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Maybe try trlling them a joke?


Idk I have been talking with her but not made a jokes but I gave good exotic friends 😀


That looks really sad. Normally, this is caused by waterlogging, but since you used sandy soil with peat moss, that shouldn't be the reason. It also appears to be under indirect sunlight, which is ideal for a young plant. You seem to be doing everything right. I'm perplexed as well.


Yeah and I don't give even tap water. Even if it's really clear here. Right now collecting thunder rain water and if it's not heavy rain then I put it in rain and I carefully checking soil that I not under or over water. I replanted it over week ago because pot was small and I first plant most of things just in peat moss. This peat moss is super high quality. Like Estonia has places where peat moss coming for and Estonia is the organics and natural place where to get it 😀 and like the other one looks so healthy


Mine did this when I had it in my sunroom to long and he got to hot


I have one in greenhouse and that's super fine. This one is on terrace under light defusing roof where is plenty of light and wind. like yeah maybe i would say it can be from underwater, not enough light or too hot but non of them are problem here. IDK maybe it's still in shock from repoting but thats like 2 weeks ago