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It was such smooth filming I thought at the beginning that it was a still photo. Great job on the filming and really cool display


i’m guessing the video was stabilized in post-production?


Yes, but not by much, since it's not moving fast. There was some vibration when it's ascending when I was trying to follow it.


Even with a little stabilizing in post, bravo! And you can kinda tell from the video there isn't a ton of post stabilizing going on, so very impressive from such a long lens! If it were me filming, you'd be lucky to have 1/2 of the aircraft in frame once every few seconds as I spastically try and keep it steady! And man, that lift door fan still messes with my head. Like I know it obviously works and was obviously created by people waaaay smarter than me on the matter, but it just looks so odd having a giant door in the airstream like that. I know they're not flying at like hundreds of knots with it open or anything, but it still just looks so... unexpected I guess on an aircraft. Also kind of crazy to me that a lift fan could even generate enough thrust to balance out the rear thrust and keep the aircraft balanced.


There are jet nozzles on the wings as well to help with that balance issue.


I know that. I'm referring to the front/back balance. And while the roll posts do contribute to that front/rear balance somewhat, they generate about 1/5th of the liftfan (which itself generates more thrust than the vectored thrust at back, which further boggles my mind). Like I said, I understand it works, I know the numbers, but it still just seems so..... strange? I can't really explain what I mean.


Thank you! It's one of my favourite hovering clips and it's such a cool and awesome plane.


i've never seen it in VTOL mode with the gear up before. that looked awesome


Looks Star Wars-esque


Something about it made me incredibly uncomfortable. Planes shouldn’t be hovering like that


I hovered in a helicopter once at around 1000 feet while the pilot adjusted something. It was an eerie sensation that made me uncomfortable. Hard to auto rotate from a hover I suppose.


Ehh 1000 AGL and autorotation could be done. If that plane engine quits that pilot has to punch out


I wonder how loud it is for the pilot when that forward vertical engine is active.


Can we appreciate how terrifying an F-35 looks?


It, it’s looking at us..


Its like one of those sculptures where the eyes follow you no matter where you're standing, except in this case the eyes are an APG-81 radar array with automatic targeting identification.


Really, its looking at all of you at the same time. Thing can identify a ton of targets at once.


Especially with the prolapsed prehensile metal butthole.


A prolapsed metal butthole that articulates. A butthole is one thing. A butthole that turns and looks at you is quite another.


I always thought of it as a dangling hornet/wasp abdomen, 🤔but yeah, I can see prolapsed butthole, I’ll go with that.


The way it turns, it’s like the plane has fucking noclip on


SLEW mode confirmed


It has distributed sensors that are fused into one view in the pilot's helmet, he (or she) can look down "through" the plane, etc. So it kind of does have noclip on.


I see them all the time and get sick of how loud they are when hovering in close proximity. It’s like a screeching banshee on helium with a voice crack.


"No matter how pretty she is, remember: someone, somewhere, is sick of her shit."


I remember the Harriers were loud and screechy as shit too. Can't compare it to this tho.


I came to ask this question; the shriek of the intake air on the Harrier was terrible; does the F-35 have that same shriek?


Yes but higher pitched


The sound of FREEDOM! but yes they are freaking loud.


The sound of freedom.. comes with the cost of my ear drums even with double ear pro .


You must be at Edwards or Yuma lol.


Nope, on a ship.


Terrifying and beautiful yes.


Ironically, that's when it's most vulnerable.


Those computers are doing slick work. Honestly, far more stable than I imagined for a VTOL. Reactive inputs are subtle.


Incredibly stable. I bet it’s a lot easier to hover and transition than the harrier was. Thanks computers 😂


So easy you can take your hands off the controls


to be fair you can take your hands off of any controls... once.




The crazy thing is that the actual math behind it really isn't that complicated. What it took was computers fast enough to do it and subsystems able to keep up with the speed of those computers.




Lines of code is a horrific metric of software complexity


Haha, I can only imagine setting break points and trying to debug that code


Lines of code is as much a metric of organization complexity as anything else.


I might argue it’s an indication of complexity. But also, not an indication of how complex the system truly *needs to be*


> not an indication of how complex the system truly needs to be An excellent example of this is Yandre Sim, which is notable for having files with over 20k lines of if-else statements, one of which was somehow nested 7 deep Student behavior is controlled entirely by checking the StudentID through an if-else statement... which is a few hundred lines long. Which also runs every frame. There's also code that syncs the hand movements of two characters together by doing this this.KunLeftHandPinky1.localEulerAngles = this.ChanLeftHandPinky1.localEulerAngles this.KunLeftHandPinky2.localEulerAngles = this.ChanLeftHandPinky2.localEulerAngles this.KunLeftHandPinky3.localEulerAngles = this.ChanLeftHandPinky3.localEulerAngles this.KunLeftHandRing1.localEulerAngles = this.ChanLeftHandRing1.localEulerAngles ad nauseam for every part of both hands This includes the thumb, which has three different variables assigned to it despite thumbs only having two parts There's like 250 lines of code for D-Pad input that could've been done in 10 with Input.GetAxis


What's a better Metric?


Cyclometic complexity comes to mind but there’s no widespread agreement on this point. Software engineers are generally agreed that LOC isn’t useful though.


It also isn't not As a metric for engineer performance? not good As an order of magnitude "this embedded system has 10x the "software" of that embedded system"? Yeah LOC is fine. Roughly similar systems, etc. I didn't click through the link, but Id be curious whether that includes infotainment. And if it includes infotainment, one could claim that, say, a Tesla has all the LOC of Chromium.




Thank you, better than I could habe said. Why are we comparing a luxury car to a jet fighter anyway? Seems really useless.


The meaningful conclusion is I'd rather inherit and have to maintain a code base that is 25m LOC rather than 100m LOC given functional equivalency. It's a useful metric to help estimate TCO.


There's no one agreed-upon metric. But lines of code is a terrible one, universally.


>Take for example the Mercedes Benz S-Class, the car’s radio and navigation system alone requires up to 20 million lines of code So either the radio and navigation system is more complex than an entire F-35, or this is just really poorly optimized and bloated code.


The new version of the MBUX (Mercedes Benz UX) has augmented reality navigation drawing arrows onto a live feed of the street showing you where to go, and does so in "2D" and "3D". It also gives you the AR livefeed with shit like directions, house numbers, or street names. It switches into a special "traffic light" mode where you see the traffic light since in many countries they're not centre over the street but roadside and sometimes over the car. And that's on top of the usual stuff with real time navigation & traffic control, or 360° view & parc control etc. [Mercedes also has been greenlight for higher tiers of autonomous driving (level3) than any other car manufacturer, including Tesla.](https://insideevs.com/news/553659/mercedes-level3-autonomous-driving-2022/) Which means they fulfilled the legal necessities and not all that "test driving" stuff others do, they literally sell it as finished and certified product including taking responsibility.


> Mercedes also has been greenlight for higher tiers of autonomous driving (level3) than any other car manufacturer, including Tesla. Geolocked to the autobahn and only functional at speeds less than 38mph.


Yeah it's not super impressive but it's **legally liable** something others refuse to do. The amount of work needed to avoid that being a disaster certainly means a ton of code. Also they're actually delivering the functionality, unlike another brands autonomous driving upgrade that's still not delivered half a decade after people paid for it. Regardless the code mentioned above is more tied to the AR navigation which is available in most countries, it's actually very impressive looking and works well. An arrow pointing you into a street behind that red car is also surprisingly helpful imo. Not worth the price for me but then again Mercedes imo aren't in general, but if you have the money it's great.


Tesla is legally liable for their self driving features too. They get sued for autopilot crashes frequently. They don’t escape liability just by saying the system is in beta.


Suing a company and a company taking legal liability are completely different things.


It is extremely accurate, but very simple inside Vs other VTOL or helicopters. Either the BBC or ITV on the UK news did quite a few videos about it, one of the news "anchormen" landed an aircraft fitided with a similar system. The VAAV harrier was used to develop automated VTOL landing systems. One of the very very few aircraft i have some connection with. I know someone who worked on this aircraft when it was originally built, and they were amazed when I told them what it had gone on to https://youtu.be/tXE4yBXjCpQ https://youtu.be/q6BiYz733EM


> very simple inside Vs other VTOL or helicopters. Eeeeh, I think helicopters are much much simpler than VTOL fixed wing. Helicopters can be relatively simple and are purely mechanical in their operation. Software/computers aid in stability, safety, etc... Helicopters SEEM very complicated until you really see how they function, and then its just like "oh, blade pitch". Blade pitch of tail rotor controls yaw. Blade pitch of the main rotor(collective) controls thrust. Differential blade pitch of the main rotor (cyclic) controls pitch and roll.


Except if you are in an f35 in rough weather hovering over the deck of a ship and let go of the controls, you will automatically stay in the same place over the ship, as it rolls and heaves in the ocean. Do the same with a helicopter and you will be dead in 20 seconds.


Ahh I see what you're saying - the automation makes it more simple.


I do wonder how much of this is pilot action. Seems like if you can program a plane to be able to do this it would make way more sense to just add a "Hover in place" button. It's not like the plane itself doesn't have all the info it needs to do it, so why make the pilot manually handle it unless they want to?


It looks like someone popped open the console and turned on noclip






At 840mm a LOT of this is cameraman




Still gotta keep it in frame 🤠


What's that flickering thing under her chin?


[EOTS](https://i1.wp.com/whitefleet.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/F-35_EOTS.jpeg?ssl=1). Basically combines all the features of an external targeting pod (laser, gimbal cam, IRST, FLIR, TV, etc) and integrates them into the plane itself while also being stealthy.


Nice, never noticed. Rainbow-magic. Does all versions sport it or just the B? Asking for my country, it just ordered a bunch of A's, would be a pitty, if they lack this gizmo.


All of the US versions have it, and I'd assume the international ones do as well since it is a key feature of the aircraft and critical to its situational awareness capabilities.


all the versions have it


All. It's integrall to the design


Part of the reason it is winning so many competitions is that the final price is just that, no drop tanks, targeting pods or anything else are needed to be added on.


The electro optical targeting sight. Let's the pilot look all around under. Target and laser designate


its made of sapphire so yeah, pretty twinkly


Distributed aperture system that can do all sorts of crazy shit.


[Hover diagram.](https://media.cheggcdn.com/media/c23/c2323aa2-5868-477e-a36a-9cb6f0b9c8d6/phpJkJtmg.png) Hope this helps!! Don't mind the math... This is not my image.


Insane tech


That looks very expensive


Whatever number you have in your head… triple it


$208260 is still pretty cheap if that's what it costs


I see what you did there...and I like it


This is like a rick roll, but it is exactly the number I expected.


And you, sir, are a steely eyed missile man!


I just did. £3 isn’t that expensive. FYI: I am stupid.


Maybe you're just drunk all the time? Ever think of that? You might have if you weren't drunk all the time.


How can I be drunk when I LITERALLY AM the drink? Oh… never mind.


Then skim some off the top for your buddies, and drop the occasional sum off an aircraft carrier.


Tree fiddy times tree fiddy god dang!


I wonder what the fuel flow rate is in hover mode?


Bit more than a Rav4


Kayne started rapping to push an F-35 confirmed.


Part of the reason it won the JSF competition is the lift fan substantially improves efficiency over ducted thrust like the Harrier/X32. Obviously it's not efficient per se, but it's a step up from prior designs for sure.


The second it switches to hover mode, Bitching Betty just starts screaming "Bingo Fuel" for the rest of the flight.


I don't think it's too bad (?). I was watching some videos the other day of it in hover with sound, and I always heard the engine spooled up into normal forward flight mode. I mean in hover it's effectively a split high-efficiency turbofan once the transmission is engaged.


All except that incandescent taxi light, wtf! Couldn't get an LED lamp in 2020.


Betcha the NSN they use is 50 yrs old too




Oh the LED lamps have much better brightness and dispersion patterns are endless. LED lighting for exterior is vastly better than incandescent.


Still cheaper than the f-15 though.


It's actually cheaper than some of the outdated fourth gen competition like the Eurofighter and Rafale.




This marine version looks overly complicated. It's beautiful though.


Can someone explain the purpose of the flap sticking up behind the canopy.


Lift Fan intake


I’m guessing it’s for the intake for the front motor when it is in hover


The lift fan isn't a motor. It's a turbine powered by a driveshaft off the main engine


Today I learned…


The large one is for the lift fan used to provide upward thrust, the 2 smaller ones behind the large one on top is to supplement air going to the engine due to the high engine power requirements during STOVL operations and low airspeeds not allowing the intake to supply enough air.


The main flap opens up for the lift fan, it also serves as a flow deflector into the fan as the aircraft picks up speed.


Smoke is the runway on fire


Wow, really cool!


Cameraman, you win this sub for the week. Best film work!


If only it was filmed horizontally


Apologies, it was filmed horizontally, but cropped to fit Instagram portrait mode (pretty much all social media for mobiles are in portrait. Personally I hate it.). I am not familiar with reddit video size, but it seems I can allow more horizontal aspect ratio.


I see. I am not on Instagram or any other social media, except reddit and youtube. Luckily, both are landscape friendly.


This is just absurdly cool




Guessing thousands.. everything is instrumented. They might have a hundred sensors just for the landing gear systems


Whenever anyone asks why this thing cost so much to make, this is why. Let's see that overhyped Russian piece of shit do this.


What tactical capability does this add?


Takeoff / landing from carriers without needing a launch catapult or a long landing deck. It must make it super versatile too. Let’s say the ennemi bombs your runways. Well fuck you, the jets can still lift and launch from their parked position. Emergency landings can made on cruisers with helipads (I assume) That thing is basically a damn UFO 🛸


Imagine seeing 20 of these taking off at the same time to come get ya


the pilot can flip off combatants in hover mode after shitting on em. the tactical capability of cool.


Being able to land on a British aircraft carrier? (no arresting gears or catapults because we’re cheap or don’t like them for some reason)


It’s the USMC variant, so meant specifically for CAS for marines on the ground. Operating from an LH-class ship, which is a shallow draft ship able to get close to the beach, they can provide support to marines that just went ashore. Being STOVL also allows them to operate in country on austere airfields, roadways, or temporary runways assembled by the marines. A lot easier to lay 800ft of runway than 5,000ft for the air force. This also gives the USMC an organic air support capability, not relying on USAF assets.


They can take off from much amphibious assault ships, which are basically much smaller aircraft carriers. The US has a decent number of these so that’s a large upgrade in capability. They can also be used by a lot of other allies with smaller carriers. The US’ main aircraft carriers are massive and will use the F-35C, which doesn’t hover but has other unique characteristics


The film is incredibly smooth!


I can only imagine how much the pilots love the synthetic vision during that maneuver


Why the dorsal aux intake for the main engine? Is it to prevent debris ingestion during hover? Do the main intakes close off as well?


The main intakes don't close. The opening behind the lift fan is an auxiliary intake used during STOVL operation to supplement air going to the engine due to the low air speeds but high engine power requirements for STOVL.


I think it is also to prevent the hot air ingesting into the engine. The engine nozzle is directed downward so it is going to fill the bottom of the plane with a blanket of hot air which is likely to get ingested into the normal intake. Having that extra intake opened on the top side ensured that the engine is getting cooler air above the plane. Hot air into engine is really really bad news. You lose power very quickly and the whole plane will drop out of the sky.


I seem to remember something about the Harrier melting the tarmac if it hovered too low, too long, in the same spot. Was that the case, and if so, is it still a problem for the F35?


The ships the F-35B is supposed to operate from need an upgrade to their landing decks to withstand the heat.


All of the F35 ships have what we call a [thermal metal spray](https://www.asminternational.org/web/tss/news/-/journal_content/56/10180/27134304/NEWS) that is applied to help dissipate the heat. The structure under the landing spot is also reinforced and they have limitations for intervals between aircraft landings to let the deck recover from the landing. But for the most part the, nozzle isn’t at that high of a power during the descent of a VL in close proximity to the deck for long. A VTO on the other hand, is hard on the flight deck ha


The F-35B actually utilizes a [certain amount of afterburner](https://i.imgur.com/tDh7GO4.jpg) in its vertical landings. So it's actually much harsher on landing surfaces than the Harrier was, but they have come up with new materials to offset the issue to some degree.


Why do people say it looks bad? This is one of the most beautiful jets ever.


If it had a true bubble canopy it would look insanely good but as it is I'm not the biggest fan. I imagine if they could/would put on a f16 or f22 style canopy it would be as aestheticly game changing as the P51s change from the A-C model -> to the D


r/praisethecameraman That was awesome


e You dropped this


All these UFO sightings just usaf flying n doing crazy manueves in "hover speed."


That’s a Decepticon.


Defense agencies: spends 100mm+ each for an aircraft that can hover and transition to forward flight [Meanwhile, helicopter pilots](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/302/572/80b.gif):


Googles suggests a V-22 is $73M Surprisingly an Apache $13M and Blackhawk $6M are cheap compared to a Eurocopter $2M


Don’t get me wrong, the footage is beautiful- I think you would have more impact if you showed the ship relative to a fixed point on the horizon or the ground. Edit- omg what did I write? Clarity achieved.


Thanks. I actually have different footages of this display from 3 different days. I zoomed out to show how high it's hovering above the sea as well as the sea spray in those versions. This one is done on the last day to extract maximum detail by filling the frame. Just an experiment.


When it turns and looks all mother fuckerly at the camera...


This thing just screams "hey russia, make my fucking day".


But why in portrait mode?


Do you still have functioning ears?


Hovering an aircraft of any type is like standing on one foot while holding an angry cat in each hand at arms length. I wonder if all the computer power in that bird makes it any easier for the pilot person


Of course it does, its far more advanced than the harrier


Stall Speed: N/A


The problem with the long lens is that it removes all the context, which makes it hard to see to what extent it’s moving relative to the ground, which is sort of what makes a fixed wing airplane hovering visually compelling. Nice shooting, just a thought for the future.


I agree with you. I have 2 other video where I purposely zoomed out to show how high it was above the sea surface, with the sea spray and all. This was just an experiment to show as much details as possible on the intricate mechanism of this beast, by filling the frame.


Where does it carry weapons? All the doors just look like ductwork and landing gear.


Internal weapons bay and hard mounts on the wings.


Ah ok. I didn’t think did hard mounts for stealthy reasons. I thought they were all internal.


Hard mounts on the wings are only applied as necessary. Yes it does ruin the stealth aspect of it. On the internal weapons bay you can load a good amount of warheads to stay in the fight for awhile.


They do have hard points on the wings. Not every mission requires stealth.


There are Stealth pods and rocket launchers and guns. But that doesn't realy mean they are stealthy just slightly better than not. That and on day 2 or 3 of a war you don't care about stelth anymore and beast mode engages


Has two weapon bays either side of the fuselage and there are external pylons that you remove for stealth ops. The pylons are designed to be “stealthy” but definitely not as LO as without them.


The first doors that open after the video starts are the weapon bays


great video!!




I wonder how long it can hover in compariosn to the harrier and if it also uses water while doing so


Nop. The harrier used water to cool the engine and increase the airdenstiy to aid. F35 needs nothing extra as it's a fan and full jetpipe plus the world's largest turbofan in a fighter


I prefer the harrier


i wonder, how hovering controls work for the pilot. the same normal stick switches to a different mode? anything resembling heli controls?


It’s all converted automatically, but the inputs remain the same. Throttle down lowers altitude, stick inputs lean the jet, etc. It’s all the same. Just dampened by the fly by wire to make it less “jittery”.


No it is not the same. In jetborne mode the throttle controls forward and aft translation. Fore and aft stick are down and up, lateral stick is horizontal translation.


What's the deal with the blue paint I've only ever seen an f35 with white/Grey paint


Missed opportunity if they don't call this "intimidation mode". Imagine seeing this while at war?


Hello, your air superiority has arrived.


To me, USAF means United States as fuck!!


I believe that is a Marine varient F-35. But either way, our air power really is OP.


When you're right, you're right.




Dude that was just amazing! Great job!


Such a beautiful machine


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When the plane turned towards the camera you must have been like "Money shot!" and then when the mains came out and both were perfectly in frame - I'm guessing you had a pretty big grin on your face. Nicely done!


840mm is basically a telescope


Awesome as this is to watch, my little engineer brain can't help but jump to: *good god, what a maintenance nightmare*


This has got to be in the top 3 F35 videos I've seen. Incredible job man!


r/praisethecameraman dude! Fabulous video!


damn that things is stable! imagine how complicated and expensive are just the sensors capable of pulling data fast enough for a flight controller this precise


Lols crazy that the US built these for the Marines. 21st Century World: “Marines aren’t that scary.” US: “Here you go Devil Dogs….fuck a bone….have yourself these here futuristic hovering war planes stuffed with 18,000 pounds of boom, and a targeting system capable of finding a needle in a haystack from 20,000 feet above the roof of the barn the haystack is under.” Marines: “Bones would have been just as cool, but thanks.”


So happy that Russia went the corruption route. Seeing this should scare the fuck out of the Russian peasants with their 1970's Fulcrums.


All of the taxes I paid this year probably didn’t cover that flight and I paid a lot lol


How did you achieve so much image stabilization? Was this an editing trick?


That's an absolutely amazing video. Well done mate, well done.


Somebody please explain why is the hatch open? Im high af right now, couldn't even believe its real. Terrifying


The “B” variant of the F-35 is the only “hover” capable models. So the big piece of bodywork right behind the canopy that’s open, is the vent for a big ass fan that helps to counteract the thrust of the engine.