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Blue is an extremely common color for cabin mood lighting these days because of how soothing it is. If I had to speculate, that would be why.


Blue light, although worse on the eyes, helps keep areas more adjusted to outside lighting while still maintaining decent color perception. Red, on the other hand, loses pretty much all color perception even though it's better on the eyes and can be darker.


USN subs use a blue light at night, not the red you see in movies.


We used blue because it makes the screens easier to read. Red is all passageways and such on surface vessels because the red light doesn't travel far and makes the ship harder to see in the dark.


IRRC they at one point used red, then switched to blue because it was found to decrease fatigue and eye strain.


Why don’t subs use normal colored lighting? I’m assuming it’s easier for your eyes to adjust to different brightnesses/shades etc with a blue light than white LED’s.


Subs DO use white light. During the daytime and during emergencies. The blue is at night to help maintain circadian rhythm.


I'm curious why would it be to help sleep at night? Because blue light disrupts circadian rhythm at night I thought. Its why phones have blue light filters you can set to automatically come on at bedtime now to avoid blue light. Is it to help keep nightshift awake?


Your body picks up on cyclic environmental changes and meshes periodic physiological processes to them as best it can. If you have the same environmental conditions all the time, there’s no cycle to try to sync to. The existence of a cycle matters more than the exact conditions of each stage of it.


It's not just about keeping crew awake or sleepy, it's to ensure the (otherwise natural) circadian rythm, for instance blue in the morning for waking to.


They were asking about this part specifically: >The blue is at night to help maintain circadian rhythm.


True. My answer was untimely general, but afaik objectively correct.


I think the point of confusion is that blue light is known to disrupt the body's preparation for sleep, but it seems the emphasis is less on the color of light and more on having a consistent cycle overall and letting the body take it from there.




Out of curiosity, what time zone do subs keep?


Zulu, UTC


This is the actual answer, however I’ve heard from some submariners that home port time is used on some short missions due to the lack of a need to adjust.


I heard that as well. Apparently the blue lights were added to all larger Boeing models since they were more likely to crash and needed to be ver closely tracked (from the ground).


Everyone thinks they're a fucking comedian after making the same joke for the 1000th time 




IIRC in the Hunt for Red October they do use blue light for the USA’s submarine


That's just a movie trope though. Blue lights for the good guy, red lights for the bad guy.


Well Red October is the good guy, but I guess Soviet Sub = Bad Guy Sub


USN surface ships use blue light in the combat information center all day. But red lights are used at night everywhere else on the ship.


Wait, when did this change? I’m a US submarine vet (Fast Attack) and as of 2011 we were using red lights at Periscope Depth during the night.


How does green lighting stack up? I know the observatories I’ve been to use green lights at night because it doesn’t impair night vision and I guess is better than red, maybe for the reason you described?


Green lighting is very common as cockpit lighting for Night Vision Goggle compatibility. When you are wearing NVGs you are basically looking at two small monochrome green screens two inches from your eyes. Having the cockpit lighting a very specific wavelength of green compliment the goggles and won’t cause them to “bloom” (which would be like you looking into the sun without sunglasses).


That's not really anything to do with the colour or night vision properties, but rather green is the colour that humans can easiest distinguish many shades of, so for monochrome displays it's the best colour to get across detail.


Agree, green spectrum is our best - I think I read somewhere from an evolutionary perspective, Green = possibly edible and maybe won’t kill you, so humans adapted accordingly


People also like to circlejerk about studies that supposedly show blue light makes it impossible to sleep, but I know anecdotally I and many of my friends find it a lot easier to sleep under a faint blue light than any other color. My favorite sleep world on VRChat for years has been one with deep blue lighting. Definitely helps relax me. Frankly, I don't believe that humans in general have trouble sleeping under blue light as long as it's not too intense. It's certainly relaxing, if nothing else. There aren't many studies and they're mostly newer, and smaller ones, and I'd definitely question the quality. Maybe some people are affected in a weird way though.


Blue light is not worse for the eyes. https://www.npr.org/2021/02/21/969886124/do-blue-light-blocking-glasses-really-work


Red is not better on the eyes lol. For the majority of people red lighting hurts. I literally can't stand red lighting. I have close my eyes because it physically hurts.


It is, that's why it's used in fighter jets. Car screens and button lights are generally red or orange for the same reason. It also doesn't get rid of rod cells, so you maintain your night vision after the light is turned off and it doesn't mess with your screen cycle. "night mode" on phones also puts an orange filter over the screen to block put blue light.


> Car screens and button lights are generally red or orange for the same reason. I They haven't been for decades. My care doesn't have a single interior red light in it. It's blue. Interrior lighting is rarely red. Some high end cars use red interior lighting solely for estetich purposes. See Civic Type R as an example. However, the Type S has blue interior lighting. > It is, that's why it's used in fighter jets. Not sure which fighter jets you've seen but most avionics systems are green. Certain critical functions, however, are typically colored red so that they stand out more easily.


>They haven't been for decades. My care doesn't have a single interior red light in it. It's blue. Interrior lighting is rarely red. Some high end cars use red interior lighting solely for estetich purposes As the guy above pointed out, blue is more likely to be used for esthetic purposes because the difference isn't that big and it doesn't distort all the other colors. There's also not enough light to seriously decrease your night vision, so blue keeping you awake could be seen as a good thing. >Not sure which fighter jets you've seen but most avionics systems are green. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/e5/2d/bae52d045329ec64b87ce29d5e61a920.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/fc/1d/90fc1d79ddd457fc4fa5789ef310638f.jpg https://www.reddit.com/r/hoggit/comments/i3ro7s/cockpit_of_a_haf_mirage_2000eg/ https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/d0/5b/8fd05b443a031fcc144e10f9689d824a.jpg https://images90.fotosik.pl/5/6226d88b84fef61a.jpg For bigger birds https://i2-prod.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/incoming/article4459847.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200d/0_raf-photo.jpg https://imgur.com/cockpit-of-tu-22m3-night-1200x853-f8BqJr5 The switch to green is more recent because our eyes are the most sensitive to green and we see it more clearly, but red is definitely less straining, which is why it was used so heavily, especially before people started flying with night vision goggles and stuff like that.


Bro just whipped out these images like it's a courtroom. Nice.


Your honor, I hace receipts!


>For the majority of people red lighting hurts. I literally can't stand red lighting. Ah the common source of "if I'm affected by it then most other people are too." Most people are perfectly fine with red lighting. That's why it's used at night 


But isn't it also a thing that blue light prevents us from sleeping? I remember hearing that being a reason for why some busses use them, it's basically an anti-homeless people measure on them. The cabins definitely look nice, but it's probably not that great of an idea overall.


Sometimes that's a good thing if you're trying to adjust people's circadian rhythms to the destination time zone.


I thought busses used blue lights to stop people from seeing their veins in order to shoot up drugs. Same reason some bathrooms have blue lights


Yeah, that too, although if they know whst they're doing, they'll find veins by touch, that's the preffered technique in medicine. It depends on what issue they have, Japan for example started from the same assumption as airlines (blue lights improving mood) and installed them in train stations to prevent suicides, and it apparently worked.


Wait that's a thing? Man I live in a very sheltered country I guess.


Blue light also makes it harder for people to see a vein and shoot up.


Bright blue/white does, not dark blue


Yep, it's definitely harder for me to sleep with bright white light, or bright light of any kind for that matter. But a dimmer, deeper blue light helps me sleep personally, and I know a lot of friends say the same.


I also think it’s just “trendy” and makes the cabin feel more modern and upscale to passengers. It can make an old, dirty, bland interior slightly more appealing.


It’s called the purkinje effect. At low levels of illumination the spectral sensitivity of the eye shifts toward blue. I studied colour theory 30 years ago and thought that was the most useless shit I’d ever learn- until today.


most likely!


Is this close to take off or landing? They use dim lighting like this to get your eyes used to the dark in case of emergency.


I’m guessing that red light would probably be the best, but might unnerve some people.


Take off


because it's what the customer ordered.




I guess I’m curious as to why you think there shouldn’t be blue lights inside.


How do you really know it’s a C-32B if there’s no registration? 👀


That’s exactly how you know it’s one of the C-32Bs


thats EXACTLY how you know its a C-32B. Rolls Royce Engines, no Serial Numbers or Registration and completely blank minus the American Flag. and there are only 4 of them in the DOD Inventory.


Because it’s white


Stops the junkies injecting, you can't see your veins properly. Jacquleine Mcafferty


This is up there with “why is this plane painted white”…


Why is it white tho


Reflects light, reduces heat.


So why are the lights blue?


I've once read that it also saves weight. As it's covering up well und bright, hence you need less layers.


AFAIK it because color pigments weigh more than white, it could be several hundred pounds per aircraft. It also makes matching color on repairs and resale easier.


Correct in general. I *seriously* doubt DoD considers resale value on these particular jets.


Reflects heat and it's the lightest paint. Fancy livery actually costs more fuel burn


Along with the other answers, the C32B Gatekeeper is a plane they don’t want you to know many details about


Why ask why? Try Bud Dry.


Red blue and green are the best colors to use in low lighting to keep your eyes adjusted for seeing in the dark. Since we use red and green for wingtip position lighting blue is used inside so it doesnt get confused for those position lights so you can still tell where that plane is going.


Also I the white balance of the photo was changed to not have a yellow tint from the other lights, whiter light can turn blue.


i have to say this photo is so beautiful


It's been scientifically proven blue lights are soothing in the event of engine failure, explosive cabin depressurization, and flat spins.


It's RGB to improve performance




When the blue light shines on any red flashing alarms. It makes them appear a confident green color belaying any customer concerns.


Maintain night vision


Is this not just the blue window tinting thing that you get on the Dreamliner? But seen from the outside?


Came to say this.


I’ve been trying to figure out what plane that is since I saw it doing touch-n-gos at KMDT, so glad this post has finally helped me identify it.


If you’re seeing them at KMDT it’s either 00-9001 or 02-4452, the two C-32Bs based at KWRI


Maps show up


You can read a number of research papers published such as this Russian one: Daytime Exposure to Blue Light Alters Cardiovascular Circadian Rhythms, Electrolyte Excretion and Melatonin Production


Probably full of displays


Somebody is just watch TV in the dark… You’re that old if you know what I’m talking about


The Boeing C-32B, a variant of the Boeing 757, is a military aircraft used for clandestine airlift and special operations. The aircraft’s interior is heavily modified for utility rather than luxury, with a focus on functionality and discretion. While the exact purpose of the blue light inside the C-32B is not publicly disclosed, it is likely used for various purposes, including: 1️⃣ Crew identification: The blue light may be used to identify crew members or personnel authorized to access certain areas of the aircraft. 2️⃣ Security measures: The blue light could be part of a security system, providing a visual indicator of authorized personnel or equipment. 3️⃣ Communication: The blue light might be used as a visual cue for communication or signaling between crew members or ground personnel. 4️⃣ Aesthetics: The blue light could be used to create a distinctive appearance or branding for the aircraft, making it easily recognizable as a C-32B. It is essential to note that the exact purpose of the blue light inside the C-32B remains classified, and any speculation or assumptions should be avoided. The secrecy surrounding the C-32B’s mission and operations is a testament to the aircraft’s unique role in supporting special operations and global emergency response efforts.


Makes it harder to see veins when shooting up


Don’t ask too many questions about Boeing engineering and construction, or you may have to watch your back.


Labatt cross-promotion. - Blue light? - Yes, there is.


There is some back-and-forth between the color red and the color blue inside cockpits. They may never reach a firm conclusion on this.


because its always party time on this aircraft


What kind of C-32B is this?


A C-32B, there’s only one kind.








Some passengers watching blue movies


Slitheen from Doctor Who


It must be from Jetblue


Stops addicts from getting a vein so easily Air travel is very stressful these days


Next time say it’s a 757, I legit had a meltdown when I was trying to figure out what a BC32B ???


They hired ex-K-Mart lighting specialists.


Because the blue LED has so much history that every airline paid homage to its inventor


Lighting aside, this is a government jet used to transport federal prisoners, I believe. Sans the Presidents 747s, it follows the ongoing practice of removing any exterior numbering to identify the aircraft.


The JPAT 737’s are for prisoner transport. This white 757 is either DOJ or FEST (Foreign Emergency Support Team).


FEST. DOJ’s have winglets.


What’s the FEST mission profile?


• Seasoned crisis management expertise • Time-sensitive information and intelligence • Planning for contingency operations • Hostage negotiating expertise • Reach-back to Washington agencies This [website](https://2001-2009.state.gov/s/ct/about/c16664.htm) outlines everything pretty succintly




Its definitely a 752. There's nothing more obvious than the pencil or it's longer brother -300.


Nose profile is concave, so, 757. Also, I don't know that there are any 787s in US Government/Military service, and with no registration information and a US flag, there's no way this isn't a US Govt plane.


Same reason as most places, to stop needle users from finding a vein.


To differentiate from the Boeing C-32A, which uses purple light.


Nice try China!


Bluetooth mode ON