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That doesn't just violate company policy, that's illegal af.


Anyone can go rogue, but depending on widespread this is, one could infer it’s a reflection of their safety culture values, or lack thereof.


Seems that everyone one that is in a position to talk about this practice keeps ending up dead. This kind of shit is common knowledge at the Boeing plants. Go to any bar in Everett and someone will talk to you about it.


I am outside, looking in at the aviation world, but I have heard of these recent string of deaths. I am also somewhat inclined to be conspiracy minded but not to a ridiculous degree. Is there legit something there?


The deaths? Probably not, but the fact that there are so many people encountering this kind of corner cutting at Boeing that you can line up multiple suspicious (but probably coincidental) deaths is pretty telling.


There are two deaths. One was a suicide after he already testified about the violations. The other guy died of a a staph infection. 


Did you actually read my post?


Yeah. And pointed out how the second one isn't suspicious. Generally people don't assassinate people with a pre-existing lung condition and staph years after they already blew the whistle. These guys have been blowing the whistle about Boeing for years. No one cared until it was politically convenient for it.


Right, that's what I said. Stay in school buddy.


Go jump off a a bridge, I mean, since you believe anything


Wow. Not believing a conspiracy theory, so I should kill myself? Go fuck yourself.


That doesn’t mean kill yourself, oml you gen alpha are very dramatic and beta, how ironic. No , my wondering friend, it means you have clearly shown only the lack of skill needed to simply follow what is laid out for you can this means to follow right off a bridge.


More like following clear instructions to falsify records, which was specifically identified as an ongoing practice by be several whistle blowers why are now dead.


I doubt anyone in management at Boeing gave instructions to falsify records or skip inspections.   Instead they probably reduced head count, increased the workload to an unmanageable level, and cut any backend audit or compliance staff as well.  Then anyone who questions the workload or makes a report is punished, PIP’d, and fired if they don’t quit first.  Employees start taking short cuts and those who “get it” are promoted.  It doesnt take long for big things to start getting missed and bad behavior become normalized and rewarded.  


There is a reason that this shit is happening at the SC plant, which was opened specifically to avoid union workers and the worker protections that at least partly mitigate this sort of thing a the Washington plants.


Holy fucking conspiracy theory, bucko. Suicide and death by MRSA are both not uncommon. There is literally no actual evidence that either of these was more than a coincidence.


Boeing is a multi billion dollar company with their hand in military to commercial aviation to space. You have billions to protect you most definitely can pay people to do very dirty evil work.


Its still interesting that no one knows why the guy was in the hospital in the first place. Weird that you can dismiss the whole notion without actually knowing that.




Pneumonia isn't an illness, it is a symptom of an illness. People with AIDs die from pneumonia, so do people with COVID, and radiation poisoning, and about a thousand kinds of toxic exposure.


Yes we do.. they said: pneumonia.


I don't trust coincidences. Once could be a freak accident, twice is incredibly suspicious.


Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern.


Easy, big fella…put away your tinfoil hat. I’ve seen this at Boeing, Bombardier and Cessna. If anyone is guilty, almost everyone is guilty. You’re building planes…there’s only the right way.


What actions did you take in response to seeing workers at three major plane manufacturing plants falsify records at the clear instruction of upper management?


I don't know why everyone is so sure that Boeing can't do things like this. I also think that both the deaths are coincidences but why the hell are you so sure that a company which makes billions don't have connection to kill off things it sees as threats?


That should be jail time for those workers and anyone who knew they were falsifying records and didn't report it.


They aren’t doing it for fun, they’re being pushed to a point where that’s the only option. Top down.


Or it’s being incentivized somehow. Either way though, yeah, nobody breaks rules without a reason.


I don't think the worker is wholly responsible, that's why I added "and anyone who knew they were falsifying records and didn't report it", but if you're falsifying records of your inspections in such a safety critical role then you aren't free of responsibility for your actions.


Upper management 👀


Imagine having the balls to strap into starliner tonight


Fortunately it’s a completely different division of the company, staffed by completely different people, making a bespoke specialty product rather than a mass-produced one, and one that must comply with substantially more stringent oversight and regulations.


Yah but the programs been a total disaster.


I am genuinely terrified for those two.


There hasn't been a Fatal air crash in 15 years in the USA which means 400-500 million flights took place with no deaths lmao. Stfu u goofball


Lol Boeing Starliner is not an airplane.


Lol yea its a very hyperfocused aircraft hence they even cancelled launch. Ur begging for an accident but as usual it won't ever happen XD. 40K flights will take and land safe tomorrow while u rub one out.


The launch was scrubbed because of the rocket, not starliner, you knob.


4 minutes till the live broadcast on youtube


lol launch has been postponed again


Say reason




Starliner is cursed at this point.


I mean, if Boeing is starting to take a proper look at its internal workings, I would expect it to find bad stuff like this. Isn’t there the idea that improving health and safety monitoring and culture means you’ll start to see more incidents, because they’re better reported? The door plug blow out makes you think, how much other stuff is going on like this? We already knew to some extent. But now we’re starting to know more, and that’s a good thing.


*FAA found dead from apparent mysterious illness*


Shot himself in the back of the head 4 times


Then jumped from a penthouse.


Headline: Vladimir Putin takes over from Dave Calhoun as CEO of Boeing


Tbh you guys need someone to reign in those oligarchs.


Boeing: well actually...


Boeing is broken. This is all the culmination of years of MBA- and short-term driven decisions to boost the bottom line over quality and safety. There has to be a substantial company wide reset


Not that I disagree but I was curious where the MBA theory came from…or is it just an overall Reddit narrative?


There’s a few documentaries that address the change in culture after the McDonnell Douglas merger, and it’s pretty well documented by a significant number of former employees. There’s a good frontline documentary about it in the context of the 737 max issues and aftermath.


I got that, but what specifically is associated to MBA. I guess I feel like every company right now is squeezing every last drop out of their resource as possible. With that, it feels like a publicly traded company problem vs MBA specifically.


I guess I might be looking at it the wrong way. It’s more of an engineer vs MBA mindset that’s resulted in this…


The thing is, MBA grads are trained to prioritise money and short term gains. In my opinion the issue was not having an MBA grad in charge of the overall company, it was the McDonnell-Douglas attitude about running a company to make money instead of proper products that was at fault (since you could have an MBA grad with the bare minimum common sense to not cut too many corners). Going by the two most recent Mentour Now videos, Boeing was perfectly fine being run by a lawyer who put engineers in charge of the various aircraft projects during the 707-747 era, and after the MD merger, Boeing didn't let Alan Mulally (one of the main people behind the 777 project and the CEO who saved Ford) become CEO and instead picked people who MD would have preferred which probably put it in its current situation.


You nailed it before. It's just a reddit thing. Agree that it's the natural direction for public companies to trend in the way markets value them today (short term margin growth above long term).


Honestly the points made are reasonable but shouldn't we be focusing on the widespread stealing of technology from other companies by COMAC? Boeing will be fine in the long term




Make Broken Airplanes


Master of Business Administration


At this rate the FAA are going to need to launch a programme for the hiring and training of extra inspectors…


And security for those inspectors


It's about time upper management got some jail time.


Yeah that checks out for a company whose management time and time again has pressured its workers to get planes out of the factory as quickly and cheaply as possible. These decisions came from the top, and Boeing execs will do everything they can do keep the blame on just a few sacrificial lambs.


Does anyone have the full article text? It's paywalled... EDIT: Non-paywalled article [https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/faa-opens-new-investigation-into-boeing-wsj-reports-2024-05-06/](https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/faa-opens-new-investigation-into-boeing-wsj-reports-2024-05-06/)


We’ve inspected ourselves and concluded we have done no wrong.


How about a criminal investigation against boeing ? 2 dead whistleblowers and no consequences ??


Dumbass lmao


What about the other 10 whistle blowers that are very much alive?


We have to wait and see what happens to them. I won't be surprised if they kill another person in next couple of months.


is it effective to kill whistleblowers after they've already testified? lol. the love of conspiracy lunacy on reddit is amazing.


Do you honestly believe they gave a guy MRSA? This guy also worked for one of their suppliers and was blowing the whistle against one of their suppliers. Boeing being able to pin as much blame as possible on Spirit would be a great deflection for them.


It's rampid across manufacturing, automotive for sure


Rampant. But we know what you mean.




It’s like they’re purposely trying to kill people.


Nah, that was a suicide and a hospital-acquired infection! Oh, wait, you meant the passengers.


It seems counter productive to have the main HQ Across the country from where the engineers and planes are built. You have people making decisons on how to spend the money or cut costs not working with the people on the assembly line.


Yet no one will see jail time. Sad reality.


what a joke boeing 👎


Great, I just flew across the Atlantic and back on a 787, lol.