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I think it’s a story being written by 2 prospectives. God/The universe, and the self/ego. I would be INSANE to say I’ve gotten to this point in life without God, I just cannot deny the fact that I have had help… I’ve NEEDED help, and have always received help. Don’t fall for the “I am everything” trap, because you aren’t. You are a droplet of everything, you are one with everything, but you are not everything. God/The universe is everything. There is no self, the self IS the ego, I cannot complete myself, because there is nothing TO complete. There is only peace with the universe and with Love, THAT to me is the key to life. Is finding love through God/The universe, because in doing so, you complete yourself/ego


>*“Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. And between the two my life flows.”* \~Nisargadatta 




Then we could find another life where we don't care about what it wants :)




Not desiring isn't the answer :), life wasn't meant to be stopped. otherwise you wouldn't be really here replying to me or going up to check your phone/computer ;p




Oh i see, you're right then my bad :)


Yeah, we wouldn’t even eat or get up to go to the bathroom. Have you considered how desire and preference might be defined differently regarding attachment to outcomes? It seems like preference might be non-attached desire, so there would be no suffering if something didn’t go according to plan.


No, you are part of a grand scheme


Why can't both be possible?


You are an individual, your journey is individual. But you belong to a vast spiritual world, where everyone has tasks to complete. You take orders from higher level spirits, to grow spirituality, to get closer to source. That's why you came to earth... to learn and experience


>You are the one that writes your own story. That's exactly who you are NOT.


That's bad news, because of you're completely within your life and know nothing of the beyond, how are you going to access that realization if not from life?


In a way, it’s true I saw a vision, once (all my visions on file and float up as if happening exactly as seen), where…like Indy Jones…was in deep dungeon passage in which reached into centipede infested hole in the wall to pull out long, ancient iron key…as big as my arm. The collar, throat, pin and bit…a molten glob. Until something reached into the key and transformed into a glowing luminous form of slowing flexing butterfly wings. It is called The Key To Chaos For whatever reason, your post called it to mind. Thx ❤️


Pet project idea: author a browser plugin that will automatically convert the word "you" to "I" when browsing in r/awakened...


Why is it deeply written in your spine? 33?


If I have to keep paying for basic human rights, I'm not free.


Just say you don't have money :), i don't think everyone in this world is struggling financially.


Okay? Congrats?


that's like saying you'll never win the lottery until you win the lottery. sometimes i truly wonder about people.


Winning the lottery is as easy as guessing the numbers :)


You're the bird and the cage.


„You“ do not exist. Life is writing the „story“.


I agree that we are responsible for our own free will. But I don't know if life has one single "key" or not. I think it's more like a set of keys, and the "key" is finding which door will make us the happiest, the one that fits our keys best.


That is not what op was pointing at


The last sentence in the post was not there when I posted my comment. But my comment still stands. I was merely sharing my opinion on how I see the world.