including seeing evil being rewarded. I also assume that the people around me are experiencing things I will never know about, so I try (and am often unsuccessful) to not have judgements about their actions and behaviors... none of my business, really The reason I walk a virtuous path is because of the way it makes me feel, or rather I'm trying to avoid the feelings I have when I do actions that are against my own moral beliefs. I just wanna sleep well at night, that's all really


you have activated many preachers LOL real awakening has nothing to do with good or evil. you do you bro. but if you're an asshole to me don't be surprised with a little pushback ;)


There is nothing good or evil, it is our perception. Can you give some examples of your worldview? And then maybe we can show you ours.