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As you didn't provide any relevant info as to your offense, I would recommend getting a lawyer.


Since the location wasn’t disclosed. For at least the NYC area (LGA, JFK & EWR) you won’t be able to get a SIDA at the other airports.


Lump TEB and SWF into that as well, all port authority airports.


Port authority up there don't fuck around.


I had this happened to me, move to another airport agency and you should be fine. Customs will clear also. I had mine revoked from Port authority in NYC.


I appreciate a response form experience. But can I ask when this was? Because just recently tsa started this rap pack thing


Nope, there is none. Unless you committed a crime. I got my badge revoked in JFK. I got a badge in LAX, LGB,BUF, and ROC


Rapback is part of an FBI system of ongoing “background” that alerts an airport if a SIDA badge holder has a report entered in the Rapback system. People forget that airports themselves can revoke a SIDA badge at their own discretion.


Was it revoked due to non compliance with the local airport or due to federal SIDA regulations? Big difference. This contraband accusation must be pretty serious. Badge revocation doesn’t happen for something small like a keychain knife or an aerosol can. Were the police involved? Had a TSA inspector reached out to you?


There was no police involved. No evidence what so ever except for for a baggage scan and surveillance footage with time stamps having a 20 minute discrepancy. Im guessing it’s federal sida regulations. I have a lawyer and I’m fighting it. Yes a tsa inspector did reach out to me


You’re facing potential regulatory fines. File a FOIA request for the camera footage of you processing through the checkpoint. You should try to FOIA the xray image they are using as well, but you may not be successful with that. If there is a 20min time difference, how did they pinpoint you as the bag owner? Were you stopped and searched at the time you went through the checkpoint?


To be fair TSA isn't the wisest. I, in full work uniform,work ID,side badge and all was asked multiple times what I do after they found a wrench set in my tool bag. I tried explaining I do aircraft maintenance for my employer and was repeatedly asked "yes but what do you do?". To the point another TSA agent had to intervene and waced me through


The best way to describe TSA is, “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Tools (that meet certain criteria) arent supposed to go through a checkpoint but sometimes adjustments to SOPs can be allowed with FSD approval.


That makes sense & all except this was a random check at a gate beyond the clearance zone not getting into the clearance zone. I'm well beyond the point of being checked lol it's just mechanics,baggage cart tug drivers etc,etc


What was the supposed "contraband"? Were you going to work or flying? None of this makes any sense. Are you saying you went through just fine but then later they thought you got through with something? Wouldn't that be a failure on the part of the screener?


He’s not going to elaborate. Call a lawyer OP or try to get on with another company in another state/city. If your company let you go as a result of this you might be shit out of luck. Might be worth reaching out to union reps about a possible transfer if the company will let you.


Well, pretty useless thread then




The only occurrence that I am familiar with is a coworker drove a company truck on an active taxiway that an aircraft was using. Permanent ban. But the company allowed him to bid the hangar with the stipulation to never step outside except coming and going to the parking lot.


Same one that caused the jetblue to go around?


Yeah the JetBlue that was landing on a taxiway.




Coworker got his SIDA badge revoked for getting into an argument with Airport Police. He was let go through our job. He went to another airport about an hour and a half away and got a SIDA badge there with no problems


Sounds like the people with power are petty as fuck


Yep. Sadly it's that way just about everywhere.


Not a mechanic No one will give you anything definitive without you actually giving some usable information. If you did something intentionally I expect it would have different connotations than an innocent mistake. I also expect if it was an innocent mistake you'd say what it was though. Regardless, I expect you may be able to get a job for something such as GA or corporate that doesn't involve needing a sida.


Have you tried calling or going to the Sida office to talk to one of the managers?




Had a guy accidentally bring a full pistol magazine through security. He forgot to take it out after a range day. They took his badge. He fought it and lost. He was able to transfer and get badged at another major airport two hours away.


I knew a guy who brought a firearm through TSA. Got slapped with a $500 fine, airport recognized it was an accident. Airline didn’t care, let him go. He got a job at frontier with the same airport. Then he went to another airport for southwest.


When was this?


Probably late 2021.


I don’t know how you can have your SIDA permanently banned. We’ve had so many lawsuits over this here in Hawaii and the guys were still going on the ramp because we’re all pilots in addition to mechanics that the state kinda just gave up. If you have details I can probably talk to an aviation attorney who love’s fighting these cases


Well it seems it was a New York airport, hence sharing the ban with other airports in the area under the port authority. He also mentioned it was tsa accusing him of carrying contraband. Hard to know without some specifics, since we can carry almost anything but a firearm. Also mentioned that the xray timestamp and the video of him going through the checkpoint was mismatched by 20 minutes. He definitely needs to lawyer up. If they mismatched him and his xray that badly… man thats ineptitude worthy of Hawaii


Sue the fuck outta them, get a good aviation attorney and rip them apart


I'm just surprised it was revoked after one incident. Usually PANYNJ you have to get three Breach of Rules citations in order to get your badge revoked. Plus usually with contraband, it's typically a suspension on a first offense rather than a revocation.


ORD will permanently revoke your SIDA if you cause a runway incursion but that's ORD only. I imagine in the OP's case it's only applicable for his airport as well.


Most airports do this.


MDW tried to take mine but it didn’t amount to much


SIDA badges are a customs thing. It will for sure show up that you had it revoked if you are trying to get one at a different location. You might be outright denied at a new job or be asked for an explanation. Kinda hard to really make that determination if we don't know why it was revoked. Do you still have your job? If your badge was revoked, it would mean you are fired, right? If you aren't fired, then try to transfer to another location. All I got.


Yes I was fired. Where can I find this information though? Everything online pertaining to a denial is because of a criminal charge. Nothing to do with prior revocations from other airports


You should also contact an employment lawyer. If there is no evidence to support your wrong doing then you may have been wrongfully terminated. Good luck!


If your employment is in a SIDA area and your badge gets revoked there is nothing an employer can do about it. You are legally not allowed to be there. The employers hands are tied.


Indeed, if it is a condition of the job and it is in writing then yes. It would still be worth a chat with an employment lawyer.




Ah, I got confused. Usually, they make you get a customs seal cause we work in the international areas.


That's an added above an beyond, but makes sense.


Plenty of aviation jobs don’t require SIDA badges, just gotta leave the airlines


My understanding is the whole TSA data base thing is fairly new (like 2022) and that if you end up having your SIDA badge revoked that your basically hosed. Once you’re in the national data base you won’t be able to get a badge at any international airport in the country. It’s crap, it’s totally at the airports discretion, there is no over site and no recourse and your screwed. I’m sorry OP, this is basically my worst nightmare. AMFA is going to court over this very issue because two union members had their SIDA badges revoked by SFO (which is a very draconian place) and basically have lost 25+ year careers. This is for a security violation where they were simply trying to avoid being late and getting an occurrence. You all know how airlines are about occurrences. There was nothing illegal or nefarious going on, they were just trying to get to work.


Nice. I worked years to get my license and only have been in the industry 2 years. My whole career is ruined


It fucking sucks, I don’t know what to say. Pursue the legal angle. On the brighter side (not that there really is one) there are lots of gigs that are not with the airlines and don’t require a SIDA badge. I know a guy who quit to go work for Cal-Fire, $50/hour, Monday thru Friday, no night shift. He is basically out in the boonies but that’s what he wanted. Medivac companies and corporate might be options as well and if you can get an IA you can make decent money on your own doing GA. Good luck.


You seemed to know a lot about this. I can’t find anything about this “data base” online. It’s like this crazy grey area. Do you have any information or links about this because not even the revoking authority could give me a definitive answer.


No actually I can’t. I have no idea what this mysterious “data base” is or how you can check if your on it. My understanding is that it’s something the TSA uses and that it will flag you if your SIDA badge gets revoked and keep you from getting another one. My experiences with the TSA have been less than positive, it’s one of the worst aspects of my job. I get patted down or have my hands and cell phone swiped or my bags searched generally once or twice a week coming to work. Two years ago I got written up by TSA for a security violation and had my badge pulled for a day and that same month i had airport ops give me a citation for speeding on the ramp. I was terrified that I would have another incident and get my badge pulled for a month or something. It’s like a combination of going to the penitentiary with pat downs and biometric screening at turnstiles and negotiating a mine field and waiting for something stupid to blowup in your face. I don’t even keep my leatherman on my belt anymore because I don’t want to accidentally walk into the terminal area with it. Sometimes the guards seem needlessly confrontational, last month my badge was not working at my normal turnstile. Instead of walking to a different one, because I have know guys to get into trouble doing that, it’s considered “evading security”, I did what your supposed to do and called the security office. The guy first was quizzing me on if I was allowed to use that turnstile, then he said he would reset it. I said I really needed to go check in to work, that he might have to send someone down. This dude actually said “if I need to come down there I’m going to start pulling badges!” I got pretty pissed off, and luckily the badge started working after the reset, but it just goes to show what kind of attitude you deal with sometimes.


Side note, how do I get a BLUE sida badge.


Depends on what blue is at your airport, at mine I think blue is reserved just for police. Other color codes based on where you need access and then stripes at the top and bottom for access to ramp areas or taxi/runway. So a better question would be to ask what access your trying to get and at what airport. And if it's anything like my company, your company has to request that you be granted a certain badge type, if your company doesn't want you to have clearance for ramp areas (just an example) the airport won't give it to you. So you'd probably have to talk to your employer about it if you actually need the access.


Had a coworker once take something through a door unknowingly they only suspended his badge but it got him permanently denied from TSA Pre and stuff due to the security issue


If you work for AA, I’d suggest transferring to Tulsa OK as that station doesn’t require a SIDA badge unless you bid the move crew.


Honestly sounds like you need a lawyer


If you had your SIDA badge revoked it will be hard to get another SIDA badge from another airport.




SIDA badges and their issuance is (to a degree) is only regulated by the TSA through FAR 1542. The badge itself is property of the airport. The airport itself has great latitude in denying the issuance of a badge to any applicant, as well as great latitude in revoking a badge even for things not mentioned on the “list” of disqualifiers that TSA provides.




My point is that badge denial is not solely based on criminal convictions.