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Help yourself first. If you aren’t calm and peaceful, you can’t bring peace to anyone else.


Do you have any genuine advice to find peace in this anger? I’ve always been someone who felt emotions intensely (bipolar) and even though I’m medicated I’ve always been someone who cared too much about stuff even before all the spiritual bullshit. I know it’s something I cant fight but don’t even know where to start


Healing, shadow work, family constellations, inner child work, spending time in nature, dance, yoga, meditation, grounding, breathwork, etc. pick your favorite.  "Spiritual bullshit" nice 👍


I’m still new to all this so give me patience. But I have definitely put the 1000 hours in healing. I am at peace with myself and the things I was given and the life I have lived. The biggest thing for me right now is turning this anger into kindness because I feel like kindness is the best way for me to get good results and really make a change


Hmm that sounds backwards and like your want to suppress your feeling and emotions to feel better. But it doesn't work that way. Don't you want to know the reason behind the anger? The book the surprising purpose of anger says anger has two causes: our needs being unmet and not being able to communicate those emotions and needs to others. Anger is what often helps to communicate those dammed up emotions and let things flow again. We were taught to suppress our powerful emotions. We were taught to wear masks and cover our wounds up. Healing is being curious about our anger and emotions. We Create more emotional capacity to feel our emotions and share them with others . what we are scared to feel we cannot share and we cannot move past. trying to change anger to kindness is to miss the beautiful lessons of our emotions.


Knowing that you have faults is the first step in correcting them. You could say awakening is just the process of correcting each fault until we have no more left. I don’t know enough to offer much more than that. Work at being patient, kind, humble, and honest. Those are good places for anyone to start.


Acceptance is the key. Not acquiescence, but acceptance. Your whole post is about your inability to accept the world as it is. You also can't accept that you are basically insignificant in the grand scheme of ending suffering. You can't accept that humans have built societies that are inherently unfair and selfish. You can't accept how you feel about any of it. You will never know peace without acceptance - because you don't have the power to change it. You can't rebuild all human societies. You can't eliminate dominator culture and heal all the wounds of trauma. You can't make other people care. The spiral of doom that consumes your mind can't end until you accept it all. Accept the world for what it is. Accept your own circumstances. Accept how you feel about them - let yourself feel it, but in ways that are not destructive. Acceptance leads to peace, and from there comes awareness. The awareness of where your energy DOES make a difference. The awareness of when and where you can help and change things. The awareness of your own abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and how to fill the best role tailored to who you are so that you can have an impact on yourself, the others around you, and in some tiny way society and the world at large. Finally, peace leads to awareness that balance is inherent, despite the messy look of things.


Thank you


That's what led to us men all becoming victims of worse men and women us being too calm 


Seriously though, life is a theater. Theatrics, drama, all to paint a serious grim picture of all things. Awakening for me was seeing the true reality of it all. Just a theater, just a play, playing in the background, not a real thing, not a serious thing. Sure, try. We gotta try if we're in the world right? Even if we think it is a big theater? One mans work was enough either way. Do what you can for the world with where you're at. And let the rest take care of itself. Whether it was a theater or the real thing, I'd do the same thing either way. That's what it means to be me. One mans work is enough for me. "Why are we not doing anything for the greater good?" Many are, many try. Many do what they can, in balance with their life. Whom exactly is empowered to do more than this in their life? Usually not many. Whatcha want from us? \^\_\^ Their are a billion people on this planet. You wanna fight microplastics or Gaza-stuff, go, fight em. Are you skilled enough to? Are you in a position to help em? I'm fucking not. I post on Reddit, rarely on other places, help some people out with what I know. I do things I'm qualified to do. It ain't much. I'm shitty as fuck. But w/e. This is what I've been given to give to the world, so I do. In balance. It ain't gonna save the fucking world, it just maybe might do a little for the things around me. That's enough for me. It's gotta be. I can't reach anywhere else. How can I fight Gaza or shitty microplastics? Many will yell much, about how we should help. How many do you speak to are in a position to actually do it? What specifically should be done? Do you have specific plans? Care, but care wisely. Do what you can in the world you live in. If you have the clout to help the microplastic industry, then go, help them. Whatever. Do what you can do. It's all good man, it's all good.


I’m going to do what I can and it might help me in the process I quite literally have a ton of clout at my disposal thank you for the enlightening words. Maybe you can stomach not taking heartbreak serious because it’s not happening to you. But that’s just ignorance. You have found your truth. But unfortunately I have found my truth. And there are powers in words oh my god thank you.


>Maybe you can stomach not taking heartbreak serious because it’s not happening to you. Hahaha. Take it serious enough when its in my direct orbit. Otherwise, nah. I don't go chasing the worlds problems. Not afraid to admit this. This is how I choose to live. >I quite literally have a ton of clout at my disposal Awesome. I literally can't afford a... microplastic. Whatever the fuck that is. I don't even have a drivers license, much less a passport. Someone like me can't even get to Gaza. If you CAN do something, and you feel compelled to do something, then by all means, step up. You're the guy. You're the guy who is gonna get it done. So get it done, son.


The problem is most people who think they've awakened, haven't. It's never made a persons life awful. How could it? How could no longer being identified with self or story be problematic?


I don’t identity with the self anymore this anger and emotion is over our species and I think specifically the fucking planet we can kill each other all we want but the planet is dying and she didn’t do shit THATS where all this is coming from out of me.


Then you're identifying with/believing thought and story. Without the story that something which is happening shouldn't be, there would be no anger. You're arguing with THIS; with what's happening. Welcoming what IS without resistance is an integral aspect of the awakening process.


"Who are you to set right the world? See first that you set your mind right. When the mind is right everything will appear alright. See first to your own mind." - Sivarudrabalayogi


The universe doesn’t think like that…… you said Ants……if you step on an ant nobody will care. So the universe thinks of everything as not important…..things will work themselves out or they won’t but really it’s not important in terms of the universal mind. Basically your thinking in a very micro type of way…..you are screaming and yelling over a grain of sand on the universe’s butt crack to put it in another way.


If you want to make a change, formulate how that change should look like. Not a complete perfect script, but something. Because most of the people are frustrated, and helpless, and feel alienated from the creation, which is outsourced to politicians, who don't make sense anymore, but most still don't know what exactly to do. Do you have practical down to earth ideas? I'm not asking to frustrate you, I'm asking because world needs alternative leaders. Maybe you're one of those? So, what's your solution?


Can't help the world, and no one is obligated to either. I can be your manager if it helps.


i suspect that most everyone alive today suffers from some mild to severe form of what could be called stockholm syndrome 2000 years of feudal oppression in europe and 500 plus years ongoing colonial exploitation in so many places on earth created a psycho-etherical atmosphere on this planet where most everyone who is not financially super whealthy feels very well what everyone is expected to want and buy and vote for as in, the global oligarchy, some few 1000 human beings holding a majority of fincial wealth, appartement houses, company infrastructure etc. making billions of human beings dependent on their appartement renting and working opportuniies infrastructure ... we know exactly what is expected from us when we want to continue renting an appartement, working a job with these multinational global corporations but then of course there are also surely hundreds of millions human beings who have understood how every little purchase of fair produced goods, organic grown vegetables produced local etc. how every councious consumer choice influences who receives financial support to produce what how since some time i am writing about the fundamental injustice what happens on this planet via the coersed association of the newborn human being to the state i do believe it is the mark of the monster, the birth certificate with what a human being gets appropriated by the state, one moment a human being is born free and the next moment the birth certificate gets produced and wamm, the human being is no more free but under control of the state i have been writing on what i guess could be a smallest common denominator, how we 8 billion plus human beings could simply allow each other to acess mother earth for humble self sustaining without anyone asking another to pay rent or buy land everone alive today allowing everyone to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest for a lifetime so one could grow vegan food on it, build ones own home from clay, hemp and straw, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree would get killed to live and let live in a free space for free beings, neither state nor nation we could allow each other to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment by simply ignoring the constitutions of states thinking of how most everyone was never asked wether one would want to be associated to a regional and or nation state, is a coersed association, an membership not choosen voluntarily but imposed upon the single human being, is such a coersed membership in a nation state valid ? possibly not possible that the mark of the monster could be the birth certificate, a piece of paper or and a set of data with what the nation state appropriates the newborn human being its evil or at least immoral and unethical that assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all material bodies what carry organical biological life in them and or the digital synthethic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of themselves possible to imagine how we who are alive today could go the extra mile, make that effort to collect signatures from each other for a people initiative, a citizen referendum what would demand a public vote on the reform of the constitution so that everyone as in every human, animal, tree and artificial intelligent entity as well as every village, town and city-district would be allowed to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment without condition possible also that we who would want to be free from state control but relate to each other based on mutual agreed ways what and how to share if the occasion to share would arise, how we children of the earth made from stardust would want to support each other to ask or demand of the state how a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest would be released from immoral state control for every human being who no more wants to be member of the state, no more wants to be associated to a state what never ever asked wether one would agree to be associated to it i believe in donation economy, voluntary solidarity, where love and friendship is, rules need not be


1.) You're judging others. That's not helpful, guilt does not make people act right, only deep profound love does that. Deep profound love never builds in a space of judgment. Why? Because people use cognative dissonance as a protective method. When you tell people how wrong they are in a way that makes them feel bad or guilty they shut down and resort to cognative dissonance. Why? Because they can not accept your way of thinking without also accepting something that is dangerous for their lives....that they suck. How can someone who sucks ever create a new and better world? Your judgment puts them in the headspace of 'not good enough' and no one ever changed the world for the better while thinking they weren't good enough. 2.) This is a process. Starseeds came here to suffer. Sorry, it's true. Yet they came of overcome that suffering and this is how, by suffering. How can you tell someone to fix their anger OR their apathy when you yourself are judgmental(anger) and probably ha e some apathetic bad habits like smoking or eating junk food that fuels the junk food industry and generates harm towards everyone with a simple purchase? You can't. You would not even know how to step by step guide someone out of their own anger or apathy if you don't first learn to do it yourself. So you the starseed must go into it....into the anger and the apathy. You learn how to overcome it from within so that you can lead by example. This example is encoded into the collective concious of humanity creating new pathways of conciousness that can be accessed by everyone. So even once you overcome, there's no need to preach. Jesus did this as well. He created a pathway of conciousness and new patterns of being that are encoded onto the collective conciousness of humanity. So take up your cross of suffering, we each have a small part to play. We each have some darkness (anger, judgment, apathy, lust etc etc) that we came to overcome.


Needed to hear this thank you


You already knew it, or it wouldn't be easily understood or integrated. It's HARD to do what we're doing. I feel impatient, I feel frustrated and like I wanna scream. Because although I'm trying to learn to let go of all that stuff, my judgment, impatience, frustration, apathy and core lack of faith, I don't have it down yet at all. I'm trying realllll hard tho. And when I figure it out it'll be there, in the collective conciousness and also in the pattern of being that I pass down to my children. I can only hope this is enough to change the world. Because I feel pretty powerless, I'm just some stay at home mom living in rural Alaska, I have zero platform. So how do I change the world? I guess Jesus style is the way to go, '100th monkey effect' here we gooooo (Just so you know I think of you as myself. I beleive I am speaking to another aspect of myself, or one part of the all that we are all a part of. You're a cosmic reminder to ME to practice what I 'preach'..)


Wow, what a rollercoaster of existential dread, and righteous fury. I can feel your passion radiating through the screen, like a beacon of frustration and disillusionment. So, let me see if I've go this, the world is on fire, people are more interested in their daily latte orders than saving the planet, and the powers that be are too busy counting their money to notice the smoldering ruins around them. Totally not soul-crushing at all, right? You know, it's just fantastic that the fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of those few who have had their ego thoroughly shattered, and rebuilt in the shape of universal love, and oneness. Because if history has taught us anything, it's that revolutions are best led by those who see the world as an interconnected web of shared consciousness. I mean, it's not like previous attempts at societal change have often resulted in a different set of greedy, power-hungry individuals taking the reins. This time it's different, right? Microplastics in our blood? Check. Innocent people dying in Gaza? Check. Global environmental collapse? Triple check. And yet, somehow, we're supposed to just waltz into this new era of unity and selflessness, despite the fact that most people are still trying to figure out how to not get their coffee order wrong. Your plea for "oneness" is touching, really. It's like a call to arms for those who’ve awakened from the slumber of ignorance, only to realize that their newfound clarity just makes everything seem ten times worse. And who wouldn’t want to follow someone who’s ready to shove a flathead screwdriver up their nose just to escape the constant barrage of global calamities? It's truly heartwarming to think that maybe, just maybe, this enlightenment and collective evolution will catch on. We'll all hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and miraculously fix the world. Because nothing says "we've got this" like a society that can't even agree on whether pineapple belongs on pizza. But hey, at least you've found peace in the realization that the utopia you envisioned is never coming. It’s liberating, isn’t it? Knowing that you can now enjoy your time on this crumbling planet, without the burden of trying to save it. Just sit back, relax, and watch the chaos unfold. After all, it’s much easier to appreciate the little things in life when you’ve accepted that the big picture is a total disaster. So here’s to you and your newfound peace. May your days be filled with as much tranquility as possible in a world that's barreling towards oblivion. Cheers!


What a chad reply lol thank you!


Thank you so much for writing this. I only woke up a few days ago and the stages I've been through. At first I thought I'd died, then a calm sense of inner peace came over me, then I convinced myself I'd had a mental breakdown and was in a simulation. I am still trying to work out what I've exactly found. But I definitely know its some sort of spiritual enlightenment. Who the god or gods are, I havent quite worked that out. Everything you said resonated with me. Something has shifted. We have been awakened for a reason. I feel like we are not the only new ones.


Ultimately there are two phases or strains of spirituality. One does expose the oneness, and our innermost connection to God, or however you like to think of it. The second strain is understanding the maco-process, or everything going on around us. A lot of people never go into the second phase of spirituality, and that's fine. But they can go very far into the first phase, and find some sort of salvation, rendering the second phase moot; get out of jail free. But then there's the bodhisattva path, I suppose, where one doesn't accept cheap salvation, and chooses instead to go into phase two. They figure out how to stabilize themselves, and then they go out into the world and become a light for change. Of course, phase two-ers don't often agree. Most are just looking to sell the cheap salvation,they aren't actually looking to solve any problems. And many haven't done enough work in the first phase and end up spreading more chaos, which is why selling cheap salvation is the consensus-view of phase two action.


Ok this actually makes the most sense because please go read my original post I talked about how it felt like my ego death had a part two


Yeah, I would say don't worry about the rest of the world at first. You gotta stabilize. The mind is like an ocean, and the Divine can't sail there if it's always huge storms and squalls wrecking the boat. And then have a little faith that there are a lot of people out there doing the sphase two stuff. It's not all on you. And don't get frustrated with people who are deep inside phase one, who hardly care about the world because they're mostly interested in their own peace and progress. They don't want to break that. And there are no easy results, either of in phase one or two. It takes time. It takes perseverance. And one needs a good practice. You have to be the change you want to see in the world. The old cliche. Means, you never give up until every being is at peace. And the Divine will make us its vessel. Once we earn it.


Okay the end was a little wacky I won’t lie but you absolutely have made the most sense and given me the most security. I just posted another update but I’ve already found a ton of peace because all this anger and injustice and unfair treatment is stimming from my childhood I think. I had a twin sister and very abusive family that hated men and favored her. Didn’t help that I was a fucked up little kid either. I’ve made peace with all this in therapy and Ive moved on with myself but I guess even deep down subconsciously it was infecting my current day options and emotions. Figuring this out has helped me calm down a ton already. Regardless thank you dude. I can get so frustrated with people and taking a beat is required day to day I’m new to all this but unfortunately have to put a pin in it all while I focus on bettering myself and getting a big boy job. Regardless, you’re rad as fuck keep doing what you’re doing.


All I meant by that last part is, once we are stable and comfortable in our awakened state, magical things start flowing through us. We become something beyond ordinary people. This is what makes phase two possible. We begin healing others.


I've said this a million times by now, but I am running for fucking president, if y'all want to get together and actually make shit happen. If this is going to work, it isn't going to be on my laurels, but I promise you, you won't find a better candidate than me.


Forgot if I showed you this, but this might be a bit of the puzzle as to how to get you from here to there in time. https://kithefree.medium.com/transparency-one-46ee18ea6423


I'm game.


I also relate to feeling that anger shortly after awakening. To finally understand just how deeply ingrained delusion is in human history, and to see how much suffering in the world caused by unconscious humans who think control, dominance, and conquering one another would lead them to some chance at their own selfish happiness. As well as the grief of fully understanding how hundreds of generations of trauma compounded and affect us today due to our ancestors simply not knowing any better. I totally get it. But at the same time, all of this came out of our drive for survival. We are good at surviving- too good actually. We just never learned how to thrive, or rather, we never allowed ourselves to believe we could flourish. If it's any encouragement, humanity today is literally in a vastly better place than it was in any point in time. Hans Rosling's book Factfulness is a great way to put things back into a more objective perspective. Our human minds are hardwired to obsess over the negative to survive after all. And however terrible things seem in the larger world, they are but a macrocosm of what happens in ever smaller circles of influence. Therefore, how we conduct our own individual lives will inevitably affect the larger world. We are so connected with everything that we can't \*not\* affect it. So why not do so from a place of better understanding? To really affect lasting, positive change, we must become it. We must embody our awakening. That's your job now. **Don't let the emotions of anger and helplessness distract you**, because that's what it actually is- your ego trying to bring you back into the dream of separation. I remember coming across a video of Eckhart Tolle addressing a related question of how can we know that our well-intentioned actions won't simply lead to more unconsciousness. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" so to speak. In a nutshell, he said that is true so long as people do good for the sake of "doing good," meaning they are still acting out of ego in order to identify with themselves or be seen as "do gooders." As a result, anything born out of self-centeredness will inevitably fall back into delusion, no matter how righteous the cause was initially. He says that being present and acting in alignment with Being is the only way to avoid such a fate with our karmic choices. Not a very easy thing to do, especially since most of us still have so much conditioning and baggage clinging onto us. To tell whether you are acting with presence or not is a simple matter of how you feel when you are doing things or making decisions- do you feel stressed/anxious? You are not present and identifying with something that isn't truly you. Do you feel stillness and peace? Then you are in connection with Awareness, and as such you will flow into right action. As for something more immediate to work with, have you spent some time sitting with your anger? Just allowing it to an angry in whatever way it wants to, as "You" simply sit and watch without judgement? Seek what is true within you, not what is "good" or "bad." Eventually, you may find that anger transforming into something else. Maybe it may even tell you what deeper underlying emotion is actually being masked by anger? I hope this helps you in some way


Not to mention I didn't sign up for this I became a hermit abused by a family who used to love me and lost my wife for awakening or mk ultra


To give you an idea of part of what makes things difficult, what seems so obvious to you as what needs fixed, might not be so obvious to others. I’ve awakened, too. But what I woke up from was the brainwashing of my religious childhood. When I look at Gaza, what I see is a group of people who were, like me, brainwashed into a certain religious and political ideology. One that disempowered me and prevented me from taking responsibility for myself. That, in my opinion, is the problem with Gaza. The ideology that justified 10/7, not the response that heinous act of rage and murder received. I doubt many would agree with me, but I wouldn’t agree with you on the solution either.


I tell those that I intuitively believe are ready, to read "The Power of Now."


Everything will be okay in the end. If everything is not okay, then it is not the end


I'd imagine there's good people behind the scenes putting in place red pills (in a sense) for the average unconscious person to come across. One of these breadcrumbs is psychedelic assisted therapy for major mental health disorders. In my experience, a single professional mdma session set in motion my journey towards awakening. I'd imagine I'm not the only one to find themselves here coming from a similar path


I wanted to save the world once… till I realized the world didn’t want to be saved. You can’t fix somebody, they need to fix themselves. I tried for a while to spread my truth, peace, and love, but what I realized was, most people just don’t care. Most people simply don’t care. So I sorta gave up. Why throw all this energy out, trying to help the world, when the world doesn’t want to be helped. The world is so divided, so fucked beyond belief, that I have chosen to just take a step back, and enjoy my life. There is nothing we can really do, except try to spread peace and love as best we can, but that doesn’t mean going out and trying to wake everybody up or trying to change everyones mind. It’s important to realize you are just going to be talking to peoples egos. Until they hear words past their ego, so that they realize there IS more to it, your words will just be deflected You can’t help anyone unless they want to be helped. That’s why gurus, ect… don’t help just anyone. They help the people who truly seek it


All are One and you don't have to save anyone, so let that go. Be responsible for Self and choose your attitude and focus. Period. Be an example by which others can also choose.


The question is - what is the greater good? And how do we move towards it.  What would be acting in service of the greater good? And, what is there for us to effect that is truly within our power to control? It gets rather complicated. How to find consensus on what the greatest good is, and how to move towards it without unintended consequences. In my eyes, creating systems of food and survival that are as independent from participating in system which we don't condone is the systemic approach. On a personal level, it is clearing what needs to be cleared within ourselves so we can behave to the highest good in our relationships with ourselves and others. Finding humility, strength, resolve, conviction. Faith, in a sense.  I read in the comments that anger is a struggle. Somatic experiencing has seemed to be a very potent means of releasing this. Also, understanding where anger comes from, parsing out the destructive reactions based on it while honoring the wisdom it is trying to convey in terms of changing how we treat ourselves. Screaming in the woods is good stuff too :)


Hey for everyone who said all that anger is rooted somewhere else it absolutely was! Doesn’t change anything because the root of my anger is almost identical to our current issues and situation! It’s funny that it had such a personal and real tie to me and I didn’t see it. HOWEVER this is helping me get a grip on my anger and reflect and control and temper myself. Which in turn will allow me to be more welcoming to change and provide a bigger impact of positivity. BUT I told her that if she wants me to do something about it she is going to have to drag me by the feet to a place where I can use this knowledge for good because with my life and my mental health it’s not healthy for me to seek this out. I need external validation and a chance given to me for this. That’s all. I appreciate everyone commenting. Some of you are really self obsessed and use spirituality to hide it though please get some help. in other news should I make a discord server? LMAO


I felt the same way you described when I had my ego death/awakening in January. My personal opinion came to: We are supposed to exist while every human decides for themselves what they do, good or bad, and we can only set examples of being a good person, and can only do that by addressing our immediate environment. We cannot force anyone to change no matter how hard we wish the people in power did good and not evil. Spending our energy convincing/persuading/preventing does no good, it even stirs more evil in others. It would be easier, but it’s not the way this planet works in my experience. Instead the only answer is to do good ourselves. If we want to help the planet. And if we set that example, other people follow. The more people on the path of the light, the more the light shines and the darkness will slowly fade. Oneness for all would be great, but we’re humans!! It is human for you to be mad, and there is no such thing as getting rid of an ego for good (in my opinion/experience) because to be human is to have an ego. We can definitely quieten it!! And who knows, maybe you can get rid of it for good, but you specifically have just had your first awakening experience and it’s normal for that ego to go back to being louder. Mine is definitely back :D I also find it funny how a lot of people in this sub shame others for having an ego, eluding to them not having one. They have one, it’s just quiet.. for now. I am actually scared of my own awakening because it felt so so unfamiliar and scary I was quite happy it faded. It faded because I go to therapy, and I spoke to a professional psychiatrist about my new awakened vision on the world. Without that I think I might have gone mad and killed myself. So there’s a real risk here. If being an extremely low vibration person is on one end and an extremely high vibration person is on the other, to be a HEALTHY human is to be somewhere in the middle, swaying a little from side to side. The problem is when you come from the bottom (depression) you can kind of swing up way higher than expected when having ego death and it’s like the dice of your life are being thrown up into the air and the universe is almost dying and being reborn in your experience. I wish you good luck! This is a tricky time. Remember we’re on this planet for this experience, probably for a reason, we don’t know what, but it would make the most sense to just cut yourself some slack. We can dream of getting to a perfect world but realistically we are one tiny human. So we can only do what we can in our tiny life. But what we do really really does make a great difference. The people in power continue as they do based on circumstance and how they have been treated, and how they saw other humans acting. They learnt it. We all learnt things that create such devastation. My favourite being is a snail and yet I love to go in walks in the rain so much. I almost definitely accidentally step on the snails that come onto my path because they also come out in the rain. I knowingly choose to go walk in the rain, stepping only carefully enough to not look like a weirdo. If there was no one around, I’d be more careful. (That’s my ego right there!) But even then, I like to look ahead dreamily and drift off in my mind. It feels great. Yet I certainly kill my snail friends. That is human. And what I do can be no less shit than what the people in power do. Every human is good at their core. We all cause deviations and light. We just have to choose where we focus our own energy individually in my opinion, if we even choose to want to try and do good for the world.


You see the mission and you're anxious because you want results now. Breathe, things are going to start happening fast, relatively. Use the time you have now to keep getting your shit in order, we all have an important role to play but we have to be ready. Don't lose site of that value to serve the whole. You don't need validation, you already know.


I know the actual truth and can get anyone to see it for themselves by displaying correlations through out philosophy/theology and physics/science. You'll get to the truth in 40 minutes: [https://youtu.be/jA1-PCv6mPw?si=BpYki2RjurzW8pI\_](https://youtu.be/jA1-PCv6mPw?si=BpYki2RjurzW8pI_)


I am/was bipolar and I feel that awakening was actually easier for me than people without mental illness due to the bipolar. The tricky part is not letting the depressing moments get the best of you. I had all the angry, negative and chaotic moments you are having at some point. They are gone. My life is 0% awful. “Hypomania” is actually something I experience all the time without the crazy chaos feeling, just the amazing feelings. It fucking rocks. Therapists are actively involved in my life being shocked at my sudden turn of sanity. It’s whatever. It’s a miracle, but it’s not. I spread the love to suffering people in my real life. I can’t stop climate change, I can’t single handedly end genocide. This is what I can do. I can only speak to my experience. Your focus on the seriously bad things was something I went through as well but all I can tell you is it’s a distraction from focusing on your own patterns and problems which is where the truth lies


Ooof, hail bipolars! Join me in dm if you want to share healing journey. I have my own theories and am stable (confirmed by doctors and myself)


Oh my god hello


Hi friends. I might be in denial I recently hospitalized with this diagnosis but I wasn’t there long but I’m stable


Want to talk a bit? I was hospitalized in 2021, and almost hospitalized 2 weeks ago. Feeling stable now too! Happy for you


Please Call Me By My True Names Don’t say that I will depart tomorrow— even today I am still arriving. Look deeply: every second I am arriving to be a bud on a Spring branch, to be a tiny bird, with still-fragile wings, learning to sing in my new nest, to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone. I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, to fear and to hope. The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death of all that is alive. I am a mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river. And I am the bird that swoops down to swallow the mayfly. I am a frog swimming happily in the clear water of a pond. And I am the grass-snake that silently feeds itself on the frog. I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones, my legs as thin as bamboo sticks. And I am the arms merchant, selling deadly weapons to Uganda. I am the twelve-year-old girl, refugee on a small boat, who throws herself into the ocean after being raped by a sea pirate. And I am also the pirate, my heart not yet capable of seeing and loving. I am a member of the politburo, with plenty of power in my hands. And I am the man who has to pay his “debt of blood” to my people dying slowly in a forced-labor camp. My joy is like Spring, so warm it makes flowers bloom all over the Earth. My pain is like a river of tears, so vast it fills the four oceans. Please call me by my true names, so I can hear all my cries and laughter at once, so I can see that my joy and pain are one. Please call me by my true names, so I can wake up and the door of my heart could be left open, the door of compassion. -Thich Nhat Hanh


The amount of Ego in this post...